Coral City and Foamwander City (capitals)[11]Coral Depths City[11]Domed City of Aquarius[7]Wildwater City[10]Crystal Reef[34]Reef Home City[11]Heurkea Floating City[35]Morjanssik[15]Sar Galva[9]New Coral City[36]Orotoru G'am[6] Krayt's ultimate goal in this matter was to render the Mon Calamari extinct and to "purge the galaxy of their culture and history" as a warning to anyone else who had notions of defying his empire. It was during this peaceful era of expansion that first contact came with the Galactic Republic in 4166 BBY, just prior to the Great Sith War. 1[2] [24], During the war, Mon Cala was listed as an Alliance safe world despite the Imperial occupation. Mon Cala would regrettably pay a steep price for its assistance to the rebellion, however, something which prompted the remaining population to adopt a policy of isolationism for fear of provoking another atrocity against the planet. Mon Cala would play a vital role in shaping galactic history by its involvement in the Galactic Civil War between the tyrannical Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, pledging the ships of its mercantile and exodus fleets to the cause of the latter. The Mon Calamari are an amphibious race from the planet Mon Calamari. The main Alliance fleet was considered too precious to risk in such a dangerously exposed position. Atmosphere [26], In Luke Skywalker's dream in 34 ABY on Ahch-To, in which he imagined how things were if he hadn't joined the Rebel Alliance and instead stayed on Tatooine and married Camie Marstrap, the Empire used the Death Star to not only destroy Alderaan, but also Mon Cala and Chandrila.[27]. [50], Unfortunately, it was already too late for most of the planet's population. Now trapped themselves, Stryfe and Geist ordered a retreat, leaving Dac safe for evacuation. The planet lies in the Calamari System, in a sector of the same name in the Outer Rim. U-6[4] Cilghal was the first Mon Calamari to join the New Jedi Order. The planet was discovered in 4166 BBY; by that time its inhabitants had already been exploring nearby star systems for several years. Exploiting the tensions between the Quarren and Mon Calamari, Tamson convinced Ri to side with the Separatists so that the Quarren could claim control over Dac. Shortly after the uprising, while preparing the planet to join efforts with the Rebel Alliance, the Imperial Senator Timi Rotramel attempted to bring other species and systems into the Rebellion against the Empire; unfortunately for Rotramel, shortly after failing to convince the Tiss'shar to join a Sector rebellion, he was killed on Tiss'shar by Darth Vader, who discovered his secret rendezvous with Tiss'shar President Si-Di-Ri. Kee-Piru[5]Pisces Base[5]Hikahi[5]Orotoru G'am[6]Mon Calamari ShipyardsAlgae Sward[2]Alopia Rift[2]Hakawa Islands[2]Mkbuto Islands[2]Seaweed Forest[7]Grand Reefs[6]Valley of the Giant Oysters[7]Seascape Mountains[7]Quarren Command Center 12[8]Murul Trench[9]Rako's Rift[10] Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As the diplomatic crisis continued to unfold, Gial Ackbar, captain of the Mon Calamari Guard, asked the Republic to send representatives to help mediate the situation. The Quarren and Mon Calamari then settled in the space station, which had been flooded with water by Admiral Stazi, to provide a comfortable atmosphere for the former slaves. The Mon Calamari Council during the Clone Wars. This led to the defeat of Tamson and the removal of the Separatist presence on Dac, and Lee-Char succeeding his father[23] as Dac's ruler. The ocean's water was then poisoned by Sith scientist Vul Isen in an attempt to wipe out all life on the planet. Seafood[2]High tech[2]Starships[2]Weapons[2] Mon Calamari: Planet Information History An Outer Rim world nearly completely covered with water. Mon Calamari[3]Quarren[3] Marrab, however, remained loyal, and represented his homeworld in the Senate. Orbital position In 4000 BBY, the 2 sentient lifeforms on the planet (Mon Calamari and Quarren) together constructed several orbital facilities wich were used to study techniques like 0 gravity construction to starship propulsion. Imperial commanders turned into independent warlords after the Battle of Endor and fortunately Moff Kaine withdrew to another side of the galaxy instead of attacking Dac.[43]. 2[3] It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. 11,030 km[2] The native species referred to the planet as Dac. [25], Mon Cala was one of the worlds Emperor Palpatine intended to target following the completion of the second Death Star, which he planned to use to destroy the rebel stronghold and wipe out the Rebellion through sheer terror. Due to the … The Mon Calamari and their Republic reinforcements continually lost ground,[33] with all of them eventually being captured by Tamson and put to work in prison camps for Dooku and the Confederacy. Societal information [3], Coral grew in large colonies on Mon Cala, with their hard skeletons forming coral reefs that acted as shelter and feeding and breeding grounds for various species of fish, crustaceans, and other sea life. [11] These three battles caused many cities to be destroyed, and members of all the indigenous sentient species suffered loss of life. This planet has been referred to by at least four different names throughout the Expanded Universe (EU): A 1982 issue of Bantha Tracks provided a preview of the Mon Calamari and named their home planet Dac (before the Mon Calamari and Quarren made their first canonical appearance in Return of the Jedi). "The Heiress" is set on the estuary moon of Trask, where the Mon Calamari and Quarren are the dominant races. This was accepted as truth by many citizens of the Empire, further angering the Mon Calamari. Dac (Mon Calamari) Instead, these unfortunate Quarren and Mon Calamari were enslaved by a pirate syndicate led by the rogue Sith Darth Luft, who forced them to build a fleet of ships in the remnants of the Mon Calamari Shipyards. The planet was a shining bluish-white orb from space, due to its ocean-covered surface. Mon Calamarian[2]Quarrenese[2]Galactic Basic Standard[2] Climate [43], During this time of war, the Mon Calamari and Quarren of Dac lived under the constant threat of an attack by Imperial fleets. Most tend to also learn Quarrenese as well. Kit informed the Mon Calamari that they needed to make peace with and respect the sapience of the Moappa. Population Darth Luft himself was killed during a duel by Jao Assam. In these deep sea beds of limited light, bioluminescence was a common trait for plants. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet was represented by both the Quarren Pwoe and the Mon Calamari Gron Marrab. During the Clone Wars, differences between the two cultures were fanned by Separatist troublemakers to erupt in civil war. These … Their skin color varies between individuals, although most of them are salmon-colored. Eventually, led by General Armitage Hux, the First Order sent a fleet to Mon Cala to show the galaxy what happened to those who sided against the Order.[28]. The First Order arrives to make an example of Mon Cala. Lee-Char was crowned the eighty-third King of Mon Cala with support from Nossor Ri. Points of interest [Source]. 398 local days[2] Mon Calamari CouncilGalactic Republic[4]Quarren Isolation LeagueConfederacy of Independent SystemsGalactic EmpireMon Calamari ResistanceAlliance to Restore the RepublicAlliance of Free PlanetsNew RepublicGalactic Federation of Free AlliancesDarth Krayt's Galactic EmpireGalactic Alliance RemnantGalactic Federation Triumvirate During the mission to Mon Cala, General Leia Organa with a few of her Resistance members came to Mon Cala in search of allies after their defeat at the Battle of Crait. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. During the battle against Daala, Leia Organa Solo discovered that the Mon Calamari Ambassador Cilghal, Ackbar's niece, was Force-sensitive. Related: Who Plays The New Mandalorians In Season 2, Episode 3. He escaped Republic custody on Coruscant and fled to Geonosis, where he became a member of the Separatist Council as leader of the Free Dac movement, which sought to cut ties between Mon Calamari and the Republic. Climate After initiating the massacre by having the members of the Council itself killed, Krayt commanded that the remainder of the Mon Calamari population be rounded up and incarcerated in work camps; those Mon Calamari who tried to escape this fate were to be pursued and killed. The Alliance maintained a strong presence in the star system, including enough capital ships to defend against a standard Imperial battle line or perhaps even a squadron, but the Alliance and the Mon Calamari didn't have enough firepower in the system to repel a full Imperial attack squadron. Flora Prior to joining the Alliance, the Mon Calamari had only built passenger liners and deep-space exploration vessels because of their peaceful ethos, but by heavily retrofitting these vessels, they were able to create warships that could take on the Empire's mighty ships of the line. Major exports After the fall of Coruscant to the Yuuzhan Vong in 27 ABY, the remaining senators and politicians of the new Republic government fled to Mon Calamari, which had not been taken by the Yuuzhan Vong. This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project. Terrestrial ocean[2] A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. Government Mon Calamari (planet) Academic disciplines Business Concepts Crime Culture Economy Education Energy Events Food and drink Geography Government Health Human behavior Humanities Knowledge Law Life Mind Objects Organizations People Philosophy Society Sports Universe World Arts Lists Glossaries. He traveled to Dac, and during an address to the Mon Calamari Council, he ordered the immediate execution of one-tenth of their population. Aar (Star Wars) Abregado-rae: AfEl: Ahch-To: Akiva (Star Wars) Alpheridies: Alzoc III: … As a gesture of reconciliation between the Quarren and Mon Calamari, Tikin's son Tilin was raised by Aunt Luen.[53]. They like their ships so much, their cities resemble them. [51], Dac abyss following the Second Imperial Civil War, One Quarren named Tikin befriended a Mon Calamari environmental engineer named Luen. The world's massive shipyards, large defensive fleet, and isolation from the front lines made it a desirable location. Trade routes Affiliation Primary terrain Outer Rim Territories[1] Affiliation U-6[4] Major cities However, Admiral Gar Stazi refused to abandon the native Mon Calamari and other innocent inhabitants without an evacuation attempt. The Mon Calamari Shipyards were a very important part of the economy. A civil war began, with the Separatists being led by Tamson against Prince Lee-Char and his general, Gial Ackbar. When Nossor Ri delivered his ultimatum, the Quarren left Coral City and officially allied with the Separatists, who deployed a large force of aqua droids to combat the Mon Calamari militia. Primary terrain [5], The Empire began subjugating Mon Cala. Primary language(s) Class There were also Separatist Mon Calamari, led by the heroic Commander Merai, backed by Passel Argente and the Corporate Alliance. The Imperials were aided during the occupation by the sabotage of the planetary shields by Quarren saboteurs such as Seggor Tels, swiftly conquering the planet. The MC80 Star Cruisers, more commonly known as Mon Calamari star cruisers, were capital ships used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.These immense vessels were a startling contrast to the dagger-shaped Imperial-class Star Destroyers, which were favored by the Imperial Fleet.Whereas the Imperial warship resembled a pointed dagger in shape, a Mon Calamari cruiser … Old Republic and Imperial Representatives, New Republic and Galactic Alliance Representatives. Mon Calamiri was the home planet of the aptly named, Mon Calamari. Meena Tills was held hostage on Coruscant by Korunnai terrorists, but rescued by Republic Commandos. This was when Republic scouts made contact with Mon Calamari starships at Ruisto. They are humanoid, about 1.7m tall, and are most commonly seen with salmon-coloured skin (though their skin may have other tones as well, including blue, dark blue, green, and purple) and a high-domed head with large eyes and webbed hands. Therefore the Imperial attack was postponed. Many members of the Quarren Isolation League and the Free Dac movement fled Mon Calamari, settling on the CIS worlds of Pammant and Minntooine, where the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps created shipyards. During the Clone Wars, differences between the two cultures were fanned by Separatist troublemakers to erupt in civil war. Trask was an estuary moon orbiting the gas giant Kol Iben. Mon Calamari is a planet capable of producing capital ships in the Outer Rim of the Galaxy. The Mon Calamari raised the next generation of Quarren themselves, teaching them Mon Calamari values. The Mon Calamari and Quarren both lived on the world and were often at odds as a result. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Star Wars: Empire at War Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption The Mon Calamari lived comfortably on the surface and below while the Quarren lived in the depths of the oceans. [23] The planet was ruled by a single monarch. [50] Focusing on protecting the evacuation fleet, the Alliance fleet suffered heavy damage. Additionally, the in-game encyclopedia entry for the planet incorrectly states that Mon Calamari had only one moon, and is one of the sources that states that the planet was first discovered by the Empire. So the Republic and Jedi intervened. Remove this message when finished. Trask was a black market port, and its population consisted mostly of Mon Calamari and Quarren. Gravity As the capital planet of the Republic and later the Empire, Coruscant is used as the … 2,[3] including Daca[2] It was a water filled world, and was the planet where the huge Mon Calamari Star Cruisers were built. The PC game Star Wars: Rebellion mistakenly places Mon Calamari in the Sluis sector of the Galactic Core. Tikkes's actions led to a conflict between the two native peoples, but the League was defeated by Kit Fisto and the Mon Calamari Knights. Taking advantage of the political crisis, the Karkarodon Separatist adviser Riff Tamson stirred up trouble between the two species and funneled Separatist military support to the Quarren chieftain Nossor Ri. Seatree[11]Seavine[12]Sourwort[13]Tikit grain[13]Trumpet weed[14] Tarkin saw this as an act of rebellion and sent forces down. The Mon Calamari, masters of starship construction, supplied the Alliance with badly needed capital ships constructed at the Mon Calamari Shipyards. Mon Cala monarchy[2] A task force under Jedi Master Drok succeeded in sabotaging the defenses of the Mon Calamari Shipyards, and Jedi Master Asaak Dan led a group of Mon Calamari Rangers in securing Heurkea Floating City to serve as the base of operations for the evacuation. An aquatic planet in the Outer Rim Territories,[4] Mon Calamari had a bluish-white color. The Death Star would destroy Dac once completed, but Emperor Palpatine died before the Empire could put its plans into action. The Mon Calamari originated on the planet Mon Cala, which they shared with the Quarren species. 0 (after the Genocide on Dac)27 billion (before the Genocide on Dac)[4]60% Quarren39% Mon Calamari1% OtherHistoric: 27.5 billion49% Quarren46% Mon Calamari4% Human1% Other[2] Mon Calamari is home to more than 27 billion inhabitants: the peace-loving Mon Calamari and the cautious Quarren. The Imperial propaganda did not wait to attempt to discredit the Mon Calamari, as the Imperial sentientologist Obo Rin, working under the direction of Lord Vader, wrote the Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy. Major cities System This makes Mon Calamari a cultural powerhouse in the sector, but also the primary target of the Empire. Krayt was angered by the theft of the Imperious, and decided to take his anger out on the Mon Calamari people. During the Imperial occupation of the planet and its system, the Mon Calamari started a resistance movement, which was unsuccessful at first. However, in following years, most EU sources began to call the planet "Mon Calamari." This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. [48] Under the rule of usurper Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt, the Quarren were placed in charge of the planet, as the new Sith Order held a number of Quarren amongst its members, most notably Darth Azard and the late Darth Maleval. Many of these ships became part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and were used throughout the Galactic Civil War. Bartyn wanted amphibian fishermen to settle a new city in Lamaredd and tempted these poverty-stricken individuals with promises of untouched seas in a new frontier. Blob fish[11]Blossoming gulper[2]Blutfish[15]Choarn[1]Coral worm[13]CowellCubicle worm[6]Dac anchovy[16]DevilsquidDrejil[17]Exosquidra[18]Fanladi[19]FlailerGhaleesit[19]Glottlefish[20]Glurpfish[21]Ice-lobster[22]IlikithKhasvaKieler[11]Knowledge Bank[11]KrabbexKrakana[1]Lampfish[1]Lee romay[23]Lishin[19]Lungfish[24]Moappa[8]Mon Cala eel[23]Narlit[19]Nexufish[13]Nudibranch[13]OctowhaleOrganic gillOshtra[19]Pliffer Fish[25]Pointer fish[26]Scrup[27]Sea flea[28]Sea LeviathanSeaskitt[29]Seasquid[10]Seggor[19]Squiges[24]Star-urchin[30]Sussimi[2]Terpfen[19]Tessek[19]Titan kantreyToklar[19]Unidentified Dac sea monster[31]Vekkor[19] Suns See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Oceans[2]Reefs[2]Islands[1] The massive Whaladons meddled little in governmental affairs, swimming in their pods and protected from hunting by law. Some cities on the planet, such as New Coral City, were built on the surface of the ocean. In the fourth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, the planet is referred to as "Mon Cala."[3]. Mon Calamari was attacked during the Second Imperial Civil War. Tarkin sent Ambassador Telvar to discuss with Lee-Char, and he was unsuccessful. [42] Tamson then took Kolina's throne for himself, much to the shock of Ri and the Quarren, who began to regret their alliance with the Confederacy. Mon Cala Also known as Mon Calamari or Dac, Mon Cala is a a beautiful aquatic world filled with lush coral reefs and kelp forests bathed by the light of twin suns. Mon Cala, also known as Mon Calamari or Dac, was an oceanic planet located in the Mon Calamari system, a binary star system positioned in the Calamari sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. The Mon Calamari are a fish-like humanoid species native of the planet Dac. See, the Mon Calamari hail from an aquatic planet called Mon Cala, and while there are a few cities above the surface, most of the planet’s life resides in the vast ocean below. Eventually, Emperor Palpatine ordered three of the planet's floating cities to be destroyed in reprisal. With the planet under control, a massive fleet of private ships from all across the galaxy exited hyperspace, and began the rescue operation. The New Republic defeated further Imperial invasions thrice at Mon Calamari: the first time against the Whaladon hunting submarines of Emperor Trioculus's Imperial faction;[7] the second against the World Devastators of the resurrected Palpatine's Dark Empire;[46] and the third against the Star Destroyers of Admiral Daala's Maw fleet. Mon Calamari. [50], The Alliance covering evac ships fleeing Dac, Stazi led the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet to Dac, reinforced by an elite squadron of Jedi to the dying planet. Temperate[3] Adventurers: Mon Calamari seek their dreams among the stars. Most of the Mon Calamari forces were able to escape the disaster due to the sacrifice of Merai. Representative council[2]Monarchy[33] The resulting battle resulted in the destruction of more than half of the Shipyards.[48]. Suns The Mon Calamari retaliated by converting their buildings and civilian starships into warships and dispatching them from Mon Cala. By Tamson against Prince Lee-Char and his pirates also kept their children and elderly hostage. Additional ships in the Shipyards. [ 38 ] against Daala, Leia Organa Solo discovered that the was... May remove this notice and the New Republic Calamari raised the next generation Quarren... A dangerously exposed position, such as Dark Empire and the Mon Calamari. sapience of Galactic. 'S listing 5 ], while searching for New secret routes Sith forces Calamari are an amphibious race the... 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