Presumably, Psalm 149 was chosen as the lectionary psalm for All Saints Day because the “saints” show up three times in this psalm (verses 1, 5, 9 NIV). To access this sermon, use the links below. Favoriting is a great way to keep a list of sermons, programs, and ministry resources in your account. Hallelujah! Study the bible online using commentary on Psalm 149:6 and more! PRAISE THE LORD Psalms 149 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. So in a single life there are recurring occasions when the heart is inspired to make a new song. Copyright ©2016 — Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord — Psalm 150, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Actually all things are God's — valleys as well as hills, plains as well as mountains. Home / Christmas / Psalm 149. Psalm 149:5–9 ESV 5 Let the godly exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their beds. When Jeremiah wished vividly to picture to the people the terrible judgments which his prophetic eye could see that God was about to bring upon their land because they had been rebellious, among other things he says: "I beheld the mountains, and, lo! Sermons on Psalm 150. Schuyler Rhodes. Isaiah is rich in imagery of this sort. GREAT ANTIQUITY AND UNCHANGEABLENESS (Habakkuk 3:6; Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 54:10). The Bible often refers to mountains as if, in a special sense, they belonged to God. 3 Let them praise his name with a dancing, making melody to him with b tambourine and c lyre! Let the high praises (or the exaltations) of God be in their mouth] Heb. ... Sermons on Psalm 149. But mountains are put, too, in Scripture as symbols of difficulties which lie in the way of Christ's conquest of the world. The thing that is impossible with men is possible with God. - Psalm 149 Sermons. Not only do we pass through cloud and sunshine, and along rough places and smooth, but sometimes we have to confront obstacles which seem to be as much beyond our power to move aside as the high mountain would be. Psalm 149:6. 6. Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King. A NEW SONG MAY BE THE OLD SONG PUT IN A NEW FORM. PRAISE THE LORD Psalms 149 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. ◄Psalm 149:5 ► Let the saints exult in glory; let them shout for joy upon their beds. Sermons Sermon: PASSOVER: Psalm 149 Exodus 12:1-14 September 7, 2014 The passage you just heard is an interlude between the ninth and tenth plagues that God brought upon Egypt and eight chapters have transpired since last Sunday’s reading, so clearly I need to bring you up to date. The old song would lose interest, would become formal; its old form would become too strait, unsuitable, repressive of feeling. Did you sing it something like this: "Ah, sing praise to the Lord, yawn; come, aaahh, sing a new song. 6 Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords in their hands, 7 to execute vengeance on the nations and punishments on the peoples, 8 to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, 9 to execute on them the judgment written! Minister. And when we stand and look at a mountain, with its top piercing the clouds, the thought may well come to us, If the valleys and plains have been given to man, God has reserved the mountains for Himself. III. Yes, these immovable hills tremble when they see God; and what, then, will impenitent sinners do — men who take no notice of what God has to say to them; who keep their thoughts bound down to earthly things, and never acknowledge God in any of His ways? Chapter. When the prophet again wishes to tell us what mighty things God has done, and especially to call attention to the quiet, easy, noiseless way that God can bring about marvellous events, how splendidly he effects this by saying, "The mountains flowed down at Thy presence"! Psalm 149:1 Hallelujah! This sermon continues the sermon series through Psalms. - R.T. Indeed, no other psalm has such a “triple play” of saintliness. II. The old Hebrew teachers, when they wanted to show the people how strong the arm of Jehovah was, used, in effect, to point to the mountains, and say, "Let me tell you what Jehovah can do with them." Event. How did you sing it? Preaching the Psalms Cycles A, B, C. Within the confines of our cultural reality, those who take things into their own hands are showered with praise. And there are some whose summits can never be reached. Sort by. they trembled." Psalm 149. The pathway of every individual life has its obstacles. Ver. Exposition - Explanatory Notes and Quaint Sayings Hints to the Village Preacher We are almost at the last Psalm, and still among the Hallelujahs. At one time the prophet wished to make the people feel the immense disparity between themselves and God, and he asks them the significant question, "Who hath weighed the mountains in scales?" It is in accord with all this that our Saviour, when He wanted His three disciples to lose sight of earth while they beheld His heavenly glory, took them away to a mountain-top. Psalm 149:6 May the high praises of God be in their mouths, and a two-edged sword in their hands, Sermons. 76.76 D. Aurelia (The Church’s One Foundation) ... and his wife Julie Tennent to empower the church to sing the Psalms. GOD'S GREAT POWER. Yes, if we want to banish little earth-born thoughts, and cares, and troubles, if we would exclude them by the entrance of greater thoughts, then climb the mountain, go to its summit if you can, and you are likely to come back another man. This sermon continues the sermon series through Psalms. Sermon Series; Search Results: Psalm 149:1-9; Free Sermon Series for Preaching : In Sermon Series: "Psalm 149:1-9" showing 1-8 of 8 Filter Results Sort By Close Filters Scripture . Psalm 149 tends to run in two directions down the same mountain. … iv. The people of … We might well believe that these difficulties would never be overcome if God had not said they should be. Psalm 149. The Paperback Bible presents the Bible by the Book and is designed to be portable, readable, and truly personal with ample margins for notations. Sing to the LORD a new song--His praise in the assembly of the godly. "Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King." Psalms 149:6 [Let] the high [praises] of God [be] in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;. And Habakkuk shows that Jehovah's power is not to be trifled with when, more than once he says, "The mountains saw Thee, and they trembled." Psalm 149 Psalm 150 Proverbs 1. Out of these very mountains God can make a way. 2/7/2019 Rev. III. It was well to keep that song in remembrance, and it was wisely repeated when the great deliverance was recalled. A Journey Through the Psalms: Reflections for Worried Hearts and Troubled Times. The Alps lay in the way of Hannibal and Napoleon when they were seeking to conquer Italy; and vaster mountains still seem to lie in the way of Christ's conquest of the world. provides sermon illustrations, sermons, powerpoint and worship resources, and children's sermons & bulletins. Source: Working Preacher This commentary on Psalm 149 describes the lives of God's loved people, saints, as they are carried through the trials of a wicked world to bring heartfelt praise to God. Search Clear filters Advanced Save this search Rss feed. Praise the LORD. It is like nothing else, for on it rests the stamp of my individuality. The unwillingness of the people to listen to the message of reconciliation is a mighty mountain in the way of the victorious march of the Saviour; and even when they listen the unbelief and cold indifference of men stand out like a vast mountain with snowy summit and ice-bound sides. Psalm 149. The combination of these two – the high praises of God and the two-edged sword – spiritually speaks to every leader among God’s people. Pastor Lloyd says, "In the opening six verses of Psalm 139, there are eight different Hebrew words that stack up to tell you that God knows your story intimately." In this sermon, Lloyd Stilley uses Psalm 139. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. No sermons for this chapter. Psalm 149. A NEW SONG IS WANTED BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS NEW OCCASIONS. Read Psalm 149:6 commentary using The Treasury of David. Sing to the L ord v a new song, his praise in w the assembly of the godly! Psalm 149. Psalms 149:5. [Psalm 149] November 4, 2007 Second Reformed Church We opened this morning's worship by singing, "Sing Praise to the Lord," which is a setting to music of the Psalm which is our Scripture this morning. I. Song And Stroke . lviil. 2 Let Israel x be glad in y his Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their z King! John Trapp Complete Commentary. ... Preaching the Psalms Cycles A, B, C. The very words, "Praise the Lord," have, in some circles, taken on a tone of mockery and scorn. - Psalm 149 Sermons. But there came occasions in the national history when that song was unsuitable, and a new song on the old lines had to be made. 1, "Cry aloud"; Heb. AN OLD SONG IS NEW WHEN A NEW SPIRIT IS PUT INTO IT. Congregation. song put into a new form. It will need to have much more put into it, and then it will appear as the "song of Moses and the Lamb.". 2. Illustrate by the song of Deborah; the songs of David on bringing up the ark; of Solomon on dedicating the temple; of the exiles on return from captivity; of the Maccabees on recovering the holy city; of Mary on receiving the visit of the angel. in their throat. cry in the throat, set up thy note. Perhaps it would be true to say that there really is no new song; for man there can never be anything more than the oh! Sing to the LORD a new song--His praise in the assembly of the godly. In certain quarters, one can hear the high nasal satiric voice as it bleats out the opening words to this psalm. Therefore let God's saints at the present time—his restored people, who have just had a fresh deliverance—rejoice, in the "glory" that covers them—rejoice and give God thanks for it. But God can make even these icy mountains shake and tremble and melt away. IV. Psalms 149:1. Sermons from Psalm 149. And whenever He Himself wanted to leave the world behind Him, and to find a place where He could feel His Father to be very near, and have intimate communion with Him, "He went up into a mountain to pray.". 149 Praise ye the Lord.Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.. 2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Everything is new to me that is actually mine - a genuine expression of myself. Psalm 149:6 has something of that idea. And that is the spirit of a man's individuality. 149 u Praise the L ord! In NRSV, these are the “faithful”; more significantly, in Hebrew, they are the hasidim (though this … Continue reading "Commentary on Psalm 149" Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. (Psalm 149:1) his words are to be taken not as the measured cadences of one deep in religious thought, but as the heartfelt utterances of one who has sensed God s deliverance. 2 Let Israel rejoice in him … In Psalm 149, we learn that God’s people should praise him because of his character, his present and past work in their lives, and his future fulfillment of his promises. Mountains declare the majesty of God's handiwork. 2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful … And yet how much importance attaches to the fact that the old song does get set in ever-varying forms! THE PLACE OF SPECIAL COMMUNION WITH GOD. Preaching. It may be as old as the hills; it is new to me; it is the output of my feeling, the creation of my experience. Psalm 149 | Search Results | Sermon and Worship Resources This Week 3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Psalm 149:1-9: Pulpit Commentary Homiletics. This is "a new song", evidently intended for the new creation, and the men who are of new heart.It is such a song as may be sung at the coming of the Lord, when the new dispensation shall bring overthrow to the wicked and honour to all the saints. Return to the Main Player. Searchterm. Our God has won victories for us in the past, He is winning victories for us in the present, and He will win a climatic victory for us in the future. He can convert a Saul, the persecutor and unbeliever, into Paul, the persuasive preacher. SYMBOLS OF IMMENSE OBSTACLES AND DIFFICULTIES (Matthew 17:20; 1 Corinthians 13:2). 1. A song was sung by Israel, under the lead of Moses and Miriam, when the people were safely on the further shore of the Red Sea. And if we have faith we shall not only climb mountains by an incessant effort, but we shall be able to put some of them out of the way (Isaiah 40:4, 5). The song of Moses will not always satisfy. See all sermons on Psalms. It works everywhere you sign in, even with the mobile app! But take courage, friend! In Psalm 149, we learn that God’s people should praise him because of his character, his present and past work in their lives, and his future fulfillment of his promises. "Praaaise the Lorrrrd!" Song and Stroke: R. Tuck : Psalm 149:6: Cumulative Praise: Psalm 149:1-9: The Song of the Saints: D. Dickson. Let the saints be joyful in glory. The gatherings of God’s people should excel in both praise and the preaching of God’s word. Audio sermons Audio/video sermons Reading sermons Lectures Meditations. But I believe you never meet with God speaking of these other things as He does of mountains. He doesn't say, "My valleys," "My rivers," but He does say, "My mountains." for if you can't remove it, if you can't get it out of your way in an instant — as most of us in our impatience would like to do with all our mountain-difficulties — yet by steady and persistent effort you may master the mountain and get the right side of it by and by. 4 For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. Radio Streams. So Isa. If man is able to scale them he is unable to live upon them. It is published by Seedbed, whose mission is to gather, connect, and resource the people of … II. The song starts on a lofty summit with an invocation to praise the Lord and sing a new song. Series. 4. Let them sing aloud upon their beds. ◄ Psalm 149:2 ► Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their King. Lecture category. When Nahum seeks to make the impenitent sinner sensible of the terrors of the Lord, even though He is slow to anger, he says, "The mountains quake at Him, the hills melt, and the earth is burned at His presence." SA Radio For man's song is always a loving and grateful recognition of God's goodness. Preaching. Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people. I. Life there are recurring OCCASIONS when the heart is inspired to make a way sermons on psalm 149 people should excel in praise. V a new song, and children 's sermons & bulletins unto the LORD a new --! Great way to keep a list of sermons, powerpoint and worship resources this Psalm... A way Let everything that has Breath praise the LORD a new song -- praise! Of every individual life has its OBSTACLES these other things as he does say, My... Sermon, use the sermons on psalm 149 below, set up thy note their Maker Let! To mountains as if, in a new song valleys as well as hills, plains as well hills. 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