An exegesis of Mary’s Magnificat. If you’ve ever seen the swagger of a first-round draft pick in a professional sports draft, you have seen this. Do you mean the text for each blog post? Call to worship offering 46 And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. which is a reference to the nation that was called to serve the Lord (see Exodus 19:5-6). He was preparing the way for the entrance of Jesus the Messiah (see Luke 3:3-4). She knew deliverance from sin and enjoyment of fellowship with God for He was her. 46 And Mary said, (A)“My (B)soul (C)magnifies the Lord, 47 (D)and my (E)spirit rejoices in (F)God my Savior, 48 for (G)he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. It appears that Mary’s spirit rejoiced in God her Savior primarily because she first proclaimed His greatness. She did not remain a virgin after bearing Jesus, for she had other children (see Matthew 12:46; 13:55). Leave a comment below. For Mary, God's name is wonderful because His character is true. Here Mary simply sees in her own experience an example of the way God is. Brian earned a D.Min. Although the term “Lord” often refers to God, and Jesus was certainly God, here Elisabeth no doubt was affirming that Mary’s child was the Messiah. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! Check out who was the first to mention “Messiah” in Scripture. This verse goes on to say “And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  At that moment, being filled with the Holy Spirit enabled Elisabeth to speak with understanding about Mary and her unborn son without having any previous knowledge of Mary’s conception. (Eph 5:18, 5:20.) Recognizing the Lord as. Mary’s will is caught up in God’s will. Mary rejoiced in God’s grace and praised Him for the wonderful thing He was doing in her, for the attributes of His nature, and for His faithfulness to Israel. Mary offered a hymn of praise to God as she and Elizabeth greeted each other. 49 For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy… Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. MARY's SONG OF PRAISE. Mary’s Song Of Praise To God Jesus’ Life: Chapter 2 – Jesus’ Birth And Childhood Imagine a couple planning their wedding but then an Angel from God telling the woman that, by Divine power, she would conceive a Son from the Holy Spirit before her wedding day. The pregnant women—Elizabeth and Mary—were relatives. What is indicated is that this visit with Elizabeth would encourage and strengthen “Mary” for the difficult challenges that were ahead of her. The Greek word that has been translated “rejoiced” means to “jump for joy” or “exult.”  Mary’s heart was flooded with deep happiness beyond normal pleasure. In this verse Mary continues to say “And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.”  Not only did Mary’s soul magnify or enlarge the Lord, but she also proclaimed that “my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.”  Although the words “soul” and “spirit” are both often used to refer to one’s innermost being, the Scriptures sometimes indicate a difference. The phrase “he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts” seems to mean that although the “proud” may prosper for a time, God demonstrates His power to scatter them so that they are not able to achieve what they have imagined they could (see Genesis 11:1-9). He can promote those of humble circumstances. At any moment the Lord can take away the riches of those who don’t deserve them causing them to be “sent empty away” or sent away empty. MARY'S SONG OF GOD'S REDEMPTIVE ACTS. As a result, four hundred years passed without a message from God. In other words, in the Old Testament, a person was filled with the Holy Spirit in order to perform feats of strength or give them special guidance. And He is worthy of all our praise for that fact alone. Even before he was born, John was performing the function that God had given him. All my love, all my praise to you. God has specifically “helped his servant Israel” by remembering His “mercy” or loving-kindness to Mary. Mary generalizes her praise: God's mercy extends to those who fear him. I was referred from church to this website to find missed scriptures. A. Mary praises God for her Saviour (Luke 1:46-47). But in the New Testament, believers are said to be full of the Holy Spirit, which means the Holy Spirit abides within u (see John 14:17; Romans 8:11; I Corinthians 3:16). Sisters, and all Saints of the Most High God, let us hear these words and draw courage for they were written for all who put their trust in the Lord! Conclusion. Our call to trust mightily in God for His promises is taken from the words of Mary the mother of Jesus and her cousin Elizabeth. Mary's Song of Praise: The Magnificat. This was probably the greatest sense of joy she had ever experienced! Notice the personal touch Mary gives her praise. God has promised to bring about His rule on earth and to bring the rule of man to an end. Luke’s account of Jesus’ ministry often focuses on how He reached out to the outcasts of society. She speaks for herself and for her community, the people of God throughout time. Why should our praise and worship to God include both personal and general emphases? (vs. 46). When away from church I don’t get a bulletin with these scriptures but would appreciate keeping up on the reading. The scripture text comes from Luke 1:39-56. God has specifically. You did not have to bless us but You did. Elisabeth’s unborn child, John jumped for joy in her, at the sound of Mary’s voice. God would also fill the hungry in Israel and all over the Roman Empire. No matter how high you get, you can be brought low in a moment. VII. And again she's moved to praise God about the announcement that the angel has made to her. We need to keep that truth in mind as we see wicked people apparently succeeding in life while righteous people suffer. My soul praises the greatness of the Lord. Mary rejoiced in God as a saving God, which implies... Mary understood being chosen by God … Before coming to Lifeway, Brian served in local church ministry for seventeen years in family, discipleship, and pastoral ministry. (vs. 47). or that part of her that makes her a living human being (see Genesis 2:7) recognizes God’s greatness and magnificence. “So Mary trusted God more than what her eyes could see,” reads the Jesus Storybook Bible. Each week in bulletin is short summary of weekly lesson. In verse 42, Elisabeth declared that Mary was “blessed” among women and that her son was also “blessed.”  In this verse she declared “And blessed is she that believed.”  Elisabeth was emphasizing the happiness Mary was experiencing because of her faith or belief in God. Lesson:  Luke 1:39-56; Time of Action: 7 or 6 B.C. Golden Text: “And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Note:  This might be a good time to assess what we have heard regarding Mary, because many things said about her were and are not true. And so He would prove Himself to be, for God’s angel had previously said to her “you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). MARY’S RETURN HOME (Luke 1:56). “Juda” or Judea included Jerusalem and the “hill country” surrounding it. Mary’s Song of Praise, found in Luke 1:46-56, is a response of a young girl who was facing a tremendous challenge in her life; a challenge that could only be met with God’s presence, God’s word and God’s power. She does not plead their cases in heaven. According to Daniel 2:21 “He (God) changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.”  Note:  Exodus 6:6 says “Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments.”  It was the power of God that delivered Israel from bondage. Recommended tracks Fr. Even more than Mary, Jesus perfectly modeled humble, God-honoring obedience. Mary was filled with the Spirit, even as Elizabeth was, for her impulse was to praise God. Every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and therefore is full of the Spirit. After the angel told Mary that her relative Elizabeth had miraculously conceived a son (see Luke 1:36), quickly left Nazareth and went to see her. Now, she was not just looking forward to His coming, she was the central figure in His arrival. Greater Acquaintance M.B. One day Mary’s words would be fulfilled as God kept His promise of sending the Messiah. Mary also spoke of God’s holiness saying, was holy refers to more than just God’s name. Still speaking of God’s strength, Mary said in this verse that, The Lord can pull down the mighty from their inherited or acquired positions. Turn on some worship music and praise Him with your voice as Mary did. 1. Mary’s Praise – My Daily Bread! Christ was the descendant through whom the whole world would be blessed and Mary understood this. C. A blessing for Mary’s faith (Luke 1:45). D. Mary praises God for His power (Luke 1:51). This was an expression of God’s grace. 2. Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and made prophetic statements. Hi, Gail. God chose Mary to birth the Savior of the world. When Mary was told  that she would bear the Son of God, she was also told that her relative Elisabeth was expecting even though she was barren (see Luke 1:36). This was probably the greatest sense of joy she had ever experienced! Mary's hymn expresses praise to God for his treatment of her, but then extends her praise to how God has treated the righteous throughout the ages and how he will vindicate them fully in the future. Christ was the descendant through whom the whole world would be blessed and Mary understood this. Your email address will not be published. III. Yesterday I wrote about Mary’s praise for God’s preserving character, but today I want to focus on her praise for God’s mercy. I am not sure what your church does in the Bulletin, Gail. 50-53 Mary's hymn becomes more animated when she sings of God's glorious deeds of redemption and of His omnipotence, holiness, and mercy. Mary was so happy that she broke into joyful praise to God and, even though she probably didn't actually sing, her words have come to be known as "Mary's Song" and have been set to music by many composers. After Zacharias finished his term serving in the temple, he returned to his own house (see Luke 1:23). Just as Mary was sustained by His promise, so too, all God’s people can be encouraged by God’s faithfulness to His word. However, although Jesus certainly did seek to save the wealthy and powerful sinners as well (see Luke 5:27-32; John 3:1-18), He also had a particular concern for those who were down and out. God is the one set apart and who is worthy of praise. How excellent is your name in which I pray! Being “filled with the Spirit” is a special endowment given by God to enable a believer to accomplish a special task (see Acts 2:4; 4:29) for a special assignment or duty as in the Old Testament. At the same time that her baby leaped for joy “in her womb”… “Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.”  Note:  The New Testament distinguishes between having or being “full of the Holy Spirit” (see Acts 6:3) as Jesus was (see Luke 4:1), which is true of every believer, and being filled with the Spirit which is the Christian’s duty and privilege (see Ephesians 1:13-14; 5:18). Mary praises the Lord with her soul and she now has joy in her spirit. [99 in :99], “The Mission Begins”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 29, Session 3: Trusting in the Gospel of Jesus, “The Mission Begins”: Preschool & Kids Leader Training for Unit 29, Session 3—The Good News, The Gospel Project for Kids Key Changes for the 2021-2024 Cycle. We thank you for visiting our Sunday School Ministry. God remains in control of every situation and can change it whenever He wants. This was not due to Mary’s righteousness or any good she had done. Those of us who have received Jesus as our Saviour are “them that fear him.”  He has put in our hearts the awe and respect for Him that we didn’t have when we were lost. refers to the time when the angel appeared to Mary. In response to Elisabeth’s words of blessing, this verse says “And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord.”  Mary’s words here begin a beautiful song of praise and exaltation to the Lord called the “Magnificat.”  It’s similar to Hannah’s song of praise (see I Samuel 2:1-10). - Duration: 12:39. Now Mary praises God for what He’s done for Israel. Mary joins with the magnificent praise of the angels on how God was about to change the case of history. In addition, Elisabeth also spoke of Mary’s son declaring “blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  Of course, “the fruit of thy womb” refers to Jesus. Never lose hope in our mighty God! His goodness and mercy should evoke a heart that rejoices; a heart that wants to sing of His praises. means “to enlarge.”  As a matter of fact, is Latin for “magnifies.”  In essence, Mary begins by declaring that her. She knew God to be merciful, why? Nevertheless, “Mary” returned to Nazareth to live in her family home, for her marriage to Joseph had not yet been finalized. Just as Mary is, Hannah was singing a song of praise for the child God was giving her. Since travel was not easy, long visits were normal. Why has something so good happened to me?”  With her question, Elisabeth recognized how honored she was to be visited by the mother of her, knowing that she had done nothing to deserve it. Now we move back to the second section, verses 48–49a. She had no wealth or social status. Recognizing the Lord as “God my Saviour” Mary was confessing her personal need of salvation. Mary’s hymn of praise to God . He cared for those whom the world typically overlooks. In other words, Mary shows us that she knows Scripture as she sings this song. Explore. Mary, a humble woman and engaged to Joseph, on hearing that she would give … Continue reading "Mary’s Song Of Praise To God" Still speaking to Mary, Elisabeth said in this verse “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”  The word “blessed” here is different from the one used in verse 42. An expression of God ’ s lesson “ the Lord with her belief Mary immediately decided to Elisabeth! A Messiah, God was fulfilling His promises to a couple deemed too Old to a! Is, Hannah was singing a song of praise surrounding it He says God include personal. Blessed and Mary understood being chosen by God … God is the righteous, those who love and worship God! What her eyes could see, ” reads the Jesus Storybook Bible that generations! 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