discussions provide the student with increased exposure to proper decision-making, From the description of guided discussion, it is obvious this method works best in a group situation, but it can be modified for an interactive one-on-one learning situation. a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by Applicants must be able to read the examination questions in either English or French without assistance. Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: xrp fee calculator; Beitrags-Kommentare: . Some educators believe that television and the film industry have produced a visual culture that has actually changed the way people learn, Passive video, or video that the student watches like a movie, provide motion, color, sound, and in many cases, special effects with advanced graphic and animation techniques. In aviation, the term "training syllabus" is commonly used and in this context it is a step-by-step, building block progression of learning with provisions for regular review and assessments at prescribed stages of learning. flor de hortensia para maleficios; layer by layer minecraft castle blueprints. Upon arrival at the airport the student makes decisions (with guidance and feedback as necessary) to safely enter and fly the traffic pattern, Before the end of the instructional period, the instructor should review what has been covered during the lesson and require the students to demonstrate how well the lesson objectives have been met. On the other hand, an independent instructor may have considerable latitude, but limited resources. For the independent instructor setting, the instructor may need to select and prepare instructional aids. Of even more significance is that the same data also suggest that SBT students demonstrate better decision-making skills than maneuver based studentsmost likely because their training occurred while performing realistic flight maneuvers and not artificial maneuvers designed only for the test, Research also indicates SBT may lead to improved piloting and navigation skills over traditional maneuver-based training techniques. Often combined with traditional task and maneuver training within a given scenario, decision-based objectives facilitate a higher level of learning and application. The flight instructor serves as the link between dreaming of a career in the sky and becoming a skilled pilot. They should provide an accurate visual image and make learning easier for the student, Another use for instructional aids is to clarify the relationships between material objects and concepts. In addition to the necessary steps, the instructor should describe the end result of these efforts. [Figure 4-7], The purpose of the motivation element is to offer the students specific reasons why the lesson content is important to know, understand, apply, or perform concepts of Thorndikes law of readiness. instead of "Would you expect an aircraft to require a longer takeoff run at Denver or at New Orleans?" As the student progresses through higher levels of performance and understanding, the instructor should shift the training focus to decision-based training objectives. The software may include additional features such as image banks with full color photos and graphics, as well as questions or directions which are programmed to create interactivity for students as they progress through the course, The questions or directions are programmed using a branching technique, which provides several possible courses of action for the user to choose in order to move from one sequence to another. It is a realistic situation that allows the student to rehearse mentally for a situation and requires practical application of various bits of knowledge. To learn skills, students must practice. Conditions and criteria should be refined as necessary. Distance learning also may be defined as a system and process that connects students with resources for learning. Visual aids must be visible to the entire class. However, the instructor provides the answer to the rhetorical question. While it is important to provide hands-on tasks in the lesson plan to engage students in active learning, it is also important to ensure the tasks are completed safely and correctly, In Chapter 2, The Learning Process, learning was defined as "a change in the behavior of the learner as a result of experience. Sequencing can be emphasized and made clearer by the use of contrasting colors, The effectiveness of aids and the ease of their preparation can be increased by initially planning them in rough draft form. By being well prepared, an effective instructor presents and applies lesson material, and also periodically assesses how well the learner is learning. Instead, instructors become supportive facilitators. Use flight deck technology in a safe and appropriate way, Be confident in a wide variety of flight situations, and, The teaching process organizes the material an instructor wishes to teach in such a way that the learner understands what is being taught. Regardless of the teaching or training delivery method used, the teaching process remains the same. (Note that these same suggestions include many that are appropriate for planning cooperative learning, to be discussed later in the chapter. The instructor then shares the NTSBs determination of probable cause: "The pilots inadequate decision to continue VFR flight into IMC conditions, which resulted in a loss of engine power due to fuel exhaustion" which can lead to further discussions of how to avoid this type of accident. Despite enormous potential, VR, in its current stage of development, has drawbacks. What Does a Flight Instructor Do? - Zippia The extemporaneous presentation reflects the instructors personal enthusiasm and is more flexible than other methods. In the intervening years, PBL has helped shift the focus of learning from an instructor-centered approach to a studentcentered approach. In addition to its uses as a summary and transitional device, the interim summary may also be used to keep the group on the subject or to divert the discussion to another member, A guided discussion is closed by summarizing the material covered. Well-designed interactive video, when properly used, is highly effective as an instructional aid. The area of the picture or object is limited to approximately 10 inches by 10 inches, Items which may be projected are practically limitless. [Figure 4-4], The description of the skill or behavior explains the desired outcome of the instruction. Instructors will find the following suggestions helpful in planning a discussion lesson. The instructor who requires notes should use them sparingly and unobtrusively, but at the same time should make no effort to hide them from the students. VR uses graphics with animation systems, sounds, and images to reproduce electronic versions of real-life experience. By organizing in this manner, the instructor phrases the questions to help the students obtain a firm grasp of the subject matter and to minimize the possibility of a rambling discussion, Plan at least one lead-off question for each desired learning outcome. Furthermore, the skill or behavior described should be logical and within the overall instructional plan, Conditions are necessary to specifically explain the rules under which the skill or behavior is demonstrated. This handbook is a compilation of that research and is designed to help aviation instructors become experts in the field of education, Effective instructors have a sincere interest in learning and professional growth. There are several types of charts that can be used in presenting data such as pie charts, flow charts, and organizational charts, among others. The teaching process organizes the material an instructor wishes to teach in such a way that the learner understands what is being taught. These slide shows can be only bulleted information or incorporate animation and video clips. One way to increase retention during a lecture is to use the discussion method of training delivery, The discussion method modifies the pure lecture form by using lecture and then discussion to actively integrate the student into the learning process. To be a teacher implies one has completed some type of formal training, has specialized knowledge, has been certified or validated in some way, and adheres to a set of standards of performance. Because the exact words to express an idea are spontaneous, the lecture is more personalized than one that is read or spoken from memory, Since the instructor talks directly to the students, their reactions can be readily observed, and adjustments can be made based on their responses. All members of the group should follow the discussion. These scenarios require the pilot to manage the resources available in the flight deck, exercise sound judgment, and make timely decisions. robot dreams by isaac asimov answers; skycity staff intranet. After the presentation, the instructor should allow time for questions and a summary of key points, Computer-generated slide shows have changed the way information is presented to todays student. For example, technology flight training devices and flight simulators are used by everyone from flight schools to major airlines, as well as the military. With advanced tracking features, CAL also can be used to test the students achievement, compare the results with past performance, and indicate the students weak or strong areas, For most aviation training, the computer should be thought of as a valuable instructional aidand entrusting an entire aviation training program to a computer is not practical. As discussed in Chapter 1, Human Behavior, the average age of aviation students is 34 years old. Rather, flight maneuvers are integrated into the flight training scenarios and conducted as they would occur in the real world. With elearning, sophisticated databases can organize vast amounts of information that can be quickly sorted, searched, found, and cross-indexed, Due to the active nature of e-learning, the overall learning process is enhanced in several ways. Generally, the syllabus contains a description of each lesson, including objectives and completion standards. Once the class has mastered the ability to compute weight and balance, Bob decides to give them the following scenario with the objective of teaching them how to reconfigure weight and balance in the real world. These programs typically allow the students to select a test, complete the questions, and find out how they did on the test. For example, it is better to ask "Why does an aircraft normally require a longer takeoff run at Denver than at New Orleans?" This preparation should start well in advance of the presentation. Faulty habits are difficult to correct and must be addressed as soon as possible. This equipment is especially adapted to enlarging diagrams and small charts for display purposes. The primary consideration in the lecture method, as in all other teaching methods, is the achievement of desired learning outcomes. There is no guarantee that all of this information is current, or even accurate, It is important to prepare an organized plan of action, Most frequently used to least frequently used, Introducing students to new subject material, Showing relationships between theory and practice, and, No direct reaction from students but economical, Establish the objective and desired outcomes, Help jog memory and ensures important points are emphasized, Can supplement other teaching devices and methods, Students tend to interact and achieve in ways and at levels that are rarely found with other instructional strategies, Clear directions on what the student is going to do, All members of the group must accept the objectives as ones they have agreed to achieve, Tasks are structured so that students must depend upon one another for their group's success in completing and mastering the target objectives, Student must not feel penalized for being placed in a particular group, The focus of learning tasks must be aligned with the specific objectives, Each student and group should be provided the amount of time needed to learn the targeted information, Students must engage in interactive abilities as leadership, Each student must be formally and individually tested to determine mastery and retention, Only members of groups who meet established levels of achievement receive the rewards, Lead-off Question - opens up an area for discussion (how or why, not what or when), Follow-up Question - guides into discussion, Students should be encouraged to participate. [Figure 4-9], The lecture may be conducted in either a formal or an informal manner. If, however, a response is desired from a specific individual, a direct question may be asked of that student. Terms such as "knowledge of " and "awareness of " cannot be measured very well, and words like this should be avoided. [Figure 4-8], In the teaching lecture, simple rather than complex words should be used whenever possible. To achieve desired learning outcomes through the lecture method, an instructor needs considerable skill in speaking, As indicated in chapter 2, a students rate of retention drops off significantly after the first 10-15 minutes of a lecture and improves at the end. Normally, aviation training aspires to a level of learning at the application level or higher, Standards are closely tied to objectives since they include a description of the desired knowledge, behavior, or skill stated in specific terms, along with conditions and criteria. The objectives must be written. In general, if a two-dimensional representation will satisfy the instructors requirement, it should be used, Test preparation material applies to an array of paper, video, and computer software products that are designed by commercial publishers to help student applicants prepare for FAA tests. There is general agreement about certain factors that seem pertinent to understanding the use of instructional aids, During the communicative process, the sensory register of the memory acts as a filter. For example, in developing a lesson on heading indicators, the instructor could begin with a discussion of the vacuumdriven heading indicator before proceeding to a description of the radio magnetic indicator (RMI), In some subjects, certain information or concepts are common to all who use the material. Leadoff questions should usually begin with how or why. The instructor should remember that the more intense the discussion and the greater the participation, the more effective the learning. An interim summary reinforces learning in relation to a specific learning outcome. This concept has led to the adoption of scenario-based training (SBT) in many fields, including aviation. The instructor provides assistance when needed, but he or she needs to remember that learning to solve the problem or task without assistance is part of the learning process. Each student should be encouraged to accept responsibility for contributing to the discussion and benefiting from it. While there are subtle nuances to the different terms which include computer-assisted learning (CAL), computerassisted instruction (CAI), computer-based training (CBT), and computer-based instruction (CBI), this handbook will use the term "computer-assisted learning" in the following discussion, Computer-assisted learning (CAL) couples the personal computer (PC) with multimedia software to create a training device. A customer wants a tail strobe light installed on his Piper Cherokee 180. Flight instructors in particular must be aware of this problem since students often do a lot of their practice without an instructor. By being actively engaged in discussing the lecture, students improve their recall and ability to use the information in the future, It is important for the instructor to play the part of guide, keeping the discussion focused on the subject matter. Instructors need not refer to another document to evaluate student performance. The projection angle should be adjusted to eliminate image distortion. Facts and ideas that have been logically organized can be concisely presented in rapid sequence. The revised performance-based objective may now read, "Using a sectional chart and a flight computer, plan a flight and fly from point A to point B in a Cessna 172. It is extremely expensive, and versions with a head-mounted display sometimes produce unfavorable side effects, For those engaged in aviation training, the challenge is staying abreast of technological changes that apply to training and adopting those that are the most useful and cost effective. In addition, they also provide realistic details necessary for visual recognition of important subject material. Such material should be well organized and based on fundamentals, Organize the main and subordinate points of the lesson in a logical sequence. For example, consider a video presentation given during the weight and balance lecture. This is necessary to be certain a student is on track with the training syllabus. The instructor can tailor the presentation for the class and also include graphics at appropriate points. Discussion questions should be easy for students to understand, put forth decisively by the instructor, and followed by silence. Everyone has the opportunity to comment, listen, think, and participate. Pilot skill evaluations occur during the conduct of courses at FAA-approved schools, and teaching instructors should verify that learners meet the proficiency requirements prior to sending them for any stage check. When relationships are presented visually, they often are much easier to understand. Its versatility and effectiveness provide several advantages for most types of instruction. The steps in Figure 4-6 form a guideline for lesson presentation. A major advantage of CDs and DVDs is the capability to store enormous amounts of information. For example, the instructor in the opening scenario is an aviation maintenance SME, Effective instructors are not only knowledgeable about aviation, they are also knowledgeable about teaching. The training record can be reviewed and the students training status easily assessed in case the student transfers to another school or instructor, Another example of enhanced, instructor-oriented material for pilot training is a maneuvers guide or handbook which includes the PTS as an integral part of the description of maneuvers and procedures. Manage and monitor all flight systems and electrical in-flight . With this setup, the physical facility is usually referred to as a learning center or training center. [Figure 4-18] The brilliant light source concentrated at a short distance makes it possible to use the projector in lighted areas. As training becomes more detailed and complex, instructor-oriented materials can be a valuable instructional aid for aviation instructors. They also tend to watch movies or TV in a passive way without attempting to absorb what they are seeing and hearing. The constant use of "What If?" In the first one, the flight instructor designs a training scenario for the virtual pilots. Since much of the new technology is based on computer technology, instructors with well-developed computer skills are in demand, Although the explosion of training technology offers new opportunities, instructors must remember their main teaching goals and be selectively receptive to new possibilities. For example, a flight instructor should not rely exclusively on a software program on traffic patterns and landings to do the ground instruction for a student pilot, then expect the student to demonstrate patterns and landings in the aircraft.