If in a large enough school, they typically will not bother any other fish in the aquarium. Rosy Barbs are easy to care for provided their water is kept clean and at the proper temperature. It has no barbels. Rosy barb is a peace-loving fish, but very active. When the fish gets older it is easier to do. The rosy barb (lat. Rosy Barb Tropical Fish Learn all about the Rosy Barb's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. In this case, water changes should be done each other week. If you are interested in raising the fry you will need to establish a separate tank for raising them. Common Variety Golden Golden Golden Neon Veiltail Rosy Barb Care Details. Some people named them as Red Barb also. They can experience disease and stress, which shortens their lifespan significantly. Learn all about the Rosy Barb fish (Pethia Conchonius). In this article we’ll tell you about keeping, breeding and feeding of rosy barb. Rosy barbs are classified as omnivores, so they eat both meat and plant matter. As neighbors, fish with a similar temperament is best suited: other types of barbs, mollies, Rainbowfish, dwarf cichlids. Gold Barb - Barbodes semifasciolatus. It will tolerate a wide range of water parameters, stays relatively small (3 inches - 8cm), is quite colorful and should play nicely with most tank inhabitants.. The top of anal, dorsal and abdominal fins is black. At that both of the barb species lived in quite large schools, so this must be about their temper. Rosy barbs do not have any special care requirements, but it’s worth noting they aren’t quite as boisterous as their tiger barb cousins. Rowdy cichlids or lone tiger barbs would likely harass them to death. Over time, decomposing organic matter, nitrates, and phosphate build up and water hardness increases due to evaporation. The fish dwells in Bangladesh, North-East India ans some other regions of South-East Asia. Decor: Rosy Barbs do not need gravel, and a layer of gravel more than 1/4" thick will usually fill with bits of uneaten food that will contaminate the water. This barb can become a fin nipper if not kept in a small school. Feral populations are … Rosy Barb Care: Tank Mates, Size, Breeding, Diet & More. Another drawback is that the fish can nip its tankmates fins, so they should be fast and without long fins. At that the front spot has elongated shape and resembles a vertical stripe. Chose active fishes that like cool water as tank mates. This is a perfect fish for those who are just getting to know aquarium husbandry. So, try to have 5 or more to avoid this fin nipping behavior. You should keep it in a school, since this is when you can see the temper and at that its aggression towards other fishes decreases. Breeding Tank. You can give them a wide range of foods, including bloodworms, brine shrimp, and vegetables. The scientific name of Rosy tetra is Hyphessobrycon rosaceus, which belongs to the Characiformes family. However, sometimes the fish may nip fins of its long-finned neighbors. Breeding : Breeding the Rosy Barb can be fairly easy. Rosy Barb Types. If the female looks like it's filling with eggs that means that it may be a good time to introduce a male. The basic lifespan of this fish is 5 years and an adult Rosy Barb fish can grow until like 6 inches size. Dornenwolf The Rosy Barb is one of the larger members of the Barb species and it can grow up to 6 inches in the wild. Gender : Like many tropical fish, the male is usually more colorful and has more red coloration. Read More. Rosy Barb The Rosy Barb Puntius conchonius (previously Barbus conchonius) was described by Hamilton in 1822. For several days feed the fish well with live food, rise tank water temperature at 1—2 degrees. They easily take relocation to various tanks and are undemanding in terms of feeding. Before the fish gets reproductive, it is almost impossible to tell between the male and female. The rosy barb is one of the larger members of the barb species and it can grow up to six inches in the wild. Pethia conchonius) is one of the most beautiful barb species. The Rosy Barb is a schooling fish and enjoys being in numbers. This fish is generally peaceful but like many barbs, can become fin nippers if they are not placed in a small school of 5 or more. Feed the fry baby brine shrimp. Aquariums are closed systems, and regardless of size, all need some maintenance. Separate the adults from the eggs if you plan on raising the fry. It has no barbels. Rosy Barb: Is easily the most larger and popular member of the barbs family, ... which will increase the lifespan of barb fish. The female will most likely not have the red colors or if they do, just a slight amount of red and will mostly have yellow, olive or gold coloration. If the female is ready it could take a day or two for them to release the eggs. The Rosy Barb (Pethia conchonius) is a freshwater aquarium fish in the Cyprinidae family – which also contains the closely related Carp and Minnow groups. Don’t forget to close the tank with a lid, since rosy barbs easily jump out of water when they start swimming very fast. The Rosy barb has been spread to other parts of the world by man, and established populations of Rosy barb can today for instance be found in comparatively nearby Singapore and Australia, but also in Colombia, Mexico and Puerto Rica in the Americas. The length of time all depends on the state the females are in when the male is introduced. Getting only of couple of them will surely bring out their fin nipping behavior. The fish eats all kinds of live, frozen and artificial food. There should be some free space for the fish to swim. Water temperature in a spawning tank should be 2-3°C higher than that of the tank where the fish used to live. They are egg layers and they will eat the eggs. It prefers lentic waters, but it can live at various conditions: from fast rivers and their tributaries to very small waters: lakes, ponds and bogs. Rosy barb feels more comfortable in a company of 8-10 relatives in an elongated tank. Also there are populations of the fish in Singapore, Austria, Mexico, Columbia. Cherry Barb Fish. These qualities have made the fish one of the most renown fishes among beginning aquarists. When they reach sexual maturity, rosy barbs can be paired and a separate breeding tank of 20 to 30 gallons should be set up. Common Names : Rosy Barb, Rosie Barb, Red Barb. Or it can be panda cory, since it also likes cool water. Rosy Barb Rosy Barb. The level of pH required tends to be a minimum of 6.0 and a maximum of 8,o to guarantee a good and healthy environment for these fish. The main tank parameter for the fish is cool water – the temperature should be 18-22 °C (64–72 °F), but its is quite difficult thing to do in summer. Lifespan. by Alison Yang; June 28, 2020 ; Rosy Barbs are a wonderful freshwater fish that we recommend to aquarists of all experience levels. This is active and quite large fish, that swims in all water layers in a tank. In a tank the fish grows to be up to 8 cm (3.3 inches) large, in the wild it is up to 10 cm long (according to some data it can be 14 cm long). Rosy barb will easily stand water temperature decrease up to 15 degrees. Rosy Barbs are a very speedy and active swimmer that will definitely make your aquarium more lively! The body is oval shaped, elongated and flattened from sides. The fins are reddish with copper tint. Overview. A typical rosy barb breeding setup has two females and a male. The back is foliage green, sides are silvery with metal tint, abdomen is white. The Cherry Barb fish is a great fish for the beginner to fish keeping because they can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.It is also a very peaceful and very good community fish that will … It becomes reproductive at the age of 6-8 month old. Lifespan: 5 years; Fish Keeping Difficulty. Because of these conditions, they are often disease ridden - fungal infections, bacterial infections, and parasites. A Comprehensive how to care guide including bio, optimal water conditions (pH & dH), size, diet, aggression, lifespan, gender differences, best tank mates and more useful tips. Give it some vegetable supplementary components as well – such as scalded lettuce and dandelion leaves. It is desirable to provide it with diversified diet to make sure that the it is healthy and active. The Gold Barb is another hardy freshwater fish that is good for beginners. They’re pretty,… C Care Guides. If you are planning to breed the fish, keep it at lower water temperature values. The fish doesn’t have barbels. The egg stage lasts for 1,5—2 days, the larvae starts to swim in 3—4 days after hatching. Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us. Lifespan: Up to 5 years: Size: Up to 6″ Diet: Omnivore: Family: Cyprinidae: Minimum Tank Size: 30 Gallons: Tank Set-Up: Freshwater with plants and swimming space: Compatible: Peaceful community: Table of Contents show. It is best, when trying to breed the Rosy Barb, to house two females with one male. However, it’s better to keep the fish in a tank with cool water, therefore the tankmates should have the same requirements to tank conditions. They are found in northern India, Bangal, and Assam. This small tetra has a deep salmon color with a combination of red accents and bright white tips on the fins. Rosy Barb Food. Lifespan: up to 5 year: Maximum Size: up to 15 cm: Water Conditions: Water Type: Freshwater: Temperature: 64 - 72 ℉ (17.8 - 22.2 ℃) PH: 5.5 - 7.5: GH: 5 - 19 : Origins of the Rosy Barb. It is possible, but not necessary to keep males and females separately during this time. The spawning process starts in the morning. Rosy Barb Fish (Pethia Conchonius) Care Guide. They need to have a minimum 30-gallon fish tank to have a better life in your aquarium. Male back is green or olive colored, the abdomen and sides have yellow or red tint. There are no special requirements as for keeping rosy barb. Diet of Tiger Barb . Use dark and small grained bottom substrate, this is when the coloring looks the best. They are also very aggressive eaters and will accept flake fish food with gusto. 2. Rosy barbs natively live in lakes and fast flowing water in a subtropical climate. Many have reported breeding success with the Rosy Barb by using broad leaved aquarium plants on which the female will lay it's eggs. Temperament / Behavior : These fish are generally peaceful but if you don't have a small school of them (usually 5 or more) they can become fin nippers. These fish tend to really enjoy lettuce, so you’ll want to keep that in mind. Some green plants like java moss should be put on a tank bottom. There are dark spots near the tail fin and above pectoral fins. Hi Dan. The male has strong pink tint on its body (due to which the fish got its name), when the fish is excited the tint becomes brighter. Rosy Barb (Puntius conchonius) Water Temperature Range: 18 to 23 °C (64.5 to 73.5 °F) Water Hardness Range (°d) 2 to 10: pH Range: 6.5 to 7.0: Hobbyist Level: Beginner: Max Adult Size: 6 in (15 cm) Min tank size: 60 Gallons (227 L) Min number of individuals to keep per tank: 4: Temperament: Peaceful: Lifespan… For example, white cloud minnow will do in this case. The body is elongated, oval shaped and flattened from sides; lateral line isn’t complete; large scales. Freshwater Fish > Barbs > Rosy Barb. Photo Credit : Photos copyright JJPhoto.dk, © FishLore.com - providing tropical fish tank and aquarium information for freshwater fish and saltwater fish keepers.About FishLore | Common Names : Rosy Barb, Rosie Barb, Red Barb, Care Level : Easy, good for freshwater beginners. Updated May 14, 2020Author: Mike - FishLore AdminSocial Media: The Rosy Barb is also known in certain circles as the Red Barb and is a popular freshwater tropical fish that will bring a lot of activity to your tank. The typical Rosy Barb lifespan is around 5 years when properly cared for. Dim lights, lots of shelters and tank plants (they can be of various kinds, since barbs are quite indifferent towards them) – this is how the tank should look like. The fins ar… The female rosy barb has a rounder, fuller belly and they lack the red coloration of the males, showcasing olive, yellow or gold colors instead. They will most likely not do well with the Rosie Barb. Lifespan is up to 5 years. Rosy barb is a very hardy fish but sometimes it is affected by ich ( a protozaon parasitic disease) due to inappropriate tank management. You should also provide balanced diet to make your fish healthy and happy. Rosy Tetra is one of the most popular and active fish found in South America. Keep at most one Rosy Barb per gallon, when they're small. Another good thing about the fish is that it’s not demanding, good-tempered and it is interesting to watch it in a tank, since it moves all the time. Rosy Red minnows are mostly sold as feeder fish in fish stores. Size of fish - inches: 5.9 inches (15.01 cm) - In the wild, the regular Rosy Barb can reach up to 6 inches (15 cm), but these captive-bred varieties generally only reach about 4 inches (10 cm) in length. For a couple of fish 40 liters (8,8 gallons) tank is enough and for the school – 80 liters (17,6 gallons). Weekly water renew is a must, since the fish likes clean and fresh water. Because, as a rule, keeping in a school sufficiently decreases the level of their aggression. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River),  with Echinodorus and Angelfish. Temperature : 65°F - 78°F (18°C - 26°C) Water Hardness : 5° to 15° dH. Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them with tropical fish that are long-finned and slow moving such as angelfish and bettas. There is a dark spot at the beginning on the tale fin. Lifespan of Tiger Barb. In the wild their omnivorous diet consists of worms, insects, crustaceans, and plant matter. Omnivorous by nature, Tiger Barbs are not that fussy-eaters and will openly accept different types of food, including live, frozen, freeze-dried, flake foods, among others. Rosy Barb (Puntius conchonius) Water Temperature Range: 18 to 23 °C (64.5 to 73.5 °F) Water Hardness Range (°d) 2 to 10: pH Range: 6.5 to 7.0: Hobbyist Level: Beginner: Max Adult Size: 6 in (15 cm) Min tank size: 60 Gallons (227 L) Min number of individuals to keep per tank: 4: Temperament: Peaceful: Lifespan… Breeding of the fish isn’t a difficult thing to do. Rosy barbs originate in Northern India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan, in the states of West Bengal and Assam. They are frequently used to create color morphs in other species of barbs. However, in general rosy barbs are kept in community tanks with various species, the main thing is that their tank mates don’t have long fins like those of betta fish or oranda. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. The barbs will eat the eggs otherwise. They reach sexual maturity when they get to be about 3 inches in length. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. Size : 4 inches (10 cm) pH : 6 - 7. Rosy tetra is a community fish that makes a great addition to your community aquarium. When the female’s abdomen gets full with eggs, put it and two male into a separate spawning tank of 10—15 liters capacity with water level not higher than 15 cm. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. In a tank the fish grows to be up to 8 cm (3.3 inches) large, in the wild it is up to 10 cm long (according to some data it can be 14 cm long). Rosy barbs make great additions to an aquarium but a… The body is oval shaped, elongated and flattened from sides. Males may have black edges to their fins, though this is not always the case. As for its good temper, the fish is a peaceful one and it gets along well with its tank mates in a community tank. Floating tank plants that scatter the light from the surface as well as snags and tree branches make the biotope look more natural. To avoid that, it’s important to provide the best care possible. It is important to remember: in a general aquarium, they must be kept in a flock, while barbs will not pay attention to other species. Scales form clear reticulated pattern on the body. Origin / Habitat : India. Once it is over, the fish should be removed from the tank. Male back is green or olive colored, the abdomen and sides have yellow or red tint. They are an active fish with a peaceful temperament and bright color. Rosy barbs are one of the most popular and readily available fish for aquarium hobbyists for many reasons. Rosy barb has a long finned species as well. Its lifespan is up to 5 years provided with proper tank conditions and care. Luckily, the fish has adapted and can stand summer time quite well, though if you have a chance try to keep the water temperature low. Larger Rosy Barbs need about 2-gallons per Rosy Barb. They have a lifespan of up to 5 years. Put a separating net on the tank bottom to save eggs from being eaten by their parents. Sergey is a founder and author of Meethepet.com. Care Level : Easy, good for freshwater beginners. Provide a coarse gravel in the breeding tank and after the eggs have been laid, remove the parents. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media:. Adults will eat the eggs so you must separate them if you want to raise the fry. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media:. Start food for the juveniles is infusorian and other small microorganisms. The … Livebearing fish such as mollies, platys, and swordtails generally live less than five years. Their natural habitat has a pH of 6 to 8, a water hardness of 5-19 dGH, and a temperature range of 64–72 °F (18–22 °C). This fish enjoys company, and if its school is large enough, it will not bother other fish in the aquarium. The fish is up to 5 cm (2 inches) long. I had a situation in my experience, when a school of tiger barbs living together with angelfishes didn’t hurt them at all, but rosy barbs had almost destroyed them. The male has strong pink tint on its body (due to which the fish got its name), when the fish is excited the tint becomes brighter. Scientific Name : Pethia conchonius. They will accept nearly all foods including flakes, frozen, freeze dried and live foods. This is a very active fish and it is quite interesting to observe it. Fish prefers tank water temperature 18–22°C (64–72 °F), hardness 4—18°, tank water acidity 6,5—7,5 (about neutral). When kept in optimum water conditions and cared for as instructed, the tiger barb can live for at least 5 years in the aquarium. Cyprinids - Barbs; Rosy Red Minnow. There is a dark spot at the beginning on the tale fin. Rosy Barb also likes to live as a group. Rosy Red Minnows are the fish that you'll see 500+ packed into a small tank. Other than that, they are generally a peaceful fish. Males are smaller, brighter colored and females have rounded and wide abdomen. While Rosy Barbs are quite hardy, they can react negatively to poor water conditions and a lack of quality care. Lifespan is up to 5 years. Tigers Barbs can live anywhere up to 5-7 years as long as the right tank conditions are provided and nutrient foods are provided to them. To make your fish disease free, good water quality and proper tank management should be maintained. They are not wallflowers like the cherry barbs, either, but they do appreciate an aquarium without too much excitement. Provide plenty of broad leaf plants for them to scatter thier eggs on. Also the fish likes water flow in a tank and you can create it by means of the water filter. Diet / Foods : An omnivore, does well on a varied diet of flake, live and freeze dried fish food. The lifespan of an Rosy Barb in an aquarium is about 5 years. Have black edges to their fins, so you must separate them you. Omnivores, so this must be about their temper in raising the fry more colorful and has red... Originate in Northern India, Bangal, and Assam of this fish is years. Provide plenty of broad leaf plants for them to release the eggs if you want to keep males females. Is one of the fish may nip fins of its long-finned neighbors water! Make your aquarium more lively scatter the light from the surface as well – such as scalded lettuce and leaves. Fin nipper if not kept in a tank and after the eggs so you must separate them if you to... 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