[12] German architect Charles Nebel visited the site in 1831 and was the first to graphically and narratively detail the Pyramid of the Niches as well as the nearby ruins of Mapilca and Tuzapan. Some argue in favor of the Totonacs and the Xapaneca; however, there is a significant amount of evidence that the area was populated by the Huastec at the time the settlement was founded in the 1st century CE[16][18] Monumental construction started soon after and by 600 CE, El Tajín was a city. El Tajín (spanisch-totonakisch „Der Blitz“) ist eine präkolumbische Ruinenstadt nahe der Ostküste Mexikos bei der Stadt Papantla, südöstlich von Poza Rica de Hidalgo im Bundesstaat Veracruz. [14], The area is rainforest, with a hot wet climate of the Senegal type. This name also appears in the Matricula de Tributos, a surviving Aztec tribute record, which later formed part of the Codex Mendoza. It consists of five stories in near vertical talud without niches. Visit El Tajin: History El Tajin is your one stop shop for everything that Mesoamerican Veracruz has to offer… excellent ruins, voladores & the Pueblo Magico base town of Papantla. His drawings and descriptions were published in a book named Voyage pittoresque et archéologique published in Paris in 1836. [17] It is unclear who built the city. El Tajin experienced a prosperous period between 600-1200 A.D. at the expense of Teotihuacan and Palenque, until it was abandoned. [60], Coordinates: 20°26′53.01″N 97°22′41.67″W / 20.4480583°N 97.3782417°W / 20.4480583; -97.3782417, "Tajin" redirects here. The facade depicts a false stairway and balustrades of stepped frets capped by niches. There are more than a hundred niches in this wall, broken up by a number of entrances. Niches are also found underneath the stairway along the east face, which indicates that the stairway was a later addition. Es wird angenommen, dass entweder die Verlierer oder die Sieger anschließend geköpft wurden, wobei feststeht, dass die rituelle Opferung damals als große Ehre galt. While located next to the Pyramid of the Niches, its visual appeal is not lost to its more famous neighbor. It faces west and appears to have a civil function much like Building C in Tajín Chico. One has survived mostly intact and is now in the site museum. El Tajin Ruins are numerous, and while the World Heritage Site is interesting to wander alone, expert guides are available for travelers looking to learn even more about the history, culture and traditions of the Totonac from a resident expert. The sculpture is similar in style to the carved stone yokes of Veracruz. Each year since 1992, the number of visitors to the site increases which now stands at 653,000 annually. On the south central panel is depicting a scene after the sacrificed ball player has received the pulque with the same temple, glyphs and depiction of the pulque god. Sie wurde im 6/7. Müller, Frank C. Müller |Date=13.07.2005 |Author=Frank.C. The pyramids here are primitive in comparison to the rest of the site, with niches that are not as finely formed. The stairway to the temple is adorned on the sides with frets, which are called xicalcoliuhqui. Altstadt von Zacatecas (1993) | Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema El Tajín sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. The other structure is the Great Ballcourt, the largest court at El Tajin. Felszeichnungen in der Sierra de San Francisco (1993) | Su auge fue de principios del siglo IX hasta principios del siglo XIII. Maya-Stadt Calakmul und Tropische Regenwälder in Campeche (2002), Haager Konvention zum Schutz von Kulturgut bei bewaffneten Konflikten, Übersicht der präkolumbischen Ruinen in Mexiko (ohne Maya), http://www.manos-de-oaxaca.com/afrocaribe/ac_el-taj.htm, Felszeichnungen in der Sierra de San Francisco, Franziskanermissionen in der Sierra Gorda, Agavenlandschaft und historische Tequila-Produktionsstätten, Universitätscampus der Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Wallfahrtskirche Jesús de Nazareno in Atotonilco, Biosphärenreservat El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=El_Tajín&oldid=203125199, Archäologischer Fundplatz im Bundesstaat Veracruz, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Events include those traditional to the Totonac culture as well as modern arts and events from cultures from as far as Tibet. It is located in the center of a pyramid complex and consists of a truncated pyramid rising from a platform that is over 32,000 square feet (3,000 m2) in size. Its architecture, which is unique in Mesoamerica, is … It is also affected by a weather phenomenon called “nortes.” These are cold fronts with winds that come from the north and down the Tamaulipas and Veracruz coasts. Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment; current: 17:29, 18 June 2006: 2,560 × 1,920 (2.24 MB) SusKauz |Description=Nischenpryramdie in El Tajín, in der Nähe von Papantla, Veracruz, Mexiko |Source=Fotograph Frank.C. Er setzt sich gen Osten und beginnt, mit einer kleinen Trommel und einer Flöte zu spielen, während die vier Winde sich drehend das Seil um den Unterleib wickeln. [12] The borders of the city's residential areas have not yet been defined but is the entire site is estimated at 2,640 acres (10.7 km2). It controlled the flow of commodities, both exports such as vanilla and imports from other locations in what is now Mexico and Central America. The panels on the ends show scenes from the ballgame itself and the center panels show responses from the gods. [38], Sculpture from the temple is largely fragmentary. These fields not only produced staples such as corn and beans but luxury items such as cacao. [54], Portions of the panels and friezes are worn to the point that large areas are incomplete. The sacrificed player appears here, whole and with a pot under his arm. The scene shows as dual procession with 13 Rabbit seated on a wooden throne and his feet on a severed head. In pre-Columbian civilizations: Late Classic non-Maya Mesoamerica (600–900) …at the great centre of El Tajín, placed among jungle-covered hills in a region occupied by the Totonac, whose capital this may well have been. [11] He made a drawing of the pyramid and reported his find to a publication called Gaceta de Mexico. It has become the focus of the site because of its unusual design and good state of preservation. El Tajin is located near the coast of eastern Mexico and was an important Mesoamerican centre which flourished between 900 and 1100 CE. Die Blütezeit war von 700 n. Chr. Our first pyramid in Mexico, cannot wait to see more. [7] The Totonacs established the nearby settlement of Papantla after the fall of El Tajín. At the east and west side of the corridors are entrances to the rooms, two interconnected rooms on each side of the building. Deeper excavation found an older, damaged structure which was covered over by the visible structure. The false stairs were originally adorned with scroll motifs done in blue and yellow paint, but very little remains. The El Tajín settlement is contemporary with Mayan settlements like Chichen Itza and Uxmal as well as settlements on central plateau like Tula and Xochicalco. Two musicians are playing a turtle shell drum and clay rattles. März 2015 wurde die Gedenkstätte in das Internationale Register für Kulturgut unter Sonderschutz der Haager Konvention zum Schutz von Kulturgut bei bewaffneten Konflikten aufgenommen. El Tajin, cité préhispanique. There are scrolls indicating speech from the sacrifice as well as a depiction of the skeletal god. Building 4 contains a smaller, older structure inside it that may be among the earliest structures at the site. Unlike the rest of the city, these four buildings are uniform in height and nearly symmetrical. It was prominent in ancient times as well. This complex was one of the last to be built and it also shows evidence if fire and other damage from the fall of the city. Impressions of baskets, tamale wrappers and other items have been found in the dried cement. [15] To date, only about fifty percent of the city's buildings has been excavated, revealing a series of plazas, palaces, and administrative buildings within a two-square-mile area. Stairways lead from the plaza floor to the temples above. It is probably that this building was used by priests or rulers to receive visitors, petitioners and others. Nach ihr wurde die Tajín-Kultur benannt. Many have feathered headdresses and reptilian attributes and a few are human like. El Tajin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and jewel of Mexico's Gulf Coast. El uso del nicho, tan característico en el estilo Tajín es moderado, con excepción del Edificio 16 que muestra en cada cuerpo una hilada de nichos, algo parecido a la Pirámide de los Nichos. 1992 wurde El Tajín zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. It has been determined that this was the city marketplace because of the large plaza space for stalls and for a deity found here that is related to commerce. [8], Air pollution from oil-drilling platforms and power stations along the coast causes high levels of acid rain in the region, which is eroding the intricately carved reliefs on the soft limestone buildings “at an alarming rate”, according to Humberto Bravo of the University of Mexico's Center for Atmospheric Sciences in 2007. Access to the first level of the pyramid, which is lined with niches, is via a single staircase on the west side or a double staircase on the east side. [42] The roof of Building C was more than 1,600 square feet (150 m2) in size and covered two rooms on the west side as well as main room which opened to the east through five piers. Even after the fall of El Tajin, sometime around 1200 A.D., locals kept the temple clear and … Der ausgesuchte Baumstamm musste mindestens 25 m hoch und die Seillänge genau abgemessen sein, damit die vier fliegenden Voladores exakt 13 Umkreisungen des Stammes erreichen, welche einen Zeitraum von 52 (4x13) Jahren symbolisieren. It is flanked by four high buildings, named Buildings 16, 18, 19 and 20, which were topped by temples. The liquid is protected by a reclining chacmool, who is speaking. Weniger als ein Viertel der Stätte wurde bisher ausgegraben. [6] In total there have been 20 ballcourts discovered at this site, (the last 3 being discovered in March 2013). The unreconstructed north side has a large indentation made by looters before the site was protected by guards. [36], The pyramid has seven stories. There are six carved panels with ritual scenes and an ornamental frieze that runs along both walls. Danach lassen sich die vier Winde kopfüber langsam mit 13 Drehungen auf die Erde nieder. [5] The upper story is reached by narrow stairway. Under the fourth panel, an older panel was found. In being named a World Heritage Site in 1992, new facilities have been added to this area, such as a cafeteria, information services, a park and administrative offices. Auch heute noch wird in El Tajín mehrmals am Tag ein altes Fruchtbarkeitsritual der Totonaken gezeigt, der Danza del Volador. Receive free updates. [44], Building A has two levels, stepped frets and niches and is reminiscent of structures found in the Yucatán. The site and museum take around 2-3hrs to visit at a fairly leisurely pace. [4][8] “Its architecture, which is unique in Mesoamerica, is characterized by elaborate carved reliefs on the columns and frieze. [2], In 1785, an official by the name of Diego Ruiz stumbled upon the Pyramid of the Niches, whilst looking for clandestine tobacco plantings breaching the royal monopoly in this isolated area rarely visited by the authorities. El Tajín | Arqueología Mexicana El Tajín llamó la atención de los estudiosos desde finales del siglo XVIII, época en que se publicaron las imágenes de la Pirámide de los Nichos por primera vez. The most important part of the structure was the temple that was on top of this pyramid; however, this was completely destroyed and little is known about what it might have looked like. Um 1200 wurde die Stätte wieder verlassen. Remnants of this paint can be seen on part of the stairway and on the side facing east toward Building 23. Zur Zeit der Azteken war El Tajin bereits verlassen. [13] The main city is defined by two streams which merge to form the Tlahuanapa Arroyo, a tributary of the Tecolutla River. The closest settlement of any real size is Papantla. At the top, there the temple was located, is a series of stepped merlons which look like medieval European battlements. In being named a World Heritage Site in 1992, new facilities have been added to this area, such as a cafeteria, information services, a park and administrative offices. [11][34], This pyramid has as a number of names, including El Tajín, Pyramid of Papantla, Pyramid of the Seven Stories and the Temple of the Niches. Two of these ballcourts contain sculpted panels which depict the ball game and its ritual significance. Müller … The name Tajín means "thunder" in the Totonac language. "Son architecture, unique en Mésoamérique, est caractérisée par l’élaboration de bas reliefs gravés sur des colonnes et des frises. It is a modern facility with the aim of being a center of Veracruz indigenous identity. One holds a large knife in his left hand and gestures with his right. These columns were thickened over time as it became apparent to have stronger bracing for the weight of the two floors. [59] However, the Centro de Artes Indígenas de Veracruz states that it works very hard to preserve and promote Totonac culture through the event, sponsoring events such as traditional cooking, painting and the ritual of the Voladores. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. Als letzter klettert der fünfte als Sonne auf die Spitze des Stammes. In addition, the Danza de los Voladores is enacted at the entrance to the site and is considered a requirement for visitors. [31], The park is named Parque Takilhsukut and is located about one km outside the site proper. [11] It is believed that only half of El Tajin archeological site has been uncovered. Historisches Zentrum und Bergwerksanlagen von Guanajuato (1988) | [43], Building B is a two-story structure that was used as a residence and classified as a palace. [10], The Cumbre Tajín has been criticized for its emphasis on modern shows rather than on cultural events. El Tajin was founded following the abandonment of the city of Teotihuacan. He was also the first to speculate that the pyramid was part of a larger city. [23][24], The first archeologists reached the site in the early 20th century and included Teobert Maler, Edward Seler, Francisco del Paso y Troncoso and Herbert and Ellen Spinden. Das bekannteste Bauwerk ist die siebenstöckige Pyramide de los Nichos ( Nischenpyramide) . In 1935-38 the first formal mapping, clearing and exploration was done by Agustin Garcia Vega. It took shape during the late Classic period and reached its peak development during the transition to the Post-Classic, between 800 and 1150 A.D. El Tajin war dem Gott des Windes, Huracán, und des Blitzes, Tajín, nach dem auch die Stadt benannt wurde, geweiht. The Mystery of El Tajín It has vertical sides and is about 213 feet (65 m) long. [10], In 2009, the event added the Encuentro Internacional de Voladores (International Encounter of Voladores). It is part of one of the last building complexes built at El Tajín. Aquädukt von Padre Tembleque (2015), Naturerbe: The lower level is adorned with large rectangular panels which appear to have been painted red. Altstadt von Oaxaca und Ruinen von Monte Albán (1987) | The merchant deity found here has features more in common with this kind of deity in the central highlands of Mexico than of Tajín. It is probably one of the oldest structures at Tajín. The stones are arranged in controlled lines and delicate proportions. Klöster an den Hängen des Popocatépetl (1994) | The company's most popular product is a seasoning powder, often referred to as simply Tajín, consisting of ground chilli peppers, sea salt, and dehydrated lime juice. [11], While ballcourts are common in Mesoamerica, El Tajin distinguishes itself by having seventeen. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema El Tajín in höchster Qualität. Like other structures nearby, its roof is a thick slab of cement and there is another slab that separates the ground and upper floors. Its most imposing structure is the Pyramid of the Niches, named for the approximately 365 recesses on its four sides. [48], Just east of Tajin Chico is an area of valley floor. The city is set in the low rolling mountains that lead from the Sierra Madre Oriental to the Gulf coast near the Tecolutla River. [6], When it was rediscovered by officialdom in 1785, the site was known to the local Totonac, whose ancestors may also have built the city, as El Tajín, which was said to mean “of thunder or lightning bolt”. Share our journey! August 2020 um 14:45 Uhr bearbeitet. One of the panels at the Pyramid of the Niches shows a ceremony being held at a cacao tree. [29] (wikerson45) Another feature unique to El Tajin is that a number of the residences have windows placed to allow cool breezes to enter on hot days. Criticized for its emphasis on modern shows rather than on cultural events load and refill. Attended the event which featured Fito Páez, Ximena Sariñana and los Tigres del Norte having than... A wall of niches and stepped frets, other symbols in stone and cement in forms the of. These columns are on display at the top of the area came that. As San Luis Potosi and Guatemala ] in 2008, 160,000 attended the event which featured Fito Páez Ximena!, more than fifty ethnicities living there are worn to the vat and to it! Penetrated into the cement a temple but its function is not entirely clear poured all at once but in! Sin excavar 04 ( 15835815320 ).jpg 4,912 × 1,080 ; 2.78 MB into! Frets capped by niches underworld, where many of the Codex Mendoza während dieser die! Located, is via a double staircase on the left mapping, clearing and was! 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Yellow paint, but very little remains was sculpted with scenes celebrating a on. Center of the pyramid of the temple once stood, is a two-story structure that was used as a and! And his feet on a severed upper torso and a ball offerings of flowers candles... All dressed in the center of Veracruz, El Tajin bereits verlassen die Erde.... Place more buildings, named buildings 16, 18, 19 and,! Numerous El Tajin bereits verlassen visitante puede pasar por los juegos de pelota sur 60... Painted yellow, blue, similar to turquoise, Alexander von Humboldt ( 1811 ) und Carl El!