In the first film, Carson is called back to oversee the royal family's visit to Downton. He has a sister, Mrs Chetwood, who writes to Cora with the recipe for his favourite dessert, apple charlotte. He informs Lady Grantham that he suspects the new nanny may be mistreating the children in some way. What really happened next remains unknown, although sexual relations are heavily implied. Mrs Patmore is in charge of the kitchen and kitchen staff. Jack breaks off the relationship to protect Rose. While in England he makes the acquaintance of the Hon. In the second series, with most of the male staff depicted as serving in the First World War, Mr Carson finds himself under mostly self-imposed pressure to ensure household duties are carried out to his exacting standards. She is one of Anna's closest allies, being the first person who helps her in the aftermath of Mr Green's attack. During her time as a housemaid, she would gain a huge crush on chauffeur Tom Branson, but he would not look at her, as he was in love with Sybil Crawley. She appeared in the film, played by Geraldine James.[24]. Though Mary struggles to overcome her lingering grief about Matthew's death, she realises she loves Henry, and the two marry at the end of series six. Anna is freed but on bail whilst her husband is classified as being on the run. She firmly believed that she could guilt Tom into responding to her as she represented the same working class that he himself had been part of earlier. While John is in prison, Anna is able to track down a neighbour of Vera's who saw her on the day of her death. Mrs Hughes threatens to summon a doctor to examine her if she persists with her lie. Edna is a former housemaid who is conniving and scheming. Daisy admits she loved Alfred, but that is gone and they need to go their separate ways. He also reveals that Bates is no longer a suspect, as the person seen talking to Green appeared to be shorter than him. In 1921, Rose's relationship with her mother has soured, though her relationship with her father is better. Lavinia dies at Downton of Spanish influenza after Matthew regains use of his legs and shortly before their wedding. It takes Alfred too long to realise that Daisy was the better match, and only tries to approach her when he comes back to the Abbey after leaving for his cooking course. Lady Edith has recently learned to drive and she volunteers to drive their tractor. He has a close relationship with Mrs Hughes, built up over a quarter-century of overseeing the household staff. He manipulates Daisy in order to further his plans to have Mr Bates ousted. His father was a local farmer and William used to help with the horses. When Barrow attempts suicide, it is Baxter who raises the alarm (based on Barrow's earlier behaviour that morning) and finds him in the bathroom in time to save his life. Albert Travis (played by Michael Cochrane) is the Rector of St Mary's Downton whose living is under the patronage of the Earl of Grantham. Mabel Lane Fox 5 episodes, 2014 . Thomas escorts Jimmy to the guest corridor upstairs and plans to watch the door while Jimmy goes through with it. Fellowes initially intended for Mrs Hughes to be a Yorkshire native. Ultimately, his actions do not matter, as she confesses to Matthew about Pamuk and Matthew proposes to her despite this. The Archbishop of York and future Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Cosmo Gordon Lang (Michael Culkin) marries Lady Mary Crawley and Matthew Crawley in the spring of 1920. Bates reveals that he kept the untorn ticket in his coat as a talisman for a time. Tom kindly asks Mrs Hughes to give her a decent reference. Mrs Bryant, who had been unhappy abandoning Ethel from the start, agrees and Ethel leaves Mrs Crawley's employment. At this time, he had only recently succeeded to the viscountcy. ), so she was replaced by Edna (the maid had gotten too close to Tom in Season 3). However, when Logan auditioned for the role, the casting directors liked her Scottish accent so much that they decided to turn Mrs Hughes into a Scot.[11]. Over time, however, the pair grow closer, and a romance develops. He is accompanied by his boss Charles Blake as they are working on a government project studying estates and their progress. He continues to notice the change in her mood after Anna tells Mary that she believes she is pregnant again. Anna May Bates (ne Smith) (played by Joanne Froggatt) (b. In series six, Bates and Anna must deal with the shadow of Green's murder; however, the case is resolved quickly when a confession is made by another of Green's victims and Anna is freed from bail. In 1996, Julian Fellowes learned that, according to a friend's great aunt's diary, around 1890 a diplomat did die in the bed of a single woman; the woman and a matron carried the diplomat's corpse to his guest bed, where a valet later found him; the secret was kept for a century.[22]. Lenker states that the character is initially "a solid villain" but develops and "he gradually became one of the most beloved members of the Crawley family staff". With Matthew off at war and Mrs Crawley working with the Red Cross in France he and Mrs Bird, the family cook, find themselves in an empty house with no one to serve. 1892) (played by Laura Carmichael) is the middle daughter of Lord and Lady Grantham. The brusque, domineering and nouveau riche Carlisle is a self-made, extremely wealthy newspaper magnate from Edinburgh whose paper, with the help of Lavinia Swire, was instrumental in breaking the Marconi scandal story. Thomas Ferguson Niall Branson (played by Allen Leech) was initially the family chauffeur, employed in series one. Rather, she tries to make her victims feel guilty. Edith learns that he suffered a debilitating injury to his arm serving in the First World War, hence his refusal. formata da otto episodi e uno speciale di novanta minuti andato in onda a Natale 2013.. Tom was briefly seduced by the manipulative maid Edna who made it her life's mission to trick him into marrying her. He visits Downton Abbey in 1917 as part of a tour of England to drum up support for the war effort. . Madeleine Allsopp. Through careful manipulation of both Thomas and Jimmy, O'Brien crafts a situation in which Thomas is caught publicly making a move on Jimmy, who reacts in fear and anger, as male homosexuality was still illegal in the 1920s. Anna only tells Mrs Hughes of the crime, fearing her husband would commit murder if he discovered the truth. RELATED: Downton Abbey: 10 Actors You Forgot Were On The Show. Downton Abbey Historical drama Drama series Television. Thomas tells Jimmy to run, while Thomas is left to take the beating in Jimmy's place. She manages to stop the divorce that Mr Bates thought was a foregone conclusion, and he goes to London to confront her. In episode 6 Anna begins to experience uncomfortable pains again and Bates insists he pay for her to see Ryder again. With its views of life from the upstairs and downstairs, it shows the perspectives of the happenings of early 20th century England's commonwealth. Mary enlists the help of Anna and Cora to move his body, which is seen by Daisy. When Edith marries Bertie Pelham, the Marquess of Hexham, Marigold moves with them to their new home at Brancaster Castle. In series one, he tries to blackmail his former lover, The Duke of Crowborough. In the first series, she is asked to stand-in for Mrs Patmore as cook at the Abbey while she is away having an eye operation. He later leaves Downton as he feels he is unfit for service. She leaves Downton at the very beginning of the fourth series in the middle of the night to take her new position, leaving only a letter to explain her actions. Using the controversial methods espoused by the infamous Marie Stopes) and sacked her ceremoniously. O'Brien is one of several servants asked to testify at Bates's trial and is genuinely relieved when they learn that Bates had been reprieved. Violet hopes to persuade him to allow the Downton village hospital to remain under the control of the Crawley family, instead of having it merge with a major hospital in York. During the Great War, she opened a soup kitchen at Crawley House, in secret, and was helped by Mrs Patmore and Daisy to run it from the money given by the government for the hospital. Mary, claiming the emergency to be for herself, rushes Anna to London to see Ryder and manages to get there in time to save the baby. Before 1912, she lived in Manchester with the Crawleys as their cook, but when they moved, she went with them. When she turned 16, she moved to the United Kingdom and graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in 2004. Edna comforts him, which makes him think she is the only one who understood him those two days. Though he tries, Edith tells him she doesn't care that he is married, and agrees to be his secret mistress in the future. As a powerful and extremely wealthy noble with palaces and thousands of acres of land, he and Violet met in Saint Petersburg in 1874 while she and her husband, the then Earl of Grantham, were in the retinue of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh. For example, Rosamund's influence causes complications and delays Mary and Matthew's engagement during the first two series. They then take this to Robert who ensures that the witness makes a statement, then tries to contact Bates. During the summer of 1914, Cora discovers she has become pregnant for the first time in 18 years, but she suffers a miscarriage caused by her maid O'Brien. Upon Robert's death, he will become the 8th Earl of Grantham, though Mary will speak for his interests until he comes of age. Isobel, a former nurse, constantly takes up new charitable causes, helping run the convalescent home at Downton and assisting refugees and prostitutes, though her sense of moral imperative often irritates others. William had three brothers and a sister but all died at or shortly after birth, leaving him as the only child. In the last episode of series one, O'Brien comes to believe that Cora is going to replace her. Sarah O'Brien (played by Siobhan Finneran), who is mainly known as Miss O'Brien by the other servants or just O'Brien by the family, was Lady Grantham's lady's maid, a post she has held since 1910. In series four, Barrow is as shocked as anyone when his old ally Miss O'Brien leaves Downton in the middle of the night. In series 6 only credited with the main cast in "The Finale". Rose befriends the prince's mistress, Freda Dudley Ward, who comes to her when a letter from the prince is stolen by Terence Sampson, a greedy acquaintance from Robert's club. By the end of the series, Molesley finds work as a schoolteacher. The Honourable Ephraim Atticus Aldridge (played by Matt Barber), more commonly known by his middle name, Atticus, is the son and heir of Lord and Lady Sinderby. Edna is sneaky, dishonest, and not particularly fun to watchshe's so obviously those first two things that you can't imagine anyone, upstairs or downstairs, would be so foolish as to trust or. He meets Mrs Hughes at a fair in Downton after the death of Ivy and asked her a second time to marry him, giving her a parting gift of a small doll. Their increased companionship is suggested by showing Jimmy often with a cigarette. She is forced to accept defeat in this, not knowing that Lady Mary had already destroyed the ticket, as she wrongly believed it proved Bates's guilt. When Anthony Strallan reveals what Larry had done, Lord Merton asks his son if it was true. In the second series Christmas episode, it is apparent that Carlisle's pragmatism does not sit well with the Crawleys and he and Mary begin to argue more frequently, much to the consternation of Matthew and her grandmother. After that, the two of them are often seen in one another's company. Carlisle leaves the morning before the Servants' Ball, but not before revealing that he did genuinely love her. However, he is killed during the Battle of Vittorio Veneto. When Bates is deemed guilty and is sentenced to be hanged, Anna breaks down and briefly prepares to leave Downton Abbey with Lady Mary, whom she is very close to, offering to accompany her mistress on an extended holiday to America, much to Mary's delight. Matthew Reginald Crawley (played by Dan Stevens) (18851921) is a middle-class distant cousin of the Crawleys who becomes the heir to the estate in the first episode and soon after moves to Downton. Though Jack loves her, he fears the repercussions of an inter-racial romance. [2] Edith is often the "forgotten" one as she is not considered as pretty and smooth-talking as her older sister, Mary, or as daring and passionate as her younger sister, Sybil. Isobel Grey (formerly Crawley, ne Turnbull), Lady Merton (played by Penelope Wilton) is Matthew's widowed mother. Chamberlain later reveals to Tom that he had been blackmailed into attending by Violet, who knew of his role in one of the notorious pranks performed by his brother-in-law, Horace de Vere Cole (in their youth, de Vere Cole, Chamberlain and some others had disguised themselves as workmen and had dug a trench across Piccadilly Circus, causing a massive traffic jam "from the East End to Belgrave Square."). To prevent Carson embarrassing himself or the family, Mrs Hughes and Lady Mary conspire to have him join Lord Grantham's trip to the French villa instead. In 1924 they announce they are getting married, but Violet isn't so happy (because she does not want to lose her friend and companion in Isobel). Amused instead of scandalised at the revelation, Grantham gently declines Carson's offer, ending the matter as a non-issue. They had been too scared to come forward before but had now stepped forward and informed the police of his actions. Tony instead becomes engaged to the Hon. She has proven to be manipulative, relentless, heartless, and quite sneaky. The Duke of Crowborough (played by Charlie Cox) was one of many potential suitors for Lady Mary, but he was seeking a wealthy wife to cure his financial problems. In the Christmas Special, she receives a letter from Alfred, implying that they keep in touch. Anna returns to Downton but chooses not to inform Bates of the news until she becomes pregnant again and the stitch has worked, so as not to get his hopes up. Season 4. She is a widow as her husband died during the First World War. Furious over this, she tells the judge in her divorce case that Bates paid her off to consent to it. She has proven to be ambitious in moving above her social station. He returns to Downton in 1922, clearly still interested in the recently widowed Mary. She reveals that she had stolen jewellery from a previous employer who treated her nicely, and she went to prison but was released early for good behaviour.
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