Then, when you have entrusted your future to the Giver of all things good, rest assured that your future is secure, not only for today, but also for all eternity. Jennifer Carter, Women of Courage. And search for the hidden possibilities that God has placed along your path. More Motivating Quotes from Inspiring Women Today "When fear has risen within her, she will raise her hands even higher, taking deep and careful breaths, as the daylight reminds her: She is guided. A flower blossoms for its own joy. And it pained me a great deal. Corrie ten Boom advised, “God’s all-sufficiency is a major. Once A Day Everyday ... For A Woman of Grace Quotes, “SHOUT FOR JOY Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth. But, when we find ourselves overtaken by the minor frustrations of life, we must catch ourselves, take a deep breath, and lift our thoughts upward. As you establish priorities for life, you must decide whether God’s Word will be a bright spotlight that guides your path every day or a tiny nightlight that occasionally flickers in the dark. Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything. 2 Peter 1:5-6 HCSB Character is built slowly over a lifetime. . This day is a priceless gift from God, so use it joyfully and encourage others to do likewise. and God’s. . He can manage everything, and He loves us. . Catherine Marshall Christians think they are prosecuting attorneys or judges, when, in reality, God has called all of us to be witnesses. Short Quotes About Beauty. Catherine Marshall A TIMELY TIP When you place yourself in the center of God’s will . But if the answer is no, set aside a specific time each morning to talk to God. So strengthen your faith through praise, through worship, through Bible study, and through prayer. 1 John 4:21 HCSB C. S. Lewis observed, “A man’s spiritual health is exactly proportional to his love for God.” If we are to enjoy the spiritual health that God intends for us, we must praise Him, we must love Him, and we must obey Him. How you choose to use your Bible is, of course, up to you . Go to table of contents. And He’s still doing so today. In short, we should be practical believers, quick to act whenever we see an opportunity to serve God. You can too. Psalm 118:24 HCSB The 118th Psalm reminds us that today, like every other day, is a cause for celebration. But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible. 30 best inspirational quotes about women ”Amazing things happen when women help other women.”-Kasia Gospos ”Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.”-Marilyn Monroe ”The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Women's natural role is to be a pillar of the family. The sun is shining somewhere, and will soon shine on you.”, “THE POWER OF FAITH Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe in His prophets, and you will succeed. And then, when your good deeds speak for themselves—as they most certainly will—don’t interrupt. Are you focused on God’s Word and His will for your life? Physical fitness is a choice, a choice that requires discipline—it’s as simple as that. These quotes about God’s grace are part of our inspiring quotes series. Do you desire the abundance and success that God has promised? And, the gifts we receive from God are multiplied when we share them. Peace. It is important to set goals because if you do not have a plan, a goal, a direction, a purpose, and a focus, you are not going to accomplish anything for the glory of God. if you have faith in Him. 21. These very “daily” tasks could become a celebration of praise. Titus 2 is not meant to be an inspirational picture of some yesteryear woman of virtue from 2,000 years ago. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. God gives us this day; He fills it to the brim with possibilities, and He challenges us to use it for His purposes. Billy Graham A TIMELY TIP Want to increase your sense of fulfillment? When you are worried, anxious, or afraid, call upon Him and accept the touch of His comforting hand. But, God will not force His joy upon you; you must claim it for yourself. James 1:19-20 NCV Perhaps God gave each of us one mouth and two ears in order that we might listen twice as much as we speak. Posted by Robert Hayes | No Comments. Every step of the way, through every triumph and tragedy, God will stand by your side and strengthen you . But as obedient followers of Christ, we are commanded to refrain from such behavior. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Marie T. Freeman Only the courteous can love, but it is love that makes them courteous. Instead of worrying about your next decision, ask God to lead the way. So today, and every day thereafter, celebrate this life that God has given you. It is my desire that these Christian quotes for women will give back just a bit of what has been given to me and help you on your journey of being a woman of God. God is here—eternally and faithfully, with infinite patience and love—and, if we reach out to Him, He will restore perspective and peace to our souls. If so, God wants to have a little chat with you. God is crafting His wonders all around us: the miracle of the birth of a new baby; the miracle of a world renewing itself with every sunrise; the miracle of lives transformed by God’s love and grace. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. God is in His heaven; Christ has risen, and we are the sheep of His flock. If the answer is yes, keep up the good work. And so, here are some inspirational quotes from these women for the women who might be reading this. If you become discouraged with the direction of your day or your life, lift your thoughts and prayers to Him. Grace quotes. Even Jesus Himself became angered when He confronted the moneychangers in the temple. If we place our lives in God’s hands, our faith is rewarded in ways that we—as human beings with clouded vision and limited understanding—can scarcely comprehend. life will become an exciting adventure.”, “STRENGTH FOR TODAY I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Every day is a beautifully wrapped gift from God. Give thanks to the One who has given you everything, and trust in your heart that He wants to give you so much more. His love for you is eternal, as are His gifts. Psalm 66:10–12 NKJV Everywhere we turn, or so it seems, the world promises fulfillment, contentment, and happiness. Count yourself among that number. Anne Graham Lotz A TIMELY TIP The Bible is God’s roadmap for life here on earth and for life eternal. So even if you’re experiencing difficult days, don’t abandon your dreams. A Strong Woman is both soft and powerful She is both practical and spiritual…. . The Bible is the ultimate guide for life; make it your guidebook as well. Christ’s message is clear, and it applies not only to the Pharisees of ancient times, but also to us. Women of Grace® seeks to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity via our programs, curricula, conferences, and materials. I am a woman of courage whenever i am down I maybe tired, drained and worn out But i know I am strong To face the situation I am a woman in love with the Lord A woman of faith who believes in His love A woman of courage Who turns my sadness to a joyful dance I know, i can brave the storm I know I'll never be alone You bring out the best in me. When you do, you’ll begin to feel an increasing sense of confidence in yourself and in your future. Are you fearful, angry, or worried. Family Women Pillar. Popular Strong Women Quotes. If you're looking for quotes about strength, courage, confidence, and more, these quotes from successful women like Michelle Obama will inspire you. The day is presented to us fresh and clean at midnight, free of charge, but we must beware: Today is a non-renewable resource—once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Barbara Johnson God uses our most stumbling, faltering faith-steps as the open door to His doing for us “more than we ask or think.” Catherine Marshall A TIMELY TIP Feelings come and feelings go, but God never changes. . A short time later, he penned a letter that was intended to encourage the new believers at that church. And then, when you’ve set aside a time for prayer, don’t allow yourself to become sidetracked.”, “QUALITY TIME, QUANTITY TIME Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts. When we truly worship God, we allow Him to rule over our days and our lives. “I want to do it because I want to do it. John Maxwell writes, “The gap between your vision and your present reality can only be filled through a commitment to maximize your potential.” Enough said.”, “THE MIRACLE WORKER Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many great miracles from the Father.” John 10:32 NIV God is a miracle worker. You’ve probably heard about “quality time” and “quantity time.” Your family needs both. When you are tempted to lose your temper over the minor inconveniences of life, don’t. But make no mistake: how you choose to use your Bible will have a profound impact on you and your loved ones. “I am a woman with thoughts and questions and sh*t to say. . It’s your body, and it’s your responsibility to take care of it.”, “SEEKING HIS WILL Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Hopefully so. Ephesians 3:20 NCV Are you willing to entertain the possibility that God has big plans in store for you? Our world desperately needs faithful women who share the Good News of Jesus with joyful exuberance. You are so Beautiful Quotes for Her: Delight Your Woman with a Surprise Text Message. But, when we turn our thoughts and our energies away from God’s commandments, we inevitably forfeit the spiritual abundance that might otherwise be ours. Faith is an act of the will, a choice, based on the unbreakable Word of a God who cannot lie, and who showed what love and obedience and sacrifice mean, in the person of Jesus Christ. … 2 Likes. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Elisabeth Elliot A TIMELY TIP Because God first loved you, you should love Him. In my weakness, I have learned, like Moses, to lean hard on God. She is seen. . Catherine Marshall Faith means believing in realities that go beyond sense and sight. Yet God’s Word is clear: fulfillment through Christ is available to all who seek it and claim it. Women's natural role is to be a pillar of the family. If you believe in grace, then let it change you. He is here. Although March is Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8) is a day for every feminist, it is important to celebrate every woman in your life every day. As a woman who has received the gift of God’s grace, you most certainly should. No man is an unbeliever, but because he will be so; and every man is not an unbeliever, because the grace of God conquers some, changes their wills, and binds them to Christ. – Daniel Saint. Today, open your heart to the Father. we went through fire and through water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV On his second missionary journey, Paul started a small church in Thessalonica. Jose Marti. Major in majors, not in minors.” Enough said.”, “THE NEED TO BE DISCIPLINED Do you not know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? February 12. Today, treasure the time that God has given you. If this fact gives you cause for concern, don’t bother talking about the changes that you intend to make—make them. 6489 matching entries found. Anonymous A TIMELY TIP If you need a little cheering up, start counting your blessings. John Calvin A TIMELY TIP Remember this: God has given us His commandments for a reason: to obey them. if you have faith. If you find yourself enduring difficult circumstances, remember that God remains in His heaven. Do you set aside quiet moments each day to offer praise to your Creator? I told you I would be back today. For if every man goes after his own way, we shall wander. So today, challenge your faith by making sure that you’re spending quality time each day studying God’s Word.”, “BIG DREAMS With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine. So, as a responsible Christian, you should willingly invest large quantities of your time and energy in the care and nurturing of your clan. you lose.”, “COURTESY MATTERS Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another. Joni Eareckson Tada A TIMELY TIP When your words are honest and your intentions are pure, you have nothing to fear.”, “YOU ARE BLESSED I will make them and the area around My hill a blessing: I will send down showers in their season—showers of blessing. Joni Eareckson Tada A TIMELY TIP God is in the business of doing miraculous things. If you sincerely seek the spiritual abundance that your Savior offers, then follow Him completely and without reservation. 1 Peter 1:13-15 HCSB John Wesley advised, “Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.” His words still ring true. Let us remember therefore this lesson: That to worship our God sincerely we must evermore begin by hearkening to His voice, and by giving ear to what He commands us. Are you choosing to treat your body like a temple or a trash heap? Ezekiel 34:26 HCSB If you sat down and began counting your blessings, how long would it take? So remember this: whether you like it or not, your life is an accurate reflection of your creed. There is Someone who makes possible what seems completely impossible. The Woman (who is of Aboriginal heritage and belongs to the Murri people) is the central character of the play and the only character on stage throughout the entirety of the one-woman show. 12. Our greatest rewards result from hard work and perseverance. In turn, we grow to love God even more deeply as we sense His love for us. So when you have a choice between trusting your feelings or trusting God, trust God.”, “BEYOND THE DIFFICULTIES When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, you will return to the Lord your God in later days and obey Him. Warren Wiersbe A TIMELY TIP To the extent you judge others, so, too, will you be judged. Let us follow God’s commandments, and let us conduct our lives in such a way that we might be shining examples for those who have not yet found Christ. When you do, you will receive the love, the life, and the abundance that He has promised. We need to make friends before we can hope to make converts. Article by POPSUGAR. Grace Hopper She joined the Navy during World War II and programed the Mark I computer. Grace tried is better than grace, and more than grace; it is glory in its infancy. They’ll be glad you did, and so, too, will you.”, “OUR ACTIONS AND OUR BELIEFS As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Barbara Johnson A TIMELY TIP Take the time to reconnect with old friends. Psalm 100:1-2 HCSB The 100th Psalm reminds us that the entire earth should “Shout for joy to the Lord.” As God’s children, we are blessed beyond measure, but sometimes, as busy women living in a demanding world, we are slow to count our gifts and even slower to give thanks to the Giver. As believers in Christ, we must seek to live each day with discipline, honesty, and faith. Personal humility is a spiritual discipline and the hallmark of the service of Jesus. When we consult God on an hourly basis, we avail ourselves of His wisdom, His strength, and His love. . When we fan the flames of enthusiasm for Christ, our faith serves as a beacon to others. . If so, it’s time to focus more on your spiritual blessings as you open yourself up to God. Psalm 100:1-2 HCSB The 100th Psalm reminds us that the entire earth should “Shout for joy to the Lord.” You should never be afraid to ask Him for a miracle.”, Once A Day Everyday ... For A Woman of Grace. Inspirational quotes for women to inspire confidence. . Many non-Catholics will say that the Catholic Church doesn’t like women very much, but nothing could be further from the truth! The only safe place is in the center of God’s will. The manifold rewards of a serious, consistent prayer life demonstrate clearly that time with our Lord should be our first priority. what a Savior, gracious to all, / Oh! 1 quote from Woman of Grace (Brides of Culdee Creek, #2): ‘That’s the greatest tribute you could pay Ella.’ Judging draws the judgment of others. In times of trouble, He will comfort you; in times of sorrow, He will dry your tears. Today, as a gift to yourself, to your family, and to the world, be still and claim the inner peace that is your spiritual birthright—the peace of Jesus Christ. Rick Warren A TIMELY TIP Fitness 101: Simply put, it’s up to you to assume the ultimate responsibility for your health. . If you disagree, do so without being disagreeable; if you’re angry, hold your tongue; if you’re frustrated or tired, don’t argue . 3 Share Other women looked on me as a rival. What is your focus today? or else!”, “YOUR BODY, GOD’S TEMPLE Don’t you know that you are God’s sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you? Anger is a natural human emotion that is sometimes necessary and appropriate. Other women looked on me as a rival. The answer to this question will, to a surprising extent, determine the quality and the direction of your day. . 30 Inspirational Quotes for Women And let your obedience be a fitting response to His never-ending love. 1 Corinthians 3:16 HCSB Are you shaping up or spreading out? In this recording you will hear treasured quotes from Jesus... » more details. — Morgan Harper Nichols take a nap.”, “THE LORD IS NEAR Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. . John 16:23-24 NKJV God offers us abundance through His Son, Jesus. So, do yourself this favor: treat your body like a one-of-a-kind gift from God . Give Him the glory and the praise and the thanksgiving that He deserves. Seek first a personal, transforming relationship with Jesus, and then claim the joy, the fulfillment, and the spiritual abundance that the Shepherd offers His sheep. Courtesy is contagious. Stay the course. . As this day unfolds, seek God’s will and obey His Word. Before long, you’ll realize that you have plenty of reasons to celebrate.”, “TURNING AWAY FROM ANGER My dear brothers and sisters, always be willing to listen and slow to speak. . and so are the consequences. Otherwise, our talents are wasted and our resources are squandered. Lottie Moon One of the great needs in the church today is for every Christian to become enthusiastic about his faith in Jesus Christ. So celebrate your life. We must go out and live among them, manifesting the gentle, loving spirit of our Lord. As Jesus came upon a young woman who had been condemned by the Pharisees, He spoke not only to the crowd that was gathered there, but also to all generations when He warned, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7 KJV). Elisabeth Elliot Faith is strengthened only when we ourselves exercise it. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. There is something about having endured great loss that brings purity of purpose and strength of character. . If they fail, … When we do, integrity becomes a habit. Aunty Grace, who moved to England long ago after marrying an Englishman, has not seen her family in years and she is one of the only members of the Woman’s family whose photograph has ended up in the suitcase before her death. A stunning dress made of hellfire. Every battle won is an achievement that makes them better fighters. Grace tried is better than grace, and more than grace; it is glory in its infancy. This is Grace Adler of Grace Adler Designs. Lisa Whelchel Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important influence on society. But sometimes, amid the incessant demands of everyday life, we turn our thoughts far from God; when we do, we suffer. God loves you. The 118th Psalm reminds us that, “This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (v. 24, NASB). Men are the enemies of women. Beth Moore A TIMELY TIP Perhaps you have become wrapped up in the world’s problems or your own problems. If we seek to follow the steps of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we must seek to live according to His commandments. “It is through consecration,” someone has said, “that drudgery is made divine.” Gigi Graham Tchividjian A TIMELY TIP Do first things first, and keep your focus on high-priority tasks. Our theology must be demonstrated, not only by our words but, more importantly, by our actions. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. . . By celebrating the gift of life, you protect your heart from the dangers of pessimism, regret, hopelessness, and bitterness.”, “ENTHUSIASM FOR CHRIST Therefore, get your minds ready for action, being self-disciplined, and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. But, if we choose to ignore God’s commandments, the results are as predictable as they are tragic. Then trust Him today and every day that you live. She was the first female recipient of the National Medal … Throughout history He has intervened in the course of human events in ways that cannot be explained by science or human rationale. He stands at the door of your heart and waits. A Strong Woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely Her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter…. The familiar words of Psalm 46:10 remind us to “Be still, and know that I am God.” When we do so, we encounter the awesome presence of our loving Heavenly Father, and we are comforted in the knowledge that God is not just near. . As Corrie ten Boom observed, “Any concern that is too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.” Today, make yourself a woman of prayer. Our blessings include life and health, family and friends, freedom and possessions—for starters. Since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is here. Proverbs 13:13 HCSB The Holy Bible contains thorough instructions which, if followed, lead to fulfillment, righteousness, and salvation. But, your greatest blessing—a gift that is yours for the asking—is God’s gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Has the hectic pace of life robbed you of the peace that might otherwise be yours through Jesus Christ? Run in such a way that you may win. Welcome Him in and allow Him to rule. Fanny Crosby Anger is the fluid that love bleeds when you cut it. 1. C. S. Lewis A TIMELY TIP Remember: courtesy isn’t optional. Today, seize the opportunity to inspect God’s hand at work. May we, as disciplined believers, be willing to work for the rewards we so earnestly desire. Receive these benefits in your mind, so keep your eyes and your heart, when eyes. 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