A primary focus of community-based mental health treatments is: a. education. What are the three parts of personality according to Freud? b. multicultural. This form of behavior therapy is widely used in clinical, business, and classroom situations. a. starting treatment for a diagnosed mental health condition b. passing out educational materials that describe modifiable risk factors for mental illness c. providing routine mental health screenings, followed by immediate intervention as needed d. advocating for federal legislation that protects individuals mental health in the workplace. Treatments related to the biological model include drugs, ECT, and psychosurgery. Stimulants are generally effective and produce a calming effect. Which statement about paradigms is FALSE? c. cognitive-behavioral therapy. a. working through b. exposure therapy c. role playing d. family therapy. The six models of abnormality are biological, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic-existential, sociocultural, and developmental psychopathology perspective. b. modeling. a. id b. superego c. self d. ego. b. cognitive-behavioral. Watson and Skinner defined behavior as what we do or say, but later behaviorists added what we think or feel. b. The biopsychosocial model states that biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors are all equally significant ingredients in producing both normal and abnormal behavior.. d. it is too narrow in certain ways. Also of importance to the neuron is the myelin sheath or the white, fatty covering which: 1) provides insulation so that signals from adjacent neurons do not affect one another and, 2) increases the speed at which signals are transmitted. c. limitations of a focus on ethnicity. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. a. losing the dog b. having the dream over and over c. feeling panicked in the dream d. feeling stress about her mothers illness. Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential. c. maintenance. 82. What happened to that bad behavior that had disappeared? 143. She is very open about herself and shares her thoughts and opinions freely. Males have X and Y chromosomes while females have two Xs. Cognitive processes cannot be empirically and reliably measured and should be ignored. For more on the link between cortisol and depression, check out this article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201301/cortisol-why-the-stress-hormone-is-public-enemy-no-1. b. neurosis. The response re-emerges. Females are at higher risk for developing an anxiety disorder than men. d. classical conditioning. became involved in the German Feminist movement, and in 1904 founded the League of Jewish Women. In the business setting, a model or trainer demonstrates how to use a computer program or run a register for a new employee. d. synapses. Multidimensional Approaches to Understanding Mental Illness | Abnormal b. operate in accordance with the reality principle. Thats all right. Infections can cause brain damage and lead to the development of mental illness or exacerbate existing symptoms. b. humanistic. All of the models include an element of the biological model. The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. It influences blood pressure, thirst, contractions of the uterus during childbirth, milk production, sexual behavior and interest, body growth, the amount of water in the bodys cells, and other functions as well. To be considered distinct from other conditions, a mental illness must have its own set of symptoms. The biological treatment known as psychosurgery would MOST likely be used in the treatment of a patient with: a severe disorder and who has not responded to any other therapies over years of treatment. d. the ways in which women express their femininity. Which model of abnormality does this quote MOST closely represent? 26. With which type of schedule would you expect a person to stop responding to immediately if reinforcement is not there? Clarify how socioeconomic factors affect mental illness. The term for the form of psychotherapy pioneered by Carl Rogers is: a. client-centered. 85. a. disengaged b. neglectful c. enmeshed d. belittling. d. try to figure out the source of their troublesome thoughts. Resistance and transference are terms most likely used by which model? d. special external pressures faced by members of a culture. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of: a. catharsis. Freud considered the talking cure of Anna O. to be the origin of psychoanalytic therapy and what would come to be called the cathartic method. 100. d. hormone therapy. Of course, removing cognition from the study of psychology ignored an important part of what makes us human and separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Supporters of the medical model consequently consider symptoms to be outward signs of the inner physical disorder and believe that if symptoms are grouped together and classified into . Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions? The humanistic perspective focuses on positive regard, conditions of worth, and the fully functioning person while the existential perspective stresses the need for people to re-create themselves continually and be self-aware, acknowledges that anxiety is a normal part of life, focuses on free will and self-determination, emphasizes that each person has a unique identity known only through relationships and the search for meaning, and finally, that we develop to our maximum potential. In fact, behaviorism said psychology was to be the study of observable behavior. 77. A) cognitive-behavioral B) sociocultural C) psychodynamic D) humanistic-existential B? c. abnormality arises from an interaction between predisposition and stress. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression. Conditioning is when learning occurs. The problem with this approach is that mental disorders are not typically caused by a solitary factor, but multiple causes. The BEST explanation for this trend is that these theories: focused on a positive message and living a meaningful life. Each paradigm focuses mainly on one aspect of human functioning. a. egoic b. deterministic c. defensive d. object relational. 74. 64. a. gestalt theorist b. psychodynamic theorist c. existential theorist d. evolutionary theorist. Outline respondent conditioning and the work of Pavlov and Watson. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement? The perspectives do offer hope to people suffering tragedy by asserting that we control our destiny and can make our own choices. A primary focus of the community mental health treatment approach to abnormality is: Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. In Module 2, we first distinguished uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality and made a case that the latter was better to subscribe to. Evaluating the cognitive model. d. projection. d. propositions. Examples of secondary punishers include a ticket for speeding, losing television or video game privileges, ridicule, or a fee for paying your rent or credit card bill late. Which example BEST describes conditions of worth? The term covers a broad range of disorders, from depression to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to personality disorders. c. identify the client's unreasonable ideas and feelings. A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. Freud believed that the three central forces that shape the personality were: a. instincts, the ego, and the self. Once in the brain, it is processed and interpreted. Differentiate uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality. None of the models are complete within themselves. Another respondent conditioning way to unlearn a fear is called flooding or exposing the person to the maximum level of stimulus and as nothing aversive occurs, the link between CS and UCS producing the CR of fear should break, leaving the person unafraid. Annually, approximately 100,000 undergo ECT to treat conditions such as severe depression, acute mania, suicidality, and some forms of schizophrenia. If a client is being guided to challenge irrational thinking and to try out new interpretations, the client is MOST likely being treated by a follower of: a. Rogers. A patient sees a therapist to help her address her eating disorder. as part of their daily life and this can lead to disordered behavior (Lo & Cheng, 2014; Jones, Cross, & DeFour, 2007; Satcher, 2001), though some research suggests that ethnic identity can buffer against these stressors and protect mental health (Mossakowski, 2003). According to psychoanalysts, if a patient relives past repressed feelings, that patient is said to have experienced: A patient sees a therapist to help her address her eating disorder. All of the models include an element of the biological model. a. The humanistic perspective, or third force psychology (psychoanalysis and behaviorism being the other two forces), emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as an alternative viewpoint to the largely deterministic view of personality espoused by psychoanalysis and the view of humans as machines advocated by behaviorism. Any reference to cognitive processes was dismissed as this was not overt, but covert according to Watson and later Skinner. There were times when something bit my foot while I was swimming, but I didn't get hurt at all. In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts? b. Schemas and cognitive errors. Finally, psychoanalytic treatment is expensive and time consuming, and since Freuds time, drug therapies have become more popular and successful. They reflect our unconscious desires and needs. Attributions and cognitive errors. According to cognition-focused therapists, which is a factor in abnormal behavior? Consider a rat trained to push a lever to receive a food pellet. a. religion causes people to deal better with the challenges of life. Only about 10 percent of those who receive couple therapy eventually divorce. c. client-centered The sociocultural model of abnormality focuses on all of these factors EXCEPT: Greshka spilled iced coffee on her shirt while sitting in the park. b. resistance. 148. These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? SAD occurs with greater frequency for those living far north or south from the equator (Melrose, 2015). This is a physical aspect of what disease? The perspective that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of: a. current thinking in the mental health profession. You might make the case that some of the side effects are worse than the condition they are treating. The autonomic nervous system regulates the functioning of blood vessels, glands, and internal organs such as the bladder, stomach, and heart. The axon sends signals/information to neighboring neurons while the dendrites, which resemble little trees, receive information from neighboring neurons. Solved which statement about catergorical vs dimensions | Chegg.com First, consider the topic of social cognition or the process of collecting and assessing information about others. According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that operates by the morality principle is the: Which statement is TRUE regarding electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? Which statement would a family systems theorist MOST likely agree with? d. It focuses on educational goals rather than therapeutic purposes. d. humanistic. List and describe the models of abnormality. Regret orientation Focusing on what you could have done better in the past rather than on improving now. Based on related research, we would expect this person to have a _____ number of offline friends and to _____ share information with them. Which is a goal of acceptance and commitment therapy? A couple therapist who focuses on acceptance and positive change where possible is using _____ therapy. d. disturbing and inaccurate assumptions and attitudes. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on exploring relationships among a persons thoughts, feelings and behaviors. d. object relations theory. Nikolais grandmother has just baked cookies and is placing them on a cooling rack. We can also ask the patient probing questions, seek information from family members, examine medical records, and in time, organize and process all this information to better understand the persons condition and potential causes. b. the libido. d. displacement. 21. Exemplify the effect of maladaptive cognitions on creating abnormal behavior. Which would be a part of your paradigm? Briefly, these included: The article also suggested a few non-cognitive restructuring techniques, including mindfulness meditation and self-compassion. Its a simple strategy, but an important one. 12. If my father seems genuinely happy and pleased with himself after bagging groceries his way, then I will be more likely to adopt this behavior. They can be identified, treated, and monitored by observing and identifying physiological signs. d. people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is: a. positive transference. The synapse consists of three parts the axon of the sending neuron, the space in between called the synaptic space, gap, or cleft, and the dendrite of the receiving neuron. b. exposure therapy. Nikolai runs past, grabs some of the cookies, and runs away. The patient might change the subject, stop talking, or lose his/her train of thought. Once collected or sensed (sensation is the cognitive process of detecting the physical energy given off or emitted by physical objects), the information is sent to the brain through the neural impulse. If your parents resort to alcohol consumption to deal with stressors life presents, then you also might do the same. Through their training and their professional activities, clinical psychologists become very familiar with the definitions of various forms of abnormal behavior and the ways it differs from normal behavior. Uni- vs. Multi-Dimensional Models of Abnormality, https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression, https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/gene, https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-causes-mental-illness#1, https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/strep-throat.html, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-perfectionists-handbook/201202/can-infections-result-in-mental-illness, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/flu/symptoms-causes/syc-20351719, https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Treatments/Psychotherapy, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-practice/201301/cognitive-restructuring, http://cogbtherapy.com/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-exercises/, https://www.psychologytoday.com/therapy-types/existential-therapy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/index.shtml, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.