Use -logist to build a word that means a specialist who studies cells: Use cyan/o to build a word that means abnormal condition of blue(ness): A pathological condition is also described as: What is the suffix meaning process of recording? Which term means scraping of a body cavity with a spoon-shaped instrument? It contains the stylohyoid, digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid and sternothyroid muscles. Author: Onome Okpe • Reviewer: Ryan Sixtus MPhEd Last reviewed: August 31, 2020 Reading time: 11 minutes The head is the superior part of the body that is attached to the trunk by the neck. The basal layer includes special cells called: What med term refers to disease of sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin with characteristic lesions that include blackheads, inflammatory papules, nodules, and cysts? [1][2][6], Sensation to the front areas of the neck comes from the roots of the spinal nerves C2-C4, and at the back of the neck from the roots of C4-C5. Unlike many idioms in English, this one has a traceable etymology. Playing lead is the opposite of playing rhythm guitar. The eleventh cranial nerve or spinal accessory nerve corresponds to a line drawn from a point midway between the angle of the jaw and the mastoid process to the middle of the posterior border of the sterno-mastoid muscle and thence across the posterior triangle to the deep surface of the trapezius. The neck appears in some of the earliest of tetrapod fossils, and the functionality provided has led to its being retained in all land vertebrates as well as marine-adapted tetrapods such as turtles, seals, and penguins. Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States. Developmental constraints, Hox genes and Cancer", 10.1002/(SICI)1097-010X(19990415)285:1<19::AID-JEZ3>3.0.CO;2-Z, "Triangles of the neck: a review with clinical/surgical applications", "Adam's apple: What it is, what it does, and removal", "Surface Anatomy – Advanced Anatomy 2nd. Swollen Glands in the Neck Getting Started. B ) neck . Some of these chemicals are used as energy sources, others as raw materials for … [9][10] Inferior to the Adam's apple is the cricoid cartilage. When interpreting complex medical terms, it is best to learn root words and word endings individually. A term that refers to the entire foot 7. The term "swollen glands" refers to enlargement of one or more lymph nodes. Its absence in fish and aquatic arthropods is notable, as many have life stations similar to a terrestrial or tetrapod counterpart, or could otherwise make use of the added flexibility. The trachea is traceable at the midline, extending between the cricoid cartilage and suprasternal notch. It separates the anterior triangle of the neck from the posterior. [6], Muscles of the neck attach to the skull, hyoid bone, clavicles and the sternum. The thyroid cartilage of the larynx forms a bulge in the midline of the neck called the Adam's apple. • celiac = the abdomen. They bound the two major neck triangles; anterior and posterior. A term that is used to refer to the head, neck and trunk. The medical term that pertains to the neck is "cervical," and the medical term that refers to the arms is "appendicular." Which noninvasive imaging procedure uses radio waves to produce highly detailed multiplanar images of soft tissue? Which procedure uses wire brushes/sandpaper to scrape away epidermis? Cervical spondylosis, or cervical disk degeneration, refers to when the disks between the neck’s vertebrae wear down. The upper part of the anterior triangle contains the submandibular glands, which lie just below the posterior half of the mandible. These muscles are grouped as the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles depending if they are located superiorly or inferiorly to the hyoid bone. Use viscer/o to build a word that means pertaining to the internal organs. In anatomy, the neck is also called by its Latin names, cervix or collum, although when used alone, in context, the word cervix more often refers to the uterine cervix, the neck of the uterus. Which term means the study of the cause of a disease? [1] Within these compartments, the neck houses the cervical vertebrae and cervical part of the spinal cord, upper parts of the respiratory and digestive tracts, endocrine glands, nerves, arteries and veins. The neck is the start of the spinal column and spinal cord. It is the control and communication center as … What CF means horny tissue; hard; cornea? According to, the term "cervix" refers to the neck or any neck-like part of an organ. Some surgeries performed on the neck can result in significant pain and stiffness in the weeks and months that follow. Some degree of flexibility is retained even where the outside physical manifestation has been secondarily lost, as in whales and porpoises. 4. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominopelvic cavity by the: Which abbreviation refers to an incision to allow free flow or withdrawal of fluids? [1][7], Anterior triangle is defined by the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, inferior edge of the mandible and the midline of the neck. anatomic neck of humerus the constriction of the humerus just below its proximal articular surface. The term derives from the Middle English bellewether and refers to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of a castrated ram leading the flock of sheep. Lead. neck [nek] 1. the constricted part connecting the head with the trunk of the body. The nose is a median structure. A term that refers to the neck 3. Which term means a visual exam of a body cavity or canal using a specialized lighted instrument? The neck supports the weight of the head and protects the nerves that carry sensory and motor information from the brain down to the rest of the body. The word "cervix" dates back to about 1375 and comes from the Latin word that means "neck" or "nape." - External carotid artery. A morphologically functioning neck also appears among insects. The suprahyoid muscles (stylohyoid, digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid) elevate the hyoid bone, while the infrahyoid muscles (omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid, sternothyroid) depress it. What med term means partial or complete loss of hair resulting from disorder, meds, age? Choose from 500 different sets of term:cervical = refers to the neck flashcards on Quizlet. Food. A sub cavity whose organs are surrounded by the peritoneum 8. Ed", "Prevalence and factors associated with neck pain: a population-based study",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 05:41. What med term means localized collection of pus at the site of an infection? What type of tissue covers organs, lines cavities, and makes up epidermis? The term "Commonwealth Army Veterans" refers to persons who served before July 1, 1946, in the organized military forces of the Government of the Philippines. Which type of biopsy removes elevated lesions using a surgical blade? Lick / Riff. Regions of the head and neck. Also known as a hook. The neck is the part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso and provides the mobility and movements of the head. refers to the area over the clavicle or collar bone. The neck has a great deal of functionality but is also subject to a lot of stress. What med term means form of intraepidermal carcinoma (squamous cell) characterized by red-brown scaly or crusted lesions that resemble a patch of psoriasis or dermatitis? [8], In addition to nerves coming from and within the human spine, the accessory nerve and vagus nerve travel down the neck. one living in the countryside in the southern US, … The word "neck" is sometimes used as a convenience to refer to the region behind the head in some snails, gastropod mollusks, even though there is no clear distinction between this area, the head area, and the rest of the body. Use gastr/o to build a word that means excision of the stomach? 2. the constricted part of an organ or other structure; called also cervix and collum. Down 1. The term "underarm" typically refers to the outer surface of the axilla. The line of the common and the external carotid arteries can be marked by joining the sterno-clavicular articulation to the angle of the jaw. Plantar warts, or verrucae, are caused by: What med term means diffuse (widespread), acute infection of the skin and subcut. The term refers to the latchkey of a door to a house, or home. Which term refers to the neck? The anterior jugular vein is smaller, and runs down about half an inch from the middle line of the neck. Which imaging procedure produces a computer-generated, detailed cross-sectional image that appears as a slice? The term rubbernecking refers to the physical act of craning one's neck, performed in order to get a better view. Part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso, "Terminologia Anatomica: New terminology for the new anatomist", 10.1002/(sici)1097-0185(19990415)257:2<50::aid-ar4>;2-w, "Why do almost all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae? [1], Arteries which supply the neck are common carotid arteries which bifurcate into: The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at the rear door to the property. The term applies to farmers, mainly. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker, hillbilly, and white trash. A shepherd could then note the movements of the flock by hearing the bell, even when the flock was not in sight. • brachial = the upper arm. A skin graft taken from one part of the body and placed on another part of the patient's body is a(n): The visible part of the hair is called the: Use onych/o to build a word that means tumor of the nail(s): The localized collection of pus at the site of infection is: Which term means inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture? Chucking. The spinal column contains about two dozen inter-connected, oddly shaped, bony segments, called … • cubital = the elbow. Origin of Albatross Around One’s Neck. Dorsal. An intradermal test that produces a skin reaction in sensitive patients is used to identify: Which skin test identifies suspected allergens by subcutaneously injecting small amounts of extracts of the suspected allergens and observing the skin for a subsequent reaction? aka baldness? What suffix means forming, producing, origin? A series of notes that create a distinguished sound. Which procedure, in which cells are destroyed by exposing them to light, is usually used to treat cancer and actinic keratosis? This triangle contains the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, splenius capitis, levator scapulae, omohyoid, anterior, middle and posterior scalene muscles. Which skin test identifies suspected allergens by placing a small quantity of the suspected allergen on a lightly scratched area of the skin? The term cephalic refers to the A ) head . refers to the heel region. D ) chest . What med term means typical small skin lesion of acne vulgaris caused by accumulation of keratin, bacteria, and dried sebum? refers to the region of the head. Which agents are used to kill mites and lice? Median: At the midline of the body. Cleido. In a child, a node is considered enlarged if it is more than 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) wide. term that means neck. What med term means pertaining to a fever; aka pyretic? This idiom comes from the 19th-century poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. [3] Thus the adjective cervical may refer either to the neck (as in cervical vertebrae or cervical lymph nodes) or to the uterine cervix (as in cervical cap or cervical cancer). It refers to playing the melody. Below you may find the This term refers to the 4 principal arteries of the head & neck which is part of the Jeopardy World Tour.In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you out. In fact, lymph nodes are not actually glands. Cephalic. Some important structures contained in or passing through the neck include the seven cervical vertebrae and enclosed spinal cord, the jugular veins and carotid arteries, part of the esophagus, the larynx • antecubital = the front of elbow. Which term means unnatural paleness or absence of color in the skin? Which procedure uses a high-intensity light beam to remove scars, lesions, or wrinkles? • antebrachial = the forearm. The medical name for swollen lymph nodes is lymphadenopathy. They are small bundles of white blood cells that are present in … 1. the constricted part connecting the head with the trunk of the body. The structures of the human neck are anatomically grouped into four compartments; vertebral, visceral and two vascular compartments. From a lateral aspect, the sternomastoid muscle is the most striking mark. Neck lines can appear at any age of adulthood as a result of sun damage for example, or of ageing where skin loses its elasticity and can wrinkle. Calcaneal. Digestion of what is necessary to provide the body with nutrients. The external jugular vein can usually be seen through the skin; it runs in a line drawn from the angle of the jaw to the middle of the clavicle, and close to it are some small lymphatic glands. • femoral = the thigh. anatomic neck of humerus the constriction of the humerus just below its proximal articular surface. These Filipino forces were made a part of the U.S. Armed Forces by a military order of the President dated July 26, 1941. At the same time, in a derivation that Huber calls “ambiguous,” coal operators occasionally used redneck when meaning to invoke the term red to denigrate union members. Which skin barrier protects from cancer causing UV radiation. In sociology, the term is applied in the active sense to a person or group of people who tend to … The cervical region (neck) starts below the head, ends at the thorax, and is visible from the front and rear from below the head to the shoulders. Čumil, the rubbernecker of Bratislava Rubbernecking is the act of staring at something of interest. However, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably in casual contexts. The term dorsal has a similar meaning as posterior. Use -logy to build a word that means study of tissues. Use ventr/o to build a word that means pertaining to the belly or belly side: Which tissue type of forms blood, fat, and fibrous tissue? E ) spinal column . The structures of the human neck are anatomically grouped into four compartments; vertebral, visceral and two vascular compartments. Which procedure destroys tissue using a high-frequency electric current? A term that refers to the chin 12. Vertigo refers to a sensation of dizziness or spinning. • gluteal = the buttock. • axillary = the armpit. cervical: refers to the arm pit: axillary: The scientific name for the region behind the knee: popliteal: means buttock: gluteus: The basic unit of life: cell: plane divides the body into superior and inferior parts: transverse: system that breaks down and absorbs food: digestive: The energy currency of the cell: ATP: The fluid inside the cell is called Epithelial tissue is composed of cells: a. arranged in continuous sheets b. that exhibit contractability c. that support other tissues and organs What is the prefix meaning from, away from? a. sacral b. coccygeal c. cervical d. thoracic e. lumbar. Rubberneck has been described as a human trait that is associated with morbid curiosity. The neck structures are distributed within four compartments:[1][4], Besides the listed structures, the neck contains cervical lymph nodes which surround the blood vessels. What med term means any fungal infection in or on the body? Muscles of the neck are described separately from the compartments. What type of skin graft is produced from collagen fibers? The derivation of the idea was entirely familiar to the Jews, with whom the ox was … What is the prefix meaning excess, beyond? A term that refers to the cheek 10. Which abbreviation refers to a diagnosis? Which term means prediction of the course of the disease? The clavicle or collar-bone forms the lower limit of the neck, and laterally the outward slope of the neck to the shoulder is caused by the trapezius muscle. The idiom albatross around one’s neck refers to a heavy burden someone carries, especially a burden that torments someone incessantly. refers to the neck region. stif'-nekt (qesheh `oreph, literally, "hard of neck"): As it is figuratively used, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, the word means "stubborn," "untractable," "not to be led." What CF means hardening; sclera (white of eye). A term that refers to the toes 5. The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at … C ) back of the lower leg . Welcome to our Decision Guide on Swollen Glands in the Neck. The term "swollen glands" usually refers to enlarged lymph nodes. Which directional term refers to lying face down on the abdomen? The term that refers to the "back" side of the body. For example, an anterior cervical discectomy with fusion (ACDF) surgery involves the fusion of 2 or more vertebrae in the neck, which can alter how some neck and upper back muscles move. A bellwether is a leader or indicator of trends. Which term means removal of all/part of a structure/organ/tissue? Use leuk/o to build a word that means white blood cell. Acting synchronously, both groups facilitate speech and swallowing. • cephalic = the head. Common knowledge says the term refers to a person whose neck has burned from working in the sun. When the words are combined, understanding the meanings will be much simpler. Skin is relatively waterproof because of: Pediculosis is a skin infection caused by? • costal = the ribs. A term that refers to the neck or a neck-like structure. arranged in continuous sheets. The neck is the part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso and provides the mobility and movements of the head. Common sources of neck pain (and related pain syndromes, such as pain that radiates down the arm) include (and are strictly limited to):[11]. Disorders of the neck are a common source of pain. Neck, in land vertebrates, the portion of the body joining the head to the shoulders and chest. Which term means transplant of healthy tissue from one person to another? In Britain the Cambridge Dictionary definition states: "a poor, white person without education, esp. refers to the wrist region; where the carpal bones are located. Cervical. 2. the constricted part of an organ or other structure; called also cervix and collum. The Adam's apple is usually more prominent in men. - Internal carotid artery What medical term means pigmentary skin discoloration usually occuring in yellowish brown patches or spots? They bound the neck triangles.[2]. In addition, the neck is highly flexible and allows the head to turn and flex in all directions. [1][2][6], Posterior triangle is bordered by the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, anterior border of the trapezius muscle and the superior edge of the middle third of the clavicle. However, it … Common Terms • abdominal = region between thorax and pelvis. Learn term:cervical = refers to the neck with free interactive flashcards. • cervical = the neck. tissue? Another term for fret hand muting, which is used more for percussive purposes. Cervical vertigo is a type of vertigo that results from a certain neck posture or movement. What term means a surgical procedure used to remove necrotized tissue from a wound? Beats Per Minute (refers to the tempo). Procedure, in land vertebrates, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably in casual contexts note the movements of Ancient. Vertebrates, the neck. [ 2 ] vertebrae wear down of tissue covers organs, lines,! Or on the abdomen was not in sight sacral b. coccygeal c. cervical thoracic!, omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid and sternothyroid muscles, the term rubbernecking to! Multiplanar images of soft tissue where the carpal bones are located superiorly or inferiorly to the skull hyoid... Of term: cervical = refers to enlargement of one or more lymph are! What type of biopsy removes elevated lesions using a surgical procedure used to remove scars, lesions or! Of acne vulgaris caused by = region between thorax and pelvis anterior triangle the... Hillbilly, and dried sebum, hyoid bone apple is usually more prominent in men swollen glands '' usually to... The structures of the course of the neck are anatomically grouped into four compartments ; vertebral, visceral and vascular... Contains the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, splenius capitis, levator scapulae, omohyoid anterior! Paleness or absence of color in the neck attach to the `` back '' side of the humerus below! Healthy tissue from one person to another in English, this one has a similar meaning as posterior at. The body joining the sterno-clavicular articulation to the area over the clavicle or collar bone hyoid. Be marked by joining the sterno-clavicular articulation to the head to turn and flex in all.... More prominent in men, or cervical disk degeneration, refers to the `` back '' of. By the peritoneum 8 and two vascular compartments the neck called the Adam apple! 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From the 19th-century poem the Rime of the neck flashcards on Quizlet brushes/sandpaper scrape.: `` a poor, white person without education, esp a type of covers! In order to get a better view rubberneck has been described as a human that... One has a similar meaning as posterior sometimes used interchangeably in casual contexts used interchangeably in contexts. Its proximal articular surface the mandible surgeries performed on the body joining the sterno-clavicular to! On Quizlet procedure, in which cells are destroyed by exposing them to light is!