Transfer spaces are limited and, therefore, admission is selective. Of course, if you do have a famous professor, that could probably actually be very helpful (eg. Honor system is in place. Making friends as a transfer is going to be much harder than at your original school. The Law School welcomes transfer applications from students at law schools accredited by the CBE,the American Bar Association (ABA), and from accredited foreign law schools. Press J to jump to the feed. That guide is a little dated, though (for instance, the 509 guide has only recently started listing transfer GPA information), so this guide will try to catch some things on the edges. The top five last year were Georgetown (105), George Washington (67), Charleston (61), NYU (58) and Arizona State (56). I'm thinking about transferring to a top law school, with hopes of entering into Big Law … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 10 Law Schools That Lead to Big Law Jobs. Students offered admission to Thomas Jefferson will be enrolled in the CBE program. R/LAWSCHOOL'S OUTLINE BANK (Click here to request access). Generally speaking, transferring between peer or lesser schools is possible if you are around median (this is when you transfer for family or location-based reasons), although reasons like that can also explain transferring if you have bad grades too. ? I'm actually starting at BLS this Fall 2010. I also was given a full ride there and am thinking of transferring to a top law school as well (given my grades at the end of the year). A lot of credit goes to Arrow's guide for transferring, where much of the conventional wisdom about transferring comes from. That being said, there are several Early Decision and Early Action programs that exist as well, where you can get a tentative admission after Fall Semester of 1L. This article is based off of a series of blog posts by TLS Forum user “Arrow”, who started off at Loyola Los Angeles but transferred to Berkeley Law after a successful 1L year. Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. Each prospective transfer school will have a form that your 1L school will have to fill out. Better prestige/ranking. If you are on law review at your old school, at the very least, you are losing out on that with very little chance of getting on law review at your new school. Most community colleges have admissions advisors on staff to assist you and host annual transfer fairs in the fall and spring. View All 14 Slides. While most schools use the same grading curve for 1L (between a 3.0-3.3), some schools, like WUSTL, curve much higher (3.52-3.55), which will have a positive effect on people there who are looking to transfer. If you are confused, click here for a more detailed explanation on joining this subreddit. USC, Georgetown, and Chicago have these programs, and this list contains a somewhat dated list of other schools that also have early action/decision options. You will also lose your connections with your 1L professors, who might have taken kindly to you after you did well in their classes. I planned on trying Uchicago early decision but I don’t see anyone transferring to Chicago from my school on the 509s. I spent the early weeks of my first year of law school talking to my classmates about their future goals. Most transfer prospects begin around the time you get your grades back for second semester of 1L. Employers generally do not care if the jump between schools is relatively small or between tiers that do not necessarily exist outside of law school jargon (ie. For students who aspire to attend Princeton, for example, it hasn’t even been possible to transfer to the school in recent decades. Good personal statements will probably explain why you are interested in transferring to a particular school, and will articulate reasons to go to that new school without disparaging your old school. This is one of the weaker arguments, but some schools have classes, programs, and clinics that aren't generally available. Lose your grades. Advice for Transferring to Another Law School . The rank you need depends on the distance on the US News and Reports law school rankings between your current school and the school you’ve applied to. This is actually an important question, because transferring often isn't really straightforward. The University of San Diego welcomes applications for transfer admission from community college, college, and university students. Choosing a law school is an important decision for a student’s legal career future. Schools will also have writing competitions for transfer students, which will also strain your time. transferring between a school ranked 110 to one ranked 85). Regardless of the date, everything necessary for the application, with the notable exception of second semester grades, should be completed by 1 May. program at an ABA law school. 14 among the U.S. News Best Law Schools, admitted 105 transfers in 2017-2018, which is by far the most of any law school … What do you guys think. Harvard’s opened last year on May 1 st, while other schools opened closer to the 15 th. Perhaps you did get into your dream law school, but the law school you got into offered you a … I received a 3.9 at a Top 25 school for 1L fall semester, putting me in the top 5% of my class. But when it comes to transferring between law schools, school rank is second only to GPA in importance. Hey, I read the forum on transferring law schools but just thought I would make a post to see if anyone has done it. This is actually what transferring used to be about (why Justice Ginsburg transferred to Columbia, for instance). The Georgetown University Law Center, ranked No. R/LAWSCHOOL'S FAQ! - Official 1st Year Law School Transcript - Dean’s Certificate/Letter of Good Standing. Curious about which law schools took the most transfers? You worked hard for these. Im gunning to it pull up but I’m not counting on anything. It's not just the GPA and school rank that's daunting for potential transfers. Try writing a generalized statement and changing up 1-2 paragraphs depending on particular features of the school. The university recently announced that in 2018 it will offer admission to… It is always a good idea to apply earlier, because you don't know whether a LOR from a professor will fall through or not (a lot of professors take sabbaticals or vacations after a semester ends), or whether you can get a transcript into LSAC on time (sometimes your old law school will stonewall you). USD admits transfer students on the basis of their academic preparation, as demonstrated by satisfactory grades in college-level courses. This is the guide for transferring law schools. Most law professors will be professional about this, and as long as they don't write a particularly bad letter, it's basically just a checkmark. This is NOT a forum for legal advice.