I didn't fight it, I've heard this before. The No Contact Rule works differently on men than it does for women. The fact that you're having good days means you're getting there. If I never reached out and got hurt by her maybe I would consider taking her back if she asked because I would feel she might have had time to process it. Maybe he’d move to … No Contact is a safe-place for those that have gone "no contact" with a person/people in their life. I see you guys posting about this NC-rule but I haven' send her anymore since she broke up with me. No Contact from a narcissistic or otherwise abusive, toxic ex-partner can be a rewarding and challenging time. But to a more significant degree? She contacted me to make some remarks on pictures she saw of me or to ask me how I was doing, I rarely responded only on the last one I said I was fine. I could hear each time he made contact and the sounds she made still haunt me when I think about them. Awesome that you found a great girl out of all of that. “No contact” damages the very foundation of a relationship; trust. 1 – What A Bi&*h. When I wrote Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO a few years ago and I told people that using a no contact rule on an ex might make an ex think negative thoughts about them they always seem to get upset and think the strategy doesn’t work.. This was after many failures though and it was a total no contact period - … She won’t care because she’s not even attracted to her ex. Recommended Posts. She was a horrible person to be honest and I felt caged when I was with her but I loved her with everything I had. My ex broke up with me because he didn’t feel the same love for me as I felt for him. And 5 kids with someone diagnosed with Anti social PD w/narc tendencies. But its still No Contact. I dont want are love to go an like i said build a new one anything. I thought I would share my success story so people here would look at situations with more hope. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. SUCCESS STORY of NO CONTACT!!! Would you say you needed to go through the ups and downs of the break up? My only success was years ago and it took about 3 months to forget about him. I'm reading The Power of Now right now and I'll definitely check out the books you listed as well! No contact works on women for the same reason it works on men, in that it ushers the person who broke up with you into the mental and emotional stages that follow a breakup if you give them the breakup instead of begging or contacting them with requests to stay in the relationship. No phone calls. I would draw the line more and come up for myself and if I did those things now, that relationship wouldn't have lasted 6 years. I know everyone says no contact is about getting over your ex and whatever, and I totally get that, but my question is does anyone have any stories of their ex bf/gf? By insidehurt, 6 years ago on Breaking up. Do whatever you need to improve yourself in whatever way you’re able (all of us have something we can improve upon). I begged, I pleaded, I wrote her long dumbass emails when we were divorcing. Your chances hinge on the choices you’re about to select, and the steps you take. The silence from a woman strongly indicates a lack of romantic interests and portrays a … While there are benefits, yes, I cannot help but say that No Contact is a necessary evil. The Books that helped me not only get over the break up but find myself, in the order that I read them. I'm a due hard NC fan (one of the best after her many attempts) ... No Contact is a success, but only for you, not for them or you and them. When does no contact start working on your ex? felt so happy today for myself genuinely after up and down days and up and down moments within those days, gives me hope.