Not only do fewer than 1% of American college students study abroad, but even fewer of those do an internship abroad. API accepts all forms of financial aid and awards approximately $450,000 each year in study abroad scholarships, which range from $250 to $1,000 per student. But I think the most important lesson I learned is that a meal of bread and cheese (preferably with a side of Eiffel Tower) is perfectly acceptable whenever, wherever. Everyone I met had their own story and their own take on the world. Continuing regular diversity training to U.S. and international API staff, regarding inclusive advising, resources, and context around current movements in the US such as Black Lives Matter, the Me Too movement, and more. STUDY ABROAD AND MUCH MORE. Click … API API Study Abroad in the UK. It gives you the … It felt more like becoming part of a family than just participating in a program!". For the fall semester of my sophomore year of college, I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Oulu, Finland completely on a whim. That experience led me to be more adventurous with my life choices, including after college moving from North Carolina to Texas and bringing me here to work at API! Hometown: Providence, RI / Charlottesville, VA, Study abroad experience: Studied in Italy and Scotland, Education: Bachelor’s of Arts from Elon University and Master of Arts from the University of Glasgow. My first International jaunt was to Europe. We'd all be better off. I believe in the mission of API and want to help grow the company. Customized Program Manager, Team Lead, Study abroad experience: Paris with API, summer faculty-led program in Istanbul/Berlin, Education: French and Int’l Affairs from Northeastern. Students who choose to study abroad in Shanghai with API will take courses at East China Normal University (ECNU). API believes that all of our program participants have the right to study and intern in an environment free of any type of discrimination, bullying or harassment, be that harassment emotional, verbal, physical or sexual in nature. GENERAL INFORMATION The University of Connecticut is partnering with Academic Programs International (API), a preferred housing provider, to offer housing to students in Shanghai. For me, my experiences living and working abroad serve as an important reminder to enjoy every moment, challenge ourselves, and cherish the personal connections we have the good fortune to make with people from around the world. Many of those lessons have stuck with me. API students have two choices for study abroad in Rome: Founded in 1972, John Cabot University is an independent, four-year, U.S.-accredited liberal arts university located in Rome. Reporting Discrimination or Other Inappropriate Behavior, Procedure Following Report of Assault or Harassment Between Program Participants, Procedure Following Allegations of Harassment/Discrimination by API Representative/Employee. I loved studying and living abroad and I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything in the world! Having studied abroad in Ecuador as an undergraduate student, Latin America will forever hold a place in my heart. I studied abroad nearby in Dijon, a smaller, student-friendly city where the locals were patient with us struggling to use our French when purchasing food or stamps and postcards. Education: Bachelor’s degree in Economics & Spanish from Kalamazoo College, Master’s degree in International Development Studies from The George Washington University. I wanted to pay it forward, so I established my career in the field of international education. Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Study abroad experience: Sevilla, Spain and Salamanca, Spain. They always say that time flies when you are having fun! I remember who I was at the beginning of that semester and who I became during that semester, after months of facing and overcoming challenges every day, gaining confidence and self-assurance at every step. Explore our virtual programs and customize it to your schedule! Once in a lifetime opportunity. api APPLICATION. I fell in love with the world beyond and during college, I studied abroad for two semesters in Merida, Mexico and in Accra, Ghana. Education: Bachelor’s in Communications with an International focus from the University of Texas at Austin, Diploma in Hispanic Studies, Master’s in Spanish Language & Culture from the University of Salamanca. Thanks to Italy, I not only found a career path where I can help send others overseas but also a way of life that embraces the Italian custom of taking time to slow down and enjoy each moment. I can still remember vividly the excitement (and nervousness!) I began to understand the value of international experiences at a young age and it was solidified through studying abroad in Mexico and Spain in college. She began her professional career in the Tourism industry working for several years as a tour leader in Greece, Tunisia, Egypt, and North Europe. Experience the world from anywhere in the world with API’s virtual programs. Tackle global challenges, study a new language with native speakers, give your resume a global edge, and more! The speed at which I fell in love with Paris, and study abroad in general, was a direct result of the fact that my program started on Valentine’s Day. The Office of International Studies and Programs has partnered with API Abroad to offer John Jay students even more options when considering study abroad. I later discovered that politics was not the path for me and actually came to this realization while studying abroad in France. No matter how hard it is to fumble your way through asking for directions, there’s really no better time or place than during a semester abroad. I believe that it was these experiences with Heike and her family that made me long to want to see the world, learn more about it, and help others go beyond the borders of their own towns, cities, and country. Studying abroad can make you more competitive in the workforce. Senior Regional Director, University Relations. He is a special peer reviewer for the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Study abroad experience: Granada, Spain (with API!). ACADEMIC PROGRAMS INTERNATIONAL • 301 camp craft road • suite 100 • Austin TX 78746 Telephone 512/600-8900 OR 800/844-4124 • FAX 512/600-8999 • E-mail Prague taught me acceptance and how to be open. And then it dawned on me– international education! Study abroad experience: Granada (with API!) Immerse yourself in Spanish culture with API. Deliberate violation of such an agreement by either party could result in immediate dismissal from the program, even if the formal API investigation remains ongoing. I chose to work in international education because I wanted to help other students go on their own journey. She was able to help me with everything I had questions about and was a really fun traveling partner. In Johannesburg we visited the Apartheid Museum and several communities within Soweto, including Vilakazi Street. Experience the freedom of choice and flexibility. Study abroad experience: Granada (with API!) I fell in love with the city immediately! Assign a new API representative to be the point of contact for the reporting participant on-site. I felt a true connection to the human experience and what truly matters. Both the reporting and responding parties will be permitted to review the written testimonies of the other party. Study abroad experience: Bangor, Wales, UK; Bologna, Italy; Granada, Spain. Click Here to Create an Account to Apply Applying For Intern Abroad? The difference is in the details. Where is your most favorite travel destination that you’ve been to, and what about that spot impacted your life and your direction?In 2018 I was lucky enough to travel to Guatemala, both to Antigua and Lake Atitlán, with about 20 different people for a friend's wedding. Study in Barcelona with API. Regional Coordinator, University Relations, Study abroad experience: semester in Prague, Czech Republic and academic year in Sevilla, Spain (with API! international Experience: Mr. Reyes has an international law practice and for several years now he has traveled frequently to Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. And when they didn’t visit our small town they sent the most beautiful dresses for my sister and I and delicious chocolates for both Easter and Christmas. Carmen was born and raised in Argentina, and holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. in Spanish and Journalism from the University of Oregon; M.A. Biomedical Engineering in Barcelona. There are many great opportunities - you just need to know where to look. I reached my goal, so now, when I think of Paris, I remember more than my favorite spots in the city. API will interview any applicable witnesses. Favorite Place: Mexico! Upon graduation from Elon, I moved back to Italy, and for two years I taught English to Italian students between the ages of three and eighty-two. Education: Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature from Hamilton College, Master’s degree in Spanish from Middlebury College. API gives you the most inclusive and highest quality study abroad experience for the price. Education: B.A in International Studies, major International Relations, Texas State University. The Toolbox … Associate Vice President, University Partnerships, Study Abroad Experience: Morelia, Mexico and Barcelona, Spain, Education: Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Latin American & Iberian Studies from UC Santa Barbara, Master’s degree in International Education from The George Washington University. I loved API! Living at the end of the Camino de Santiago for four years made it impossible to avoid the much-maligned "turigrino" culture, but it wasn't until I set out on my own Camino experience (fun fact, there are multiple Caminos; not just el Francés) that I understood what all the fuss was about. My semester abroad was such a positive experience that I decided to finish up my undergraduate Spanish credits in Madrid for six weeks one summer. API Study Abroad Program at the University of Barcelona. It is an opportunity to set yourself apart from your peers and have the experience of a lifetime learning and living in a new culture.". She holds degrees from the University of Salamanca in both English and Spanish Philology and she went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language at the same University. After moving with her husband to the U.S., she began her professional career teaching in the Spanish Department at Yale University for five years. Additionally, he serves on the board of the University of Dubuque, Alliant International University, and Calumet College of St. Joseph. I had the opportunity to travel around Italy and Greece for over two months. Students who choose to study abroad in Florence with API at Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LdM) – Florence may elect to take 1 or 2 courses per four-week term; alternatively, they may elect to pursue a 6-credit workshop course, or add a professional development component to their study. I came into the world of international education through trial and error, as oftentimes people fall unexpectedly into their chosen careers. Now, back in her beloved BA, she is thrilled to have again the opportunity to help American students make the most of their experience in Argentina. I recall the moment I fell in love with Paris … it was my first gaze on Le Tour Eiffel. Through each moving experience, I learned so much about different places, people and subcultures. Attracted by North American culture, Marie lived for some years in Canada and later returned to France where she served as a host family for 10 years. while studying at a U.S. university. Are you looking to build on your international experience by pursuing a career in the field of international education? I returned from my time abroad with a greater appreciation for people and all of the experiences that make us unique. You can mix and match your programs to do both at the same time. Being able to explore other countries has been a wonderful adventure, learning about other people and their culture allows us to see the world through their eyes. My classrooms were incredibly diverse with students from all over the world and the IB program, with its focus on global understanding and cultural diversity, gave way for a learning environment which encouraged students to learn from each other. Academic Programs International (API) was founded in 1997 by four women (the Founding Mamas) dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable study abroad programs for U.S. students. The world is your classroom. Not only did it help my language skills, but it also helped me gain a better understanding of my new environment. Additionally, it may be necessary for API to share some details regarding a given incident with fellow participants in order to protect their safety; API will seek to do so without exposing the identity of the reporting party. More information, including contact information, about support for victims of crimes abroad can be found online at: Additionally, Jeffery has a graduate certification in financial law from the Kent College of Law and attended Harvard’s Graduate School of Education IEM program and Yale’s Endowment Institute. She is highly knowledgeable and compassionate.". Complete an official interview with the Senior VP of Organizational Operations and/or the Senior Director for Student Services. *In cases of sexual assault, the insurance plan provided by API requires participants to seek medical attention within 24 hours of the incident to cover certain types of treatment. Once I arrived, I found that everyday tasks had become new and exciting! Any physical or verbal abuse or harassment by a participant can result in automatic dismissal from the API program. Learning Transformed. You can mix and match your programs to do both at the same time. I had to learn to adapt and embrace new cultures. I love the idea that the Bhutanese take such pride in their natural surroundings. My personal motto is to leave the world around you better than you found it, therefore API's Core Values really spoke to me. Traveling has been my passion since day one. Program Details. She has developed a great ability to closely connect with American study abroad students. Their diverse experiences abroad , first as students and … API was founded in 1997 by four women dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable study abroad programs for U.S. students. Education: Bachelor’s degree in English from Wake Forest University. ), Education: Bachelor’s degree in English and French from the University of Texas at Austin; MFA in Creative Writing from Chatham University, I studied abroad with API in Grenoble, France and when I returned home, I wanted to motivate other first-generation college students and those from underrepresented backgrounds to explore the world because I firmly believe prolonged experience in different cultural environments is integral to a global society that promotes tolerance and inclusion. But the call of home beckoned and Rachel now lives in Leeds with her 3 boys and Luna the labrador, from where she runs the Leeds programme and manages the UK & Ireland programmes. A few years later I was told about an open position at API and here I am one year later loving my job here. API also believes that international educational experiences should be accessible to as many participants as possible, and in that vein, seeks to include as many components in the program price as possible for participants at a low cost. In 2015, Shoshana and her two colleagues launched Sterling's first-ever, sector-specific investment fund, the $252 million Education Opportunity Fund, which provides growth capital and strategic guidance to organizations in the education and employment sectors. Study Abroad (or International) Experience: I did not have the opportunity to study abroad, but I love traveling and highly encourage others to do it. Jane has deep experience and success in leading mission-focused organizations in the education and employment sectors. The rest is history! It is amazing and life-changing to be able to spend time in a different country and immerse yourself in the language and culture. Study abroad experience: Faculty-led month in Egypt; Angers, France; Paris, France, Education: Bachelor’s degree in Global Studies with a regional track in Europe from St. Edward’s University. • API-AUT UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP (AUT University, New Zealand) Now that you have chosen your study abroad destination with API, you are likely reading about the country you will soon … In that case, students may be given specific instructions on how to conduct themselves within the confines of a given course and students may be provided with specific routes that they must take to and from class to avoid unsupervised contact. I truly believe in API’s mission and core values! API gives you the most inclusive and highest quality study abroad experience for the price. I was accompanied by my husband and then two-year-old son and had the distinct pleasure of introducing them to my Ecuadorian host family who I had not seen in person for almost 17 years! The daughter of an entrepreneur and elementary school teacher, Shoshana Vernick grew up in Northwest Indiana and has spent the last 20 years as a business builder and investor. API Study Abroad Program at the University of Seville, Spain. TCSES was the first Type II SO nonprofit system created in education and includes various colleges and universities (The Chicago School, Saybrook University, Pacific Oaks College, Dallas Nursing Institute, and the Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law). ), Education: Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages with a concentration in Spanish from Framingham State University. As a plant lover and someone who tries to be environmentally conscious, I think this is absolutely amazing. Learn About Developing a Customized Program. The GLA fosters the development of communication and outreach skills to help you share your experience in your community, on your campus, and in job interviews. SAI Spring 2021 On-Site Program Options. Study abroad experience: Salamanca, Spain. Study abroad experience: Granada (with API!) All API stateside staff and international representatives are responsible for following local laws and performing their duties in an ethical manner. Senior Director for University Relations and Inclusion Initiatives, Study abroad experience: Au pair – Biarritz, France; ESL instructor – Pusan, South Korea, Education: Bachelor’s degree in Journalism (Texas State University), M.A. Prior to NRCCUA, Patrick served as CEO for both public and private digital media technology companies and has held senior executive positions at some of the most prestigious brands in the world, including The Weather Channel, Sony, HP, and Dell. Each unique experience, and the incredible people I met along the way, changed me in ways that I never could have imagined. and didn’t meet many people from different parts of the world. I was also lucky enough to study abroad in high school and teach abroad in college, and those experiences have forever shaped me. and a faculty-led trip to Berlin. In my ten plus years working at API, I have enjoyed serving in multiple roles but my favorite responsibilities are always those that allow me to work with our coordinators and directors abroad. Learn about the application … For example, if there is only one section of a given course, it may not be possible to remove the responding party from that course until an investigation has been completed. Providing it has clearance to do so from the reporting party and local authorities (if applicable), API will move forward with an investigation as expeditiously as possible. Comparative Healthcare Systems in Havana. I was really impressed with the service and organization that API provided. Want to go abroad and go virtual? API will continue to support the reporting party and provide guidance to the responding party during this time. Education: Bachelor’s degree in German from the University of Texas at Austin. Julie was and is still one of the main reasons I am with API today. Dublin is cool and Paris is great, but Chile has captured my traveler’s imagination. I also love Paris because it reminds me of the ways studying abroad contributed to my personal development. When a participant puts forth allegations about inappropriate behavior or actions taken by a fellow API participant (defined as “responding party”), API has an obligation to act and investigate those allegations. API was founded in 1997 by four women dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable study abroad programs for U.S. students. Global Select Program - Fall 2020, API Alumnus, Samantha Hagan shared her study abroad story and began by saying, “There really isn’t anything I would recommend more than study abroad. Federica was born and raised in Italy and holds a degree in Tourism Economy at the University of Florence, Italy. and a faculty-led trip to Berlin. While living in Paris, I gained an incredible confidence about being able to work and survive in another country, traveled to 13 countries, and learned to speak French fluently (after only having a month of French classes prior to leaving). What international experiences led you to your role at API? He holds an M.B.A. and B.S. Studied Abroad: Seville, Spain (with API! API … I'm thrilled to be back at API to lead the Enrollment Management team and continue my mission of creating access for all students to study abroad. Little did I know that these connections and this magical city would eventually lead me to the other founding mothers of API. The only exception to this was the fact that my grandparents had German friends who would visit them yearly. In simple terms, this means that if API finds that the alleged incident is more likely to have happened than not, API will proceed to discipline the responding party and may immediately dismiss the responding party from the API program. With API Customized Programs, some of the best learning happens outside of the classroom walls. I grew up hearing stories from my dad's backpacking adventures and my mum's life in South Africa, and visiting family in England on a consistent basis. Even studying for an exam or writing a paper for a class had an added thrill, as I worked with students from other countries and cultures. We deliver exceptional experiences with student well-being as our highest priority. API students have several options to study abroad in Paris: Cours de Civilisation Françaises de la Sorbonne (CCFS) With its history dating back to the end of World World War I, the CCFS focuses on French language instruction and introducing students to French culture and society since 1919. API students have access to a unique online service, the API Toolbox. Ironically, what struck me the most about that first view was not the tower itself instead it was the hundreds of Parisians lying on the grass in front of it. My most recent travels abroad involved an expat experience with my husband and two sons. The trip was fast-paced and the kids had a blast. With a wealth of options, superior student services, and a focus on academic excellence, API … API is a leader in the space and the people here are so passionate and amazing to work with! I received my master’s degree in international education from the University of Glasgow, and have now been in the field for about seven years. API understands that students and recent graduates have a number of obligations that might make it challenging to intern abroad. Over the course of my education, I studied abroad in Barcelona, the United Kingdom, Uganda, Israel and South Africa, while traveling extensively as much as possible in between. I was hooked! Currently, Jeffery is an operating partner at Sterling Partners, a $2.6 billion private equity fund that invests in education. “My time at La Trobe University has been a very positive and rewarding experience. However, through my experience with API, I learned how to fight for what I want, and be confident in my decisions in life; personally and professionally. Students should carefully consider a variety of factors when selecting a study abroad program. Virtual Short-Term Spanish Study with Universidad de Salamanca. A synopsis of the interview will be provided to the reporting party to verify accuracy following the interview. Study abroad experience: Although Marc did not study abroad, he did spend six months working abroad on the Disneyland Paris Work Exchange Program. He is the chairman of the board for Sterling education companies Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology and Edcura, and serves on the board of several other Sterling owned companies. The program included trips throughout Spain, an international excursion, and other immersive activities such as a cooking class or language exchanges. I made it my goal to study abroad in college- as this would be the perfect opportunity to live in another country. Global Business in London. Soon thereafter, I was on a plane to Italy as I took on my initial role of API Italy Program Manager, and I’ve never looked back! Where is your most favorite travel destination that you’ve been to, and what about that spot impacted your life and your direction?There have been many places! I studied International Studies and Italian at Elon University, and after studying abroad in Italy for a semester, I knew I wanted to move back and have my own immersive experience. For example, the Title IX legislation in place in the U.S. assists students who experience some form of gender discrimination (e.g., sexist jokes, catcalls, inappropriate touching, sexual assault, dating violence, etc.) The history, the culture, the innovation, and the real sense of family at API is what keeps me inspired each and every day. I truly enjoy be part of API. Biomedical Engineering in Barcelona. All API students receive orientation information to help them prepare for their study abroad session. API went above and beyond in ensuring that every student had an experience in Granada. I loved studying in Florence and hopefully will be back again to visit one day. API has grown rapidly since its founding nearly 20 years ago. How about top three favorite travel destinations? As fate would have it, my first real job out of college was working for another international education provider, where I learned the ropes and fell in love with the field. I emailed a resume and cover letter on the off-chance that they might need someone with my experience and expertise. We believe doing what you love can change the world. A few years later, I had the opportunity to travel to Italy with my family and practice my Italian, while visiting several towns and cities. Education: B.A., International Affairs and Spanish, James Madison University; M.A., Development Management and Policy, Georgetown University & la Universidad de General San Martin. We are committed to honest, ethical practices and adherence to social and governmental norms wherever we operate. With a wealth of options, superior student services, and a focus on academic excellence, API is committed to providing experiences of an exceptional value and is the two-time winner of GoAbroad People's Choice Award! Study abroad experience: Although Christie did not have an official study abroad experience, she has lived in Colombia, Burma, Hong Kong, and Austria. It sparked the travel bug in me and made me want to connect with other cultures and people of the world. Throughout my time there, I made a ton of memories and learned more about myself than I ever imagined I would. Program options in more than 20 countries Rachel was president of the Latin-American Society throughout her degree and was introduced to US culture by living with study abroad students from the US. During the summer of 2016, I traveled to Quito, Ecuador, to train our newest director. The embassy/consulate staff can provide a list of reputable medical services and other resources in the area. Although I expected I would love my experiences abroad, I couldn't have been prepared for the immense impact they each had on me. In addition to attending games, I got to experience an amazing country with an abundance of wildlife and culture. Just kidding – but really, I fell hard and fast for the beautiful City of Light. Education: Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Montclair State University, Master’s degree in Liberal Studies from Boston University and Ph.D. in Intercultural Communications from University of Texas. After that moment, I fell hopelessly, helplessly, head-over-heels in love with the city. Tries to be the point of contact for the company might be to API Luther college a growing. Travel there with my experience and go the extra mile to make Illinois Institute of Technology about! Mix and match your programs to do both at the University of Texas at.... My junior year review the written testimonies of the University of Texas Austin! The TCS education System ( TCSES ) where he served as an executive Pacific Regional ;! From, and then to Sevilla the ways studying abroad and Stirling, Scotland ( with API! ) Fall! An open position at API and here i am a proud API Paris Spring 2011 alumna Research study... 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