These were the ones that were committing adultery, fornication. Linen is made from a plant that grows. Sons of Zadok Part 2 of 2 Sermons in English. Ezekiel 44:18 “They shall have linen bonnets…”., Complete Set of 2020 Audio Messages Available, New Audio Messages Available (2019 & 2020). 24:1-4 David sets up 24 courses of priests for temple service. His mother was not the same mother. “Zadok you know, you can see. Isn’t this interesting? The golden altar is the last stop before they cross through the veil and from there they go into the holy of holies. That is a good candidate for king at least in the natural. Then he knew he could go in. 2nd Samuel 17:18 “Nevertheless a lad saw them, and told Absalom: …”. As I think back on this time, I am convinced that she “broke down” because he forbade her to move in the things of the Spirit and she just couldn’t handle it. So let us continue in Ezekiel and we will go down to verse 17. Some of them entered in and were (shall we say) a partaker of the bride in this wedding. He was really persecuting her very hard. The two elders that weren’t in the meeting were out in the camp and they began to prophesy. And now we are going to see where another priest went astray before David’s time. In this time of great change choose right. Acceleration is a phenomenon of our times! And Zadok came from Phinehas. Zadok was a descendant of Aaron and a leader over his family of Levites (1 Chronicles 27:17). Shortly after this there was a revolt in the Kingdom, and Absalom who had favour with most of the people sought to take the kingdom from David. The son of one of these faithful men finally turned and betrayed David at the very last. Do we have the faith in God and the substance of character to go the way we think is right even if everyone else goes the other direction? Spiritually they had gone down below their own order in their carnal choice of spouses and the result of the seed produced was monsters. Ahimelech priest of this line and 85 other family members slain by Saul, in fulfillment of prophecy against Eli and his sons. But I am going to show you that there is a line of Eli that is still in the priesthood up until the time of Jesus Christ, evidence from the courses that David had set in order. They had no children, therefore the other two sons, Eleazor and Ithmar make up the priestly lines. Does this mean that this is the way of the church too? We can see how the fat cattle have pushed the lean cattle aside and have given them no regard. They asked the runner, “What is going on? 17 “… And a wench (a maid servant) went and told them; and they went and told king David.”. By the way, these sons were not children. I’m talking about first-time mention – God deals with it and He shows what He really feels about it. It took time and it was a very difficult place to cross. And the other camp that was outside the city trying to make Adonijah king heard the shouting and the trumpet. 1 “Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. Now this is a description of the requirements of priesthood. Today we are going to be talking about the sons of Zadok. 13 “And he shall have it, and his seed after him, even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood; because he was zealous for his God, and made an atonement for the children of Israel.”. You are on a natural (carnal) level; you will minister in natural things; you are not on the spiritual level. The sons of Zadok must come forth and stand with My apostles, for false apostles are seeking to gain a position of rule over My people." Mary wasn’t involved in any activity that generated sweat. I don’t believe it ever ends in our lifetime. Declarations & Decrees: God Almighty is Shaking All Nations.