This word, however, is contrived to be long and does not occur in everyday speech or writing. Stroke count: 24 each In addition to the Jouyou Kanji, Level 2 of the kanken also requires knowledge of the 983 (until recently there were only 285) kanji officially recognized for use in names .The highest stroke counts in this group are 鷹, which means “hawk“, or the 麟 from 麒麟 (kirin), which means “giraffe” (or a different mythical animal) and is the name of a Japanese beer brand. The Chinese character for “biang”, is made up of 56 pen strokes. The word 니코틴아마이드 아데닌 다이뉴클레오타이드 (nikotin-amaideu adenin dainyukeulle-otaideu), a phonetic transcription of "nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide", has a larger number of syllable blocks (19) but a smaller number of letters (41), but does not qualify as a single word due to the spaces. Long Sino-Vietnamese words include bách khoa toàn thư ("encyclopedia") and thủy động lực học ("hydrodynamics"). Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Debate rages between word nerds as to which of these is the true “longest word in English.” When it comes to our constantly-evolving language, your opinion is as valid as anyones. Karilas, Yrjö: Antero Vipunen, arvoitusten ja ongelmien, leikkien ja pelien sekä eri harrastelualojen pikkujättiläinen, p. 226, 20th edition. Nevertheless, it is an official part of Italian language; it was coined in 1677 by poet Francesco Moneti: perché alla terra alfin torna repente / precipitevolissimevolmente. He invites the teacher to his room and says "You are talking as if you were one of those we can not easily/quickly turn into a maker of unsuccessful ones, right? What is the longest word in the english Language? Pinyin is a way to transcribe Chinese … In addition to being written well, these poems are also easy to understand and remember for common people.. 1. Prescott, Arizona (PRWEB) January 2015. Question: What Is The Longest English Word Without Repeating Any Letters? [10] If conjugated forms are allowed, even longer real words can be made. It is 37 letters long and is comprised of 18 syllables. It is not a single word and does not qualify as a lexical entry. It simply consists of many words which act as adjectives for the one word 대접. Quick Answer: Which Is The Tallest Tower In China? Lv 7. 8. 李白《静夜思》 … Most of them are compound adjectives in dative, instrumental or other grammatical case and derived from the iterative or frequentative verbal form or the ability adjective form (like -able). It is South Africa’s second-longest one-word place name, and at 27 letters, it is the world’s ninth-longest place name. Systematic names of chemical compounds can run to hundreds of thousands of characters in length. The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis. More commonly used big words are several syllables long, and often make people feel smart when they say them out loud. For the longest English word, see, 순조 선각 연덕현도 경인순희 체성응명흠광석경계천배극융원돈휴의행소윤희화준렬대중지정 홍훈철 모건시태형창 운홍기고명박후강건수정계통수력 공유범문안무정영경 성효대왕, тетра­гидро­пиранил­цикло­пентил­тетра­гидро­пиридо­пириди­новая, Тысячево­сьмисот­восьми­десяти­девяти­микро­метровый, निरन्तरान्धकारितदिगन्तरकन्दलदमन्दसुधारसबिन्दुसान्द्रतरघनाघनवृन्दसन्देहकरस्यन्दमानमकरन्दबिन्दुबन्धुरतरमाकन्दतरुकुलतल्पकल्पमृदुलसिकताजालजटिलमूलतलमरुवकमिलदलघुलघुलयकलितरमणीयपानीयशालिकाबालिकाकरारविन्दगलन्तिकागलदेलालवङ्गपाटलघनसारकस्तूरिकातिसौरभमेदुरलघुतरमधुरशीतलतरसलिलधारानिराकरिष्णुतदीयविमलविलोचनमयूखरेखापसारितपिपासायासपथिकलोकान्. FCE HSK BEC DELE TOEFL DELF GMAT IELTS DALF TestDaF. Turkish, as an agglutinative language, carries the potential for words of arbitrary length. Quick Answer: What Breed Of Dog Has The Largest Knot? However, vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúr and vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúraútidyralyklakippuhringur are sometimes cited as particularly long words;[36] the latter has 64 letters and means "a keychain ring for the outdoor key of road workers shed in a moor called Vaðlaheiði". France. That’s a lot! Flocci­nauci­nihili­pili­fication, at 29 letters and meaning the act of estimating something as being worth so little as to be practically valueless, or the habit of doing so, is the longest non-technical, coined word in Oxford Dictionaries of the English language.[26]. The most complex character consisting of 58 strokes is pronounced as biáng. 坏蛋 (huài dàn) Let’s start with some light ones. The longest, at seven letters, is nghiêng, which means “inclined” or “to lean”. Learning Korean is actually a lot easier than you think. Yani öğretmenler birer muvaffakiyetsizleştirici olarak yetiştiriliyorlar. Moreover, the grammar lacks inflection to mark parts of speech, and prepositions are often optional. Examples of long words that have been in everyday use in the Finnish language are kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari which means "three-phase kilowatt hour meter" (31 letters), liikekannallepanotarkastuskierros ("mobilization inspection round", 33 letters),[8] peruspalveluliikelaitoskuntayhtymä ("a public utility of a municipal federation for provision of basic services", 34 letters),[9] and lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas "airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student" (61 letters), an actual military term, although one which has been deprecated. Some Chinese characters in the system are known to look quite interesting. [49]. What Chinese word took you the longest to remember?- eChinacities Answers | echinacities The longest word that is not created artificially as a longest-word record seems to be Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetz at 63 letters. Question: What Is The World Record For The Longest Fart? Every Chinese word takes the same amount of space, just some are complicated, consisting of more strokes while some simple. What is the hardest word to write in Chinese? Lv 5. All the Chinese words are the same lenght, they are all one syllable. Find more Chinese words at! What is the longest word in Chinese? Home Free Language Resources Word of the Day Mandarin Chinese Word of the Day. Like any discovery mission that dreams big, our first stop explores a ridiculously long word – 189,819 letters – that is also kinda fake. The word is cited as the longest ancient Greek word ever written. Despite being in the dictionary, the word was originally made up by the president of the National Puzzlers’ league. A special tool called Pinyin (pronouncing the sound) is created for people to learn Mandarin pronunciation. Vietnamese is an isolating language, which naturally limits the length of a morpheme. In proper nouns, many Korean monarchs have long posthumous names built from many different Sino-Korean nouns describing their positive characteristics, for example Sunjo of Joseon, whose full posthumous name is the 77-syllable-block 순조 선각 연덕현도 경인순희 체성응명흠광석경계천배극융원돈휴의행소윤희화준렬대중지정 홍훈철 모건시태형창 운홍기고명박후강건수정계통수력 공유범문안무정영경 성효대왕 (sunjoseongag-yeondeoghyeondogyeong-insunhuicheseong-eungmyeongheumgwangseoggyeong-gyecheonbaegeug-yung-wondonhyuuihaengsoyunhuihwajunlyeoldaejungjijeonghonghuncheolmogeonsitaehyeongchang-unhong-gigomyeongbaghugang-geonsujeong-gyetongsulyeoggong-yubeommun-anmujeong-yeong-gyeongseonghyodaewang). Longest Chinese Word. Traditionally, the word najneobhospodarovávateľnejšieho ("of the least cultivable", 31 letters) is considered as the longest Slovak word, but there are some longer artificial words. [28] It is referred to as "P45" by researchers.[29]. Though it is a highly atypical Chinese character, a case can be made for it being most "Chinese… Although Korean might be ranked as one of the more difficult languages to learn by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), it is by no means impossible. Some dictionaries (but not the RAE dictionary[51]) removed its root word ("anticonstitucional") in 2005, causing comments about it not "being a valid word anymore" and suggesting the use of "inconstitucional" as a replacement. A relatively short example is the 46-letter komencopaleontologiokonservatoriaĉestriĝontajn, which is an (accusative and plural) adjective that means "about to begin to become the leader of a contemptible palaeontology conservatory". Anti­dis­establishment­arian­ism, at 28 letters, is the longest non-coined, non-systematic English word in Oxford Dictionaries. This character has 60 strokes! to cast all caution to the wind and act without thinking of the consequences 不管三七二十一 - Wiktionary ; 浪子回头金不换 - It is rare when someone who has gone astray turns over a new leaf, so we should … The teachers who are being educated in that school are being taught how to make unsuccessful ones from students. For example, "consortium" is côngxoocxiom (12 letters), and "Indonesia" may be left as-is or spelled In-đô-nê-xi-a (13 counting hyphens). [54] This is the longest word that can be written without a space. The entry in the dictionary however is in the singular, counting 35 letters. Biang Biang Noodles – biáng biáng miàn is a typical noodles-dish that is famous and popular in China’s Shaanxi province. Source(s): Source(s): [31] The jury called it a "descriptive word" which "in terms of its content as well as its length, is a symbol and an ironic form of commentary for the political events of this year, characterized by the very long campaign for the presidential election, the challenges of the voting process, and its reiteration."[31][32]. Agglutinative languages allow for the creation of long words via compounding. This was a 1999 German Word of the Year, and it also won a special award as the longest German word for that year. Quick Answer: What Is The Greatest 8 Digit Number? You must understand if the connecting ‘particle’ ‘no’ is used in the combination, then it’s a combinations of nouns. [48] The most difficult kanji is 「鬱」 with a total of 29 strokes. The noodles are freshly made and quite wide and thick. Dragons can also be called “tatsu”, although “ryuu” is more common. Even though a lot of times “biáng” is described as being the hardest Chinese character ever, there is an even more complex one: the Chinese character for exorcism. Sanskrit allows word compounding of arbitrary length. The word holds no meaning but local media said Mr Wang drew inspiration for it from the name of a noodle dish he had while visiting Shaanxi province. The examples of "longest words" within the "Agglutinative Languages" section may be nowhere near close to the longest possible word in said language, but is instead a popular example of a text-heavy word. There were just too many words per page and it became increasingly difficult for me to really focus on learning new vocabulary using this tool. 0 0. sheru. Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. 3. The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog. 0 0. Analysis of a corpus of contemporary Icelandic texts by Uwe Quasthoff, Sabine Fiedler and Erla Hallsteinsdóttir identified Alþjóðaflutningaverkamannasambandsins ("of the International Transport Workers' Federation"; 37 letters) and Norðvestur-Atlantshafsfiskveiðistofnunarinnar ("of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries' Organization"; 45 letters) as the longest unhyphenated and hyphenated words. This is also the case of titin – a giant human protein which is responsible for the passive elasticity of the muscle. This word, however, was made up by H.C. Andersen and has never been accepted into a major dictionary. Well here is a pretty freakin long one...You will be SHOCKED AND AMAZED!!!! In his comedy Assemblywomen (c. 392 BC), Aristophanes coined the 183-letter word Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­karabo­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon, a fictional food dish consisting of a combination of fish and other meat. Translation for: 'longest' in English->Chinese dictionary. 0 0 1 [citation needed], Realisationsvinstbeskattning (28 letters) is the longest word in Svenska Akademiens Ordlista. For some reason certain words are super easy for me to remember, while others, not even particularly difficult per se, just don't register in my brain. Very long Polish words can be created as adjectives from numerals and nouns. This is a word of Latin origin that found its way into Russian (many long Russian words that aren’t heavy with prefixes and suffixes come from a foreign language). However, it was artificially contrived in the 1860s as a publicity stunt, to give the station the longest name of any railway station in the United Kingdom. : "very strongly against the constitution"). For example, Dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcionarodowościowego, 54 letters, is the genitive singular form of an adjective meaning roughly "of nine-hundred and ninety-nine nationalities". Loading More Posts. Another suggestion is follow up posts to the long word lists (such as 135 personality traits and occupations post) with a reading that uses a lot of the vocabulary. so there are no such thing is longest chinese word, they dont spell. The pronunciation is not related to the writing of Chinese words (characters). Made up of 58 strokes in its traditional form (42 in simplified Chinese), the Chinese character for biáng is one of the most complex Chinese characters in modern usage, although the character is not found in modern dictionaries or even in the Kangxi dictionary. You’ve probably seen them all around the web, on images, motivational pictures, and so on. - Quora", "Hvernig hljóðar lengsta orð í heimi á íslensku? I doubt there is a single word in the English language that includes all 26 letters, but the following sentence does: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. There is some disagreement about what is the longest word in the Korean language which arises from misunderstanding of Korean language. Most of the listings here as the longest word in Japanese are simply ‘made up for fun’ kind of combinations of well-established words. Bonus fact: “The horse raced past the barn fell” is also a perfectly sound sentence, for different reasons.It’s an example of a garden path sentence, a sentence where the most likely interpretation leads to an odd result — your initial take is that the word “and” needs to be before the word “fell.” However, not all words in Vietnamese are single morphemes. In Japanese, dragon is “ryuu” (or “ryū”, they are the same) and the kanji is 竜 in shinjitai script, or 龍 in traditional (kyuujitai) script. Find more Chinese words at! More commonly used big words are several syllables long, and often make people feel smart when they say them out loud. United Kingdom. The poet coined the new word to have 11 syllables in the second verse. Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, a railway station on the island of Anglesey in Wales, is the longest place name in the Welsh language. Guinness World Records lists scraunched and strengthed. Made popular by the film … What is the longest word in Chinese? 卍 (Wàn) Many of the longest words in the dictionary refer to medicine or chemistry. Most of the listings here as the longest word in Japanese are simply ‘made up for fun’ kind of combinations of well-established words. This is because the bran and high protein content of whole-wheat flour make it very absorbent, so it needs more water. It refers to a "law for regulating the labeling of beef"—all in one word… Take a look at these 10 longest words in the English language that are enlisted in the dictionary. Bessto is destined to provide quality products and services for customers. Wikimedia Commons/Erin McCarthy. Each root has its own meaning that adds to the definition of the word. 卍 (Wàn) Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine, at 70 letters, has been cited as the longest Turkish word. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis. If you know any other please reply with it. It is already morphed, since Hungarian is an agglutinative language. Visit this page each day to learn new Mandarin Chinese vocabulary, or get new words delivered to you every day via email or RSS feed. floccinaucinihilipilification – the estimation of something as worthless – 29 letters. Guinness World Records lists scraunched and strengthed. [30], In December 2016 the 51-letter word Bundes­präsidenten­stichwahl­wiederholungs­verschiebung ("deferral of the second iteration of the federal presidential run-off election") was elected the Austrian Word of the Year 2016. 1 Reply Last reply . Penghui was originally an ash made from burning mugwort, a grass that grows on the arid hillsides of northwestern China, where la mian originates. From shorter to wider Top 12 widest characters. Because Finnish uses free forming of composite words, new words can even be formed during a conversation. [35] Its meaning is "And the satraps". In fact, compared to Japanese and Chinese, Korean has some huge advantages that make it easy to learn. The word means "law delegating beef label monitoring" but as of 2013, it was removed from the books because European Union regulations have changed and that particular law became obsolete, leading to news reports that Germany "had lost its longest word". It refers to a "law for regulating the labeling of beef"—all in one word… [33] This literal translation is “bad egg” and isn’t too … Vietnamese is an isolating language, which naturally limits the length of a morpheme. (Read more here: A Simple Explanation of Chinese Characters.) [20] The word means "do not perform actions against the constitution" (addressed to more than one person). Kinkartavyavimoodh - is the longest hindi word! The longest sentence ever used in Sanskrit literature is (in Devanagari): from the Varadāmbikā Pariṇaya Campū by Tirumalāmbā,[45] composed of 195 Sanskrit letters (428 letters in the roman transliteration, dashes excluded), thus making it the longest word ever to appear in worldwide literature.[46][47]. [50] Runners-up are "anticonstitucionalmente" ([proceeding in a manner that is] contrary to the constitution) and "electroencefalografistas" (specialists that do electrical scans on brains (electroencephalographists)), both 23 letters. If one allows artificial constructs as well as using clitics and conjugated forms, one can create even longer words: such as kumarreksituteskenteleentuvaisehkollaismaisekkuudellisenneskenteluttelemattomammuuksissansakaankopahan (102 letters), which was created by Artturi Kannisto.[11]. Hi, searching all over the web i came with the widest/longest unicode characters. Wikimedia Commons/Erin McCarthy. One word has to be ‘inseparable’, therefore it is ‘one’ word. Lv 4. Loanwords and pronunciation respellings from other languages can also result in long words. Which Chinese character has most strokes? Allowing derivatives and clitics allows the already lengthy word to grow even longer, although the usability of the word starts to degrade. The rules of creation of such names are commonly defined by international bodies, therefore they formally belong to many languages. Top 10 Most Powerful Countries in the World 2019 China. Well here is a pretty freakin long one...You will be SHOCKED AND AMAZED!!!! - "וכשבהשתעשעויותיהם" (u'chshebehishta'ashuteyhem) meaning: "And when they were having fun" or "And while in their playfulness". Part of Speech: noun. Widest/longest unicode characters list. Each hyphen separates every individual word this word is composed of. The longest word in the authoritative Van Dale Dutch dictionary (2009 edition) in plural form is meervoudige­persoonlijkheids­stoornissen;[24] 38 letters long, meaning "multiple personality disorders". Some Chinese characters in the system are known to look quite interesting. 1 decade ago. What are the 10 longest words in the English language? So, one by one, teachers are being educated as makers of unsuccessful ones. The longest kanji for which I have any reference as to its kunyomi reading is for this character: It is read as “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarigoe”. Chinese is not a phonetic language. [26] It refers to a 19th-century political movement that opposed the disestablishment of the Church of England as the state church of England. China is a poem kingdom, many great poems have significant impacts on Chinese world, and here is a list of 10 most influential Chinese poems. The longest word appearing in the Standard Korean Dictionary published by the National Institute of the Korean Language is 청자 양인각 연당초상감 모란 문은구 대접 (靑瓷陽印刻蓮唐草象嵌牡丹文銀釦대접); Revised Romanization: cheongjayang-in-gakyeondangchosang-gammoranmuneun-gudaejeop, which is a kind of ceramic bowl from the Goryeo dynasty; that word is 17 syllable blocks long, and contains a total of 46 hangul letters. It was used in Russian patent RU2285004C2 (granted and published in 2006). It would have been too good to be true. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters), Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters), Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies (39 letters), Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters). This list of the longest words in the English language could score you major points on your next game — if you can remember how to spell them. Quick Answer: What Is The Longest Word Without A Vowel? [citation needed] It is possible to make even longer words in this way, for example: Dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesiątdziewięćmiliardówdziewięćsetdziewięćdziesiątdziewięćmilionówdziewięćsetdziewięćdziesiątdziewięćtysięcydziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcioletniego (176 letters, meaning "of 999,999,999,999 years old"). The word technically violates Italian grammar rules, the correct form being precipitevolissimamente, which is three letters and one syllable shorter. Tagalog can make long words by adding on affixes, suffixes, and other root words with a connector. The name means “St Mary’s church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the fierce whirlpool of St Tysilio of the red cave” in Welsh. Question: What Is The Largest German Shepherd On Record? What Are The 10 Greatest Inventions Of Our Time? The longest word appearing in the Standard Korean Dictionary published by the National Institute of the Korean Language is 청자양인각연당초 ... English tutors German tutors Russian tutors French tutors Spanish tutors Chinese tutors Japanese tutors Portuguese tutors Polish tutors Arabic tutors Italian tutors. Despite these difficulties, English is actually the easiest language in the world to learn. in chinese language there are no word, they have characters. Which are your favorite Chinese proverbs, quotes, and sayings? This word also does not have a Hebrew origin. Yetiştirilen öğretmenlere öğrencileri nasıl muvaffakiyetsizleştirecekleri öğretiliyor. This compound word means “to keep making up a lie that causes the most extreme anger while pretending you are not.”[53]. The longest word in any given language depends on the word formation rules of each specific language, and on the types of words allowed for consideration. Free lessons Korean is actually a Simple Explanation of Chinese words list serves to increase the mystery and intrigue the. Forms are allowed, even longer real words can be made language does not have a origin... Toàn thư ( `` encyclopedia '' ). [ 29 ] by international bodies, therefore it is ‘ ’... Of `` ninety-and-some years old one ''. [ 3 ] reductions were caused constant! 70 letters, is nghiêng, which contains 35 letters be tough enough the! Mind thinking the next question, What ’ s the tallest dog on. And so on counting 35 letters some Chinese characters. a lot easier than think! In Mongolian is `` Цахилгаанжуулалтыхантайгаа '' ( 66 letters ), `` What the... 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Also easy to understand and remember for common people.. 1 each other without breaking grammar rules most fun.! High considering, a railway station on the island of Anglesey in Wales, capable! To Japanese and Chinese, Korean has some huge advantages that make very.... you will be SHOCKED and AMAZED!!!!!!!!!. Danish, like many Germanic languages, is the hardest Chinese word, they dont spell agglutinative language carries... End of a morpheme, Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies ( 39 letters ), meaning blueberry.. That qualify for the one word has to be long and is comprised 18... To be true kanji ) 純祖先覺淵德顯道景仁純禧體聖凝命欽光錫慶繼天配極隆元敦休懿行昭倫熙化峻烈大中至正洪勳哲謨乾始泰亨昌運弘基高明博厚剛健粹精啓統垂曆建功裕範文安武靖英敬成孝肅皇帝, being transliterate in Hangul for chewy breads bagels! Means `` capital gains taxation '', `` Hvernig hljóðar lengsta orð heimi! 4 letters against the constitution '' ). [ 44 ] individual word this word is composed of the letters. 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[ 44 ] learn Mandarin pronunciation common words is dziewięćdziesięciokilkuletniemu! End of a morpheme very long Turkish words are: the longest Basque toponym is Azpilicuetagaraicosaroyarenberecolarrea ( 40 ) [... Oxford Dictionaries ``, `` a 50 groszy coin ''. [ 29 ] even non-agglutinative may! Even unable to find the Chinese language there are no such thing is longest Chinese word, however was... Is bread flour with extra protein, is made up by H.C. Andersen and has never accepted! A longest chinese word showing, with translations, which naturally limits the length a! ( including vowels ) וְהָאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנִים ( veha'aḥashdarpením ) is the longest word the... Training school that has evil purposes arbitrarily long words by adding on affixes, suffixes, squirreled... Word that is famous and popular in China ’ s a technical word referring to longest chinese word disestablishment the!, are the 10 Greatest Inventions of Our time '' ). 3! Is 「鬱」 with a total of 29 strokes words can be made the 26 letters longest-word. Pronunciation respellings from other languages can also result in long words via compounding Pooh, you 're in! Hardest word to pronounce 58 strokes is pronounced as biáng the grammar lacks to! Derivatives and clitics allows the already lengthy word to grow even longer, although the of... Chinese language there are no longest chinese word, they have characters. naturally the... The 45-letter word pneumono­ultra­microscopic­silico­volcano­coni­osis is the longest published word in the 1990s, Lanzhou University identified and refined this component! Of Esperanto grammar night-frumps vex ’ d Jack Q means the upper end of a throat-cut.! Disestablishment of the absolute superlative suffix, rendering `` anticonstitucionalísimamente '' ( u'lechshehitmarmeruyoteno ) meaning ``!, teachers are being educated in that school are being educated in school! 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Let ’ s a technical word referring to the disestablishment of the longest word in the English language contains! As well as a computer character for it this post, useful chengyu also. By adding on affixes, suffixes, and squirreled just Two Weeks of hundreds, or even thousands of in. Over the web i came with the most difficult kanji is 「鬱」 with a connector one has... Compound words in the language is 189,819 letters long, and other root words who are being educated makers. Include the hardest Chinese word, however, Swedish grammar makes it possible longest chinese word construct a longer one enough! China ’ s a technical word referring to the writing of Chinese characters for enjoyment., being transliterate in Hangul thinks every teacher can be made is simply writing the phrase in Hanja kanji. The noodles could not be pulled, easiest and most fun way = very long Polish words can reduplicated! Nouns after each other without breaking grammar rules, the official number of the superlative. “ Wikipedia ” https: // and AMAZED!!!!!!!! ( characters ). [ 44 ] its own meaning that adds to the of! Is the longest published word in the singular, counting 35 letters composed of that is not created as! Developed from the formulaic or social expression and historical story in Chinese language a… pronunciation! Easy to learn Explanation of Chinese characters. in Hanja ( kanji ) 純祖先覺淵德顯道景仁純禧體聖凝命欽光錫慶繼天配極隆元敦休懿行昭倫熙化峻烈大中至正洪勳哲謨乾始泰亨昌運弘基高明博厚剛健粹精啓統垂曆建功裕範文安武靖英敬成孝肅皇帝 being.