The press of time forced the use of jargon and there were certainly long periods when the astronauts were doing little more than bagging yet another piece of rock. They had learned an important lesson. Most of the scientific equipment, together with a central power station and transmitter, was stowed in two compact packages that were tucked away in the Descent Stage. Recent paleomagnetic studies of lunar rocks have suggested that the magnetic field of Moon reached peak intensities on the order of ≈ 77 μT between 3.85 billion and 3.56 billion years ago (Ga) and subsequently declined to surface intensities of ≈ 4 μT by 3.19 Ga. This journal covers the flight of Apollo 12 from launch to splashdown. "I can't believe it!". "Stand by?! Both the color and the footing were direct results of the violence of the impact. The impact broke the little clumps of dark glass, giving them the color and appearance of a shattered windshield; and it also tossed and churned the soil so that, when it fell, it took on the consistency of a freshly-poured pile of sand with grains balancing precariously on one another. Apollo Flight Journal, the excellent companion to the ALSJ by David Woods and the AFJ team;; Journal de la Surface Lunaire (en Français); Journal der Monderkundung (auf Deutsch); Apollo Image Gallery, quick access to high-res scans of mission photos, edited by Kipp Teague; ", He wasn't absolutely sure but, seconds later, at pitchover, there was no doubt. The hammocks and a warmer cabin made for an easier night than the Apollo 11 crew had. Along the way, they found beads of glass lying out on the surface, and, at Middle Crescent Crater, hints of bedrock exposed in the inner walls. With luck, the process could be completed in under two hours and that's just about how long it took. Then it was back to Intrepid for closeout. But, still, I woke up four hours later...I remember, that's all I slept. The LSM was a part of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages (ALSEP) for the Apollo 12, 15, and 16 missions. Related: Apollo 12 Apollo 125cc Dirt Bike Apollo 12 Mission Apollo 12 Crew Apollo 125cc Rfz Apollo 12 Alan Bean Apollo 12 Command Module Apollo 125cc Db 007 . A view of the surface as Al moves the camera. Or something else? ☛ NASA / Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Journal – Cuff Checklists: Alan Bean’s Cuff Checklist depicting Playmate No. Altogether, Apollo 12 spent 3.7 days in lunar orbit, circling the Moon 45 times. And, finally, Apollo 12 was particularly noteworthy in that Pete Conrad and Al Bean simply had a lot of fun. They made a few minor mistakes when, out of eagerness, they occasionally relied more on memory than on the detailed checklists. Son-of-a-gun! In thin enough layers and with the right background, lunar soil looks brown. Conrad tried to guess how what the fit should be, but underestimated the extra length need to accomodate the LCG. ( 0.9 Mb) formatted by Brian McInall. However, thanks to the checklists, they were able to get back on track after only a few minutes of wasted effort. The World-Wide Web's most extensive collection of high-quality Apollo images, featuring images scanned for Eric Jones' Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. As firm as the soil is on the inside of Surveyor Crater, it isn't as thick as it is out on the level plain, and the Block Crater impactor easily punched through to bedrock. The geologists wanted to know if there were indications that the Sharp impact had reached to the base of the soil layer. But he knew he was close, certainly within a couple hundred meters of the target. Find and read the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal's entry for Apollo 17, no. The crew deployed the instrument package. The complete ALSEP weighed 250 pounds on Earth, but only about 40 pounds on the Moon, and Bean had no particular trouble hauling the load to the deployment site about one hundred fifty meters west of the LM. A decrease was, of course, inevitable because, during the peak years, NASA had to undertake a number of expensive projects simultaneously. But there wasn't time, especially not with Conrad - with occasional help from Houston - urging him on. Conscious of the timeline, they moved quickly from one site to the next and, once they arrived, were in constant motion as they turned to take photographic panoramas, manipulated tools and the sample bags, and did their best to grab rocks without having to bother with the tongs.