I could probably bump that up the 4 minutes truthfully, especially with the 5800 packs. I have to say that this F-4 is such a great flying airplane that has “phantastic” performance. Instructors. My introduction to the F-4 was as a youngster. None us particularly enjoyed it. I’m not sure what the Lighting guys would say. Meet the F4: A Flying Catamaran Built for the Open Ocean. After 53 years the fighter that won the hearts of so pilots and aviation fans around the world made its final flight. Flying & Fighting in the Super Hornet, Everything you always wanted to know about Chinese air power (but were afraid to ask) – Interview with Andreas Rupprecht, Jan 4 is the date that the Tejas, Fulmar and Vindicator all took their first flights, The strange Soviet aeroplanes of Mr. Moskalev. Our choices (not always choices) were Harrier, Buccaneer or Phantom (Jaguar hadn’t quite come along). Far from it. It was still pretty new when I got to Coningsby. The last flying U.S. F-4s are in the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron (Det 1). Was the Spitfire overrated? The F-4 Phantom knew its fate but that doesn’t make saying goodbye any easier. The melee over, the rivers crossed, and headed for our post-strike refueling, and my bird is once again a docile, responsive lady, taking me home, letting my heart beat slow, giving me comfort in having survived once again. HK: Do you think you had adequate training? He’s got to bug out. I gather the flock close by, and we slowly circle each other-top, bottom, and each side, looking for flak damage, rips, leaks, jagged holes. In the mid 60s I was instructing and could expect 50 or 60 hours a month; when I was on Hunters I’d probably get 30/35 hours a month. The Navy version had certain differences, like folding wings, slotted stabilator, dropped ailerons and  blown trailing roots and leading edges, which the Air Force version didn’t have. Refueling done, we drop off and lunge forward, gathering speed for this day’s task. It first flew May 27, 1958, and entered service in 1961. Neil began modelling seriously in 1990, and soon after that he joined IPMS (Barnet). Operationally Hunters and Phantoms.”, “Just one flying tour, just under two years with 208 squadron, Bahrain. On to the target-weaving, moving up and down, leaving the bursts of heavy flak off to the side or down below. In 2012, the 338 Sqn “Ares” of the Hellenic Air Force celebrated its 60th anniversary. The air force could not have retaken the Falklands simply using the tanker force. Neil lives in Hertfordshire, UK, with his wife Tanya. She is ready to go, and so am I. The public is invited to see this legendary fighter roar into the skies one last time. Have a look at this F-35 satire and ‘Werner Herzog’s Guide to pusher bi-planes or the Ten most boring aircraft. Not enough wing or thrust, recalls Jack Petry, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel. Rick Keyt has practiced law in Arizona since 1980. Something like 60Ibs per square foot, which meant it could turn much better than a Phantom, at 85, or a Harrier at 95lbs per square foot. It didn’t explode the warhead- it just punched straight through, which proved it could work.”, “Yes. I was with 892 Squadron with Phantoms FG.1s, the primary role was Air Defence of the Fleet, high altitude intercepts against whatever. Subsequently when I went to 892 squadron I was tasked with air defence of the fleet. Take a seat in the cockpit of a USAF F-4 Phantom II as it arrives at the 2016 EAA AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, WI. Change ), “The most challenging was 1 versus 1 against another, I think the guy in the back seat remembers it well.”, There were two models of Phantoms for the British forces: the FG.1, the Navy version, and the FGR. Perhaps the best view on this comes from Sharkey Ward who’s well known in aviation circles. The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber originally developed for the United States Navy by McDonnell Aircraft. Nov 2020 Last Update. Signup. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Self illuminated we used things called Lepus flares. But with 6 Squadron you very seldom flew much above 1,000 feet (except for transiting or refuelling). Reviews. The Phantom had pretty unpleasant handling if it didn’t have its flight augmentation computers on. Robin is now upstairs watching over his flock. Like any new aeroplane, learn as much as you can before you get in it. FREE . Well you could if you had a carrier, or to be precise if you’d three. The squadron announced the F-4 will fly for the last time on December 21, 2016. So the Navy Phantoms weren’t as fast the Americans, but this macho thing of flying at twice the speed of sound? What you will learn ☑ Learn how to fly aircraft the easy way and the cheap way. “Missiles? It’s our’s, at sea”, “Yes, it is. ( Log Out /  In the air defence and interception role it is a team effort. Here’s 20-60% off sitewide. At speeds 10+ knots the splash target gives off plume – and that was the aiming index. In the Vietnam War they discovered – I think with a Phantom with an early Sparrow, hit the New Zealand (HK note: it was actually HMAS Hobart, so Australian) frigate Hobart which came as a big surprise to everyone. Free with X-Plane 11 flight sim. He enjoys making models from all eras, but his main interest is in the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom - helped by his memories of Phantoms flying over the Norfolk coast during family holidays! The Top Ten fictional aircraft is a fascinating read, as is The Strange Story and The Planet Satellite. Was your training with No.6 Squadron useful preparation for this? I look over at my wingmen as we climb effortlessly toward a rendezvous with our tanker. Once or twice a month we would be firing rockets or dropping bombs, just to keep a hand in. The F-4 Phantom II’s final flight in US military service at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, is open to the public. How good were the weapons systems on the Phantom? And you have limits on how you can use it. 42 - Everything About Earth and Beyond. There’s a range just off Puerto Rico called the Vieques. I don’t go to Air Force reunions. Navy. McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom Manual: An Insight into Owning, Flying and Maintaining the Legendary Cold War Combat Jet (Owners' Workshop Manual) by Ian Black (2011) on Amazon.com. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. A life long Hero. More than 5,000 of these heavy supersonic fighters were built, and hundreds continue to serve and even see combat in several air forces today. Connect with Richard at 480-664-7478 or send him an email at rk@keytlaw.com. I was very pleased to be posted onto the Phantom. Free with X-Plane 11 flight sim. Canberras were even available. It's Hard To Believe That The F-4 Phantom Is Still Flying After 60 Years. Auch wenn die Meinungen dort ab und zu nicht ganz neutral sind, geben sie generell einen guten Überblick! During the Cold War Chris Bolton flew the mighty F … It’s an unusual pilot who doesn’t give his bird a private touch of loving gratitude before he leaves her nest. Requirements Own or have access to a PC, a flight sim and controllers. The air force may well regret it, but if they want weapon carrying aircraft, they haven’t got it. He’s written papers on this which I haven’t studied at great length. Fast Jet Performance. Throttles forward, then outboard THUMP, THUMP- the afterburners kick in. But she is my F-4, and her nest is a steel revetment-her eggs 6, M-117, 750-pound bombs. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Description Free with X-Plane 11 flight sim. The 10 worst French aircraft, Airshow review 2017, the world’s worst aircraft, the 10 worst carrier aircraft. The McDonnell two-place, twinjet, all-weather F-4 Phantom II, with top speeds more than twice that of sound, was one of the most versatile fighters ever built.It served in the first line of more Western air forces than any other jet. It was a very impressive, very large fighter. The British eventually got F-4Js, which were ex-US Navy Phantoms, which formed a squadron at Wattisham. No Phantom would try and stay with you and turn behind you – but the Phantom could do the vertical bit because it had the power. Was a close relationship with your Observer required to perform the mission? “Yes we did. David Cenciotti. Where did we pick them up? It first entered … The Lightning was great for short fast interceptions, the Phantom could stay longer unsupported and with more missiles. It wasn’t hugely different, but I noticed it. 2001 34' Baha Cruiser Catamaran with Flying Bridge Fishing Boat for Sale Cal 410-647-2270 . I think the guy in the back seat remembers it well.”. This site depends on your donations for its survival. Meet the F4 A Flying Catamaran Built for the Open Ocean. “Who can forget their first carrier landing? Would you feel vulnerable as an attacking aircraft illuminated as you were by the flares? The aircraft had a bit of that built-in called ‘Aileron Rudder Interconnect’. “It was planned as an air force carrier. Perhaps the best view on this comes from Sharkey Ward who’s well known in aviation circles. The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a legendary aircraft — an icon of the Vietnam War and the archetype of the third-generation jet fighter designs that entered service in the 1960s. Japan has operated the F-4 Phantom II fighter jet since the late 1960s, with at least one plane still flying that's almost 50 years old. But if you knew how to handle the aeroplane, which of course you didn’t when you started, it was just a large beast with a very high wing loading. Which squadron was it? The noise inside our own aeroplane was quite high from the engine and the airflow around the ‘frame. McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom Manual: An Insight into Owning, Flying and Maintaining the Legendary Cold War Combat Jet (Owners' Workshop Manual) by Ian Black (2011) Fighting could take place at night in cloud with no eyeballs, so it was dependent on the weapons systems – and a good Observer Navigator in the backseat with radar.”. Fuel was tight. Sell your art. It worked out quite well. So you take that. It wasn’t quality but it was fun and exciting. Everyone is watching it from the back-end, so making a dick of yourself is not very pleasing. Now my bird roars and accelerates rapidly toward her release from mother earth, leaving a thunder behind that rattles windows and shakes the insides of those who watch. Just 31 months after its first flight, the F-4 was the U.S. Navy's fastest, highest flying and longest range fighter. Sitting there, she is not a thing of beauty. So then the Prime Minister, when the shit hits the fan, would say ‘Where’s our carrier?’ It’s British Sovereign territory so no one can touch it. Pendant la guerre du Viêt Nam, la cadence … The Phantom had a very powerful radar and a bloke to operate it. They learnt quickly from making one mistake like that. We hurtle across the Black, then the Red Rivers, pushing our Phantoms to the limit of power without using afterburners, weaving and undulating so as not to present a steady target for the gunners below. How fast could the Phantoms go in full dry thrust? Nov 2020 Last Update. The F-4 Phantom II was one of the pre-eminent fighter jets of its age and it was the aircraft that many (if not most) cadet pilots dreamed of flying. His job was to get the pilot in a position to aim the weapons and carry out the intercept. The Japan Air … How did the British Phantoms compare to the American examples? Occasionally I flew the Hunter with the Navy for combat training against the Phantom.”. Do not let anything hold you back. Her tail feathers droop and her beak juts forward belligerently. A pilot’s guide to flying and fighting in the Lightning. Petry was one of the chosen. During the Cold War Chris Bolton flew the mighty F-4 for both the RAF and the Royal Navy. Quite a lot of pressure, and with pressure comes pride.”, “Well I’d seen quite a lot with the Americans flying it around East Anglia and Cambridge bases. You can do what you want legally. People would hire it at the  weekend these days, but back then it was big bucks. Lucky you! They were either fast jet pilots or rotary wings, the limitations were finer, less restrictive. But we did keep the practice when we shore-based, for example when the ship was having the barnacles scraped. In the mood for something more offensive? Sherman Lead: Flying the F-4D Phantom II in Vietnam, Buch (gebunden) von Gaillard R. Peck Jr bei hugendubel.de. “Yes, it does seem counterintuitive and may show how much sway the RAF had in the design of the thing. So, ideally in this scenario – with a big target – we’d start with a head-on shot and then move ’round the back for a Sidewinder, and then at very close, a guns kill (if you carried a gun, which the Navy didn’t). Our heavy bird with its load of bombs responds with a prolonged shudder, and we are free for the moment, the missile passing harmlessly below, unable to follow our maneuver. It was viceless.”, It seems counterintuitive to have such a large aircraft that can only carry STOVL aircraft. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 2, the Air Force version. A quite delightful aeroplane. Then took the slack for not making a good approach and landing from the landing Safety Officer (NSO). At sea, being miles out, our target for practice ordnance was a ‘splash target’ towed by the ship 500 yards astern. If you flew the F-4 in the Vietnam War in any branch of the service please become an author on this site and tell your stories. He flew the F-4 Phantom for five years in the United States Air Force, including combat missions over South Vietnam, North Vietnam and Laos in 1972. For example if you’re going to do a high-drag bomb run for a 1,000-pounder you probably want to go quite high at release which would leave you visible. Do you remember your first carrier landing? Do it in VR. I was fascinated by it. This site depends on your donations for its survival. The missile follows-and now HARD DOWN-stick full forward-the negative G forces hanging us in our straps. Landing done, post-flight checks finished, engines shut down, and my F-4 vents its tanks with a prolonged sigh, speaking for both of us, glad it’s over, anticipating a brief respite before the next day’s work. Her back looks humped and her wing tips splay upward. Proving highly adaptable, it was also adopted by the United States Marine Corps and the United States Air Force, and by the mid … Want something more bizarre? Code: FALLDEALS. I fired Sidewinder once, and Sparrows twice. It served in the first line of more Western air forces than any other jet. Then a roil of dust down to our left, and the evil white speck of a surface-to-air missile rises to meet us. It was also better for long Combat Air Patrols – it depends how you want to fight. I once did it and it took a long time to get there and it wasn’t really worth it, other than being able to say I’d done it.”. But the Lightning couldn’t stay up for very long. Today seems like a prime day to save. The Lightning had a ‘one-armed paper hanger‘ working exceptionally hard for a very short time. 2 hours Content. You can listen to a dramatic first-hand account of this story on HairyStories.com , the website that hosts ‘Hairy’ a new podcast about dangerous combat experiences. Hopefully you’re not just looking out to see the target, but also in to keep orientation.”, “Yes, it was. Search for: Home; Funny; Quote ; Trending; Contact Us; Login ; Cart / $ 0.00 0. All is well with them, and I marvel again at the transformation of our ugly duckling into a thing of graceful beauty-yet she’s businesslike and menacing, thrusting forward and upward with deadly purpose. Inside our Own aeroplane was quite high from the ship shore-based at Leuchars and a of! The Baron '' Hesketh how to fly that you haven ’ t turn like the head-on Sparrow or tail-on.. Very capable- you ’ re probably going to roll left and RAF Phantoms out of fuel first and. Capability, because of the flight deck meant a wider shorter ship for stability reasons audience... 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