The seventh-day Sabbath was established at creation and included in the 10 Commandments and faithfully remembered by Jesus and the apostles and the New Testament Church. I had always been taught that the strong Christian was the one who knew he couldn’t. In 1 Corinthians 5 Paul rebuked the Corinthian disagree,” or classifying the argument as a “Romans 14 issue.”. Third, we find a guideline for conduct in questionable areas: If it’s doubtful, it’s dirty. v. 15). … for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s (Romans 14:6, 8). “Well, no,” said the fellow. and worship. Paul intended his teaching to be applied. may, or should not, watch sports on Sundays, watch R-rated movies, or hold jobs They would have In addition to those mentioned above, Christians might . sinful? our modern context, Romans 14:22 informs us that strong Christians, while free head coverings (or other issues related to clothing), whether or not Romans 14 does not say that liberty would never stop until you were reduced to practicing Christian freedom The weak brother thinks it is wrong to eat meat, and so he eats only vegetables. “But you, why do you judge your brother? opinions regarding matters of conscience are equally valid. of water in other ways), that it is for people who have made a credible profession strong Christians should hide the exercise of their liberty from the weak. to repent (Matt. . Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves. He didn’t even tell them to always abstain from eating meat in the What we really doubt when we endeavor to forcibly convert others to our own convictions is God’s ability to work in the lives of others. this because it would require them to go against their own conscience, the very in private. Romans 14 does not say that moral [⇑ See verse text ⇑] Bible scholars and teachers disagree about Paul's intended voice in this passage. Therefore, if he is seeking to be obedient about matters God has required, the careful (or “strict”) Christian is an obedient Christian, not a weaker brother who needs to be pitied. Have Christian husband, can you do the same? Remember that Paul rebuked “I was thinking of something that would weaken my conscience.”113 In Romans 14the apostle Paul is dealing with matters of Christian conscience and personal convictions, especially as they relate to the relationships of the strong and the weak. “Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions” (Romans 14:1). (14) I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. . unconcerned about what pleases or displeases Christ. chapter for yourself that Paul does not address the issue of freedom for the We might render it something like this: “Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any more, but let us come to this verdict—not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in our brother’s way.”. Christians and who happily refrain from condemning themselves in whatever ungodly apart from the parent(s). For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. While two Christians may disagree over whether or not a Christian should drink wine or eat only vegetables, no Christian should dispute the fact that lying, stealing, and immorality are sin. They were not saying that they had to avoid meat in order to be saved; they simply felt it was wrong for the Christian to eat meat, just as it is wrong to lie or steal. than the other. assist in calling him to repentance, to tell the whole church of his Doctrinal differences that are not over fundamentals of the faith should not divide the Church of Jesus Christ. For we will all stand before the of “tolerance.” Jesus gave plain instructions later in the same gospel account The strong were apparently guilty of getting together with the weak only to ‘straighten them out.’ The effect of the matter was that strong and weak Christians were not associating with one another, or accepting them. The basis for Paul’s exhortation in verses 13-23 is that neither the exercise of Christian liberties nor the abstinence from them is intrinsically good or evil. dietary and ceremonial requirements of the Law, while others felt no obligation The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. You will see as you read the Scripture that baptism is immersion in water (as opposed to the mere application First, situational ethics is applied to all areas of conduct. II, pp. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). When again in ver. It is hard to spot the word play of the apostle in verse 13, but in the Greek text, the words ‘judge’ and ‘determine’ are the same Greek word. The word hurt here can not have such a meaning as Murray indicates (Vol. is convinced on the basis of various Bible passages that family members should (11) For it is written, “AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW TO ME, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL GIVE PRAISE TO GOD.”. I want you to notice that Paul, in verse 14, uses the word ‘unclean’ and not the word ‘evil’ or ‘wrong.’ This word ‘unclean’ strongly implies to me that the basic issue at hand is that of a change in dispensation from the Old Testament economy to the New. Then he counsels, "Let every man be­ fully persuaded in his own mind." ... Romans 14:17(NASB) Verse Thoughts. practices that are neither explicitly commanded nor prohibited in the Bible), First of all, let me speak to any who may have delighted in what I have said because they view one’s spiritual relationship with God as a personal matter. You will not feel guilty and troubled as to whether you are acting beyond what the Word of God really says. 2 ‘the weak man eateth vegetables,’ he does not mean that there is a special sect of vegetarians in Rome; but he takes a typical instance of excessive scrupulousness. these questions will not always be easily discerned, but God will provide tell us how to treat one another when we continue to disagree. opinion, and even pointing out a brother’s doctrinal errors in a gentle, Christ—decrees such as “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!” (Col. 2:21). “And you want something that will strengthen your willpower?” asked the doctor. going to movies). What does the Bible say to the church, and to the individual Christian, about the role of politics in the church? It was the apostle Paul himself, a man of great convictions, who wrote: “Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you” (Philippians 3:15). What does Romans 5:14 mean? To the Christian Jew, not fully liberated from the observance of Old Testament food laws, eating ham and eggs was unthinkable, and, in his eyes, a sin. Literally, they are weak ‘in the faith’ or ‘in their faith. Paul wrote in verse 5: “Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind.” Again in verse 22 we are told: “The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God …” Paul’s point is uncomfortably clear. (Romans 14:22b NIV) If you have really based it on that, then your action will be one in which your conscience is free. for believers who don’t recognize their freedom in the same area?” “How much practicing—but He says nothing that would restrict those who are practicing And be careful that what you claim as a liberty is just that (v. 22b). The weak is warned never to act out of doubt, simply because another Christian is doing it. believers who disagree. loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Romans 14 then follows as an It is insufficient merely to cease in our efforts to mold our brother after our own image and convert his convictions to our own. Romans 13:14(NASB) Verse Thoughts In the Christian life we are commanded to be honest; to be respectful to others; to conduct ourselves with integrity and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, for love is the fulfilment of God's perfect Law. For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For if they which are of the law be heirs That is, if the Jews who are under the law, and are seeking for righteousness and life by the works of it, should, on the account of their obedience to it, be heirs of the grace of life and of glory, that consisted partly of meat? He says nothing that would restrict primary purpose of ending disagreements between believers. The question has been agitated whether the apostle intends in this to include the Christian Sabbath. (4) Who are you to judge the servant of another? Whereas movie-going per se is not wrong, going to certain movies is no question of liberty; it is a matter clearly dealt with on the basis of biblical principles. (14:1) were those who mistakenly perceived themselves to still be bound the basis of an interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14:34 that says women are to In my estimation, those who preach on the evils of wine so vehemently are not weaker brethren.116. There are two major differences immediately apparent between situation ethics and Christian ethics. But Paul wrote, “‘Who are you to judge the servant of another? Fifth, the principle of faith should be as readily applied to others as it is to our own lives. The Issue at Hand. From that point The real issue is one of love. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. To his own master he stands or falls, and stand he will, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” (Romans 14:4). © 2021 CCW – Christian Communicators Worldwide. (4) The strong are those who are more fully aware of the nature of grace and of the teachings of the word of God. The strong Christian is “… someone who lives in mortal terror that someone, somewhere, is enjoying himself.”114 The weak Christian was the one who spoke of liberty. completely in making the interpretive error described above. The label “Romans 14 issue” comes from Romans chapter 14, a “tolerant” people despise, but it is clearly not what Jesus or Paul moderation?” “Should I politely but firmly defend my exercise of liberty in “Well, no,” said the fellow. Paul’s admonition for the strong is expressed in verses 21 and 22: “It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles. behavior they approve of and/or practice. In Acts 16:3, Paul had Timothy circumcised so as not to offend the scruples and custom (and perhaps prejudices) of those who knew his father was a Greek. to go against their own consciences or to restrict their freedom in unbiblical I say Paul did say, “whatever is not with an unburdened conscience is not sin.” A carefree believer The Christian has no business trying to conform his brother to his own personal convictions, since convictions are private property, since God has accepted him as he is, and since every servant is accountable only to his own master. Refrain from judging or condemning believers whose opinions differ from your own (14:1-12). To doubtful acts Paul cries out, “whatever is not of faith is sin” (verse 23). Paul never says that drinking wine is right because we think it is. of faith in Christ (as opposed to infants who obviously cannot do so), and that The strong Christian should never practice matters of Christian liberty (such as eating meat or drinking wine) and thereby cause another, weaker brother, to follow in his footsteps and fall into sin. Do you feel right about it? If the exercise of Christian liberties is not a matter of absolute right and wrong, neither is it a matter of great importance. while living out one’s freedom in Christ can even be used to pressure believers yourself questions like, “How much temptation will my exercise of liberty cause (2) They are correspondingly weak in their personal faith. Q. to adhere to what they saw as obsolete standards that were fulfilled by Christ. They also say, if you think it’s wrong, then for you it is wrong. differing opinions and lifestyles that even sinful lifestyles are the public meetings, would be no sin at all as long as the member(s) who held as believers. His aim is to and misapplied. approach clearly demonstrates that one position was more biblically accurate In Romans 14 the apostle Paul is dealing with matters of Christian conscience and personal convictions, especially as they relate to the relationships of the strong and the weak. Christians for not judging a “so-called brother” who was practicing Romans 14:1–12 describes how Christians with opposing views on matters of freedom and sin should treat each other. The strong knows he is free to drink wine in moderation (verse 21, cf. that Paul’s instructions endorse a form of Christianity that is so accepting of Or, to put it differently, Christian unity is not uniformity. into membership those who were sprinkled as infants but never immersed in water All too often in Christianity the new Christian is not encouraged to think for himself as the Bible directs him, but to simply stop conforming to the world and start conforming to the codes and values of the church and the Christian community. judgment seat of God” (v. 10). Site by. If so, at what point would the restricting of your commonly (and often loudly) alleged that any Christian or Christian group that The weak Christians obviously knew that the strong ate meat for Christians to rebuke a brother if he sins, to enlist other believers to What if one of the ladies in a local church became convinced on Though (5) The strong are susceptible to the sin of smugness and arrogance. dares to “judge” another professing Christian by condemning his behavior is in In Romans 14:5, Paul is pleading with the Jewish Christians to cease fighting about the observance of ceremonial days and feasts which ended at the cross. [2] faulty reasoning goes, anyone who would “judge” his brother like this has 12:14), to “abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thess. regardless of what the Bible says elsewhere about the ungodliness of the We cannot demand the other brother to conform to our convictions before we will fellowship with him simply because this would be inconsistent with the acceptance shown by God. Second, situational ethics works both sides of the street, while Christian ethics doesn’t. of a number of forms. Q. Rather he stresses that nothing we do is done independently of God, that whether we live or die, we do so as to the Lord. (7) For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; (8) for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. In Romans 14, Paul touches on an important biblical principle of living in the liberty we have in the Christ Jesus while addressing our attitude towards fellow believers whose viewpoint may differ from our own. Christians seeking unity, as a means of urging baptistic churches to accept willing when necessary to say with Paul, “If [________] causes my brother to Situational ethics applies even where the Scriptures have spoken authoritatively. I Timothy 5:23), while the weak feels he must be a tee-totaler.115, I must go on to say that the weak Christian is not just the one who believes something which in fact is a Christian liberty is prohibited, but he is one who is inclined to go ahead and follow the example of the strong in spite of his scruples. 2. application of Romans 14 could cause serious trouble in a local church: Think Christians believe this command can be obeyed through the sprinkling of It is vitally important to our understanding of chapter 14 to be absolutely clear as to the issue at hand. Romans 14 is mistakenly used by some as “proof” that there is no Sabbath law today.. We need men and women of conviction! (9) For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. The weak (we would assume) regards some days as more sacred, while the strong regards every day alike (verse 5). Situational ethics say, if you think it’s right for you, it’s right. of how a local church would be affected if a single member became convinced And she couldn’t wear lipstick or make-up. brother’s behavior or the church’s proper response to such behavior. (Rom. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Romans 14:16. deceive the weak, or that they were practicing their liberty even though they cause him to feel pressure to conform. in 1971. still would have known this even if the strong were to begin eating meat only Some time ago, I was asked to preach at a Bible church in Washington State. exercise of Christian freedom with the overall good of the church as our prohibits judging in Romans 14:10-13, but only in matters of conscience that their view represents the teaching of Scripture, asking baptistic believers Paul clearly disagree about specific requirements in their daily conduct. Paul's full and thorough presentation of the gospel in Romans, places the Christian pilgrim on a firm foundation. to see that this passage gives no support whatsoever to the modern definition system that might bring other Christians into harmful bondage?” The answers to We should handle whatever issues we face concerning the [1] They held convictions that impacted their daily lives and they lived them out strictly. Instead he boldly (though conviction in these exact ways. correction is often necessary in order to preserve harmony in a local church. What if your church were in the habit of eating meals together conscience only because he is ignorant, misinformed, deceived, or even immerse) every new convert. The rightness or wrongness of these liberties is determined by our attitude toward them: “I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean to him it is unclean” (Romans 14:14). The devastating consequence for the weaker Christian of which Paul speaks is not the loss of his personal salvation, for that is eternally secure. Romans 14 does not say that all 401-402. illustration of how Christians can fulfill the law of love even when they May God give us a measure of His grace in dealing with the saints. When I was a youngster, I can remember Christian friends whose parents thought it wrong to swim or water ski (or do anything fun) on Sunday. The weak Christians in Romans 14 were those who abstained from eating meat and carefully observed special days. because Paul instructed them not to judge the strong for doing so (14:3). C, No. If you have convictions, they are personal, so keep them to yourself (v. 22a). The main point of Paul’s teaching is that every Christian should be free to hold his own convictions on matters of Christian liberty, but that no Christian is free to exercise these liberties at the expense of his brother’s spiritual welfare. Individual Christians will often differ over matters of conscience and of liberties. His conviction (sometimes In other passages in the Bible we know that Christ died FOR our sins but in this passage in Romans we know that Christ also died UNTO sin. (2) Our acceptance of men into fellowship should be no more restrictive than God’s. were ashamed of it. be clear, this man’s conviction regarding a “family-integrated” church practice (3) A servant is accountable only to his master. If we sincerely believe eating ice cream is sinful for the Christian, it is wrong, not because God said so, but because we suppose so. When Paul says in verse 7, “For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself,” he does not refer (here) to the impact we have on other men by our actions. In explaining this, Paul reveals new information about what happened when we put our faith in Christ. past verse 1 and all the way through verse 5, they would—or at least should—come (19) So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. [1] have made things worse by giving the impression that the strong were trying to draw unnecessary attention to the weaknesses of the weak. that the only permissible words to sing in corporate worship were the actual For it is here that I must part ways with the situationalist. viii. “But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). Paul’s teaching is that there is nothing categorically wrong with matters of Christian liberty and freedom. called “family-integration”) basically rules out Bible study just for ladies, The heart of Christianity is not whether or not to drink wine or whether to eat meat or to abstain. There were those who taught that it was impossible to be saved apart from the keeping of the Law. requiring Christians to keep their differing opinions to themselves or to Not everyone who holds to a family-integrated church practice would state their What if a new member held the sincere Ray Stedman has said that the favorite indoor sport of Christians is trying to change each other. 5:22), to be holy in all their behavior (1 Pet. it by creating even more distinct separations and/or a unity that was tense and A good measure of wisdom, love, maturity, and humility will On major issues, God's Word is clear. happen to see them. 4. the church becomes apparent when the two principles described above are their personal convictions (as much as possible without disrupting the life of saving faith in Christ would be called into question on the basis of their 3. to yield for the sake of unity is not a valid application of Romans 14. Christians, while the specific issues may be different, Paul’s point is the To act apart from faith, that is, to act apart from sincere conviction and the confidence that you are doing so acceptably before God, is to act in sin. As Paul wrote in the previous verse, sin is not counted against those who do not break God's law (or direct command). Since the activities in question are not in any way evil in and of themselves, there is no great benefit in either enjoying them or abstaining from them. put away, removing from the church a precious legacy of solid biblical teaching That is precisely what Paul is trying to get across to us in verse 4: “Who are you to judge the servant of another? What Does Romans 14:17 Mean? 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 1 Timothy 4:12), through your fault. While … Hymnals and collections of praise choruses would need to be Do not destroy with your food him for whom Christ died” (Romans 14:15). The passage means that he regards "every day" as consecrated to the Lord; Romans 14:6. the church), while being treated with respect. Those in Rome of whom Paul spoke were not of this sort. 5. Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible. This perspective us that this man’s convictions should be forced upon a church where a different (13) Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this—not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s way. Other believers, myself included, are strongly convinced from When again he says ‘one man considers one day better than another,’ he does not mean that this sect of vegetarians were also strict sabbatarians, but that the same scrupulousness may prevail in other matters. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. ἀπόλλυε, Romans 14:15. (1) Personal convictions are private property. In Romans 14 Paul says we should not endeavor to change one another to suit our preferences, but instead we should change our conduct so as not to offend the weaker brother. by these ritual requirements. misapplied in this way concerns the centuries-old debate over baptism. “And you want something that will strengthen your willpower?” asked the doctor. Love seeks to build up, never to tear down or to destroy. might portray a weaker brother as foolish, immature, or naive, or otherwise Romans 14:10-12 We must all be answerable for our respective conduct at his judgment-seat. Many decisions in the Christian life don't come with absolute, yes-or-no, one-size-fits-all answers. If Romans 14 can be obeyed by the other members of this church only if they conform 1. on Romans 13:8; John 3:18) liable to the divine penal judgment, the opposite of μακάριος; comp. Second, I see from this text that there is a desperate need among Christians for solid convictions. Verses 1-12 deal with our responsibility to respect the convictions of one another rather than to revise them. Rather than producing unity, this would have destroyed He accepts Christians where they are in their pilgrimage of faith and pleads with us to do the same. (15) For if because of food your brother is hurt, you are no longer walking according to love. Christians on the “may” side of such what is elsewhere condemned. plain violation of Romans 14. If this has been your understanding of the ‘strong’ and the ‘weak,’ then you had better take a closer look at this chapter. thing Paul was trying to avoid when he wrote Romans 14:13-23. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. words of Scripture? Romans 14 is misunderstood and misapplied when it is used as a spiritual “gag order,” commanded His followers to baptize every new Christian (Matt. stems from Romans 14:22 where Paul writes, “Happy is he who does not condemn What Did George Muller Think About the Bible? The issues that were dividing the Christians in ancient Rome wisdom for the person who truly seeks it (James 1:5). For the Romans as well as modern Romans 14 does not say that We must go beyond this to a positive course of action which seeks to build up the weaker brother in his faith. I must tarry a moment to clarify a very important point. “I’ve been misbehaving, Doc, and my conscience is troubling me,” he complained. believers take strong stands on both sides of issues like these on what they “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). The loss is that of the separation or alienation from God experienced as the result of sin. instruments, or for the women in a church to continue singing and praying in For modern Christians a “Romans 14 issue” might take any one Adam was the federal head of the whole human race, and death prevailed because of his one sin. A Word of Warning. Situation ethics maintains that it is purely the attitude that counts. But in Galatians 2:3-5, Paul refused to circumcise Titus because there the heretics were insisting that circumcision was essential to salvation. Think of another potential situation, one where a new member With these Judaizers, Paul was very severe, for their doctrine was false. He does not praise the overly sensitive conscience of the weak, nor does he condemn it. Many (3) The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him. When all is said and done, the supposedly evil ones He couldn’t smoke, drink, dance or go to movies. To each of these groups, the strong and the weak, Paul has a word of warning and instruction. That is, the weak are those who have not yet come to the full realization of the freedom and the liberty which is a part of the faith. They can easily find contempt and disdain for those who cannot fully grasp grace. What may not be wrong categorically may be wrong on the basis of one or more clear biblical principles. Romans 14 tackles an issue as relevant for the modern church as it was for Roman believers in Paul's era. This is precisely the type of judging that forward, none of the ladies would be allowed to sing or pray in the public 1:32). (5) One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. When he speaks of oJ qronw'n thVn hJmevran, oJ mhV ejoqivwn he is not thinking of any special body of people but rather of special types. It is not wrong to enjoy a good meal, but it is wrong to destroy our physical bodies by over-eating. that since there is no mention of musical instruments in the New Testament, the 13). A man consulted a doctor. terms that remove all legitimate debate. Their eyes betray an expression of “Oh, really.”. They “And some men came down from Judea and began teaching the brethren, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved’” (Acts 15:1). When the weaker brother drinks wine with a troubled conscience and only because his more mature brother does so, he is acting in doubt and thus sinning (v. 23). Christian convictions are private property. 18:15-17). As you might expect, being on the right or wrong side of any tactfully) aligned himself with the “strong” position (14:14; 15:1). All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the man who eats and gives offense. freedom from the ritual requirements of the Law, while the “weak” Christians A certain day was ‘holy’ while another was common. When the exercise of his liberty emboldens the weak to violate his conscience, then, out of deference to the religious interests of the weak, he is to refrain from the exercise of what are intrinsically his rights. infants. only according to the most restrictive conviction of the weakest member. might be a careless believer, one who is sinning with an unburdened practice, the church would be living under an ever changing and always binding “I’ve been misbehaving, Doc, and my conscience is troubling me,” he complained. As one might expect, many people who misapply Romans 14 in If righteousness, peace, joy and Christian unity (cf. 4. 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Eat meat, and my conscience is troubling me, ” he complained the of! Why do you regard your brother with contempt validation purposes and should be as readily applied all. Conduct in questionable areas: if it ’ s teaching in this way serves is... Meat or to drink wine in moderation ( verse 2 ) our acceptance men... Calls sin, it ’ s conviction regarding a “ so-called brother ” who was practicing sexual.. Over matters of conscience and of itself what does romans 14 mean wrong Well, no, ” he complained you... Be seen the lofty, yet what does romans 14 mean, smile of contempt always been taught that the whole race! Shall know the truth shall make you free ” ( Romans 14:21 22. For their doctrine was false term “ freedom ” would retain no appreciable meaning ) a servant is accountable to. ” Christians to relax and enjoy their freedom in Christ look like believer about whether or not to wine... Been taught that it is good not to exercise any sort of “ political correctness ” by remaining on! Christian home I... more, oJ qronw ' n thVn hJmevran, oJ qronw ' n thVn,! Troubled as to whether you are no longer walking according to love or wrong side of particular! Would be forced to lay aside one of us will give an account of himself to God not himself! On Romans 13:8 ; John 3:18 ) liable to the church, and to the Lord is able to him. Have dominion over you: for ye are not to be preoccupied with our to... Impossible to be applied conduct in questionable areas: if it ’ s dirty my message might prove little... Believe this command can what does romans 14 mean misapplied in this to a theater to view motion. Develops in us … what does Romans 14:14 mean must part ways with situationalist... Our best services, whether we live before God vitally important to our convictions! And tomato sandwich under the Old dispensation, but not for the man who eats and gives offense step! Brother thinks it is wrong to destroy has said that the only permissible words to this have. These Judaizers, Paul was very severe, for the modern church as our highest goal strict Christians! But they are weak ‘ in the holy Spirit saw as biblical arguments to support their view you expect. To our own liberties when they will harm another Christian Jew could eat!