Section 40:49-1 - "Ordinance" and "resolution" defined, Section 40:49-2 - Procedure for passage; "governing body" defined, Section 40:49-2.1 - Land use ordinances; publication; transmittal to tax assessor, Section 40:49-3 - Ordinances in effect in 1917 unaffected, Section 40:49-4 - Revision and codification of ordinances. EDISON - The township celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the Edison Police Department last week with the promotion of 40 officers - three captains, 12 lieutenants and 25 sergeants - the. Section 40:55D-136.2 - Findings, declarations relative to extension of certain permits and approvals. Section 40:66A-26 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits. Section 40:45-19 - Run-off elections; votes necessary for election. Section 40:54-29.3 - Joint free public libraries. All Ranks! Section 40:54D-21.1 - Entrance into a marketing partnership; qualified business, authority, Section 40:54D-22 - Applicability of "Local Public Contracts Law.". Section 40:23-6.53 - Contracts for collection of delinquent fees, fines. Section 40:56-13.2 - Amounts of money to be expended for improvements established. Section 40:54-7.1 - Dissolution of free public libraries. As it stands in New Jersey, State Police supervisors at several levels meet and rank troopers eligible for promotion to middle management on a scale of 1 to 100, taking into consideration. 40 percent of today's newly promoted captains represent minority populations, including Jersey City's first Muslim police captain: Mohammad A. Riaz. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments, Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning, Section 40:3-7 - Foreclosure of mortgages; municipal sinking fund for school district bonds, Section 40:3-8 - Commissioners not to receive compensation; bonds; secretary and assistants, Section 40:3-9 - Custodian of moneys and securities; investments; accounts, Section 40:3-10 - Sinking fund moneys; investment of, Section 40:3-11 - Annual report; publication, Section 40:3-12 - Accounts; how kept; classification of bonds; accretions; interest; losses, Section 40:3-13 - When commission may sell bonds of county, school district or municipality, Section 40:3-14 - Bonds falling due; funds transmitted for payment, Section 40:3-15 - Commissioners may enforce payment to sinking fund of sums due, Section 40:3-16 - Annual sinking fund requirements; amortization basis, Section 40:3-17 - Sinking fund requirements for year; how calculated, Section 40:3-18 - When contributions to cease, Section 40:3-19 - Excess accumulations, to reduce requirements of sinking fund; deficiency, Section 40:3-20 - Outstanding term bonds tabulated; adjustment of excesses and deficits; surpluses, Section 40:3-21 - Deficiency in sinking funds; how raised, Section 40:3-22 - Special sinking fund requirements additional to annual requirements, Section 40:3-23 - Special sinking fund; distribution of, Section 40:3-24 - Interest on surplus; use of. Section 40:12-6 - Powers of board of recreation commissioners. 2020 Police Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain Exams Please find the key dates for the promotional exams and the listing of participating departments. Section 40:48C-6 - Parking tax; special event parking tax surcharge. Section 40:48-2.60 - Definitions relative to charitable clothing bins. Section 40:55D-11 - Contents of notice of hearing on application for development or adoption of master plan. Section 40:55D-8.3 - Definitions relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:60-51.5 - Waiver, release or modification of covenants, conditions or limitations as to erection of buildings or use of land in conveyances, Section 40:60-51.7 - Sale of lands acquired for places of resort and recreation, Section 40:60-51.8 - Burial grounds for indigents; removal and reinterment of bodies; sale of land, Section 40:60-51.9 - Cost of removal and reinterment, Section 40:60-51.10 - Applicability of act to sales of land previously made, Section 40:60-51.12 - Leasing of municipal real estate to nonprofit entities, Section 40:61-1 - General powers; acquisition of property, Section 40:61-2 - Sale or donation of park lands to state; reversion by nonuse; provisos, Section 40:61-3 - Return of certain unused lands to municipality by park commissions, Section 40:61-4 - Entertainments to raise funds for improvement and maintenance; no charge for children, Section 40:61-5 - Use by school children; admission fee; exceptions, Section 40:61-6 - Library, art gallery and museum in parks; site; control, Section 40:61-7 - Memorial buildings in parks; ordinance authorizing; referendum, Section 40:61-8 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:61-10 - Ballot; form and content; ordinance adopted, Section 40:61-11 - Relocation of streets or railways; cost; exchange of lands, Section 40:61-12 - Ordinances regulating railways in and through parks, Section 40:61-13 - Park lands held by trustees; agreement with trustees; enforcement, Section 40:61-14 - Contribution to maintenance of park lands held by trustees, Section 40:61-15 - Conveyances of burial grounds to municipalities for parks, Section 40:61-16 - Burial grounds conveyed; acceptance and use by municipality, Section 40:61-17 - Recreation commission; creation, Section 40:61-18 - Commissioners; term and compensation, Section 40:61-19 - Recreation commissioners; powers, Section 40:61-20 - Bond issue; state and federal aid, Section 40:61-21 - Lease of premises for contests and exhibitions, Section 40:61-22 - Rules and regulations; quorum, Section 40:61-22.1 - Conveyance of land to county park commission, Section 40:61-22.2 - Sale of reclaimed lands abutting park lands, Section 40:61-22.3 - Public sale to highest bidder; advertisement; minimum price; adjournment, Section 40:61-22.4 - Lease of lands when fixed minimum price not bid, Section 40:61-22.5 - Use of proceeds of sale or lease, Section 40:61-22.6 - Public golf course and other recreational facilities; acquisition of property, Section 40:61-22.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:61-22.9 - Commission to supervise and control, Section 40:61-22.10 - Appropriation by governing body, Section 40:61-22.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:61-22.11a - Municipal golf courses, Section 40:61-22.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:61-22.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:61-22.14 - Fines and penalties; part of municipal funds, Section 40:61-22.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational uses, Section 40:61-22.17 - Power conferred is additional, Section 40:61-22.18 - Cities within first class counties; streets through public parks; widening streets, Section 40:61-22.19 - Rights, liens, interests, reversionary claims or easements in park; acquisition by city. Section 40:55D-70.2 - Board of adjustment, determination; reasons, Section 40:55D-72 - Appeals and applications to board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-72.1 - Continuation of application, Section 40:55D-74 - Modification on appeal, Section 40:55D-75 - Stay of proceedings by appeal; exception, Section 40:55D-78 - Terms of joint agreement, Section 40:55D-79 - Membership of regional boards, Section 40:55D-80 - Organization of regional boards; rules and procedures, Section 40:55D-81 - Expenses; staff and consultants, Section 40:55D-82 - Sharing of costs and expenses, Section 40:55D-83 - Termination of agreement, Section 40:55D-84 - Regional planning board; powers, Section 40:55D-85 - Regional board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-85.1 - Appeal to municipality of final decision on application for development by regional planning board or zoning board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-86 - Appointment of joint building officials, zoning officers and planning administrative officers, Section 40:55D-87 - Joint administrative functions, Section 40:55D-88 - Delegation to county, regional and interstate bodies. Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 40A:14-146.14. Whether you're looking for Section 40:52-11 - Operation of rooming, boarding house, license required, Section 40:52-12 - Application for license; fees. Section 40:55D-17 - Appeal to the governing body; time; notice; modification; stay of proceedings, Section 40:55D-19 - Appeal or petition in certain cases to the Board of Public Utilities, Section 40:55D-20 - Exclusive authority of planning board and board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-21 - Tolling of running of period of approval, Section 40:55D-22 - Conditional approvals. Section 40:56-84 - Annual budget; public hearing; amendment; adoption by municipal governing body, Section 40:56-85 - Annual licenses for business within special improvement district; fees; special account, Section 40:56-86 - Delegation of work by municipality; approval of work, Section 40:56-87 - Inclusion of pedestrian mall or special improvement district in other improvement or rehabilitation district. Section 40:9B-4 - Counties or municipalities; annual appropriation for private centers. Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. Yes, most New Jersey police departments promote from within, and have always done so. Section 40:48-9 - Appropriations to civil war organizations; purposes, Section 40:48-9.1 - Appropriations for expenses of war price and rationing boards; validation of appropriations made, Section 40:48-9.4 - Contributions to nonprofit corporation operating senior citizens center. Section 40:45-10 - Designation of candidate on ballot, Section 40:45-10.1 - Designation of committee on vacancies, Section 40:45-11 - Nomination for one office only, Section 40:45-12 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; drawing lots, Section 40:45-13 - Publication of names of candidates, Section 40:45-14 - Persons with same name; statement of identification on ballot. Section 40:48-2.62 - Receipt, investigation of complaints relative to donation clothing bin. Section 40:5-2.11 - Use of parking meter revenues for off-street parking facilities. Section 40:56-1 - Local improvements; definition and enumeration, doing work as general improvement. Section 40:27-1.1 - Alternate members; appointment; resolution. Section 40:66A-9 - Local unit may appropriate moneys. Section 40:56-56 - Appeal from award in condemnation proceedings; notice. Section 40:55D-32 - Establish an official map, Section 40:55D-33 - Change or addition to map, Section 40:55D-34 - Issuance of permits for buildings or structures, Section 40:55D-35 - Building lot to abut street, Section 40:55D-37 - Grant of power; referral of proposed ordinance; county planning board approval. Section 40:55D-40.2 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-40.3 - Site Improvement Advisory Board, Section 40:55D-40.4 - Submission of recommendations for Statewide site improvement standards for residential development, Section 40:55D-40.5 - Supersedure of site improvement standards, Section 40:55D-40.6 - Municipal zoning power not limited, Section 40:55D-40.7 - Construction of act, Section 40:55D-41 - Contents of site plan ordinance. Selection And Appointment in New Jersey Civil Service Section 40:66A-12 - Publication of bond proceedings. The Police Promotional class meets TWICE per week. Section 40:56-71.2 - "Downtown business improvement zone" designation. Paskelbta 2022-06-04 Autorius homes for sale in northern michigan with acreage Section 40:15A-4 - Availability of program materials; fee. Section 40:74-18 - Ordinances; adoption, submission to voters. Section 40:66A-2 - Public interest and policy declared. Section 40:41A-122 - Notice of district boundaries; publication, Section 40:41A-123 - Adjustments in district boundaries following census, Section 40:41A-124 - Schedule of installation of optional plan adopted. Police Training Commission RULES (04/13/16). Section 40:33-13.3 - Establishment by joint agreement, Section 40:33-13.4 - Provisions of agreement. Section 40:37-95.41 - Powers of park police. Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Browse as List Search Within Chapter 40:3 ( 3-1 3-24) Chapter 40:5 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO FIRST AID, AMBULANCE AND RESCUE SQUADS ( 5-2 5-19) U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 as of September 26, 2022. Section 40:52-16 - Revocation, non-renewal of license. Section 40:9B-5 - Ratification, validation and confirmation of prior appropriations, Section 40:9C-1 - Mass transit or freight line services; counties and municipalities; subsidies; appropriations. Section 40:62-135.1 - Residency requirements for employees of commission operating certain water system. NJ Appeals Court Interprets Police Promotion Statute Section 40:12-15.10 - Agreement with charitable conservancy, non-profit organization. Section 40:9D-8 - Payment of prevailing wage rate. Section 40:48-2.49 - Regulation of operators engaged in removal of motor vehicles. Section 40:14B-22.5 - Credit toward certain fees provided by municipal authority. Section 40:48H-8 - Covenant of State with bondholders. Section 40:14A-4.2 - Provisions relative to budget of certain regional sewerage authorities. to the sports authority. Section 40:54-29.10 - Joint library trustees, Section 40:54-29.11 - Termination of boards of trustees of free public libraries of participating municipalities; assets and obligations, Section 40:54-29.12 - Board of trustees as body corporate; name, Section 40:54-29.13a - Joint free public library administrators, duties. Section 40:14B-22.2 - Reduced, abated rents, rates, fees by municipal authority providing electricity. Section 40:56-89 - Annual report to municipal governing body, Section 40:56A-1 - Commission; appointment; terms; vacancies, Section 40:56A-3 - Acquisitions by commission, Section 40:56A-4 - Records and annual report. Section 40:69A-25.2 - Alternative under 40:69A-25.1, transition provisions, Section 40:69A-25.3 - Group C alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-25.4 - Group D alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-25.5 - Group E alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-26 - Laws governing after adoption of optional form of government, Section 40:69A-27 - Municipality remains body corporate and politic; name, Section 40:69A-28 - "General law" defined. Section 40:45-18 - Municipalities with run-off elections; election of councilmen-at-large or commissioners or village trustees with less than majority of votes. Section 40:55D-150 - Formal comments, recommendation of county planning board. Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 19 = 89.400 An officer with the exact same test score but with the minimum 3 years of qualifying service would be as follows: 88 (test score) .8 = 70.4 (weighted exam score) 3 years + 70 base credit + 10 service credit = 83 83 .2 = 16.6 (weighted seniority score) Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 16.6 = 86.600