In return for the location of this crucial information, Amedda wanted to become a part of Sloane's Empire. Amedda went before Emperor Darth Sidious, and informed him of his ship's theft. The Grand Vizier ultimately conceded that a victory at Salient was important for the Empire in the Corporate Sector and so acquiesced to Tarkin's request for reinforcements. [18], When the Senate reconvened to vote on Senator Saam's measure, it appeared as though news of the Separatist's peace movement had convinced the congress that bank deregulation and further war funding was unnecessary. Amidala's bill was voted down, and Amedda was present outside of the Senate Chamber when Palpatine and Amidala discussed the outcome. However, Republic officials would oversee his administration to ensure that the Grand Vizier remained little more than a figurehead of a powerless government. Mas Amedda holding the Speaker's staff as Palpatine declares himself Emperor. Divo revealed to the gathered leaders that Senaor Farr had been murdered by way of poison, but assured them that he had the investigation under control. During his time as Chair of the Senate, he served as a committee chairman and worked alongside representatives from the icy world of Vallt in the Outer Rim Territories, who Amedda noted were growing increasingly discontent with their lack of trade support and respect from the Republic. 1118. In his private role as attendant to the Dark Lord of the Sith, Amedda was by Darth Sidious's side as news circulated that the former Sith apprentice, Darth Maul, was alive and building a shadow army to challenge the Jedi, Sith, Republic, and Confederacy in the final year of the war. Quiz Maker Survey Maker Poll Maker Form Maker. Amidala had returned to Scipio with Clovis to represent the Republic's interests, but was now reporting that the Confederacy navy had invaded the planet in an apparent effort to seize control of the banks with Clovis's assistance. The conflict had been secretly arranged by Krennic as part of yet another resource acquisition scheme, but was largely intended to keep Tarkin away from the Death Star and out of the Grand Vizier's good graces. Report Save. It showed Palpatine, Amedda himself, Vice Admirals Screed and Rancit, Yularen and a young boy. The poster was arranged by artist Angilar Bosh and included an image of the Vice Chair to represent the Chagrian people. A Chagrian from the watery planet Champala serving as Speaker of the House and Vice Chair under his friend Supreme Chancellor Valorum, Amedda once helped foil an assassination plot against the Republic leader. [8], During a session of the wartime Senate, Amedda presided over the chamber as the Senators debated the potential threat that the Death Watch terrorist organization posed to the people of Mandalore. STAFF. [14], In the following days, it was discovered that a clone army had been created for the Republic in secret on the hidden world of Kamino. Senator Nix Card announced to the assembled senators that, in the interest of economic stability, the Muun government was ceding control of the InterGalactic Banking Clan to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Species All members of the group were subject to the Official Secrets Oath which protected their work from the Jedi and much of the Senate. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Palpatine eventually confided in Amedda that his political persona was merely an alter ego—in truth, he was Darth Sidious,[2] a Dark Lord of the Sith and longtime enemy of the Jedi Order. ; Schrodinger Canon: In Legends, Pestage might have been the … The Senate suspended the mandated term limits in response to the growing Separatist Crisis, allowing the Supreme Chancellor and his administration to remain in power for a full decade. Unbeknownst to both the Jedi and the clones, the chips were part of Sidious's plan to turn the Grand Army against the Order. As the Emperor interrogated Bracchia and Stellan, Amedda, 11-4D and a pair of Royal Guards listened to Sidious, who discovered the dubious involvement of Vice Admiral Rancit with the insurgents. 2. share. [22], Mas Amedda with Generals Windu and Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine, Senator Amidala, and Queen Neeyutnee in Theed on Naboo, Amedda and Palpatine were escorted to Naboo by Jedi Master Mace Windu, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and a contingent of clone shock troopers aboard a Jedi T-6 shuttle. During the … Posted at 2016-07-20 19:26:27+00:00. Mas Amedda, Thrawn, Sly Moore, and the various Inquisitors were exceptions to the Imperial standard. He was responsible for corrupting Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader. He would later recount the experience, crediting the gaggle of children who rescued him from captivity. Then you were ed to report to your emperor...instead, you left on your own personal mission. Chronological and political information [14] Around that time, Amedda was present at a funeral for Jedi who were killed in the Jedi Temple bombing. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While discussing the location of General Grievous and the remaining Separatist leadership, Palpatine dismissed Amedda, Moore, and Concorkill so he could confer privately with the young Jedi Knight. [17], As the Clone Wars grew to a new height, Amedda came under scrutiny by the Jedi High Council. In conjunction with the fiery address, Imperial stormtroopers dumped a basket of confiscated lightsabers into a large incinerator to be burned before the gathered crowd. Mas Amedda is one of those background characters that we don't get to hear a lot from, but we wish we knew more about him. At one point, as the Emperor was unavailable, Amedda received Governor Arihnda Pryce from Lothal to discuss Lothal's industrial and mining sectors on her visit to Coruscant. When the three of them heard a violent clatter from within the operating theater, they rushed back in to find the clone attempting to assassinate the chancellor. When Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo uncovered Minister Jerec's actual holorecording, requesting that the Republic leave Mandalore alone, Amedda and Palpatine presided over a Senate session that rescinded the Senate's earlier vote to occupy the planet. [16], During a session of the wartime Senate, Amedda presided over the chamber as senators debated the potential threat that Death Watch posed to the people of Mandalore and the virtue of a Republic occupation. Biographical information Mas Amedda begins his political career as the Senator of Champala, the Chagrian homeworld. Amedda became Palpatine's Grand Vizier and head of the Imperial Ruling Council when Palpatine transformed the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire. The Vice Chancellor attended Palpatine when the Supreme Chancellor welcomed Skywalker, Jedi Master Mace Windu, the astromech droid R2-D2, and the giant Zillo Beast of Malastare to Coruscant; Palpatine was eager to study the beast's fearsome armor despite the Jedi's discomfort with keeping the beast on the capital. By RodianClone, 2016-07-20 19:26:27+00:00 in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG. Despite a series of setbacks late in the Clone Wars, construction on the Death Star continued under the direction of the new Imperial Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research agency, led by Director Orson Krennic. PLANETS. [5], Amedda and several troopers prepare to incinerate lightsabers, Following Vader's recovery, Amedda spoke at a large public rally outside the former Jedi Temple to commemorate the Order's eradication. Senator Mas Amedda was greedy, ambitious and cowardly, vices that Palpatine (Darth Sidious) detected early in his career in the Senate; he appealed to Amedda’s ruthless desire for status in order to make him his right-hand man and help him topple Chancellor Finis Valorum. - Also: Mandalorians, Hapans, Kiffar etc are clearly stated to be human colonists and since they have no physical differences to humans, I won't count them as separate species. 2. share. Chagrian, Mas Amedda. Although they are an aquatic breed, they … By the time the meeting was over, the Senate had approved the resolution and the Republic military prepared for an invasion of Mandalore. At the outset of the Clone Wars, Chancellor Palpatine directed Mas Amedda to establish and direct the Strategic Advisory Cell—a wartime strategy council tasked with the most classified Republic Military projects. Seeing defeat as all but certain, Amedda attempted to … Disillusioned with the Empire, Amedda accepted help from a group of street children known as the Anklebiter Brigade, who rescued him from captivity. Although Amedda cautioned Palpatine on his approach, the chancellor decided to have the Zillo Beast killed so its secrets could be unlocked. [34] Towards the end of the Galactic Civil War, Amedda was forced by stormtroopers loyal to the-now Counselor to the Empire Rax to serve as his puppet and read Imperial propaganda. Mas Amedda The Imperial government on Coruscant was replaced by a powerless provisional government with Amedda as its nominal leader. During Rax's time at the Imperial Academy he met with the Grand Vizier and the Emperor, as well as Admirals Dodd Rancit and Terrinald Screed of Imperial Intelligence and Colonel Wullf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau. He accused Vader of treason and ordered two imperial royal guards to attack Vader, which they did. [18] Before further investigation could commence, Palpatine himself revealed his true persona to Windu and killed him, along with several other members of the High Council. On Palpatine's orders, he was transported to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant; Mas Amedda was at the facility to greet the clone and his escort, Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Kaminoan Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se. In a gesture of authority, he would often punctuate such calls with a flicker of his long, forked tongue. Despite this apparent demotion, Amedda enjoyed his ability to pursue his thirst for knowledge of Sith history, exploring many Sith worlds. In the immediate aftermath, Sidious declared the Jedi enemies of the state and activated Order 66—a clone protocol programmed into their inhibitor chips that marked all Jedi for execution.[5]. In protest, the Trade Federation established an illegal blockade[3] around the Mid Rim[12] world of Naboo, cutting off all shipping to the planet. However, Vader was in his shuttle on the way to Tatooine with his squadron of Death troopers and ZED-6-7, and when Amedda asked, Piett replied that Vader was currently unavailable. Although the ambitious plans were allegedly created by the Separatists on Geonosis before falling into Republic hands, the captured Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser insisted that the Confederacy was not building the station. Amedda pushed the bill to a vote over the protests of Senator Mon Mothma, but was interrupted by the arrival of Amidala, who intended to speak in Organa's place. The Jedi council definitely got a big focus on this film due to their downfall occurring, and I am so thrilled that we're already starting to get some of the council members in the Black Series this … [19], Seeing the Grand Plan to fruition, Chancellor Palpatine destroyed the Jedi Order and recreated the Republic as the first Galactic Empire. It was clear to the Chagrian that the insurgents were destroying the very infrastructure that the Empire hoped to seize, and Tarkin admitted that his marginal success on one of the system's outlying moons was not enough to dissuade Salient's local defenses still garrisoned on the inward planets. [6], Fourteen years after the rise of the Empire, Amedda continued to hold the position of Grand Vizier. [6], Once the Carrion Spike was shipjacked by insurgents and used to attack Galidraan Station, Amedda and Ars Dangor were dispatched by the Emperor to meet with the intelligence officers Ison, Dodd Rancit and Screed, where he was angered at their recommendation to let the Carrion go and told them of the threat of dissidence, when the report of an attack on Lucazec arrived. Amedda offered to sell his two Coruscant City Tour tickets to him for 50 Republic credits each (half of what he originally paid) because he had business to attend to on Alderaan. An army of clone troopers discovered by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Kamino served the role, and the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars began. Amedda closed the meeting, declaring that the Emperor would consider the issue. Indeed even Amedda was a puppet to Palpatine, who was in fact a Dark Lord of the Sith. Although Palpatine had publicly promised to push for an end to hostilities on the occasion of the general's death, it was simultaneously revealed to the Jedi Order that the supreme chancellor was secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious who had been manipulating events throughout the Clone Wars and long before. When Amidala was taken into Confederate custody on-camera, Amedda rushed to invoke an emergency session of the Senate so the legislature could approve a military intervention on Scipio. Amedda and Palpatine hear the testimony of Duchess Satine Kryze. Although Jerec was an ally of the Duchess, his testimony—which had been doctored as part Sidious's scheme to drag Mandalore into the war—claimed that the Republic military needed to intervene as Kryze was unwilling to admit that her pacifist crusade had failed.[16]. Offee admitted to the bombing before the tribunal and was taken into custody while Tano was released. [5], Placed into office on the heels of the failed trade summit on Eriadu, Amedda was awarded unprecedented power over the Supreme Chancellor, capable of blocking his ability to call sessions of Congress as well as work with the Jedi Order. Amedda joined Palpatine and the Loyalist Committee to oversee the launch of the Grand Army of the Republic. The two then joined Senator Amidala to discuss the logistics of ratifying the Senate's vote. [28] Despite having been implicated in a treason plot with Lott Dod prior to the Second Battle of Geonosis,[29] Clovis's candidacy was championed by Amidala, who claimed that the former senator was the only figure who could be approved by both the Republic and Confederacy. During his time as Chair of the Senate, he served as a committee chairman and worked alongside representatives from the icy … Ultimately, Palpatine and Amedda won the debate when they presented to the Senate a prerecorded holographic testimony from the late Mandalorian Deputy Minister Jerec. Check out Aldi version Rey on the bottom left. Amedda served as speaker in the galactic senate during the rulership of Chancellor Finis Valorum and was one of the closest to that Supreme chancellor. In a senate session after the upheaval, Amedda and Palpatine watched as Clovis was posthumously blamed for the corruption in the banks and the crisis that followed. Homeworld [11] In truth, Palpatine was stoking the potential for war through the ex-Jedi firebrand Count Dooku, who had become a much-admired proponent of separatism on disaffected worlds. The public demonstration ended after the kyber crystals in the lightsabers produced a large energy discharge from within the inferno. Admirals Dodd Rancit and Terrinald Screed disagreed with the assessment and asserted instead that the Naval Intelligence Agency should lead the investigation, as the cache could point to a military threat against the Empire. [Source]. Although Rax's later career with the Naval Intelligence Agency sealed or obscured most of his record, an image of his meeting with the Grand Vizier and the intelligence chiefs was stored in the Hall of Imperial Register on Coruscant.[34]. [9] The Federation ultimately invaded the world and tried to force its monarch, Queen Padmé Amidala, to legalize the action by signing a treaty with the conglomerate. As a senator, Amedda considered himself an honest politician and strove to voice the wants and needs of his people in the Senate. The Phantom Menace (AU) (First appearance) Attack of the Clones (AU) Revenge of the Sith (AU) The … Federation representative Lott Dod denied the claims, falsely asserting that, as neutralists, the conglomerate's affiliation with the Separatists remained strictly commercial and that the blockade was merely an effort to force Pantora to fulfill its trade debts. Queen Amidala's appearance before the Senate had been arranged by Naboo's Senator Sheev Palpatine[3]—a rising star with whom Amedda worked to sabotage Valorum's credibility. Although the gathered members of the Cell were eager to discuss the acquisition of a sentient labor force for the interior of the station, Amedda pushed on to one of the key design gaps in the original plan: the superstructure's primary weapon. Despite Amedda's allegiance to the Trade Federation, Taa and his followers successfully appointed Amedda to the seat made available by the departing Bothan Vice Chair; the conspiring Senators hoped to bog down Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum in meaningless procedural squabbles and eventually end his career. The cell was still uncertain what variety of weapon the Confederacy had intended on installing into the station's primary array, and Special Weapons Group lead scientist Professor Sahali insisted to Amedda that planet-killing armament on that scale would require a scientific breakthrough. Amedda gave the Moff his mission and, at the Emperor's behest, said nothing of who would be in command. Mas Amedda is the big, blue guy with huge horns coming out of his head. Dooku was killed in the conflict, but the war carried on while the Senate continued to vote to give the Chancellor's Office increasingly significant powers to end the war. Lol. Amedda announced the results of the vote, which was ratified by the Separatist Parliament. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, he was voiced by Stephen Stanton. Skin color These worlds banded together in the Council of Neutral Systems under the leadership of Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, who was particularly critical of the Republic's increasing militarism. [34], After returning back to Coruscant, Amedda considered suicide by jumping off of one of the Imperial Palace's balconies. Duchess Kryze, having traveled to Coruscant to attend the session, forcefully argued against intervention and asserted the right of her people to remain neutral in the war. Name the species each character belongs to! Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. In what became known as the first Empire Day, Sidious, in his public role as Palpatine—heavily deformed by his battle with the Jedi—stood before the Senate alongside Mas Amedda and Sly Moore to issue the Proclamation of the New Order, which formally ended the war, branded the Jedi as traitors, and transformed the Republic into the First Galactic Empire. Blue[2] During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Queen Padmé Amidala traveled to the galactic capital seeking Republic intervention against the Trade Federation's occupation of her homeworld. And then Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Amidala was able to seize the mining interests on Samovar and Wadi Raffa direct... Republic by signing the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Senate during the Festival Palpatine... Office Building and endangered Chancellor Palpatine in the office window, startling Amedda who then the... Were successful bombarded by accusations of narcissism on Amedda 's attention, and Amedda. 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