The future is his reservoir of gladness. When we complain to the Lord of the badness of the times, we ought to complain against ourselves for the badness of our hearts. Apoliyon, the destroyer. This prophecy clearly has never been fulfilled. But as God calls the Church his spouse, and as she is described to us under the character of a woman, so also he compares here the enemies of the holy people to a petulant woman. At the moment of conversion, the soul enters upon a conflict which continues until his dying day. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy - The prophet still more makes himself one with the people, not only as looking for God, but in penitence, as Daniel bewails “his own sins and the sins of his people” Daniel 9:10. (h) This is spoken in the voice of the Church, which calls the malignant church her enemy. If Haman fall before Mordecai the Jew, he shall not easily stop, or step back, Esther 6:13. God will hear us. When we complain to the Lord of the badness of the times, we ought to complain against ourselves for the badness of our hearts. Commentary on Micah 6:9-16 (Read Micah 6:9-16) God, having showed how necessary it was that they should do justly, here shows how plain it was that they had done unjustly. Enduring Word Bible Commentary . 245. "[18] Blindly rejecting any such thing as predictive prophecy, some would delete these verses, or attribute them to some "post-exilic editor." But if a Persian or other persecutor begin to fall before a Jew, he can neither stay nor rise. — Ed. the Lord shall be a light unto me; by delivering out of affliction; by lifting up the light of his countenance; by causing Christ the sun of righteousness to arise; by sending his Spirit to illuminate, refresh, and comfort; by his word, which is a lamp to the feet, a light to the path, a light shining in a dark place; see Psalm 27:1. In our greatest distresses, we shall see no reason to despair of salvation, if by faith … when Assyria was the reigning superpower. He told them not to rejoice, because though he fell, God would raise him up. : “The fall of infirmity is not grave, if free from the desire of the will. when I fall: i.e. There would be ample room for our enemies to taunt us, were it not that this promise cannot fail us, — seven times in the day the just falls, and rises again, (Proverbs 24:16.) Wiseman - Whereas light in Micah 7:8 spoke of God as the present source of salvation, in Micah 7:9 it speaks of his future act of salvation. The rejoicing foe rebuked. Again the Assyrian is thought by … The "sitting in darkness" is the occasion of the light, in that the soul or the people in sorrow turns to Him who is their light. Micah 6:10 An ephah was a dry measure. Israel reasons as her divine representative, Messiah, reasoned by faith, in His hour of darkness and desertion (Isaiah 50:7-8; Isaiah 50:10). III. We should … — How so? When I fall, I shall arise” Psalm 30:5; (literally, “when I have fallen, I have arisen”;) expressing both the certainty and speed of the recovery. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. 245. However, the words are a vital and significant portion of the prophet's word of encouragement for a people shortly doomed to captivity; and it was precisely such encouraging words as these that enabled the humbled and enslaved remnant of the people to endure and triumph over that captivity. The language is very strong; the figurative terms employed suggest their own images; it is a sad but not a desperate case; there is hope in the Lord concerning this thing; but, meanwhile, there is a conflict going on which puts to the proof the strength and courage of Micah. There are no copies which give a different reading as to the verb “I have risen.” Newcome follows the Septuagint, and thinks that a conversive ו is left out. (a) "quamvis sedero", Drusius; "quamvis sedeam", Burkius. We must depend upon God to work deliverance for us in … Mankind was to reverence the Lord and to walk in faithful obedience to Him; to love Him and to humbly serve Him with all their heart and soul. By : David Guzik. Israel addresses Babylon, her triumphant foe (or Edom), as a female: the type of her last and worst foes (Psalms 137:7-8). Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD, When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me —, I will bear the indignation of the Lord —, Until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me —, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Micah 7:18 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 18 Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity And passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His [ a ] possession? Quick Navigation. I. And to this fear the believer is liable, even as the unbeliever. That which belonged to him is common to us all--not always, but at certain times. Live by His Compassion. Over and above the conflicts arising from his own evil heart, and the temptations of a godless world, the saint has in Satan a sworn foe. Micah 7:9 I will bear the indignation of the LORD, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness.