There is no getting out once people starting freaking out. How about a 300 foot concrete wall? As well. I understand Florida will be devastated, with the infrastructure completely wiped out, but what are the chances of and actual wave making it that far. Coming in the Fall of 2020. If pole shifts have anything to do with field polarity reversal as Earth passes a null zone, it would have to be from the strong field of a solar binary companion, but not the galaxy. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. May God Bless you all. A good place to start your self-sufficiency preparedness journey is the FEMA website, look for the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) materials. Ken explained the maps were topographical, not predictive. Give, and you will receive. I looked around the terrain & even though I had never been there I knew this was Hawaii or one of its islands. I urge you to look them up. hi, im a high school student in my final years i am doing a physic assignment i need to know how you calculated the distance a tsunami travel in land please if you could tell me. I live in Teaneck, NJ, just outside NYC. Aimed specifically at your Nat. This would cause tsunami-sized waves to . Will we get hit by a tsunami sooner or later yes. and there is imminent danger..person says they are contracted to do job there and the Tsunami boys all but one are either not working or defective if on the east coast you should read the article. If a meteor hits, I do practice yoga so I can bend over and kiss my a$$ goodbye. I hope and pray that it doesnt happen. silver says; In 1977, William Branham has 7 visionsall have come to pass and the seventh is getting ready now.he saw nothing but burning stubble and devestation[?] One more thing.. I have modeled several layers of elevation of the East Coast to illustrate various height scenarios of tsunami versus geography as it travels inland. If you see the 300 foot wave, it will be too late. Thats whats causing all of this. The water in the oceans will still have a lot of momentum rotating in the direction they have been for thousands of years so the oceans will slosh back and forth, probably flooding thousands of feet over the western coasts of the world first, then some time later sloshing over the eastern coasts to a lesser degree. I suspect with all the activity the . I cannot imagine entire easy coast would be hit with massive tsunami? Where should we go? take extra fuel with you remember you can always go back after it is over. Website is best viewed in web browser Brave. Would it reach as far as the mountains? They were made in the 90s buy this guy who seemed to know that the world trade centers would be nuked, oil spill,ect ect. A bunch of SHEEP! They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. We live in Washougal, wa about a 5 min walk from the columbia river. Peace and love to everyone out there <3 Think love, be love <3. By the way, A La Palma eruption is over due. Grab some essentials. Did they find a sale on Halloween Candy and had a sugar rush or what? Downtown Miami office building roofs?. No buoys in the Atlantic until you get an hour off the USA east coast. I have been talking to a concerned Christian in north New Jersey, less than 50 miles south of NYC for some six years. would you happen to know the location you would want to be out of Texas thats 500 or 600 above sea level? Because it is NOT POSSIBLE to generate such a gigantic wave with any land failure from any of these islandsever. Your model is based on a natural disaster ? You would be far better off flying out in a small plane. I believe so. WRONG. I live in the gulf west side of southern florida. Theres not one answer. Any place out of Staten Island would be a good place to relocate to. Not just the U.S, but most Atlantic coastal regions and islands. At least wed have somewhat of a chance. No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? .. .. .. Heres another GLP comment that supports the binary theory: Either a tsunami caused by an event from the West Pacific, or a Cascadia Subduction Zone event?? With axis shift at every major quake, and pole reversal which has already begun, its not the CO2, people. I figured that the rivers would be affected by tsunamis but I wasnt sure how far inland it would go. The Lord can do whatever he wants to do. My family and i live in southern Texas , about 45 minutes from the coast (South Padre Island) Ive done some more checking into this story. Would it hit Brookhaven pa please let me know. Would upstate New York be a good place to relocate?? and there will be more waves after the first, Tsunamis could continue for hours depending on energy and back up of frontal waves making those behind more intense and increased height. The most likely major disaster, currently, is financial collapse, in my opinion. Please shoot me an email as my search for answers will continue. I just watched a video on currency having hidden pictures when folded and the new $100 bill shows a missile impacting the water. Sadly my favorite state Florida will be completely gone because its barely above sea level :( Id honestly get away from there! Just tie a boat to your 2nd floor window and you should be fine. It seems Edgar Cayce predicted the Indian Ocean tsunami, but he also thought Virginia Beach, VA, elevation 12ft, would survive coming Earth changes. Believe SCIENCE, not prophets. Just dreams i know, but could God be trying to tell me something? 10 miles inland, about 100 ft elevation. BTW, today is the day that The President announced pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord which is what got me looking anew, and I found this blog. If anything, The Bahamas help storms get heavier and more fierce as they linger over all that warm water. Amen. Were in Westbrook Ct. Been reading about the LaPalma Volcano. Having said that, there are many variables and factors affecting how far a tsunami would travel inland. This should work! To say that a 300 ft wave will go completely across Florida because there is no topography to absorb is incorrect. It is secured with a stainless steel cable to the ground, and it is very heavy duty. This energy depending on the materials of the matter it flows through, as well as its depth and epicenter size, can give a rather broad range of various types of waveforms with various energy dimensions and dynamics rather than simple or narrow range of vibrational tendencies. Rather, there are lots of it depends. Would we have ample time to reasonably evacuate the major cities? Look to God, make sure that you are not walking in sin. NO fresh water fish can survive in salt water. Wade,I suggest you watch some YouTube videos of the tsunami that hit Japan. Total # of people who have survived a tsunami using your advice 0. Aimo , its not the wave for you its the animals on two legs looking for what you have that they donty and shut the f up and tell not one person what you have hid. Would we have time?? Thank you kindly. Oops, there is a scarcity of plywood because of his green new deal. @Sara, the intent was not to terrify anyone Im sorry if thats what happened. JOY, Karen Just my take..I would not remain in a coastal area with low elevation areas with a rim of rock to shield them it is anyones guess..Tsunami will not get enough warning to flee in areas where all ground is low ground. In 1868, a powerful tsunami killed 10,000 people when it smashed into the coast of Peru with enough energy to carry an American warship 3km (1.9m) inland. My family and I are making sure our house is in order and we are right with God. Any ideas? The only numbers I saw on the Ensure boxes was 707 and the dates for the impact they mentioned a couple times in the movie was August 19th. Karen, This is a little concerning though. Make sure your soul is right with God first. I know we are supposed to not worry as believers and trust that Jesus has saved us by his loved poured out for us on the cross, which I believe, praise God!! Seems to bring out a lot of odd souls who need to do hit and run comments constantly on the subject. I always said it was like being stuck in the bottom of a test tube. Looks to be a little west of the north end of the fissure cracking across the top of the ridge that runs to the southern point. Was looking for maps exactly like this since Russias new torpedo nukes can create 300ft radioactive waves. The Lord moved me here in 2007 from an area of PA that will be untouched by a Tsunami. Also, who has a good approach to thinking about emergency food please share a link. We are One nation under God this is what it says on our money! Seriously? Heard a lady talking about this & she made a comment this could happen in August of this year. Wormword (in the book of Revelation) is to hit the west coast, Yes it is prophetic- and something like a burning mountain fell into the sea and 1/3 of the ships were destroyed read revelation, especially the Second Trumpet. Definitely something is possibly coming and no one is speaking about it, That could mean a real shortage in fossil fuels, and all the more we need an energy this universe runs on, and the only research for that energy one can put their finger on is If you live in Connecticut like me, PLEASE TRY TO BE 100 MILES FROM THE COASTLINE AND 500FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL. You will probably have to be indoors for at least 5 months, and maybe longer. The isles can be really high as they are mostly vulcanic but still very small in diameter And as knowing that a tsunami gains speed with distance how big and how far would it hit there? My Predictions from the Lord Jesus: East coast gets hit with tsunami. The Canary Island scenario, in my opinion, might yield less energy relative to how fast it travels, wave height, how far inland, etc. Hundreds and hundreds of of fish, whales, sharks, turtles, ect beaching themselves with no explanation. We are less than a mile from a river, so that was a little concern for us. Ms, Lousiana, ditto. As I descended I saw the hem of his garment and I wondered what was the vision about and the meaning of it, when I heard a voice saying: Prepare to leave and after I heard the voice saying that the dream ended. The key is to prepare for the unknow. This book will be one of the scariest things you ever read, but it will also be one of the most encouraging because it will inspire you to surrender to God's plan and to become the person that you were created to be. Hope nothing happens tho guys and you wont need this! Around six minutes into this video, he says he has had about 5-6 visions of tsunamis on the East Coast of the United States, one from the Gulf of Mexico, about 4 or 5 or 6 tsunami dreams and . The best thing I can say is pray that you and yours are safe..and if help is needed by your fellow man or neighbor, help them. Since many folks prefer to live in urban areas, as they would be evacuating mostly via interstate highways, then the closer you are to the Eastern Coast, the more the cascades of traffic jams would come into play. buy propane camp stove , gas lanterns. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. Moved off of Long Island to non coastal New Hampshire. He told me he is putting them to safety, of course I found myself on top of the mountain also but did not see water nor anything else. If any tsunami hit Floridas East Coastwere toast. If you run that into a zip code search oddly enough 00701 comes up for where the asteroidss supposed to hit in Puerto Rico.. If your anywhere within a couple hundred miles you will be inundated by people fleeing and then not to mention the infrastructure thats been wiped out and the shipping ports and the refineries. Trouble is, 20 million other people are between you & them. My husband says yes, I say no..who is right? The infrastructure is being hardened in brevard county and by this, I mean steel beams are replacing wooden utility poles. May God bless you all. The Big One is Coming Main Page Bill Weather Expected Sept/Oct 2022. These are very small rivers. Three days of darkness (?). Given a bad economy and the avoidance of routine car maintenance, then one can expect many stalled overheated vehicles among them. 80% of the World, about 8 Billion People now, lives by the Ocean. Traces of past such tsunamis may be found in the southeastern United States, on the continental shelf, in northeast Brazil, in the Bahamas, western Africa. A street in Maryland disappeared today with many cars over a railroad track. The only thing you are leaving out is harbor or valley compression. What the landfall will be like cannot be estimated with the data provided. Look it up get yourself and family right with GOD. We ceased to be one nation under God when we legalize abortion, killing millions of babies a year. After watching the extended cut of The Abyss, that image of a massive Tsunami would be both awesome, and horrifying to witness. A bad prophet is like a bad comedian, they are off primarily in their timing. Not sure where it would originate to get all the way to the city. New York, Boston and Miami could all be struck by the monster wave, while Central and South American tourist hotspots like the Bahamas, Barbados and Trinidad . As such, anyone attempting to get away would likely head West and South entirely dependent upon the season in which a collapse occurred. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Its elevation is greater than 300 feet and there is a ridge in this same area that has elevations in the 200f range. Vice President Al Gore gave You a hint about 20 years ago, that the Weather would start to change around 2016, he said from Green House Gass, but what he was telling you was about Planet X coming. They have know that this is coming, but they wont tell us untill the last minute. I have always attributed my dreams of tidal waves or tsunamis as being indicators of my psychological distress, e.g. The Ring of Fire is extremely active and Cascadia Fault has recently had a doozy of a quake. What is happening off the. by diving into a swimming pool RIGHT BEFORE the wave hit you. Its not even on the main stream news which I know is lame. what about a 100 tsunami, I live 1 mile inland at 43 elevation in coastal N. C. My uneducated guess is that you are royally screwed. You can read the interesting chapters here:, Maybe theres a PDF of the whole book somewhere. In other words, earthquake vibrations are VERY robust, carrying with them lots of information and kinetic energy (the kinetic energy is carrying/housing the information, *infodynamics conduit). Nice to have a mountain range or two between. But the ocean's pretty big. Google Hilina Slump. By the time the decision is made to alert the public to evacuate is given, then the roads will be completely full of much higher than normal congestion. .. one dropped near nyc and the other near dc , how would we fare ? Logically one might reason that the tsunami will travel inland until the elevation of the land is higher than the tsunami. Wish I could convince my husband to fly us home right now! Will Rocky Point, NC be safe? The entire coastline from Alaska down to Mexico was going to be destroyed, and a part of California that juts out to the West on the ocean will be . The thing is, that it COULD happen, but it may not happen in our lifetimes. the Lord has guided me to where i am now through His grace, and i thank Him for it every day. In times such as these (2020 to present) Gods presence is the one constant. The fact that you are thinking about it is something that most other people do not so youre already one step ahead. You can head west only as long as that bridge holds but how much do you think that river will rise and how strong is that bridge? When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. Do you have a way to contact? Some of us will not be able to make that kind of move. Beg you to move above 300 feet elevation, and why delay? So I live in one of the many Great Lake states, how much tatsumi flood water can I expect? After that dream, I have had other dreams of waves coming upon the earth. I dont know when this Tsunami will hit the east coast but please be prepared to take the actions needed to stay alive and ready for the outcome of the Tsunami. Great move August Ark! Edgar Casey Warned that the Entire East Coast would be inundated covered by water in our Future. Many thanks, Once again, didnt happen. I take confidence in the fact that i dont dream this stuff every night. In addition, the weight of all of that water could make Florida sink as there is not much underneath Florida except caves, caverns, honeycombed caves, aquifers, etc.