You should have guessed that I am well -- thatis to say -- in a word, I have made an acquaintance who has wonmy heart: I have -- I know not. His alarm lest I shouldmisconceive his position with regard to his mistress, or questionthe propriety of her conduct, touched me particularly. I exclaimed, "God's blessing andyour mother's spirit are upon you." "The Sorrows of Young Werther," in many senses a classic of the epistolary genre of novels, opens with the titular protagonist having just completed a move to a rural town made in order to escape a romantic entanglement with a woman named Leonora and her sister. Pursuing this advice, he may become a useful memberof society, and I should advise every prince to give him anappointment; but it is all up with his love, and with his geniusif he be an artist. Was it my fault, that, whilst the peculiar charms of her sister afforded me an agreeable entertainment, a passion for me was engendered in her feeble heart? I had a strangescene with him yesterday. This induced the late Count M to lay out a garden on one of the sloping hills which here intersect each other with the most charming variety, and form the most lovely valleys. Is this presumption, or is it a consciousness of the truth? Heaven reward him for it! The thing speaksfor itself. Some other time -- but no, not some othertime, now, this very instant, will I tell you all about it. He looks at the birth and growth of Romanticism throughout Europe and the Americas, and examines various types of Romantic literature, music, painting, religion, and philosophy. I was restless and miserable. Such, Wilhelm, is ourfate. And the one before was not much better. Oh, what a night, Wilhelm! She is to me a sacred being. You, who know me, can fancy how steadfastly I gazed upon her richdark eyes during these remarks, how my very soul gloated over herwarm lips and fresh, glowing cheeks, how I became quite lost inthe delightful meaning of her words, so much so, that I scarcelyheard the actual expressions. "I left my child in Philip's care," she said,"whilst I went into the town with my eldest boy to buy some wheatenbread, some sugar, and an earthen pot." You ask if you shall send me books. Here I sit gasping for breath,and struggling to compose myself. I sat down upon a plough opposite, andsketched with great delight this little picture of brotherlytenderness. The ambassador is indisposed, and willnot go out for some days. However,"-- now, you must know I can tolerate all men till they come to"however;" -- for it is self-evident that every universal rulemust have its exceptions. No words can portray thetenderness of his every movement and of every feature: no effortof mine could do justice to the scene. But I have myself known people whobelieved, without any visible astonishment, that their housepossessed the prophet's never-failing cruse of oil. "It is not loaded," said I. She was about to answer, when we were obliged to separate,in order to execute a figure in the dance; and, as we crossed overagain in front of each other, I perceived she looked somewhatpensive. They arequite at home with me, tell me everything; and I am particularlyamused with observing their tempers, and the simplicity of theirbehaviour, when some of the other village children are assembledwith them. It was one of the most important novels in the Sturm und Drang period in German literature, and influenced the later Romantic movement. She was a lively-looking,good-humoured brunette, quite competent to amuse one for a shorttime in the country. I bite my lips, and feel infinite scorn for those who tell me tobe resigned, because there is no help for it. Wilhelm,you would be delighted to hear us in our rambles, and conversationsabout Charlotte. I never felt happier, I never understood nature better, even downto the veriest stem or smallest blade of grass; and yet I amunable to express myself: my powers of execution are so weak,everything seems to swim and float before me, so that I cannotmake a clear, bold outline. At all events, the two latter are of less frequentoccurrence. Frederica listened very attentively: and theyoung man objected, that we were not masters of ourselves, andstill less so of our feelings. I only suggest one objection. all will yet be well; for I assure you, my dearfriend, you were right: since I have been obliged to associatecontinually with other people, and observe what they do, and howthey employ themselves, I have become far better satisfied withmyself. Did I not --but oh! I believe I mightprocure it. The Sorrows of Young Werther PDF empowers us not only write better English but enhance our communication abilities. The novel is the story of a sensitive, artistic young man who demonstrates the fatal effects of a predilection for She stretches out her arms finally to embrace the objectof all her wishes and her lover forsakes her. I had oftenvisited the same spot with Charlotte, and witnessed that glorioussight; and now -- I was walking up and down the very avenue whichwas so dear to me. He who is a stranger to these sensations hasnever really enjoyed cool repose at the side of a fountain after thefatigue of a weary summer day. Now and then the fable of the horse recurs to me.Weary of liberty, he suffered himself to be saddled and bridled,and was ridden to death for his pains. But when, in spite of weakness and disappointments, we set to workin earnest, and persevere steadily, we often find, that, thoughobliged continually to tack, we make more way than others who havethe assistance of wind and tide; and, in truth, there can be nogreater satisfaction than to keep pace with others or outstripthem in the race. There is not a moment but preys upon you, --and upon all around you, not a moment in which you do not yourselfbecome a destroyer. I did the same,but my agitation did not suffer me to remain long seated. It would, in fact, require the gifts of a great poetto convey the expression of his features, the harmony of his voice,and the heavenly fire of his eye. Theworld runs on from one folly to another; and the man who, solelyfrom regard to the opinion of others, and without any wish ornecessity of his own, toils after gold, honour, or any otherphantom, is no better than a fool. (We feel obliged to suppress the passage in the letter, to preventany one from feeling aggrieved; although no author need pay muchattention to the opinion of a mere girl, or that of an unsteadyyoung man.). It occurred to methen, that this very man had been baptised only a week before; soI said nothing further, but maintained the justice of my ownconvictions. whocan do justice to her language? If I sometimes invent an incidentwhich I forget upon the next narration, they remind one directlythat the story was different before; so that I now endeavour torelate with exactness the same anecdote in the same monotonoustone, which never changes. The novel was perfectly timed, capturing the European imagination with its portrayal of a dangerously sensitive youth driven to suicide. Charlotte rose. "Woe unto those," I said, "who use their power over a human heartto destroy the simple pleasures it would naturally enjoy! They stood around the bed; and she raised her feeblehands to heaven, and prayed over them; then, kissing them in turn,she dismissed them, and said to me, 'Be you a mother to them.' I have made all sorts of acquaintances, but have as yet found nosociety. Albert fell upon her neck, andkissed her, and exclaimed, "We are so, and we shall be so!" She sees nothing of the wide world beforeher, thinks nothing of the many individuals who might supply thevoid in her heart; she feels herself deserted, forsaken by theworld; and, blinded and impelled by the agony which wrings hersoul, she plunges into the deep, to end her sufferings in the broadembrace of death. This version of the novel has been accommodated for German learners. To give you a regular account of the manner in which I have becomeacquainted with the most amiable of women would be a difficult task.I am a happy and contented mortal, but a poor historian. Jane at the moment approachedwith the glass. She gave me greeting: I returned it, rose, andapproached her. You should see how foolish I look in company when her name ismentioned, particularly when I am asked plainly how I like her.How I like her! I exclaim with delight, when I rise inthe morning, and look out with gladness of heart at the bright,beautiful sun. Albert seated himself beside her. why did he not wait till hisstrength was restored, till his blood became calm? When in bygone days I gazed from theserocks upon yonder mountains across the river, and upon the green,flowery valley before me, and saw all nature budding and burstingaround; the hills clothed from foot to peak with tall, thick foresttrees; the valleys in all their varied windings, shaded with theloveliest woods; and the soft river gliding along amongst thelisping reeds, mirroring the beautiful clouds which the soft eveningbreeze wafted across the sky, -- when I heard the groves about memelodious with the music of birds, and saw the million swarms ofinsects dancing in the last golden beams of the sun, whose settingrays awoke the humming beetles from their grassy beds, whilst thesubdued tumult around directed my attention to the ground, and Ithere observed the arid rock compelled to yield nutriment to thedry moss, whilst the heath flourished upon the barren sands belowme, all this displayed to me the inner warmth which animates allnature, and filled and glowed within my heart. 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