The application will be forwarded to the partner School/Faculty if the original Faculty/School approves the application. Students may be admitted to the programme in one of the following ways: It is the art of applying science to create and enhance technology to benefit humanity. 4. Students can choose to leave the programme, or be asked to leave if they fail to meet and maintain requirements. AY2016/17 Faculty of Engineering students# who plan to enrol after the first year must have read EC1301 and at least one other Economics module in the first year to enable them to better understand the discipline’s focus and methodologies. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students who plan to enrol after the first year must have read at least two Engineering modules such as MA1505 and MA1506. Modular Credits completed in the double degree programme will be counted towards the fulfilment of the degree requirements of their single degree, subject to the normal limits of the Faculty curriculum. Double Degree Programme in Engineering & Economics; Double Degree Programme in Engineering & Economics. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering Modular Credits completed in the double degree programme will be counted towards the fulfilment of the degree requirements of their single degree, subject to the normal limits of the Faculty curriculum. Faculty of Law Current students from FoE# or FASS programmes — Students are strongly advised to apply by the end of their first year so as to start the double-degree programme at the beginning of their second year. Students must apply through their home faculties. Administrative Policies / Procedures Faculty of Engineering Current students from FoE# or FASS programmes — Students are strongly advised to apply by the end of their first year so as to start the double-degree programme at the beginning of their second year. Students will be admitted to the double degree programme only if they meet the requirements of both the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). School of Computing Last modified on It would be quite hard to do it in four years. Performance in MA1505 and MA1506 will be taken into consideration as a strong mathematical background would be advantageous in pursuing an Economics degree. 27-Jul-2020, Message from Assistant Chair (Alumni and Development). Please refer to for more details. School of Business The 5-year Double Degree Programme (DDP), jointly offered by the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) and the School of Social Sciences (SSS) , aims to equip graduates with excellent knowledge and competency in engineering and economics … The most popular Weinberg College majors taken in conjunction with economics are Political … School of Continuing and Lifelong Education Students who leave the programme are permitted to work instead for a single degree in their original home Faculty. Our double degree programs will help you develop your skills in two separate areas: you can combine your Engineering Degree with an Arts, Commerce, Science or Law Degree. AY2015/16, [Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Economics; Students can choose to leave the programme, or be asked to leave if they fail to meet and maintain requirements. Technical Minor: A math minor consists of Calc I –IV, Linear Algebra (640:250), and three upper level (300 or above) math courses. There are five upper level math courses to choose from in their technical elective list. This DDP continuation rule is not applicable once students’ total cumulative modular credits exceeds 160 MCs. Common undergraduate double degrees include Engineering and … A committee comprising staff members from both FASS and FoE will review applications. G. Faculty of Engineering; H. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering; I. Yale-NUS College Duke-NUS Medical School Requirements: Modular credits (MCs) ... Only 1 set needs to be completed toward the fulfilment of both BEng and BA degrees. Northwestern engineering students can take advantage of several combined degree programs offered by McCormick, including the opportunity to earn two BS degrees simultaneously, the BS/MS program, and the Combined Music and Engineering Program. A student who does not maintain a CAP of 3.75 in modules contributing to the original degree, and/or a CAP of 3.25 for the second degree for any two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw from the DDP by withdrawing from the second degree programme. Double Degree in Engineering and Economics. Students who fail to achieve a CGPA of 3.5 in any of the degree programmes for two consecutive semesters will be required to drop out of the DDP. Bachelor Double Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in more than one discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications. 2. Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Arts in Economics] Institute of Systems Science Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy The Engineering/Commerce double degree is an extended, optional program for engineering students. Faculty of Dentistry 27-Jul-2020, Double Degree in Engineering and Economics. Minimum Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of 3.75. Double Degree Master's Programme in System and Software Engineering … Graduate with two separate bachelor or master degrees Typically—in a double degree program, both of the participating institutions reduce the amount of time required to be spent at each. Engineering underpins quality of life and economic activity. The application will be forwarded to the partner School/Faculty if the original Faculty/School approves the application. Such courses will be classified as GER-UE and will be included in the CGPA computation for both their BEng and BA degree programmes. Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music About NUS The applicant’s non-academic activities may be considered, and the applicant may have to attend an interview. The programme is designed to develop the core engineering skills of students so that they would fulfil the requisite professional requirements of their chosen engineering fields. The selection criteria include the following: Current students have to apply to the programme through their respective Faculty/School. Students must apply through their home faculties. My name is Prithvi and I am a Junior in High School. # All Engineering courses except Engineering Science. Study both degrees concurrently, completing the core zones of each. A student may request a BA and a BS (the BS may be in Arts and Sciences, Business and Economics, or Engineering and Applied Science), or the student may request two BS degrees. Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Arts in Economics]. Check that you meet the entry requirements and apply for one of our double degrees. The selection criteria include the following: Academic Calendar Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences The programme is designed to develop the core engineering skills of students so that they would fulfil the requisite professional requirements of their chosen engineering … 2. Further information on the programme is available at: If you have the ability to do well in engineering, it won’t be that hard to do an additional major in economics. Exiting the Programme Performance in MA1505 and MA1506 will be taken into consideration as a strong mathematical background would be advantageous in pursuing an Economics degree. ... Economics… Is doing a double major for Engineering and Economics in college a good choice? Many engineering majors have math courses in their technical elective list. A Double Degree is an approved combined study programme leading to two degrees … The selection criteria include the following: Faculty of Engineering students# who plan to enrol after the first year must have read EC1301 and at least one other Economics module in the first year to enable them to better understand the discipline’s focus and methodologies. Minimum Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of 3.75. Further information on the programme is available at: D. School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, H. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, 1. University Scholars Programme Dual degrees A student can also complete two degrees. 1. Centre for English Language and Communication This program was created for engineers looking to advance their knowledge in the engineering field, while at the same time develop the kind of business and management skills that will open up new doors of professional opportunity. Performance in MA1505 and MA1506. The Double Degree Programme in Engineering# and Economics is a specialised degree programme that combines two disciplines that have significant synergies. At the same time, the programme will equip a student with necessary knowledge in economics, which will help them succeed in the global marketplace. The 5-year Double Degree Programme (DDP), jointly offered by the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) and the School of Social Sciences (SSS)​, aims to equip graduates with excellent knowledge and competency in engineering and economics – qualities that are highly valued in today's globalised environment. Such programmes should be completed before the commencement of their Final Year Project. AY2017/18 For details, please refer to Part II: Programmes A double degree takes at least two years less than if you studied the two courses separately, because the required units from one course count as electives in the partner course. Ultimately your choice between them will be determined by the course you wish to pursue, what else you want to learn as part of your degree… No. Economics Major; IE/Econ Double … For details, please refer to The Mechanical Engineering curriculum has 2 technical elective requirements. AY2018/19 Choose your ideal combination for one of our double degrees. These courses can be used to fulfill the requirements of Minor Programmes. Copyright • For a while, I have been interested in majoring in Finance or Economics and college, but I have a lot of experience in Engineering, specifically Computer Science, so I am motivated to take a double … 3. Reg. Interdisciplinary Study and Double Majors More than half of Economics students complete a double major. Direct application by students with relevant GCE ‘A’ Level or equivalent qualifications — Please apply via Office of Admissions website: OR Economics and engineering courses The concurrent degree program in economics and engineering management provides a wealth of skills and knowledge at the intersection of business and engineering, through courses … An economics and finance double major is possibly the best degree combination in the commercial field. for courses that contribute towards CGPA computation. # All Engineering courses except Engineering Science. 2. Part IV: Archived Bulletins Disclaimer • # All Engineering courses except Engineering Science. Students choosing this double degree can combine a Bachelor of Engineering together with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Management, Economics, Finance or Accounting. Minimum Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of 3.75. A typical double degree will take you four years to complete. Double Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science and Economics … Cohorts 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 Single Honours. At the same time, the programme will equip a student with necessary knowledge in economics, which will help them succeed in the global marketplace. Students who leave the programme are permitted to work instead for a single degree in their original home Faculty. The Double Degree Programme in Engineering# and Economics is a specialised degree programme that combines two disciplines that have significant synergies. Although GER-PE and GER-UE are considered fulfilled in this DDP, students may read additional courses outside their graduating requirements to broaden their knowledge. EC2303 must not be taken as the DDP curriculum does not require it. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students who plan to enrol after the first year must have read at least two Engineering modules such as MA1505 and MA1506. The programme is designed to develop the core engineering skills of students so that they would fulfil the requisite professional requirements of their chosen engineering fields. Double degree program with Sciences Po (France) Established: 2012 ... from Keio and a Master of Engineering in Urban and Regional Planning from Institut Teknologi Bandung/Master of Engineering from Gadjah Mada University/Master of Public Administration from Brawijaya University … This DDP continuation rule is not applicable once students’ total cumulative modular credits exceeds 160 MCs. A student who does not maintain a CAP of 3.75 in modules contributing to the original degree, and/or a CAP of 3.25 for the second degree for any two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw from the DDP by withdrawing from the second degree programme. Double Degree Programme (in Engineering) with Economics This five-year direct honours programme is jointly offered by the College of Engineering and the School of Social Sciences. Other Multidisciplinary/ Special Programmes Note: Direct application by students with relevant GCE ‘A’ Level or equivalent qualifications — Please apply via Office of Admissions website: OR DDP students are welcome to apply for overseas programmes. Master 2 disciplines - computer engineering/computer science and economics - in this double degree programme jointly offered by NTU's School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) and School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Teaching Institutions Some double degrees … The 60 credit hour online MSE/MS+MBA dual degree program is in partnership with Indiana University, Kelley School of Business; it is delivered into three segments: technical/engineering, bridge courses, and MBA courses. It aims to equip students with an advanced understanding of the integrative relationship between engineering … This double degree programme, jointly offered by the College of Engineering and the School of Social Sciences, aims to equip graduates with excellent knowledge and competency in engineering and economics. NUS Bulletin AY2020/21 Students may be admitted to the programme in one of the following ways: The Double Degree Programme in Engineering # and Economics is a specialised degree programme that combines two disciplines that have significant synergies. Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health You'll learn from the same renowned faculty who teach … Admission Requirements It is designed to further develop your business skills, giving you an added level of experience to take into the first stage of your engineering career after you graduate. At University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB LU) you have the opportunity to take part in a so-called »Double Degree programme« in collaboration with one of our top partner institutions. Short-listed applicants may then be interviewed. Current students have to apply to the programme through their respective Faculty/School. So, a student in the ME dept is already required to take Calc I – IV and Calc V. If (s)he took 640:250 and another math course to fulfill the two technical ele… Centre for English Language and Communication, S. Other Multidisciplinary/Special Programmes, Pre-University Students from Local Institutions, Graduate Continuation and Graduation Requirements, Non-Graduating Programme Application & Eligibility, Responsibility for Notices/Circulars and Updates of Personal Particulars, Notes on Leave Matters for Research Scholars (RS), Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), Social Visit Pass for Spouse and Child of Full-Time Graduate Research Students, Important Information to Note Upon Cessation of Studies at NUS, Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option, School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Centre for English Language and Communication, Other Multidisciplinary/ Special Programmes. Economics is a smart choice as … Data Protection and Privacy Students will be admitted to the double degree programme only if they meet the requirements of both the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine NUS Mods Faculty of Economics. The applicant’s non-academic activities may be considered, and the applicant may have to attend an interview. 200604393R, © 2012 Nanyang Technological University The selection criteria include the following: Note: Faculty of Law; J. Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine; K. Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health; L. Faculty of Science; M. University … Because of the definition of the BS degree, a student pursuing a BS who wants another major must pursue a dual degree. You will need more time to get both … Double Majors and Combined Degrees. The departments or schools work together to make the process more convenient than if the degrees were earned independently. Academic Information / Policies Performance in EC1301. This combination of engineering# and economics will produce a new breed of engineer-managers for the marketplace. for courses that contribute towards CGPA computation.​​, Last modified on [Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Economics; This combination of engineering# and economics will produce a new breed of engineer-managers for the marketplace. Part I: General By choosing a double degree, you can achieve more in less time and open the door to more job opportunities. School of Design & Environment Overview of Programme A committee comprising staff members from both FASS and FoE will review applications. A double degree and a combined degree are two different ways of completing two specialisations. # All Engineering courses except Engineering Science. When you work on a Dual Degree, you’re working on two degrees from two different departments or schools simultaneously. Bachelor’s Programme 'HSE and Kyung Hee University Double Degree Programme in Economics and Politics in Asia' Partner: Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea. (B) Engineering … Very often, the decisions and choices in engineering design, process, product and innovation are influenced by economic … To be consistent with other DDPs, DDP students will be promoted to the next year of study based on the active semesters taken. This combination offers qualitative and quantitative insights into decision making … Education at NUS The 5-year Double Degree Programme (DDP), jointly offered by the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) and the School of Social Sciences (SSS) , aims to equip graduates with excellent knowledge and competency in engineering and economics … Please refer to for more details. Depending on the university, this could be a wide combination of degrees, such as two types of bachelor's degrees, a bachelor's and a master's, or two master's/professional degrees. This double degree course is designed to prepare students who graduate as engineers with an excellent background in commerce w… Short-listed applicants may then be interviewed. Faculty of Science WHAT IS A DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMME? EC2303 must not be taken as the DDP curriculum does not require it. Economics and Math/Political Science/Engineering Another popular combination from the list above is a combination of economics with math, political science or engineering. Bulletin Updates A dual degree (also called a double degree) is when a student studies two different fields at the same time in order to earn two separate degrees. Provost's Welcome Message 1. For example, some courses may count toward both degrees, or some may be waived entirely so that the student can complete the Dual Degree Program in a shorter time. Further information on the programme is available at:, Double Degree Programme in Engineering and Economics. Part III: Modules Students must attain a minimum CGPA of 3.5 for each of the two degree programmes to stay on the DDP.