Why Do Female Fish Eat their Babies? For instance guppy fish tuberculosis, which is caused by a bacteria called mycobacterium has no remedies. It is possible to find fry… This fish will breed easily in your tank if you plan on keeping males and females in the same tank. You can keep the fry safe by adding more plants in the aquarium or transferring them to a different tank. Many people, including those who know nothing about aquarium tanks, will tell you something about this type of aquarium fish. I dont know what else to try!? My female guppy had 15 fry about 2 weeks ago. Females are larger too, potentially reaching 4.5 inches. It is really hard to tell why your guppies are dying, but I have few things I suspect. Betta Fish. why havent they had their fry yet? The filter I got with my aquarium was too small for the amount of fish I was keeping in it. Often ammonia spikes were damaging and killing my guppies. The plants are fine, in fact live plants remove some of the ammonia from the water, so you don’t need to dispose the plants. Most of the fry born prematurely do not survive. The Tropical Tank • View topic - pregnant guppies. Coach 'not angry' at doctor in Tyrod Taylor fiasco When you are populating your aquarium with guppies, you should always consider guppies from trusted sources. That is not common at all. Guppies for example can survive for up to 2-3 weeks without feeding them. Female guppies can release their fry and then get pregnant again immediately, all without mating again. As the water heats up, the oxygen level of the water lowers. I have changed all my cleaning products to natural (and I cover the tank when cleaning the house as well). ok i have had plenty of guppy moms give birth to fry but this is a new one for me. I’ve created this website to help guppy enthusiasts around the world learn how to care for guppies and how to breed them. Well, for a 22 liter tank, that was too much livestock! You can have perfect water, ph levels, fully cycled tank, perfect balance, everything, and fish will still die. Warmer water is also dangerous for guppies. Remember to remove the leftover food so that it does not pollute the water. First of all, test your water parameters. Occassionally one will survive and become an adult. Some high cover is also required as healthy fry will swim upwards. if you know anything please tell me! Tjones . To start their hobby, most aquarists buy a few guppy fish and increase them gradually. By breeding them selectively, you will have more control over their appearance because you will select the shape of fins for females and males and their colour. What should I do?? However, if you are keeping them for fun, it is advisable you feed them once a day. I only have Males. If the fish continue dying, then that is a huge problem. Doing regular water changes is also a key factor when it comes to keep your guppy fish health. Just search for DIY gravel vacuum on Google or Youtube and you will find tons of ideas on how to do it. Add Java moss or Guppy grass. Sadly, guppy parents can turn rather cannibalistic so you will need to provide the fry with hiding places for after they are born. If you don’t have a gravel vacuum cleaner, you may use a plastic tube to siphon the grave as much as you can. Hi! This morning I woke up and one of my male guppies were dead, was very shocked. The water filter is very important and that means you might need to buy a power filter because it is easier to use. I have done a 30% water change and everything seemed fine again. Overtime the pollution can become so high, that the guppies will get intoxicated and will die. That means you can provide them with both plants and meat. With a 1:3 ratio, you will be able to split the attention of males between the females and as a result, make the breeding process less stressful for the females. That is why it is always important to control the population of guppies. You will have to avoid stressing the guppies when pregnant because that can result in premature birth or miscarriage. Larger tanks might be fine, thanks to the higher water volume, but small tanks are very vulnerable to these big changes. Feed the fry small amounts several times a day. How much do you feed? Guppies can deliver around 20-200 fry per every spawn depending on the age and size. why is my female guppy chasing all the smaller guppies (males, small females, babies) Help/Advice. One way to give your baby guppies or "fry" a fighting chance is to densely plant your aquarium. so i checked my females and they are all still VERY pregnant. Hi, I had bought 5 female guppies for a 10-gallon tank with 2 bettas and 3 other males At 1 month all the babies are thriving; the ones separated, plus the 4 in the big tank." They most likely die due to raising ammonia and nitrite levels. Guppies swimming vertically is a common symptom of over eating. Unfortunately there are diseases, which can to be treated. i got two males and three pregnant females. Guppies and African Dwarf Frog – Can You Keep them Together? The average lifespan of guppies is 1-3 years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If the PH level is high, you should try to maintain a high water hardness level. It is really hard to tell what happen. Although they are very hardy, often guppies keeps dying for no obvious reason. Spring water may contain elements, which will harm your fish. However the most common diseases which guppies get are ick (white spots on their body), velvet (gold dust on their body), fin rot and flukes. ... a multicolored guppy. The Dave 3,375,502 views. I suggest you to take a photo of your female guppies often and watch their belly size. Let the female deliver the fry in the tank. Discus Fish – Care, Tank Conditions, Feeding, Breeding ». It has a wider head, and is much shorter, fatter and flatter than the Common Pleco.. That might sound sad but it is what the mother nature works for most species. You can do partial water changes, but it takes time for the aquarium to fully cycle. its been 7 hours and no more fry have been born. Don’t know how big and established is your fish tank, but I think that the beneficial bacteria couldn’t keep with the suddenly growing ammonia level and this caused the mass deaths. As stated above, uneaten food will pollute your aquarium and can be a huge source for raising ammonia level. Guppy fish prefer water temperature between 72-82 °F (22-28 °C ). Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. For example, 4 gallons for every 3 guppies, 6 gallons for every 6 guppies and 9 gallons for every 9 guppies. The water temperature is a bit high for your fish. $30.00. You can also change 10 percent of the water on a daily basis or 30 percent every five days. However, before you start the breeding process, you have to: A guppy will develop a large round belly after getting pregnant. So you just started you first aquarium and you added some guppies. Until your tank is not established, you will have problems. They can feed on all types of food whether frozen, live, and wet or dry. One day after adding the fish, perform another test to see, if the bacteria can keep up with the nitrogen cycle. Can male guppies get pregnant? It is also good to vacuum the substrate of your tank at least once a month. I own fish and birds. If the female has fins clumped against the body, her anal fin might resemble the gonapodium. If you have the time and the willing, you can prepare food for your guppies at home. In a single month, female guppy fish can give birth to 20-120 guppies. They are therefore a good choice for experienced and beginner aquarists alike. Males are usually more colourful than the females are but when it comes to fancy guppies, the females might resemble the males. If this is a brand new setup and the tank is not cycled yet, probably there is a problem with water parameters. If it is not cycled yet, then this can be the reason of ammonia spikes. I really hope, that this article has helped you to stop your guppies from dying. Their offspring, which are born and grown in your aquarium will become much more resistant and will live longer. These fish are black all over. less than half an inch. The airstone only provides water circulation and does not actually filter the water. i dont have a vaccum cleaner, how do i clean the tank- can i empty it all into something temporary to clean the stones and glass? I’m not sure why guppies bought from pet store tend to die faster. Do not feed your guppies only the amount they can eat in 30 seconds. This will get rid of the ammonia. If you have a sponge filter, just rinse it in aquarium water. In addition to the processed foods like pellets and flake food, you will have to provide them with live food at least once a week so that they can get the nutrients they require. Guppy breeders are stressful. 3. the tank is overstocked (8 neons, 7+6 guppies, 2 corys) – there are way too many fish in that tank, considering it is 3 weeks old. It might take up to a week for the fry to develop. There are officially 12 types of guppy tails that have been recognized by international guppy associations. You can cultivate live food such as daphnia, brine shrimp or vinegar eels. This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Dr. Myron Gordon found 168 embryos in a large wild-caught Platy fish. I noticed yesterday that his top fin looks like it is broken, and it doesn’t stand aligned with his body when he swims. Provide young ones with smaller amounts of food throughout the day if your goal is to facilitate faster growth – you can feed them for up to six times a day. I had 10 guppys and 5 of them died.There was nothing on the body’s.They did’nt look sick.All that they did they swim on top of the tank where the bubble’s is and my tank’s heater is set on 26’C. I read many sites to identify which disease may be the one my guppies may have (and others may show later) but could not find any picture that looks like ours, so I am writing to you ;-): The fish was separating itself from the other 8 guppies and so I separated him into a bucket (have only a bucket with a pump for quarantine, presently). Apart from the bright colours, the males have longer fins than the females do. All parameters are good. AquariumNexus.com does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. The general body shape can also help you differentiate males from females. The female guppy can give birth to 2-200 fry (baby guppies) at a time in six hours. Aquarium guppies are popular because you do not need a large tank to rear them – their bio-load is small. Feed them once or twice a day. Meade , The nitryfing bacteria should turn ammonia right away into nitrites and then into nitrates. I can’t check my water levels until tommorow when I go to my local pet shop . There are few guppy specific desires. I have the tank of death it may even be said that they are worse since they may eat their young that have already developed past the egg stage. If you can’t arrange a second tank that’s filtered and cycled for them, well, the thing about guppies is that the females have fry roughly once a month for their entire lives. By this point I only had 1 guppy left so I got him 2 new friends. The largest single delivery of fry by a Guppy, as far as we know, was recorded by Paul Hahnel, the well-known Guppy breeder. When setting up a new aquarium, you should wait at least 6 weeks before adding fish. They are always in a love-hate temperament that matches their love nest, which is my Dutch-inspired mini aquarium. If you can get one generation born in your tank you should see a big difference. So far I have lost 2 Corys. Ammonia and nitrite should be at 0ppm and nitrates at maximum 40ppm. She was my favorite of all the Guppies. Good luck. If they aren’t already pregnant, generally one male to two or three females is a healthy ratio in a tank, since it will reduce aggression in the males and stress in the females, and will likely produce fry. Setup an aquarium tank and ensure that the conditions are very close to those of the natural habitat. I and my family both think it might have been the stress from moving from the pet store tank to a home tank or they both had something wrong with them. ... which is why you should put the females into a separate tank. I put her back in the big tank. I found out that best way to maintain a good guppy colony is to buy a few guppies from different pet stores and try to breed them. I love feeding my fish and watch them eat. But if you compare them, you will realize that they are very close. A guppy fry will measure around 6mm and has a very tiny mouth but they have a huge appetite. Depending on the size of the filter once or twice a month it necessary to clean it. Fish keeping is not worth it. The filtration can’t keep up with the number of fish. Although they are colorful, they might have bad genetics, which can lead to early death. Maintenance of a different ratio will result in stressful situations because the females will keep chasing the females. Alternatively, you can go for a breeding box setup. Guppies live in brackish water or freshwater basis of Guiana, Venezuela, North of Amazon River, North of Brazil, Trinidad and Barbados islands in their natural habitat. However, the result might be something you like from breeding. You can also try to find a local guppy breeder or to buy juveniles guppies from someone who has too many. I tried to search for the disease and the cure but I found nothing… so 24 watching. I have a 30 gallon community tank and a 10 gallon breeder tank. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. But a few days later, one of my female guppies died under a pebble and I thought she is stuck in there and can’t get out so I made bigger holes within the pebbles. Keep your new plants or guppies for 2 weeks in a quarantine tank and if necessary treat them for parasites, just to be safe. I agree, I only have 5 adult guppies now but another female gave birth and now I have around 20 baby guppies. Ammonia can be caused by multiple factors: Uneaten fish food will decompose and will turn into ammonia, Dead fish which is not removed from the tank will decay and will increase ammonia level, Dirty filter can also be a huge source for ammonia, Dirty substrate can also cause ammonia problems. Guppies are known for being delicate these days, they are not the hardy guppies of the past, especially when they travel so much in a week just to get to our tanks, only the strongest will survive, it is often said that to keep guppies that are hardy, buy a very pregnant female and raise the fry, as they will be stronger than the adult. "My mama guppy just had babies, was able to remove all but 4 from tank, but they have survived by being smart and fast. My tanks are always cycled before introducing any fish to them. The females hide when pregnant until it is time to drop the fry and they can be in labour for hours or days. It takes at least 6 weeks for an aquarium to be considered cycled. How often you do water changes? You will have to get it. The guppy Tank temp is at a steady 25c as I was advised this is a good temp for them. However, most tank suppliers provide them with inbuilt filtration systems. The lack of oxygen in the water can also cause guppies to die. Before adding new fish or plants into your already established, disease-free guppy aquarium, quarantine them. They don’t take much convincing to produce fry; they can often come from pet stores already pregnant. Repeat the process few times, until you think they got enough food. You can also look at the undersides of their bodies, near their tails. AquariumNexus.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Guppies are readily available at pet stores and at a relatively cheaper price compared to…, Guppies and African Dwarf Frogs (ADFs) are both aquatic animals that are kept in the…, The first thing you will notice about guppies and Neon Tetras is their vibrancy. Hi Sherri. The best way to combat diseases is to prevent them. Do 20% water change once a week to maintain a healthy environment. <^-^> Can you advice me some reason? Immediately after birth, the fry will become hungry and start searching for food. 2. ... You should also remove the fry from the tank and place them in another within a few days, or the Cichlid may eat their own child. White Guppy Feeding too much food to your fish, can cause health issues; just like with humans. Immediately after birth, the fry will become hungry and start searching for food. In water with temperature over 82 °F (28 °C) the oxygen level can be very low and guppies can die due suffocation. Breeding these shrimp in aquarium is very hard, because the fry require a strong planktonic or biofilm culture to survive. The tank has been set up for months and is fully cycled. Guppy Fish, Poecilia reticulate, is one of the renowned aquarium tank fish. they eat thier fry immediatly as soon as they finish givin birth. I've found that many of the guppies from a store are weak. Breeding in a community tank might be unpredictable because you will not know how the fry will look like until they are born or until their colour starts appearing. You don’t need to pull out all the gravel from the tank. Free shipping. Guppy Fish. It is always better to have a bigger filter and overfilter the water. At first I thought that she might be inexperienced, but this is now the 3rd time and she still treats her fry as food. Live aquarium plants have many benefits for the guppies and the other fish. Plants like Duckweed, Java Moss, Watersprite, Hornwort and any other plant with dense leaves will provide great hiding spots for your fry. I want to keep some of the males in my community tank. They are popular among aquarium owners due to their vibrant colors and peaceful nature. Here’s a summary of a few popular mollies for home aquariums: Black Molly Fish. Everything that is above 7 means that the water is basic (alkaline). No nitrates in the water. Here are the best tank mates for guppies: Experts recommend 1:3 male to female ratio for the livebearers because the males tend to harass the females and they might chase them around the tank and stress them as a result. It’s a 63litre tank with 8 neons, and have 7 guppies left. The lamp is on. You have to provide them with live food such as micro worms, baby brine shrimp, vinegar eels and daphnia so that they can remain happy and healthy. If you are keeping guppies for profit, you will have to maintain a feeding schedule. I have the conditioner for the water i use and even a stress coat. I had another tank for the pregnant females and 2 of the females were pregnant so I moved them to the 10-gallon tank I had set up with no fish. Even though the fish cannot live for many years, they are beautiful and good fish to own. By changing water in your tank you will remove the toxins that are harmful for your guppy fish. Guppies and most small tropical fish have a short lifespan. If you can, do some minor vacuuming every time you do a water change. My guppy’s are dying and I’ve noticed that they have bumps on there heads is that common? Here is what I suggest: A breeding box will isolate the fry from the mother immediately after birth. She checked the water and it was perfect. I started about 3 weeks a go with gold fish and there was mosquito fish in as well.Then we decided that we want guppy’s.So the lady at the pet store said that i need a heater and i asked her if the 2 gold fish and the mosquito fish will be fine in the warm water with the guppy’s.So when we came home we put the heater in the tank and left the guppy’s in the back in the tank for half an hour.So when the heater turned off i took out the guppy’s and put them in the tank.My 1 gold fish died first about 3 days later and sins then the 10 guppy’s died in the 2 days i took the one gold fish out and there is about 4 baby guppy’s in the tank.The guppys dont swim around they only stayed on top of the water where the bubbles is coming out from the air pump. Your email address will not be published. To make everything easy, start by purchasing an easy start chemical. Our thermostat is set to go to 70 every night and maybe the heater isn’t keeping up? They can also serve as great hiding spots for the young ones after birth. The reason why these fish don’t display the strong vibrant colors we’re used to seeing in guppies is because their bodies don’t produce black melanin pigment. Hi, I’ve lost another guppy. all females still pregnant its been 7 hours and still no more fry. You should not put a goldfish in a 6 gallon tank. Temperature set at 26C. Your email address will not be published. A few days after the 2nd female died there was a fungus that killed 3 of my fish including both my bettas and one guppy female I had that was perfectly healthy. My guppy fish is dying now. Guppies prefer PH levels that are very close to the normal. and i looked at them and most of them already have dark gravid spots.... are they really all females? I will just have to sell them to the fish store when they are a little bigger. Their fry is able to start swimming immediately after birth, but it is important they have a good hiding place within a few seconds of life because their parents and the other fish in your aquarium tank are likely to eat them. Ammonia is very harmful for your fish. Cleaning the glass of your fish tank is not necessary but for the looks, you should do it once a week. They feed on bloodworm, larvae, worms and small insects. Fish Lover Forever Moved On. Moreover, females have rounded bodies. My water tests are perfect except hardness. You can either do so by shifting the fishes to a separate tank or introducing only male guppies to your aquarium. One of my guppies, a female, is hanging out at the top of the tank and avoiding all of the other fish. I’ve never kept birds, but I don’t think they are easier than fish. Guppies received their name from the English scientist and priest, Robert John Lechmere Guppy, who made a report to the Royal Society in the year 1886. Tank has been up and running for 3weeks. What is “very hard” water? The most common reason for guppies dying in your aquarium is the poor water quality. I’ve also wrote a complete guide on how to care for guppies, where I talk about the biggest challenges of keeping guppies. Sorry to hear that! Guppies are classified according to their colors, tail types, and patterns . Hey Eric! Could you send me an image using the contact form? Guppies are livebearers. For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a recently retired registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. And the last couple of days I have lost 6 guppies – yes 6! I found that guppies which are sold by large super markets usually have a short lifespan. You should feed your adult guppy fish once a day or once every other day. any aquarium tank decoration that allows the adult-sized fish to enter in will not form good hiding spots. If the fish do not die instantly, because you were able fix the ammonia problem, they will still get ammonia burns. Less than a day later one died and soon after the other one died too. Looking at your guppies it should be easy to see the black spot on the females from about one week old. if she is already prgannt which she probably is then he is just bugging her because that's what guppies do.that's why you should keep more females than male because they will bother them and with more females in the tank then he will pick on all of them and not just one. Ian From what you wrote, I suppose your aquarium is already cycled and is running for at least 6 weeks. Everything was fine when I went to work then a couple hours later I get a message from my mum saying one had died. Disclosure: When you purchase something through my affiliate links, I earn a small commission. You can make your own gravel vacuum. This will allow you to control the population to a certain extent. Have done a partial water change after finding the dead ones today. For any additional guppy, you will have to add one gallon. If he attempts to edit this page he will be blocked, NOTE #2: Me, Mike 2019-2020, Mr. Josiah V Olson 11-17-2001 Olson Jolson J,,,,, Inttrxxtrab‎, Gugu0709r, Jongmoon lee, and Caled2005 is now allowed to edit this page all they wants. Keep in mind that when choosing the fish to breed, you have to consider the colour and the shape of their tail. You just need to understand how an aquarium ecosystem works, what is ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, and how these affect your fish. Bristlenose Pleco. They are very small. Sand is also easier to replace and it will never collect any excess dirt or food. That way, you will have many entertaining and active swimmers in your aquarium tank. Most exotic fish come from the Philippines or Thailand. Your guppies are probably infected with ich / ick. The temperatures are correct. If there is only one male in a tank filled with many other females, the male would impregnate each female and after successive sessions of birth, the tank will be overcrowded more than you can imagine. I also like birds we have a bird aviary in the yard with finches ( I’m in S.Florida ) . However, that is uncommon with healthy guppies. Thanks! Sometimes the process to give birth to all the fry can take up to 12 hours. I kept a pair of Badis in my 10-gallon Leiden style tank. Guppies reproduce at a faster pace. Female guppies from Twin Cities are almost as colorful as the males. Assorted Male Fancy Guppies Live Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tank Guppy. Most likely ammonia is causing problems here. For them to thrive, you will have to maintain good tank conditions and provide a balanced diet. Also make sure you have a filter that will not suck up the fry, and make sure that you feed the new baby fry frequently small amounts of baby brine shrimps or crushed fish flake food. 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