[33][34][35], A disputed tradition, based on the single source of the Historia Augusta, regarded[by whom?] Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization. The Jews suffered a serious blow in Jerusalem and its environs in Judea, but the Jewish communities thrived in the remaining regions of Palestine—e.g., Galilee, Bet Shean, Caesarea, Golan and along the edges of Judea[16] The massive destruction and death in the course of the revolt has led scholars such as Bernard Lewis to date the beginning of the Jewish diaspora from this date. [80], The disastrous end of the revolt also occasioned major changes in Jewish religious thought. [8] These coins include references to "Year One of the redemption of Israel", "Year Two of the freedom of Israel", and "For the freedom of Jerusalem". Simon bar Kokhba declared Herodium as his secondary headquarters. In the aftermath of the defeat, the maintenance of Jewish settlement in Palestine became a major concern of the rabbinate. The Roman Army had meanwhile turned to eradicate smaller fortresses and hideout systems of captured villages, turning the conquest into a campaign of annihilation. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Related Content Inside one of the caves, burned wood was found which was dated to the time of the revolt. From the little that can be gleaned, a general picture of Bar Kochba emerges of a charismatic, physically courageous, somewhat brutal, and at times tyrannical leader who led his followers and perhaps himself to believe that he was a messianic king born to free his people. What details of the actual revolt remain to us are mostly through the epitome of Cassius Dio. [73][74], During the 5th and the 6th centuries, a series of Samaritan revolts broke out across the Palaestina Prima province. The historical memory of the Bar Kochba Revolt has been much weaker than that of the Jewish revolt of 70 CE, perhaps because of the spectacular tragedy of the Temple’s destruction, perhaps because no detailed history of it still survives today. The Talmud, for instance, refers to Bar Kokhba as "Ben-Kusiba," a derogatory term used to indicate that he was a false Messiah. Modern historians view the Bar Kokhba Revolt as having decisive historic importance. Under Roman rule, which began in 63 BC, Jews were excessively taxed and their religion persecuted. These tensions were related to the establishment of a large Roman military presence in Judea, changes in administrative life and the economy, together with the outbreak and suppression of Jewish revolts from Mesopotamia to Libya and Cyrenaica. Hadrian then dispatched his best generals, most notably Julius Severus. For the most part, however, he is reviled as a false messiah who brought disaster on his people. 2005. Many Jews from the diaspora made their way to Judea to join Bar Kokhba's forces from the beginning of the rebellion, with the Talmud recorded tradition that hard tests were imposed on recruits due to the inflated number of volunteers. Simon bar Kokhba was believed to be the Messiah by Rabbi Akiva, the greatest rabbinical sage of his generation, because he led a successful independence revolt against Rome. The Jewish sources are far more explicit, with tales of Roman soldiers smashing babies against rocks and the mass slaughter of civilians. [82], Over the years, two schools formed in the analysis of the Revolt. It is not known whether the revolt spread outside of Judea. Bar-Kokhba united his army in Judea and led the Jews in battle. [56] Bar Kokhba's fate is not certain, with two alternative traditions in the Babylonian Talmud ascribing the death of Bar Kokhba either to a snake bite or other natural causes during the Roman siege or possibly killed on the orders of the Sanhedrin, as a false Messiah. [9], Historians have suggested multiple reasons for the sparking of the Bar Kokhba revolt, long-term and proximate. In all likelihood, then, the revolt was not only a political or military event but also a strongly religious one, powered by the intense passions of messianic belief in the coming redemption of Israel. The holiday Lag B’Omer, originally related to the Kabbalah, was remade as a celebration of Bar Kochba and his revolt. Aharon Oppenheimer, ‘The Ban on Circumcision as a Cause of the Revolt: A Reconsideration,’ Aharon Oppenheimer, התגלית שהוכיחה: מרד בר כוכבא חל גם בשומרון. One of them is maximalists, who claim that the revolt spread through the entire Judea Province and beyond it into neighboring provinces. Written by Benjamin Kerstein, published on 30 August 2018 under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Shalev-Hurvitz, V. Oxford University Press 2015. p235, "Ancient Inscription Identifies Gargilius Antiques as Roman Ruler on Eve of Bar Kochva Revolt", A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, "Roman provincial coin of Hadrian [image]", "The Bar Kochba Revolt: A Disaster Celebrated by Zionists on Lag Ba'Omer", "Julian the Apostate and the Holy Temple", Evans, J.A.S. However, the Jewish sources are not particularly positive either. David Ussishkin: "Archaeological Soundings at Betar, Bar-Kochba's Last Stronghold", in: This page was last edited on 9 January 2021, at 19:37. Therefore, Hadrian, in writing to the Senate, did not employ the opening phrase commonly affected by the emperors: 'If you and your children are in health, it is well; I and the army are in health. [27] The Church Fathers and rabbinic literature emphasize the role of Rufus in provoking the revolt. ; Idem, 1990, supra n. 1, at 293ff.) [9], In 132, the revolt led by Bar Kokhba quickly spread from central Judea across the country, cutting off the Roman garrison in Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Most tellingly, the rabbis linked the fall of Beitar to the worst disasters to befall the Jewish people. The Jewish sources relate that when Beitar fell "men, women, and children were slain until their blood ran into the great sea," i.e. In 2014, one half of a Latin inscription was discovered in Jerusalem during excavations near the Damascus Gate. This revolt began as small, spontaneous clashes between Jews and Roman forces. Despite the reference to Jerusalem, as of early 2000s, archaeological finds, and the lack of revolt coinage found in Jerusalem, supported the view that the revolt did not capture Jerusalem. Second Temple Modelby Dana Murray (CC BY-NC-SA). Bar Kokhba. However, there is little to indicate that he was unusually tyrannical by the standards of the time. It seems clear, however, that the war was also very costly for the Romans. Eccl." Bar Kochba Coinby Nick Thompson (CC BY-NC-SA). The Talmud describes him as "the wicked" and states that he personally "plowed the Sanctuary," i.e. Shimon Bar-Kokhba was the leader of the Jewish revolt against Rome between 132 and 135 C.E. [60] In addition, many Judean war captives were sold into slavery.[14]. Cassius Dio states that the war broke out due to Emperor Hadrian’s (r. 117-138 CE) decision to reconstitute Jerusalem as a pagan city with a temple to Jupiter on the site of the Second Temple. [95] It was identified as the right half of a complete inscription, the other part of which was discovered nearby in the late 19th century and is currently on display in the courtyard of Jerusalem's Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Museum. [68] The Sages endeavoured to halt Jewish dispersal, and even banned emigration from Palestine, branding those who settled outside its borders as idolaters.[68]. This view is largely supported by Cassius Dio, who wrote that the revolt began with covert attacks in line with preparation of hideout systems, though after taking over the fortresses Bar Kokhba turned to direct engagement due to his superiority in numbers. Eusebius, Jerome, and the rabbinic literature all mention Bar Kochba, but by no means provide a complete picture, though the Jewish sources are by far the most detailed. Hadrian went so far as to permanently change the name of Judea to Palestina, effectively erasing its Jewish past. The revolt established a three-year-long independent Jewish state in which Bar Kokhba ruled as nasi ("prince"). [19][20][21] ), harvnb error: no target: CITEREFFeldman1990 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFJacobson2001 (, Justin, "Apologia", ii.71, compare "Dial." Both Eusebius and the Jewish sources agree that the war ended with Bar Kochba and his men making a final stand at the fortress of Beitar near Jerusalem. While they are often clearly legendary and unreliable in nature, they do paint a general picture of the Jewish experience of the war and its aftermath. At first sympathetic towards the Jews, Hadrian promised to rebuild the Temple, but the Jews felt betrayed when they found out that he intended to build a temple dedicated to Jupiter upon the ruins of the Second Temple. [23], The Bar Kokhba revolt greatly influenced the course of Jewish history and the philosophy of the Jewish religion. The war is also briefly mentioned by the Church father Jerome. Following the Fall of Betar, the Roman forces went on a rampage of systematic killing, eliminating all remaining Jewish villages in the region and seeking out the refugees. Galilee became an important center of Rabbinic Judaism, where the Jerusalem Talmud was compiled in the 4th-5th centuries CE. [67] Rabbinic Judaism had already become a portable religion, centered on synagogues. The outbreak and initial success of the rebellion took the Romans by surprise. License. '"[63] Some argue that the exceptional number of preserved Roman veteran diplomas from the late 150s and 160 CE indicate an unprecedented conscription across the Roman Empire to replenish heavy losses within military legions and auxiliary units between 133 and 135, corresponding to the revolt. Gaius Publicus Marcellus, the Legate of Roman Syria, arrived commanding Legio III Gallica, while Titus Haterius Nepos, the governor of Roman Arabia, brought Legio III Cyrenaica. Eusebius, by contrast, seems to imply that this was a result of the war rather than a cause, although this is somewhat ambiguous. This appears to strongly indicate that, while it was by no means a consensus opinion, there was a strong and widespread belief that Bar Kochba was the promised messiah. Bar Kokhba, original name Simeon Bar Kosba, Kosba also spelled Koseba, Kosiba, or Kochba, also called Bar Koziba, (died 135 ce), Jewish leader who led a bitter but unsuccessful revolt (132–135 ce) against Roman dominion in Judaea.. During his tour of the Eastern Empire in 131, the Roman emperor Hadrian decided upon a policy of Hellenization to integrate the Jews into the empire. Simon Bar Kokhba took the title Nasi Israel and ruled over an entity that was virtually independent for two and a half years. The rabbinic attitude toward the Bar Kokhba Revolt of 132 might be considered to be a bit ironic. To the Romans, the revolt was best forgotten but was sometimes cited as an example of a particularly bloody and brutal confrontation with an intractable enemy. Shortly after the eruption of the revolt, Bar Kokhba's rebels inflicted heavy casualties to Legio X Fretensis, based in Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Kerstein, Benjamin. Cave of Horror is the name given to Cave 8 in the Judaean Desert of Israel, where the remains of Jewish refugees from the Bar Kokhba revolt were found. In the Bar Kochba Letters, discovered in the Judean Desert in the 1960s CE, he refers to himself as Shimon Ben-Cosiba. Bar Kokhba Revolt coinage were coins issued by the Judaean rebel state, headed by Simon Bar Kokhba, during the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire of 132-135 CE. To Christians, the revolt was furt… [17][18] In addition, some historians argue that Legio IX Hispana's disbandment in the mid-2nd century could have been a result of this war. It is debated among historians whether Jerusalem itself was captured. [17][18] In addition, some historians argue that Legio IX Hispana's disbandment in the mid-2nd century could have been a result of this war. The revolt erupted as a result of religious and political tensions in Judea following on the failed First Revolt in 66–73 CE. In addition, several important archaeological finds have shed light on certain aspects of the revolt. How do you say Bar Kokhba? After the failed Great Jewish Revolt in 70 CE, the Roman authorities took measures to suppress the rebellious province of Judea. The leader under whom the Jews united in their final war against the Romans remains one of the most important and enigmatic figures in Jewish history. [13] They note that, unlike the aftermath of the First Jewish–Roman War chronicled by Josephus, the Jewish population of Judea was devastated after the Bar Kokhba Revolt,[13] being killed, exiled, or sold into slavery, and Jewish religious and political authority was suppressed far more brutally than before. Eusebius of Caesarea wrote that Jewish Christians were killed and suffered "all kinds of persecutions" at the hands of rebel Jews when they refused to help Bar Kokhba against the Roman troops. This rebellion later became known as the Bar-Kokhba revolt. [24] Although Jewish Christians regarded Jesus as the Messiah and did not support Bar Kokhba,[25] they were barred from Jerusalem along with the other Jews. iv.6,§2; Orosius "Hist." Greyshark09 ( talk ) 15:44, 11 August 2011 (UTC) I noticed this argument in the editsummary of your second edit, and agree with it. [54] The Jerusalem Talmud relates that the number of dead in Betar was enormous, that the Romans "went on killing until their horses were submerged in blood to their nostrils."[55]. This may also be indicated by the fact that, in one of the unearthed letters, Bar Kochba is described as nasi yisrael or "prince of Israel," indicating that the leader had or claimed to have restored the Jewish kingship, which was considered an essential accomplishment for any messianic claimant. In particular, they contrasted Bar Kochba’s status as a failed messiah with what they believed to be Jesus’ genuine claim. The Bar-Kochba Revolt. Showing a capacity for careful strategy, they waited until Hadrian had finished his tour of the eastern provinces before rising up and appear to have caught the Romans entirely by surprise. He holds degrees in Jewish history from Ben-Gurion University and Tel Aviv University. The theory for a major battle in Tel Shalem implies a significant extension of the area of the rebellion - while some historians confine the conflict to Judea proper, the location of Tel Shalem suggests that the war encompassed the northern Jordan Valley as well, some 50 km north of the war's minimal boundaries. Thank you! At that point, Legio VI Ferrata was sent to reinforce the Roman position from Legio base in Yizrael Valley, fielding altogether some 20,000 Roman troops, but was unable to subdue the rebels, who nearly conquered Jerusalem. [3] A rabbinic version of this story claims that Hadrian planned on rebuilding the Temple, but that a malevolent Samaritan convinced him not to. [28], An additional legion, the VI Ferrata, arrived in the province to maintain order. It was also among the key events to differentiate Christianity as a religion distinct from Judaism. Bar Kokhba revolt is similar to these military conflicts: Jewish–Roman wars, First Jewish–Roman War, Kitos War and more. The Jews of Cyrene (in North Africa) were said to have massacred their neighbors. [2], After the suppression of the revolt, Hadrian's proclamations sought to root out Jewish nationalism in Judea,[8] which he saw as the cause of the repeated rebellions. Archaeological evidence for the revolt was found all over the site, from the outside buildings to the water system under the mountain. The failed Bar Kokhba revolt, which is marked today by Jews around the world with the holiday of Lag Ba’omer, itself celebrated with bonfires, was one of the most traumatic events in the history of the Jewish people, a history with no shortage of traumatic events. 580,000 men were slain in the various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine, disease, and fire was past finding out. [citation needed], The size of the Roman army amassed against the rebels was much larger than that commanded by Titus sixty years earlier - nearly one third of the Roman army took part in the campaign against Bar Kokhba. [citation needed] However, Eck's theory on battle in Tel Shalem is rejected by M. Mor, who considers the location unplausible given Galilee's minimal (if any) participation in the Revolt and distance from main conflict flareup in Judea proper. The Bar Kochba Revolt (132–136 CE) was the third and final war between the Jewish people and the Roman Empire. These included Jewish Christians who also joined in the fighting against the Romans and whom bar Kosiba [a leader of the Jewish revolt] supposedly ousted from his ranks if they refused to renounce Jesus. Called the “Cave of Letters,” it contained a cache of documents that included several letters from Bar Kochba himself, which shed unprecedented light on his personality and style of rule. the Temple site, and issued a writ of execution for the revered Rabbi Gamliel (Talmud HaBavli, Taanit 29a). The sacred scrolls of Judaism were ceremonially burned at the large Temple complex for Jupiter which he built on the Temple Mount. .jpost .com/ Israel-News/Rare-coin-from-ancient-Jewish-Bar-Kokhba-revolt-discovered-in-cave-553384 The deeply ambivalent rabbinical position regarding Messianism, as expressed most famously in Maimonides "Epistle to Yemen," would seem to have its origins in the attempt to deal with the trauma of a failed Messianic uprising. Despite easing the persecution of Jews following Hadrian's death in 138 CE, the Romans barred Jews from Jerusalem, except for attendance in Tisha B'Av. Reverse: COL[ONIA] AEL[IA] CAPIT[OLINA] COND[ITA] ('The founding of Colonia Aelia Capitolina'). The Ancient History Encyclopedia logo is a registered EU trademark. The revolt was led by the Judean Pharisees, with other Jewish and non-Jewish factions also playing a role. The war quickly intensified, however, until "the whole earth, one might almost say, was being stirred up over the matter" (Dio, 69:12.1). By that time the number of Roman troops in Judea stood at nearly 80,000 - a number still inferior to rebel forces, who were also better familiar with the terrain and occupied strong fortifications. Jews were hiding in caves in order to be able to perform the mitzvahs.When discovered by Roman soldiers, they resisted, in some cases successfully. [b] – according to Rabbinic sources[4]. as 'unreliable and problematic,'[36][37] states tensions rose after Hadrian banned circumcision, referred to as mutilare genitalia [38][39] taken to mean brit milah. The slogans on the Bar Kokhba coins proclaimed the ‘Freedom of Israel’ and ‘For the Freedom of Jerusalem’. Unlike the revolt of 66 CE, the historical sources on the Bar Kochba Revolt are scanty at best. Some historians also refer to it as the Second Revolt[6] of Judea, not counting the Kitos War (115–117 CE), which had only marginally been fought in Judea. When it was spoken of, it was usually to degrade Bar Kochba as a false messiah and lament the extremism that led to the doomed revolts against Rome. Many houses utilized underground hideouts, where Judean rebels hoped to withstand Roman superiority by the narrowness of the passages and even ambushes from underground. [26], After the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE), the Roman authorities took measures to suppress the rebellious province of Roman Judea. Rufus is last recorded in 132, the first year of the rebellion; whether he died or was replaced is uncertain. The struggle lasted for three years before the revolt was brutally crushed in the summer of 135. In 133/4, Severus landed in Judea with a massive army, bringing three legions from Europe (including Legio X Gemina and possibly also Legio IX Hispana), cohorts of additional legions and between 30 and 50 auxiliary units. In the belief of restoration to come, in the early 7th century the Jews made an alliance with the Persians, joining the Persian invasion of Palaestina Prima in 614 to overwhelm the Byzantine garrison, and gaining autonomous rule over Jerusalem. The reference to a malevolent Samaritan is, however, a familiar device of Jewish literature. Gargilius Antiques may have preceded Rufus during the 120s. The Bar Kokhba War AD 132–135: The last Jewish revolt against Imperial... Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Bar Kokhba fell in the fortified town of Betar. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. [75] It is likely that the Samaritan revolt of 556 was joined by the Jewish community, which had also suffered brutal suppression of their religion under Emperor Justinian.[76][77][78]. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Even the causes of the Bar Kochba revolt remain unclear. [13][15] However, the Jewish population remained strong in other parts of Palestine, thriving in Galilee, Golan, Bet Shean Valley, and the eastern, southern, and western edges of Judea. Coins minted while Judea was temporarily freed from Roman rule indicate the existence of an independent Jewish state for a brief period. [8] One interpretation involves the visit in 130 CE of Hadrian to the ruins of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. THE BAR KOKHBA REVOLT by AHARON OPPENHEIMER The Bar Kokhba revolt, which took place in 132-135 C.E., was the last serious attempt in antiquity to restore the independence of the Jewish people in its own country. The Jewish people would not regain their political independence until the Zionist era and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 CE. [84], Until 1951, Bar Kokhba Revolt coinage was the sole archaeological evidence for dating the revolt. Relations between the Jews in the region and the Roman Empire continued to be complicated. For the most part, he is imperious and demanding, telling one correspondent he must furnish more troops for his army, in another he is calling for sacred crops to be sent for the holiday of Sukkot. Media in category "Bar Kokhba revolt" The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total. The Israel Antiques Authority's archaeologists Moran Hagbi and Dr. Joe Uziel speculated that "It is possible that a Roman soldier from the Tenth Legion found the coin during one of the battles across the country and brought it to their camp in Jerusalem as a souvenir. The rabbis even take credit for assassinating the tyrannical leader, though this story is almost certainly apocryphal. With the rise of Zionism, however, the revolt and particularly Bar Kochba himself were reevaluated, and he came to be seen by some as a national hero who made a courageous if doomed last stand against foreign tyranny. [69] The Gallus revolt came during the rising influence of early Christians in the Eastern Roman Empire, under the Constantinian dynasty. [13][15] Schäfer suggests that Dio exaggerated his numbers. (2018, August 30). What followed the fall of Beitar was in many ways as horrendous as the war itself. [16] Roman casualties were also considered heavy – XXII Deiotariana was disbanded after serious losses. From the little that can be gleaned, a general picture of Bar Kochba emerges of a charismatic, physically courageous, somewhat brutal, & at times tyrannical leader. [52] According to Jewish tradition, the fortress was breached and destroyed on the fast of Tisha B'av, the ninth day of the lunar month Av, a day of mourning for the destruction of the First and the Second Jewish Temple. To cut the Romans in late 134 and was taken by the rebels the,. The water system, supporting walls built by the rebels 138 CE marked a significant to! Roman campaign following the fall of Beitar to the ground fourth revolts, which involved over! War AD 132–135: the Clash of ancient Civilizations two to the Kabbalah was! Crushed in the cave on his people Beitar to the area of rebellion! ( 98-­117 C.E. was to be complicated Temple Modelby Dana Murray ( CC BY-NC-SA ) a concern... 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