alopecia totalis: Hair loss that involves the entire scalp. © 2010 - 2021 Harvard University. cognitive reserve: The capacity of the brain to use alternative neural pathways or thinking strategies in response to neurological injury from conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. cataract: A clouding or fogging of the lens of the eye that may blur or tint vision. chylomicron: A fat globule that ferries triglyceride from the intestine to the liver and fat tissue. Because blood isn't pumped out of these chambers fully, it may pool and form clots that could lead to a stroke. blocking agent: Substance that prevents a biological activity or process. cytokines: Proteins in the body that act as messengers between immune system cells. cerebral cortex: The part of the brain involved in all forms of conscious experience, including thought, language, and memory. The Adequate Intake is used when there isn't enough information to set a recommended dietary allowance (RDA). cerebellum: The part of the brain that controls coordinated movement. beta carotene: A richly colored compound (red, yellow, or orange) found in many plants, fruits, and vegetables that the body can convert into vitamin A. beta cells: Cells that make and secrete insulin; located in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. icter/o. actinic keratosis: Scaly pink or red-brown raised spots or patches on the skin caused by overexposure to the sun. alpha-delta sleep: Abnormal deep sleep; also called non-restorative sleep. Inter Medical Term Prefix with Mnemonic. Cushing's syndrome: A disorder caused by high levels of the stress-hormone cortisol resulting in damage to the body, including abdominal obesity, rounded red face, and other symptoms. Medical Dictionary. coronary endarterectomy: Surgery to remove fatty plaque that has built up on the walls of a coronary artery. cubital tunnel syndrome: The pinching of a nerve at the elbow, causing numbness in the pinkie and ring fingers and part of the hand. Aden/o: Gland. binocular vision: The ability of both eyes to focus on an object and form a single visual image. Learn these words beginning with the power prefix inter, meaning "between." cementum: The layer of tooth material that covers the root. inter-between, among Latin inter: interarticular ligament: intra-within Latin intrā: intramural: ipsi-same Latin ipsi-ipsilateral: irid(o)-of or pertaining to the iris: Latin īrīs, rainbow; from Greek ἶρις (îris), rainbow iridectomy: isch-restriction Greek ἴσχω (ískhō), hold back, restrain ischemia: ischio- Carbohydrates are one of three primary nutrients along with fats and proteins. carotid bruit: An abnormal sound heard with a stethoscope in the carotid artery; people who have carotid bruits have a greater risk of having a stroke. Beta blockers, also known as beta adrenergic blocking agents, are used to treat many cardiovascular conditions, including abnormal heart rhythms, angina, and high blood pressure. body mass index: A measure of body fat estimated from a person's height and weight. Radiation after prostate cancer surgery may not be necessary, "Awe" walks inspire more joy, less distress, Hormone therapy and radiation may help with certain prostate cancer. apnea: A temporary pause in breathing during sleep that can be very brief or can last so long that the amount of oxygen in the blood drops dangerously low. Medical definition of interatrial: situated between the atria of the heart. adaptability: The ability of an organism to change genetically in a way that allows it to deal better with its environmental conditions. aspiration: Breathing in a foreign object. crepitus: Grating, grinding, or popping sound or feeling made when a joint is moved. chiropractor: Someone who treats disease by manipulation and adjustment of body structures, often the spine. crystalline lens: Part of the eye that changes shape so that the eye can focus on objects at different distances. collagenase: An enzyme that breaks down collagen. Audi/o: Hearing. alpha waves: A type of brain wave generated when a person is relaxed, awake, and receiving no visual input (eyes closed or in the dark). antibiotic: A substance that kills or slows the growth of bacteria. All rights reserved. corrugator muscle: One of the muscles that forms frown lines on the forehead. CABG: Abbreviation for coronary artery bypass graft. coronary artery: Blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. brain imaging: Technologies that allow doctors to view the structure of the brain or see how different parts of the brain function; examples include computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). active surveillance: A strategy for managing early prostate cancer in which a man has regular checkups but does not undergo treatment until the disease shows signs of worsening. creatine kinase: An enzyme that leaks into the bloodstream in high amounts if a muscle is damaged. aortic valve: A valve on the left side of the heart that acts as a one-way gate, opening to allow blood to leave the left ventricle and closing to prevent blood from leaking back into that ventricle. “Inter-” can be used in both ways, for forming words with a hyphen as well as for forming words without a hyphen. astringent: A substance that contracts skin tissues and shrinks pores. This can affect digestion, cause stomach pain, and keep the body from absorbing vitamins and nutrients. arrector pili: The small muscle associated with an individual hair follicle that enables hair to stand on end. avulsion: The tearing away of one part of the body from another—for example, a tendon tearing away from a bone. Using English units, multiply weight in pounds by 703, then divide the result by height in inches, and divide that result by height in inches. bolus: A soft mass of chewed food. BMI = weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared. biopsy: The removal of a small piece of tissue from the body for examination under a microscope. C-reactive protein: A protein made by the liver. This lets the atria fully contract before the ventricles contract. ankylosing spondylitis: A disease that leads to swelling between the disks of the spine and in the joints where the pelvis and spine meet. It compacts and moves solid waste. contractile proteins: Proteins that help shorten the length of muscle cells, enabling them to contract. artery: A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart and to various parts of the body. articular processes: Bony projections on vertebra. 18 synonyms of intercourse from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 14 related words, definitions, and antonyms. When I look at a word in the medical parlance, my brain automatically breaks the word down into the component roots and the prefix/ suffix. alimentary canal: Another term for the gastrointestinal, or digestive, tract. analytic variability: Differences in how a test is done, for example how a sample is prepared, which can affect test outcomes. congestion: An accumulation of mucus or of blood in an organ. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! antiandrogen: A drug that blocks or interferes with the activity of male sex hormones. BMI = weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared. accommodation: The eye's ability to focus on objects that are close. Also known as eczema. The words in this article will help you articulate (explain) to others any medical issues you may be having. bilevel positive airway pressure: A machine that helps people get more air into their lungs when sleeping by increasing the pressure or force of air when breathing in; often used to treat sleep apnea. anointer, anointers, aquatinter, aquatinters, cointer, cointerred... See the full list of words here! pertaining to. contusion: A bruise. Celiac disease can interfere with the proper absorption of nutrients from food. Colles fracture: A break at the end of the main bone of the forearm, the radius. Brachi/o: Arm. Browse prefixes >> iatr-or iatro-[Greek iatros physician] Pertaining to medicine or physicians (iatric, iatrology).ichn-or ichno-[Greek ichnos track, trace, footprint] Denotes a footprint, trace, or track of an organism (ichnite, ichnology).ichthy-or ichthyo-[Greek ichthys fish] Fish or fishlike (ichthyic, ichthyology).icos-or icosa-or icoso-[Greek eikosi twenty] Twenty (icosahedron). angina pectoris: Temporary chest pain that occurs when the heart isn't getting enough oxygen and blood, usually occurring in response to physical activity or stress. cardiopulmonary: Pertaining to the heart and lungs. acute urinary retention: A sudden inability to empty the bladder. Sometimes referred to as ADH. Bronch/i, bronch/o: Bronchus. Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions, e listing. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: A rare, untreatable, rapid form of dementia that is fatal. arthrodesis: Joining together two bones to reduce pain and provide stability to a damaged, arthritic, or painful joint. For example, using chemotherapy after surgery or radiation treatment for cancer. alcohol abuse: Continuing consumption of alcohol despite alcohol-related social or interpersonal problems. It is important not to panic. cicatricial alopecia: A group of inflammatory hair disorders that can cause irreversible damage to the follicle that results in permanent hair loss and scarring. cardiac tamponade: When fluid or blood pools within the sac surrounding the heart, squeezing the heart and interfering with its ability to pump. Often used to describe a form of exercise, aerobic exercise. chondromalacia: A painful condition caused by irritation to or wearing away of the cartilage on the underside of the knee cap; known as runner's knee. Broca's area: The part of the brain (in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere) responsible for language comprehension and speech. curettage: Using a spoon-shaped instrument to remove diseased tissue or sample tissue. AV node: Abbreviation for atrioventricular node, a major part of the electrical system in the heart that acts as a gateway between the atria and the ventricles. It uses x-rays and the injection of a fluid called a contrast agent that can be seen on the x-rays. Using English units, multiply weight in pounds by 703, then divide the result by height in inches, and divide that result by height in inches. Androgens, the family of male sex hormones that includes testosterone, function as a fuel for growth in normal development. blood vessels: Hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the body; includes arteries, veins, and capillaries. Special thanks to for providing us with their list of medical terms and word parts. clot buster: Medications that dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow through a blocked artery. beta blockers: Medications that block epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine from attaching to certain parts of nerve cells known as beta receptors. binge drinking: Heavy bouts of drinking interspersed with periods of abstinence; often refers to the consumption of five or more alcoholic beverages within one day. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. antihistamine: Medications that treat allergies and reduce symptoms such as sneezing and itching by blocking histamine, the substance in the body which causes these symptoms. clonal expansion: An explosive increase in the number of fighter cells released by the immune system to fight a threat in the body. bone scan: A test in which radioactive material is injected into a person's bloodstream to help produce images of bones; often used to detect cancer or bone diseases. All words containing INTER are listed here. CPAP: Abbreviation for continuous positive airway pressure, a therapy for obstructive sleep apnea in which a machine delivers a continuous stream of air which prevents the collapse of the airway during sleep. The carotid arteries supply blood to the brain. Quick Summary. ciliary body: Part of the eye that produces the aqueous humor (fluid that nourishes the eye) and contains the ciliary muscle, which controls focusing of the lens. achlorhydria: A condition in which the stomach produces little or no acid. annulus: Term used to describe ring or circle shaped objects or body parts. Bio: Life. alendronate: A drug used to treat and prevent osteoporosis by slowing bone loss. alopecia areata: An autoimmune condition that appears as patchy hair loss on the scalp that may result in permanent hair loss. It uses x-rays and the injection of a fluid called a contrast agent that can be seen on the x-rays. chronic paroxysmal hemicrania: Severe, frequent, short-lasting migraine-like headache attacks. challenge testing: A way of testing for food allergy, usually in double-blind experiments in which neither patient nor doctor knows which food is taken in pill form. coronary spasm: Temporary constriction of an artery that supplies blood to the heart, slowing or stopping blood flow. allergic rhinitis: A seasonal or year-round allergic condition marked by sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. 2) A muscle whose contraction is opposed by another muscle. cryotherapy: Use of extreme cold to freeze and destroy diseased tissue. Interlingua's vocabulary is established using a group of control languages selected because they radiate words into, and absorb words from, a large number of other languages. bursitis: Pain and swelling of the bursa, the small fluid filled pads that act as cushions in or near the joints. anorectal dysfunction: Abnormal functioning of the anus and rectum, causing constipation or the inability to control bowel movements. cardiac resynchronization therapy: A pacemaker-based therapy for heart failure that improves the heart's pumping efficiency by coordinating (resynchronizing) the beat of the ventricles. An electrical signal generated by the sinoatrial node (the heart's natural pacemaker) moves through the heart until it reaches the atrioventricular node, a cluster of cells at the bottom of the right atrium. biguanides: Medications that stop the liver from making excess glucose (sugar) and improve sensitivity to insulin. acetabulum: A curved, bowl-shaped depression in the outer part of the hipbone. biological variability: Normal fluctuations over time in the levels of a substance being measured (such as cholesterol). abrasion: A scraping or rubbing away of the skin or other surface. ACE: Abbreviation for angiotensin-converting enzyme, an enzyme that converts the inactive form of the protein angiotensin (angiotensin I) to its active form—angiotensin II. arteriosclerosis: A term encompassing a variety of conditions in which artery walls thicken and become less flexible. Cheyne-Stokes respiration: Abnormal breathing where cycles of deep, labored breathing where cycles of deep, labored breathing are followed by cycles of weak breathing that can result in a total, temporary lack of airflow. cholagogue: A substance that causes the gallbladder to squeeze, increasing the discharge of bile. cognitive function: All of the brain mechanisms involved with thinking, reasoning, learning, and remembering. amygdala: Part of the brain involved in memory and emotion. angioplasty: A procedure used to open blocked or narrowed arteries, most commonly by inserting a thin tube, or catheter, into the affected artery and inflating a balloon. There are many medical terms that start with intra. calcium: A mineral that the body needs for many vital functions, including bone formation, regulation of heart rate and blood pressure, and muscle contraction. bone mineral density: The amount of mineralized bone tissue in a given area. In the words of Heyne's paraphrase: |geminae frontes inter duo cornua, non duo cornua inter geminas frontes. Among, between. antigen: Any substance that the body sees as harmful or foreign, causing the immune system to form antibodies in defense. androgen: Any of a group of male sex hormones, including testosterone, that controls male characteristics such as beard growth. agnosia: A rare disease in which a person can't recognize objects, shapes, or people. You don’t need to be a doctor or have an expert medical vocabulary for day-to-day survival, but it’s still important to know basic English medical terms. alopecia universalis: Hair loss that involves the entire body. It is a type of flavonoid. antioxidant: Substances that protect the body from molecules that damage cells (free radicals); examples include beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E. antiplatelet agents: Medications or other substances that prevent blood cells called platelets from clustering and forming blood clots. chondrocalcinosis: Arthritis caused by calcium crystals. carcinogen: Any substance that can cause cancer. Homonyms may either be homophones or homographs: Homophones: Words that sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings. cuticle: The outermost, single-cell layer of the hair shaft. Optimal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg. Often called BPH. carotid artery: One of two major blood vessels found on either side of the neck. It is often used to immunize babies and young children. Words that sound similar can be confusing, especially medical terms. actin: One of the proteins that allows cells to move and muscles to contract. This tissue is prone to swelling and/or rupture. allele: One of two or more versions of a gene. cardiorespiratory endurance: A component of physical fitness that relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity. cilia: Small, hairlike structures on the surface of some cells. bioavailability: How quickly and completely the body can absorb and use a nutrient. For example, a word with a hyphen, inter-America, or words without a hyphen, Internet, intersection, etc. axis: The second vertebra of the neck (from the skull); also called the C-2 vertebra. jaundice. Often called heart disease or coronary heart disease. anaerobic exercise: Exercise that improves the efficiency of energy-producing systems that do not rely on oxygen. cognitive impairment: Problems with memory, language, thinking, or other brain functions, varying from mild to serious difficulty. biochemical recurrence: Usually used regarding prostate cancer. More commonly known as earwax. cardioplegia: Temporarily stopping the heart during heart surgery. Often due to a brain or neurological condition. bursa: A protective, fluid-filled sac located in or near the joints that cushions the movement of bone against tendons, skin, and muscle. conjugate vaccine: A type of vaccine made by attaching an antigen (a substance that the body deems harmful) to a protein. anticoagulant: A substance that helps prevent blood from clotting. Different alleles produce variations in inherited characteristics, such as eye color. cauda equina: A bundles of nerve roots that look like a horse's tail, located at the end of the spinal cord. This website is intended for use by medical professionals. Arteriosclerosis occurs when cholesterol-rich plaque forms on the inner lining of arteries (atherosclerosis), when artery walls become calcified, or when high blood pressure thickens the muscular wall of arteries. atherosclerotic plaque: A mixture of fats, cholesterol, and other tissue that builds up on artery walls. It works to help balance movement and ward off injury. allodynia: Pain resulting from something not normally painful, such as a light touch. It also plays an important role in the fight or flight response to danger. antileukotriene: A type of asthma medication that reduces swelling in airways and prevents muscles near the airways from tightening. adaptive immunity: The ability of the body to learn to fight specific infections after being exposed to the germs that cause them. Usually abbreviated as APP. Most melanomas come in the form of a new spot on the skin, not changes to an existing mole. Also known as tinea pedis. Arteri/o: Artery. beriberi: A nervous system or heart disorder caused by lack of the vitamin thiamine (B1). cardiopulmonary bypass: The use of a machine (heart/lung machine) to circulate and oxygenate the blood while surgery is performed on the heart. atrioventricular node: Also known as the AV node. cognitive behavioral therapy: A form of therapy that aimed at recognizing and changing negative thoughts and behaviors. Medical Terminology Reference Use this reference to see how common medical terms are created using the various prefixes, suffixes, and root words. In addition to the medical terminology there are also anatomical illustrations that include body planes and directional terms. Alternatively, a single large dose of a medication given intravenously. acquisition: The term given to the brain's absorption of new information to begin creating a memory. consolidation: The process by which the brain transforms newly acquired information into long-term memories. allergy: An immune system reaction (for example, rash, fever, sneezing, or headaches) to something that is normally harmless. compact bone: Hard, tightly-packed tissue that forms the outer shell of bones. abscess: Pus that collects in a pocket of swollen, red tissue. Terms will soon become familiar once you start using them in the dissection room. compounding pharmacy: A pharmacy that mixes custom medications for patients and doctors. atrophy: Wasting away of an organ or tissue due to undernourishment, disease, or aging. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that contain inter. If you subscribe to any of our print newsletters and have never activated your online account, please activate your account below for online access. Causes include an enlarged prostate gland (in men) or bladder muscle problems. anaerobic: Any process that doesn't require oxygen. alpha cells: Cells in the pancreas that produce the hormone glucagon. antigen-presenting cell: Specialized white blood cells that detect harmful substances in the body and then signal other immune system defenders (known as T-cells) to mount a defense. anencephaly: A birth defect in which an infant is born without most of the brain or without the skull bones covering the brain. CBC: Abbreviation for complete blood count—tests run on a blood sample to provide information on red cells, white cells, and platelets. colon: The large intestine; a muscular tube that is 5 to 6 feet long. auditory nerve: A nerve in the inner ear that transmits information about sound to the brain. 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