Well, I tried Him And I found His promises are true He's everything He said that He would be The finest words I know could not begin to tell Just what Jesus really means to me. God bless you in an extremely great way!! “Encourage one another as long as it is called ‘Wednesday.’” Because as long as it’s still called Wednesday somewhere (French Polynesia, the Cook Islands), then our Wonderful Wednesday study isn’t really late, right? You are excellent in my life, I adore you. I don’t know for sure, but it must have brought God pleasure to see all the color He created. Today, I praise God for a special group of young ladies who meet together in our homes for praise, study and fun, and of course, food! I love your comment on GOD’s “Name”–in every one of my Bibles I have circled the word “Name” in red and highlighted it in yellow when it refers to GOD! When we focus on God and His blessings, we are able to persevere because He is our strength and hope. Today, I want to be found praising for what He has already done, believing for what’s yet to come and celebrating the little victories along the way. “Yes, we give thanks!” (CEB). It's to commemorate the Abraham Accord Peace Plan just signed this past Tuesday. Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Hallelujah Lord you are mighty Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Glory to your name. Halleluyah e Isaiah 9:6. He made the earth by his power, he prepared the world in his wisdom, and he stretched out the … The Bible said He knew us say was with the son of God before he ever descended from heaven took upon him. He's more wonderful than my heart can believe He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams. I praise Jesus for life! For listening to my heart’s cry when there aren’t anymore words coming from my lips. I praise Jesus for salvation, the victory over death, eternity to praise. Thanks for sharing these photos, may God continue to bless you and shine through you!! He is the “Great I AM”. I often take an attribute or name of God and pray that He will be that to me for a particular day. Liz, your upbeat style shines through your writing–what a gift. Thank you Lord for sight to see the glorious work of your hands and to read your Holy Word! Indeed, we shall, Lord. For He is always GOOD even when circumstances are not. I praise You Lord, for taking my shattered heart and making it into something new and beautiful! I praise You Lord! I praise God that He sends me hope. What an honor! more than marvelous, more than miraculous could ever be. His beautiful Son, my precious kids, grands & greats, my godly husband, good health, chocolate and so much more! I praise Him for being my healer and my dearest friend. God is so good. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. © Liz Curtis Higgs 2014. What a blessing! I marvel just to know he really loves me. You are excellent in my life I adore you. I’m so grateful for the stories we all share and how their faith strengthens and renews me each week. So here I go . Mighty God- is like He is bigger than anything you can imagine. But its beauty is beyond description and I feel privileged to be able to enjoy time outside with my camera. Also that I was not in the car accident I saw on the way to work yesterday. I’m thankful that my sister’s cancer surgery went well and that the Lord is in all our tomorrow’s. The physicians in attendance told my husband it was only a miracle from God that I survived and survived without any brain or neurological damage at all!! “I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12. Listen to "An Interview with a Warrior-Princess for the King of kings: MaryLu Tyndall" on Spreaker. Thank you for your fabulous Wednesday’s!!!! God is good all the time. I am so thankful for being raised by Christian parents, who LIVED their faith daily. Yet, how many times do we just read over verses like this and not take the time to meditate on them and what they mean. I’m thankful for His presence in my life! We give thanks!” (NET). I will praise him for my beautiful children and family. The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. “We give thanks to you O God, we give thanks!”. He is the living God and the everlasting King. Here's what I found:*Wonderful Counselor - the word for wonderful here is the Hebrew word pele', which is literally a marvel or a miracle; the word is used almost exclusively in reference to God. All for His own glory. Unto Us a Child is Born … 5 For every trampling boot of battle and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire. We need nothing else. If you ever have a question, a concern, He is the perfect adviser. They are new every morning! I STILL believe everything I wrote in this post. Praise God, for His everlasting love, and for His patience with us. Everything about our Savior is magnificent. Precious Father I bow before your throne and worship at your feet. I am grateful that my 14 year old grandson ASKED to ho to church tomorrow after an extended absence. I long for a time of worship in church just like you said! Quite the spectacle. it means miracle. I praise the Lord for all the times in my life that He has been taking care of me when I didn’t even know I was in danger. And the more I praise him the more Joy and Peace I experience. The Ransom Pre-Release Party and Giveaway. There is no cure, just treatment for the time being. Thank you for your ministry Liz. :-)-Sapphire. When I am faithless He is forever FAITHFUL! Praising God for His faithfulness even when my faithfulness falters. return to 'Jump List' Verse Review from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge How great are his signs! Every single thing I do today I know He is going to be right beside me . Even though the Minnesota sub zero temps, freezing drizzle and lots of snow have kept me home from work I know that God has a plan. Thank you Jesus! I praise Him for faithful friends, good health, blue skies, warmer weather, and so many more blessings. The way God sent him to be born was marvelous. What a Blessed God You are! Before we even knew we needed the Lord’s touch of healing, my husband had already received it. How can you not PRAISE HIM. He has challenged me to make a new start. I praise God for the delightful kindergarten children I have the opportunity to tutor. He's the great Shepherd, the Rock of all ages, Almighty God is He; Bow down before Him, love and adore Him, His name is Wonderful, Jesus, my Lord. Hated to see it end, glad the snow didn’t stay on Friday morning or I might have missed it. The main thing I praise God for is my faith. A “marvelous” (pâlâ’) act is the great, difficult, wonderful, hard, hidden, too high, beyond reach, miraculous, wondrous things performed, completed, and accomplished. Thank you Lord for my 2 beautiful adult daughters! Wonderful – miraculous, extraordinary, marvelous, something astounding that causes amazement. I praise God for loving me, saving me and forgiving me …especially for my past…. Nothing on earth is more comforting or more praiseworthy than His presence. I asked the nurse to give the items to her. We are truly blessed. God gets us through life and without Him we couldnt do it.Is that what you were looking for MaryLu? He's everything that my soul ever longed for Everything He's promised and so much more More than amazing, more than marvelous, More than miraculous could ever be He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me. I praise the Lord for His transforming grace that He has poured over me again and again! I praise the Lord for His healing miracles! God delights in us when we praise, He truly has Joy when He sees us, praising in the storm and while suffering! I lived in Spokane (just east of Moses lake) for 33 years and now live two hours south of Flagstaff, so I know the areas you are traveling. Though not every translation or paraphrase capitalizes the word Name, I love when they do: “Your Name is near” (AMPC) and “your Name is our favorite word” (MSG). Every breath is a gift. It is spelled pele’ (peh’-leh) and it means a miracle, marvelous thing, wonderful or wonderfully. Marvelous and glorious are Your works We worship You, We worship You . He is the Counselor that needs no counsel. LOVE TO ALL WHO QUIDE OTHERS IN THE WORD AND THE TRUTH OF THE LORD. He gave me a second chance at life to serve Him. Everything He does has purpose and meaning! 7 Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. So right. And He is completely worthy of all praise! Hallelujah lord You’re mighty, Lift up your hands to him. God worked in mighty ways throughout the process. I praise Him for another of breath each day ,Also for his unfailing love .A God that is always there no matter what the time is. Liz, beautiful pictures and I love the sheep picture too! She is a very negative and bitter woman and 3 years ago I decided to become a Secret Sister to her. check up Tuesday showed no evidence of cancer. Halleluyah e We, being all “GUILTY”, until, we BELIEVE, TRULY, in JESUS CHRIST, the Savior of our souls. I praise the Lord for a tongue that can tell of His wonderful greatness. His faith is strong and he continues to be a man who loves the Lord with all of his heart. I just came back from a luncheon for our JOY Club group (Just Older Youth) for our 50+ adults and the children in our Preschool. My copy of the book should arrive at my house tomorrow and I can hardly wait to start reading it. All praises and thanks be unto you Father. I thank You, God, for the ability to make right and just decisions under Your guidance and discernment. Before we dive in, suppose we take a half step back to catch the opening instructions: For the director of music. Thank you Jesus. Blessings! Praise God that I have a home, a car, a job, family, great co-workers, a wonderful church, even my dog is so very special to me (she came from a good friend who had cancer). I’m also praising God that I have been cancer free for 9 years now. hunting through the compost I dumped at the back of my yard (behind me is an apple orchard! Thankful for God’s work in me. He leads us and guides us to become better. He knows all, nothing slips from His thought. IF, it were up to us, we’d sacrifice the “innocent”, or set the guilty free! As in the Old Testament the "wonder" is chiefly a miraculous work, so in the Gospels the feeling of wonder is chiefly drawn out by the marvelous displays of Christ's power and … When I asked her if she ever got depressed, she said, “I have a blue day now and then; I just don’t stay there.” When diagnosed with parkinson’s disease and dimentia, she said, “It could always be worse. He performs mighty miracles. When I have no words to give in comfort You wrap Your arms silently, strongly but gently and protectively around them. Today I would praise God for the beautiful sunshine that glistened in the new snow we have. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. Also he was approved for Social Security Disability this week which means we can save our house! I never raised my voice anytime during the exchange. We need you,Lord, more than Not many of us are privileged to see such a mighty display when God steps in to redirect the natural way of things. Praise his name! Then, I chose the terms that meant the most to me, but you may choose different terms to define each descriptor. I am praising God today ( and everyday) for my wonderful, godly husband ( and the father of our children ). 2 I am glad to tell about the wonderful miracles God Most High has done for me. I praise God for the family He has given me; my parents, brothers and teen nephew Whenever circumstances get tough, I’m inspired by them to pray harder and warfare more effectively. He reigns in me and He rains down living water, nourishing my parched and arid soul. I am thankful GOD is a GOD of order and details! I’m blessed with wonderful parents, grandparents who showed me how to love the Lord, a sister who loves me, 2 kids and a husband that mean the world to me! 2/13/2017, I had a lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiation. I praise God for the little 6 year old girl we have adopted even though we are 70. I know I have to be careful how I say this, because I do not mean to imply that the seas don’t part, the mountains don’t move, that thousands don’t eat, and the earth doesn’t cease rotating. Wonderful wonderful father. As you can imagine I am over the moon and fill my days thanking our wonderful God for this miracle. For his steadfast love this Valentines Day!!! an autographed copy I had gotten attending one of your events. Thanks for joining me for another Wonderful Wednesday! We have an incredible abundance of it this year and we are all getting a bit tired of it. I am thankful for my other 4 grandsons, ages 14½, 11, 8 months and 3 months! She doesn’t need them, just like you don’t need anything I bring. I’m thankful they compliment my poor example of homemaker skills and ate and complimented me on my failed attempt at strawberry roses I made for Valentine’s for them. 24. just like you and I before God formed you and I in our mother's womb. How God-like! Lord touch us all, please. From Genesis to Revelation, it is a reminder immediately when I turn to a page with that how precious and important HE is! He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. 2. . Hurting people hurt people. No sermon, no offering, no printed bulletins, just the chance to “rehearse” (AMPC) His wonders and “recount” (ESV) His wonderful deeds and “tell about the miracles” (NCV) our God has performed throughout eternity: Maybe you’ve participated in a service like that. I had just finished thanking God for several things he has done this year while I nursed our new baby. Also the hymn Trust and obey! I THANK YOU, GOD, FOR THE “REST”, THAT YOUR SON, JESUS , GIVES MY SOUL. Call me next time? These marvelous works by the God of wonders are unique displays of divine power that go far beyond human ability and power. I praise you Lord that I was born in the greatest country during a time of peace and tremendous opportunity to live well and to learn of and serve you! I praise God for His perfect peace that passes all understanding and giving me faith to believe what I cannot see. One of the most well known Old Testament verses that establish this connection is found in Isaiah. We love you our Father, We LOVE you our Father! I praise God for all His many blessings in my life! Then I laid him down and checked my email. Thank you Lord, for the gift of LIZ in my life these last 17 years.. Wonderful wonderful father You are marvelous in my life I adore you Wonderful wonderful father. You are marvelous in my life, I adore you. 3 His miracles are mighty and marvelous. Thanks! I thank God for the blessing of my marriage, my family, and all the love we share. They are my inspiration and support since the Homegoing of my wonderful husband 3 years ago! As the Lord leads, I'd be honored to encourage your group in person. My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary next week. Thank goodness words like these are timeless: We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds. As I do prison ministry, His love gives me the ability to love the men and women I serve. I also saw the FB lesson that you shared about Lydia and you made me feel as though I were hearing this story for the first fime. 9:18). Olori aiye Ko si eni to da bi re In all the Earth No one else (No one else)..... can take your Place (Ahaa Ahaa) Atogbojule You are the Great I Am Chorus Mighty God..... Olori aiye HOME Thank you God for safe travels. This conception was natural with no Doctors help. Sound good? I’m praising the Lord for our family members who each know the Lord and are learning how to walk closer to Him in the midst of life here on earth! I’m thankful, Lord for my sisters -in-Christ that You have sent to me. For the wonderful love, mercy and grace HE extends to me…I don’t fully understand it, but, I accept it. I was delighted to share copies of The Women of Easter Special Edition, available exclusively from ChristianBook.com, with three winners: Anita, Sandy, and Pat. Have a blessed day. And then, on the third night, God blessed me again when you came and sat down beside me and I was able to enjoy another wonderful dinner table conversation with you, and the privilege of praying for you before you spoke. A clear prophesy of Jesus long before He as born. Isaiah 9:6 Explained The Mighty God & Eternal Father By Craig Bluemel . I magnify Your Holy name! Even when I wasn’t turned to Your face, You were right there loving waiting for me to turn around and be embraced. Mind if I use the LRV translation on this one, the Lizzie Revised Version? Today….I would Praise our God for all the “little things” that I so often take for granted…..a cozy chair in front of my fireplace, with a cat on my lap! My addition is simple, but it is applicable on almost all occasions: I praise God because he is kind, he is wise, and he chose to love me. God is faithful and I can stand on His Word no matter what! Any time of year is a great time to consider how wonderful Jesus Christ is. I want to thank you for posting about the Women of Easter book special. I praise God’s name for taking such good care of me. Whatever happens, He can handle, I will not worry. Praise you Lord for creating And I thank God for His work through you, Liz! One of many praises to God – I was raised in a Christian Family. . It’s simply living in another time zone. . He does ALL things well. Prayers for them. Let’s continue to explore Isaiah 9:6 and 7: For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. P.P.S. How funny! He will bring peace because that is what He is. . This is important because the word 'el is used all throughout the Bible in conjunction with adjectives of strength, mercy, holiness, etc., so it's not like each branch of the trinity has different characteristics. And the beautiful sheep painting above is the work of Fifi LeFan, a dear friend and gifted artist. I praise God for loving us as we are but also loving us enough to not let us stay there. And for His salvation and healing and forgiveness and deliverance. Thank you Lord so much!!! I am thankful that Liz and members of her family traveled all the way out to Washington state, where she was the featured speaker for the Olympic Peninsula Women’s Fellowship conference this weekend. I praise Him that even though he knows every part of me, every skeleton in my closet, every wicked thought and every wasted word, He has still chosen, accepted, redeemed and loved me. What a marvelous God What a marvelous God He has done marvelous things for me. Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Hallelujah Lord you are mighty Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Glory to your name. Today I am grateful that the Lord is bringing together a team for a mission trip to the river people of the Amazon this June. He is my all. Acts 10:38 – How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I do not have this book and would love to add it to my “collection” of Lizzie books! So grateful for you and your uplifting words! I praise God for my salvation and for his continuous love for me! UPDATE: I posted this in September 2016. I praise His Name for His constant and abiding Presence in joyful times and sorrow. He does so much to keep our household running smoothly, especially since I was diagnosed w/ MS three years ago. God is so good to all of us. I am more invigorated in getting my health into a better place than I have ever been before. Hi Liz, I have so much to praise and glorify God for this morning. Hard to be thankful in the winter in Wisconsin but today was a day to give praise for sure! Everlasting Father- God will be there until the end. Hi Liz! Sandi Patty More than Wonderful lyrics: He promised us that He would be a Counselor / A Mighty God and a Prince... Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 more than marvelous, more than miraculous could ever be. My praise today to God is my thankfulness for how He has placed our son, our daughter, and now even a grandson in the place where He has persons who love them dearly and have become life companions!!! Thank you for posting links to videos here for those of us who do not have or have given up Facebook. Helen from Australia. God Bless your heart! Lol As anyone knows marriage is not always easy, but we’ve been working at it for twenty-two years. “His Name Shall Be Called, Wonderful Counsellor” Part 1. Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Hallelujah Lord you are mighty Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Glory to your name. I would also praise Him for family, friends, church, the list would be endless. Sinach lyrics for Wonderful Father: Wonderful wonderful father. In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the skirts of His train filled the tem... Don’t you realize that someday we believers will judge the world? O for a thousand tongues to sing my Great Redeemer’s praise! He promised us that He would be a Counselor A Mighty God and a Prince of Peace He promised us that He would be a Father And He would love us With a love that would not cease. As I look out my “sitting room” window each morning drinking my coffee, I marvel at all the different shades of color in God’s creation. …people tell of your wonderful deeds. THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO KNOW YOU, INTIMATELY, IN CHRIST, THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND THAT YOU ARE GUIDING US, AND WE KNOW IT, FOR A FACT. I agree with your friend, the painter, Liz- you are a wonderful gift from God – and your laughter is the best infection !! There’s nothing more I love reading online than your beautiful posts and looking at every photo! ) I love my 2½ year old grandson’s questions: “Where sun go?” “What is this?” (pronounced like it’s one word!) My place it. He is such a blessing to me, our kids, and our grand kids. An hour or more during which people declare God’s “wondrous works” (CSB) and “marvelous deeds” (CEB), calling them out to one another in joyous celebration. He is a father to all that love Him or dont. He had even begun asking questions about salvation and when he can ask Christ to be his savior! Praise God for His perfection! Wonderful wonderful father You are excellent in my life I adore you It is so humbling to even think that God hears us and cares for us so much. But it’s primary root is #6381 – papa’ (paw-law) –It means properly, perhaps to separate, i.e. Laurie Diggins. Our Lord showed up and showed out and brought me back. Thank you for posting. Enjoy!! You Are Holy. … SO TICKLED THAT I WAS ABLE TO BAPTIZE A NEW BELIEVER IN MY BIBLE STUDY GROUP. Praise God. Repeat chorus God bless! I praise Him for the promptings of the Holy Spirit of His still small voice….and that His Son died on a cross for a sinner like me. Wonderful – miraculous, extraordinary, marvelous, something astounding that causes amazement. I gave the book you’re giving to a special lady in my church when it came out…. I praise the Lord today for the continued healing of the spider bite on my ankle. I also thank God for you and your wonderful ministry. Thank you for the hugs, and the tears, the laughter and the wonder…that she Gets me…in a world where many do not. It is from an unused qal root pala which means “to distinguish or to separate.”. I’m so blessed that He allows me to be in their lives. The way God sent him to be born was marvelous. As our love for the Lord has grown so has our love for one another. Even in the midst of health problems, he has guided me to find 2 wonderful surgeons. When we take all that we know about Christ, it adds up to a marvelous truth— He is the God who is a “Wonder of a Counselor.” I prayed with her, sang to her, spoke about Jesus’ love, and how He died for her. But as a Counselor, there is no equal. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and images, they are encouraging! But He often soothes me with hope. PRAISE BE TO GOD, OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN AND CREATOR OF ALL THE EARTH, AND FOR SENDING HIS SON, TO REDEEM US FROM OUR SINS! ” Just think about what Jesus left to come into the world He did–even where He did–for us. Praise Him for the soul our mighty Father for the King 's Pirates Series!!!... These ancient Israelites were definitely making a joyful noise, but i am thankful being. Has blessed me with her, finally a nurse came and wheeled her back for treatment wretch like.! Innocent ”, or set the guilty free of Asaph and lovely photos Pala. Waking me up to this day His Word, how He comforts me and forgiving me for! Problems, He never forgets me!!!!!!!!. Mercies that are new every morning Valentine ’ s primary root is # 6381 – papa ’ paw-law... We love you our Father first and foremost for my healthy hubby & sons, cozy. 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