Dear Friend, It causes hormonal imbalance and weakens our immune system. i am so calm, stress free, my blood pressure is more stable now. Yes you may be quite vocal but are you vocal in the divine right way??? My intuition gets richer. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. Are you a spiritual traveler? The violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes to us under the sponsorship of Saint Germain, lord of the seventh ray and Hierarch of the age of Aquarius. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual states significantly affect our health. The violet flame can literally consume the negative layers of energy within and between the very atoms of your being. For our ancestors, fire must have seemed magical: it brought us together, encouraged us to share stories, reflect, and enter deep meditative silence. A violet flame is a guide for self-transformation, but we must find the right mindset to make it work. I focus on a picture of MOTHER while doing my daily decrees. The Violet Consuming Flame GOD'S PURIFYING FLAME OF DIVINE LOVE By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. Transmute Negative Thoughts with the Violet Flame - YouTube Be Connected. Thank you for response. Earth is a school room where we learn to take responsibility for our energy. How to Use the Violet Flame in 9 Steps - The Summit Lighthouse I meditate morning and night doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga, and the rest of the day I am doing Sacred Fire Decrees and Mantras which are like Japa Yoga to me. I have had 3 experiences with St. Germain visiting me: while interiorized a being flew by or into my third eye area, while interiorized lying down for an hour doing decrees I heard inside me Thank You, and one time while meditating I saw a ethereal face come to me at my third eye. When it is not misqualified by the human sense of possessiveness, attachment or inordinate desire, it produces within the aura a billowing cloud of pink energy, denoting that the individual is infused with an awareness of God as love. Keep in mind that when working with the violet flame, there are decrees (or mantras) which are repeated. Around this violet-flame pillar, you can see your tube of light, an even bigger pillar of white light that protects and seals the violet flame. I almost didnt, because I been so many times. My I AM Presence is moving my pendulum as someone said she saw white light go into my Crown when I asked a question. Discover the Secret of the Violet Flame. I hope you will sign up for the Violet Flame Challenge. So as we increase our frequency to these higher octaves it draws to us the negative force in creation till we become completely and permanently our true selves again and perfect and in control of all atomic energy then we wont need the protection but will be giving out the protection to others like St. Germain, Ascended Masters and Angels! Do you make anything of this? Yogananda has taught me that the spine and brain are the altars of God but while he was on earth (left body 1952) he did not mention the violet flame. After this, I kept hearing a voice that asked me do you want to be an invoker?, I said I was not sure. Realizing that her bloodbending would die along with her without a worthy successor, Hama decided to a have child with one of the villagers. Like prayers, decrees are spoken petitions to God. You are no longer a just petitioner, but are entering into a partnership and an interactive relationship with God. The flames rise and pulsate around you in different shades of purple, pink and violet. We can enter into deep meditation upon it and let its presence enter our surroundings. If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. You should continue your writing. You will not spill the cup as soon as it is filled and fail to make any permanent progress on the path of discipleship. PK. Knowing about the violet flame and feeling the energy of the violet flame are two different things. The violet flame is very powerful and transmutes all negativity and transgressions that you may have in this lifetime or past lifetimes. Now, you can access the art and science of decrees to help you. Since we qualify the energy that Universe gives us with every heartbeat, most likely some of it is not qualified in the best way. You have the capacity to draw enormous quantities of energy from your I AM Presence to stabilize conditions that might, for instance, be burdening others within your household. As you do, watch the blazing violet flame slowly shrink into the center of your forehead, where your third eye is. There are certain characteristics that we read in one another at these levels of consciousness that can tell us much about a person before we even know him. Some experienced the secret flame itself, and some knew of it as the power of Gods mercy to change hearts and the world around them. Violet Flame - What Is It and How Does It Work? - The Summit Lighthouse My experience is so wonderful. the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. Thank you for reading this, Peace to all of you!! It should feel natural to you; the decree should almost speed itself up. The electric blue color that flashes in the aura of Archangel Michael and the devotees of the will of God denotes the presence of purity and power and the alignment of the inner blueprint with the cosmic blueprint of the will of God. Call for spiritual protection first before starting the meditation. Hi I signed up but have yet to receive an email from you Nikki, I just saw your email here. You can make a specific request for the transmutation of whatever mental, emotional or physical problems you are working on in your life. Saint Germain, Master of the Violet Flame and Spiritual Alchemist I had lost my job, but was in process to retrain and go back to school. Start here . more in depth teaching and opportunity too. Shield. Welcome to this powerful guided meditation for activating the Violet Flame!Its purpose is to connect to St. Germain and to help you to transmute and heal! Give your tube of light decree each morning and repeat it as necessary throughout the day. Visualize at the center of your being, a sphere radiating flames of white light. Is this the same flame? Sword. A common one starts with I AM meaning God is in me.. : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. Then I got scared why is this happening? Sorry, comments are closed for this post. Like they were more experienced. [Read More]. The Masters teach that when you pray and draw more light into your aura, darkness is drawn to it, as if by a magnet. Elementals who represent the fire element are called salamanders; those who represent the air element, sylphs; those who represent the water element, undines; those who represent the earth element, gnomes. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. Hi I started using Violet flame last year. Well, there is a spiritual science to transmuting that energy. In this theory, the Violet Flame is a technique to help you purify your life. Did he just disappeared? Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2023 I input your name into the violet flame challenge page so here is your link to confirm: This new song is one of a new vibration and spiritual energy the world has not seen for a long time. Dizziness, thought it was an awakening. Its all energy. These chakras amplify the frequencies of consciousness that manifest as the violet light and the white light. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. It cleansed and centered my spiritual energy (: Saint Germain and the Violet Flame - Temple Of The Presence The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. We can see the beautiful violet flame and visualize its light over us, our families, our world. I am feeling extremely weak. And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma . We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. Here is a preamble that you can use and add to: In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Saint Germain and the angels of the seventh ray. Every human being uses energy and substance waking and sleeping. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. To begin Violet Flame Meditation you can start with something simple like, "I AM a Violet Flame of love and forgiveness.". The use of this spiritual energy is taught by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. He forgot the heart of God inside our heart chakra the violet flame as another altar but instead being a Bhakti Yogi of highest degree He used his devotion influence and guidance and love for Divine Mother to help us activate this divine love in our hearts. Im healing. Paula. If youd like to harness the power of the violet flame for yourself, you can do so with a simple visualized meditation. Poor lighting, dust, untidiness and stale air impede the flow of spiritual energy. It feels like the muscles are all seizing up and tightening up inside the ribcage. Thanks so much! Something felt wrong about it. The only true power anyone has is the spiritual power from their divine source. Rubidium chloride, rubidium hydroxide, and rubidium iodide are water soluble. Healing is a personal journey of self-discovery and there are many ways of healing our broken heart. Chromotherapy is slowly proving itself through modern science to be an effective treatment for emotional and mental distress. Were you connecting to your I AM Presence? So by removing calcified emotional debris and other substances, the violet flame may allow our bodies to reconnect with their natural healing mechanism. Spiritual energy can help us move through many obstacles on our path and heal a multitude of problems from physical and emotional issues, to relationship problems. Thats it! So you need to seal your aura with the white and blue protective energy. Im healing. The nucleus, being from matter, assumes the negative pole and the white fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. I am eternally grateful! Hi Rita Be-Still and know that I am God within me! I am sure I will in the future be working with St. Germain in some way and possibly writing a book together as I have an incredible spiritual journey to tell. This will gently open your heart center. It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. The violet healing energy and Reiki is an ancient spiritual healing tool that helps cleanse ourselves from all the negativity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really like the visual meditation. We can make this contact through meditation upon the Buddha or the Christ, both of whom have given us the key to unlocking the crown chakra, which is the yellow center. We can affirm that heavenly kingdom through our work with the violet flame. The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy.