Cinder would do it on her own, if we-” She couldn’t even say the words.“I have an idea,” he said slowly, “You’re gonna hate it.”. Training with Cinder always ended with Emerald brittle and charred at the edges. May 10, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Boop. Brawl in the Family is a gaming webcomic created by Matthew "Triforcebun" Taranto. “You’re like a year older than me tops,” she muttered, under her breath, “Stop calling me kid.”. All the fights they’d had, and Ruby had never seen Emerald look as scared as she did in that moment. But she didn’t look like she believed it, and she didn’t try to fight her way out of Mercury’s grip again. Archives; Store; Books; Videos; Fan Stuff. She tried to break out of his grip but Mercury had a stance made out of steel now. “You said you wanted out,” she said, stepping between them and her kid sister, “How about you prove it, before we do something Ruby might regret.”. It ended up a lot longer than I thought it would, but that just gives my little murder children more time to shine I guess! Always Yang looking out for her. “She’ll keep walking all over you otherwise.”. “We have to go!” she said, panic thrumming through her. Slowly, Yang shifted out of her fighting stance, crossing her arms loosely and watching them with narrowed eyes. Cinder hadn’t tried to treat him like she did Emerald yet. He didn’t look at them, not at Ruby or at Emerald. She remembered how she had looked, in that last instant. Ruby was so glad that Weiss was the first person she saw during the Initiation. “Did you hide food in every piece of furniture?” he demanded as she withdrew three energy bars and ripped them all open with her teeth. Ruby hadn’t ever met a single person who could hold a grudge as well as Yang did, and what she had against Mercury was a hell of a grudge. “We don’t know that they helped orchestrate it.”, “The two who were so good at lying that they got past Ozpin and Glynda, who I know for a fact it is damn hard to slip anything past.”. Don Fluffles. “Kid, I know that better than anyone else,” Uncle Qrow said, “But they had choices. Popular … This was the important stuff. There wasn’t time for anything else, not when they were working to take down Beacon right under the noses of Ozpin and Ironwood. She couldn’t take her eyes off Cinder. Mercury stared at her a little longer, then eased up. But Emerald couldn’t move and Ruby wouldn’t leave. “Let go.” Her hand began to heat, then to spark. She couldn’t stop thinking about the burn on Emerald’s arm. They whipped around; from the corner of her eye Ruby saw Emerald go pale, saw Mercury drag her behind him as he whirled, too surprised to not look panicked. Two nights later someone knocked on his door. “What?” Ruby looked around for Jaune. It had irritated Mercury from the very beginning, her incompetence and her devotion equally. He opened his mouth, but then there was a cry behind them and they both sprang apart, Crescent Rose swinging wide. But he wasn’t stupid like Emerald, so desperate for any kind of approval that she would do anything for the person who might give it to her. Mercury grimaced, but tilted his head to Emerald, and they stepped closer, hands up. May 10, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Boop. Was it in the halls of Beacon, when Emerald tricked and lied to the students on her orders and accidentally learned how to act her age? They have no reason to think we’d help them.”, “Then why would they ask? He was better than that. “Ruby, you okay?”. It has a disgusting amount of sugar.”. Jun 24, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Doge. Emerald ripped her arm out of his grip, taking several steps back. More than that, she looked afraid. Posted on 07/31/2018 by Scott — No Comments ↓ Podcast: Play in new window | Download. An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow. Ruby saw the faint outline of the updated Ember Celia she’d been fiddling with over her sleeves, the one that could extend like a blade for mid-range combat. We had a great time asking him all manner of questions, from what its like to manage a team … Discover (and save!) This wasn’t their fight and Mercury was damned if either of them was going to die for it. Mercury settled back down and flicked to the next page, pretending he wasn’t paying attention as she leaned her head back and blinked at the ceiling. They’re asking for help,” Ruby repeated, mouth dry. From … Figured, even at their strongest they couldn’t do worse than Cinder on a good day. Instead, when she thought of her childhood and Yang, it was always her big sister a few steps ahead of her, hand in Ruby’s, picking her up after she fell or fighting off the odd bully. Just like in the forest on their way to the White Fang; Mercury and Emerald, at Cinder’s back and against the world. Erin_kate, swordmouse, Kikialaxis, AAA_Alice, PinkestPink, condoRRRRRiano, Gay_as_fuck, nebulababe, moonstruckmidnight, Hidaney, sakurabomb, coosner, Silwer999, DemonNox, Penultimate1, DrakonLightShield, exoplanetprincess, deerflower, Nonoel, VeraSquid, Lemonshake, sirenslament, Nainers, FrankTHaddock, SecretEnigma, Dudipettutti, griffindork93, Antares_Black, Bloxbro, S058, QuartzDragon, WelshSilverLion, Gwerthdaro, Yorokobi_669, KillerAssassin2, ilyiccia, DocTokuMA, LilPsychoLala, Kietzman, alittlefoxedup, QuantumAnubis, tyroneblade, Blackfire24die, EveryonesBeau, Pheonix1023, Wulfcub, Por7Escrito8Felino9, Cwest5538, wyrdann104, mai96, The site has 600 comics posted as of Oct. 3, 2014. (but not … May 04, 2012 406 - Dittos in the Trash. Jaune tripped as whatever illusion he’d been fighting vanished. Why would he want to look at anyone any other way? The children at the school- how could they be the same age as Mercury and Emerald and still so impossibly young- were easy to con, but it still took work. Upload . Emerald’s note here was currently causing a lot of shouting too, but she wasn’t around to hear it the chaos unfolding in the crowded kitchen. He hoped she couldn’t feel his. Fairytales. Member. There was some color to her, the last dregs of her Aura, but it was so shot through with black that it was impossible to tell which one it was. Her weapons were still at Yang’s feet, but she didn’t even glance at them. Then rage flashed in her eyes. His old man would be horrified that he’d let his guard so far down that he felt betrayed by it. Blake was nothing but a lump of blankets, Sun and her new (old? Fan Art; Other Fan Stuff; Wiki; TvTropes; Community. “You’re my sister, Ruby. Marcus Black’s training had never included subtlety, not in ways that went further than getting close enough to a target to end them. She looked even worse than she had in their last fight. There wasn’t anything he could say about that, or do about it. He wasn’t trying to fight for real.”. Why, then, the hysteria that has suddenly gripped this city? She remembered how much it hurt, to fight Emerald after that and know she remembered too and was laughing about it. Ruby opened her mouth to apologize, but then she thought of the note and the look on Emerald’s face and she swallowed the words down and turned away. “You-” She began. “Mercury!”. That one had gone clear through Cinder’s chest and out the other side again. Discover (and save!) But then there were in Salem’s base, and it was too late to go back. But I can’t.”. Ruby fought longer, but it didn’t do any good. Then Beacon fell. Rran One Winged Slayer. Musetto. Ruby threw herself around Emerald, trying to shield her from the flames. In the dark, shrunk and shaking as she was, the movement made it look like she was hugging herself. Wayne, Martin and Keegan Lloyd were all returning to the Star Inn at Liverton, Devon, from their homes in Cornwall when a … Saved by Yoshi Bronymon. I’ll go back for him. No but SHE WOULD BE SO GOOD!! Discover (and save!) I had thought you would know better.” She reached towards him, hand open. Jan 11, 2021 #2 Backed the Kickstarter for this and played it on Wii U. Glad to see it on more platforms. Cinder stood in the path in the underbrush Mercury and Emerald had left. your own Pins on Pinterest Check out Chocy's profile on Anook and follow his gaming updates about games like Battlefield 1, Landmark, Titanfall, Dragon's Prophet and Camelot Unchained. Emerald and Mercury were fighting something. He was too well-trained to show weakness like that though. What was still attached to his limbs was melted slag. His old man had taught Mercury how to watch a target since before he could walk. “Sometimes people do bad things because they don’t have a choice,” she said, and she sounded angry. Oscar was a lot more likely to be on her side. Ruby didn’t move. Or are not at home and don't have their link list at hand. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They were too open, exposed. Then she blinked, and Pyrrha was gone. Yang frowned. Not as sure. She took a breath, on the verge of saying something, and Ruby tensed. Ruby saw panic flit across Mercury’s face, and then he was flying across the field, nearly as fast as she was with her Semblance. Posted on 07/31/2018 by Scott — No Comments ↓ Podcast: Play in new window | Download. You can’t stop me.”. Mercury had a nasty feeling it was just a matter of time until she forgot that though. This was really, really bad. Cinder was standing in front of them, so angry that her outline blurred with the heat of her Semblance. Her Semblance was still active; she glowed with it. Dan Miller-April 24, 2016. To obey. He didn’t let go of her hand, didn’t let her move it an inch, until she was grinding her teeth. Dec 8, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Camille Stanford. May 15, 2012 - I used to love Sonic the Hedgehog back before the Dreamcast died. He pointed at Crescent Rose. So when they came across the pair of them in the forest while on a job for a nearby town, Yang went in with gauntlets whirring, but instead of meeting her like he usually did, Mercury shoved Emerald in the way and slid under Yang as she flew forward, going straight for Ruby. “What was he saying?”. His sword was a few feet away; Ruby retrieved it. by Jesse on October 3, 2014 at 12:14 pm. For a second, she saw Pyrrha’s body overlaying Cinders. This was like Marcus, plain and simple, and Mercury hadn’t killed his old man and burned down his house to get stuck in the same mess again. Mercury couldn’t afford to show weakness. As you can see, it’s a very special comic today, as I’m paying homage to the recently ended Brawl in the Family. He didn’t even like Emerald. Brawl in the Family TBC 014: NF Interview with Lucas M. Thomas. Legend of Zelda Walkthroughs, News, Guides, Videos, Music, Media, and More Mercury wasn’t her lapdog like Emerald. She couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching them, even if she’d triple checked everyone else. “I’m not making them,” she snapped. Oct 28, 2017 4,529. Popular Stories. He remembered. The noise from her pencil was just loud enough for Ruby to know that she was there. “I have an idea,” he said slowly, “You’re gonna hate it.”. Dan Miller-April 24, 2016. Codes to memorize, Dust to steal. In the NYT, Mujib Mashal describes it as “just another sign of how long the violence has dragged on, and of how it has permeated the deepest levels of society and poisoned the closest of relationships.” It’s the story of a father determined to kill his own son: I Will Kill Him. your own Pins on Pinterest She sounded terrified. But Cinder burning Ruby Rose alive in some fucked-up version of catharsis? Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Controversial Developer Behind The Arkh Project Returns to Crowdfunding The Ultimate Five Nights at Freddy's Guide More Games Like Coming Out On Top Never Alone Game Guide Whatever Happened to Seasons of Heaven? By the time he’d killed him, Mercury didn’t know any other way to look at people. He was barely conscious, sagging in her grip. Getty Images bietet exklusive rights-ready und erstklassige lizenzfreie analoge, HD- und 4K-Videos in höchster Qualität. Mercury had a bag slung over one shoulder. Ready to change the world. The smell of smoke came off her clothing, her skin. So quiet that her ears rang with it. Ruby, they have a history of playing on the kindness of others,” Ren said, and Ruby had been hoping that he would be the one from JNPR who would help her out. They couldn’t afford to have Cinder think they were up to something either. A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games - video games, board games, card games, etc. Mercury looked surprised too, but only for a moment. Emerald stopped running first once they made it back through the portal and reached Salem’s base. your own Pins on Pinterest There was an odd light in her eye, something not quite sane. Ruby looked back to where Mercury and Emerald had vanished into the tree line. Cinder looked at him, face twisted with rage and disgust, and Ruby realized with perfect clarity that she wasn’t going to stop. Ruby remembered the feel of Emerald’s lips on hers, the press of her against Ruby as they sat on the fountain edge and stargazed one night after another, the cold air making her warmth into a beacon. The debate was already finished. Read. If Cinder knew- if Salem knew- what they’d just done, they’d be worse than dead. Ruby could feel the heat from it already. Emerald was watching them, using her Semblance to steer them away from her, but she wasn’t attacking. “That doesn’t have anything to do with training!”. Sloppy, and it could even be enough to get him killed around here. Mercury bit his tongue like Marcus Black had taught him to, ignoring the copper on his tongue, and watched. “Your blond friend says you guys’re the heroes.”. “She’ll kill him!”, “He’s trying to protect you!” Yang shouted, but Emerald kept struggling. “Mercury. Cinder had cut her hair short in recent weeks, first hacking away the parts that had been ruined in the fight by whatever it was Red had done, then carefully trimmed by Emerald. The most unnerving part of it all was that she still didn’t let go of his jacket, didn’t stop glaring at him even as blood ran down her face. When Cinder had first recruited them, she’d done so gently. He could feel it where he held her arm. 126 guests In Ruby’s peripheral vision, Ilia winced, but Ruby didn’t think Blake was mad at her. It wasn't safe here. He was a professional, dammit. as well as Oct 5, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Luke Andruchow. Brawl in the Family is a comic strip centering on Kirby and by extension, many famous Nintendo characters that have appeared in the Smash Bros games. Dec 8, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Camille Stanford. She couldn’t look for support from either of them. If Red actually was the kind of person she thought she was. “Don’t forget your place,” she snarled. There was something hungry in her gaze. Looking back would mean taking his eyes off the doorways opening on either side, where Tyrion or Watts could be lurking. Tag: Brawl in the Family. I think something’s wrong.”, Yang shrugged. He hadn’t managed to move far, not with his legs like that, and not with a head wound like that either. I’m not letting you go haring off into something like this on your own. She was watching her closely, because she actually wanted to hear her reasoning, and Ruby couldn’t walk away from her without an explanation. “Good. So Mercury crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, forcing boredom to slide over his face, and pretended he didn’t have a care in the world as Cinder strode back down the hall, Emerald scurrying after her. Maybe that was the start. … An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works It's Brawl in the Family - Chapter 1 - The_Escaped - RWBY [Archive of Our Own] Main Content Regular burns didn’t have fingermarks. Do you think I take betrayal lightly?”. And Mercury didn’t even like Emerald, with her obnoxious, puppy-dog eyes at Cinder and how she was half-trained at best, a cobbled-together amalgam of street fighting and light fingers and nothing else, except a doe-eyed, unwavering devotion towards Cinder. “You didn’t come down for dinner.” Ruby rolled over so she was facing the wall. Where was Yang, where was she ohgodsRubyhadkilledhersister-. Emerald took a step back, then cringed as Cinder’s eye honed in on her. Find Sims 4 cc in SimsDay. “Or they don’t think they have a choice.”. This was her call. It centers around classic Nintendo characters and games, with an emphasis on those featured in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Work Search: It was unforgivably sloppy to not notice when that started, but Mercury tracked it once he did, watched as the bruises escalated to scrapes and then past that. Mercury didn’t want to ask what the point of the training had been; Emerald’s excuses were running thin these days. Lucas M. Thomas is editor in chief of Nintendo Force magazine, and he’s here for a deep dive into his mind! She fought him, but it was more reflex than anything else. Then that cheery, pint-sized brat with the stupid cape hurt Cinder so bad that they had to carry her out of the tower. Ruby didn’t know what it was. Cinder made a horrible, choked sound. And Ruby knew that was true, under the cacophony of everyone speaking at once, she thought uneasily about how that was the problem. They needed to go, they needed to get away, but Emerald wouldn’t move. The two kids who infiltrated Beacon, who helped orchestrate the whole attack, who’ve been trying to kill you, they told you that they’re giving up and you just believed them?”, Ruby tried not to glare at Uncle Qrow. It wasn’t safe in the hallways. There had been nothing left. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. “How often does she make you do that?” Mercury demanded, once they were out of the room, tangled emotions overruling the common sense that told him to wait until they were safer. “You act like you’re so smart, but every time she comes into the room you shut up,” she retorted. A beat of panic started drumming in her head. She’d screwed her eyes shut. “How many times has she done this before?” he demanded. This time, Emerald didn’t fight her. Ruby didn’t believe what she’d done. This wasn’t going to get better. Submit a News Tip . I expect you to succeed.”. Get us out. Emerald jerked forward, towards him, but Ruby dragged her back, throwing them both through the underbrush. It was good to have someone on her side. He opened his mouth to tell her that, but then he saw the expression on her face. He always saved little animals and I find it strange that this thought never came up to me while playing it. A week from today, Joe Biden will still be on his inexorable course to become the 46th president of the United States. They knew how good an act Mercury and Emerald could put up if they wanted to. Mar 4, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by AverageGamerGirl. He could shoot her point-blank, but he didn't. Her sister had been a harder match, and he hadn’t even been trying to win that one. Member. left kudos on this work! For once, Ruby agreed with her. May 17, 2012 410 - Your Money or Your Life. Help people. I thought your father had trained you better.”. Cinder would do it on her own, if we-” She couldn’t even say the words. “I don’t know why. “That’s gonna hurt you more than me,” he pointed out. “I’m gonna need another minute,” she said thinly, and sat down right there in the doorway. Her, flames spiraling from her open palm for Mercury as soon as she did was almost,... Could have said to smoke, then they were thinking, rubbing the back of her arm where long! A broken puppet ; Ruby retrieved it now, it had something to Emerald out her. Had almost gotten them both killed - comic 500: Prodigal Robot you really think they have a deal not. Knew how good an act Mercury and Emerald had left her injured twitchy... Spreading from tree to tree behind her broken so completely Ruby could see Mercury saying brawl in the family archive, then... Over you otherwise. ” Hurley … Tag: Brawl in the Family been, red eyes.. Or Watts around cautiously everything had gone since then, the fire in her hands was swelling spilling... 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