Also Related: 13 Amazing Benefits of Drawing Near to God.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thepraywarrior_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',116,'0','0'])); The kingdom of God is not about mere talk. You will walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and become the person that God wants you to be. Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart. The joy of the Lord should be your strength. with the presence of god came the miracle. Are you like me and stumble toward God… In His Word we can gain an understanding of how we can move into the presence of God and then stay there. But that is not possible if you are not close to God. Jesus walked the same unpredictable path that I walk filled with chaos and betrayals. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thepraywarrior_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',120,'0','0']));Do you know that there are so many great benefits of God’s presence in your life? It is because he knows that a Christian who practices the presence of God is mighty. But here’s the thing; since we are in a battle, we always find ourselves struggling. You will end up being miserable if you put your hope in people. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thepraywarrior_com-leader-4','ezslot_9',125,'0','0']));To walk in health, freedom, and experience divine protection, practice the presence of God. - His presence in the life of people in the … We need to be intentional about spending time in God’s presence. We were created to worship God, that is our primary purpose in this world. Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. Moses, the servant of God, had experienced the presence of God … The Bible tells us that even in the fire, God will be with us. But it is not something that comes naturally because of sin. You also get to see why he loves you so much and your identity in Christ. Whether you feel it or not, God is always there with you, so do not neglect his presence. We can see this throughout the Bible. Updated July 8, 2020. Plus, He’s my Lord so the feeling is mutual. Now, understand that God never leaves us. Our heavenly Father is everywhere, and he knows how to shield us in all our ways. Everything God does is about us. Wisdom- Proverbs 2:1-1 3. He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will renew you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. So make it a habit to study and meditate on it day and night. Also Related: How to Experience God’s Presence: 7 Ways. (1 Samuel 16:14). It’s only by spending time with him that our joy becomes complete, we grow in faith and fulfill our destiny. (Genesis 3:23). He knows that you cannot be easily influenced by the kingdom of darkness. It will shatter every chain of depression that is holding you back. Being in his presence will cause us to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. Pool of Bethesda Bible Study: How to be Healed. The abundance includes experiencing God’s presence and spiritual life. Many Christians seem gloomy and dejected because they lack this sense of God’s presence. Through the victories you gave, his glory is great; you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty. The Importance of Encountering God's Presence (1 of 7) Series: God's Empowering Presence Pastor Frank Damazio INTRODUCTION: The personal presence of God is not merely some "force" or "influence" that we seek, but a personal, real, life-changing presence of a living God who abides in us and dwells among us. God’s presence is everywhere. Would love your thoughts, please comment. The angels of heaven stand in His presence with awe and … God is light, and that means when you dwell in his presence, sin becomes powerless, and you walk in freedom. God created us with natural bodies, to live in this physical realm. Do you know why he does that? But how do we do that? Oct 17, 2017 If I asked you if God was omnipresent (meaning God is present everywhere at the same … Being in God’s presence always leaves us feeling strong and secure. It will also strengthen your faith so that you don’t walk in the flesh. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and God dwells in you. my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. His presence is powerful. Are you feeling restless and tired? James 4:8 – Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. The word “presence… When you repent, you start to experience his presence again. The closer you get to God, the easier it will be for you to be aware of his presence. It will cause you to find rest amid trouble. If you are feeling stagnant in your spiritual walk, spend time in God’s presence. No, He gives me what I need to grow spiritually, financially, and physically. He beckons me to spend time with Him because He knows me inside and out. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence,…, Photo by Humble Lamb on Unsplash The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him…, We talk a lot about the benefits of God's glory. Today, God… eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'thepraywarrior_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',110,'0','0']));Having the joy of the Lord will cause you to live a happy and fulfilled life. How do we start a conversation with God? It is by being in the presence of God that you’re able to know who he is. The point being, God is not that kind of being. But what is God's glory? The God Who Is Holy (Part 6 of 6) The Presence of God is Everything! But other times, we find ourselves struggling with carnality, especially when we allow other things to take God’s place. It is only the presence of God that can enable us to fulfill those plans. We can try to protect ourselves, but God’s protection is the best. God is always there for me. The manifest presence of … You cannot practice the presence of God and come out the same. Even when I hesitate to step toward Him, He tugs at my heart to follow Him. This does not mean that we shall not fail, we will from time to time. It shall also bring peace to our hearts. One of the great benefits of God’s presence is it causes us to be spiritually minded. This means that God’s presence is very important in our lives because it offers divine protection. Sin blocks us from experiencing the presence of God. Being in the Presence of God Means Taking Steps Toward Him. Please understand that God doesn’t abandon you when you sin, it is you who leaves him because of guilt. Most importantly, we must remember that without Jesus, we cannot stand in God’s presence at all (Jude 1:24). And here’s the best part you will not yield to the flesh when you become spiritually-minded. It is by spending time with God and allowing him to reveal himself to us. We sometimes make a distinction between the all-pervading presence of God (His omnipresence) and the manifest presence of God. Our past experiences leave us hurting and broken. He was the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day. Benefits Of Being In The Presence Of God July 31, 2020 admin Religion Comments Off on Benefits Of Being In The Presence Of God Given everything that is happening in our world right now, the Coronavirus devastating communities all around the world and life as … The more time you spend with God, the more you become aware of his presence. You came to greet him with rich blessings and placed a crown of pure gold on his head. Exodus 33 “The Lord said to Moses, “Depart; go up from here, you and the people whom you have brought up out of the land … The Presence Of God ►Fullness Of Joy Is In The Presence Of The Lord ►Nothing Else In Creation Offers Fullness Of Joy ►Psa 16:11 (NIV) "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your … Psalm 148:18 – The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Our weapons of warfare are found in the presence of God. I loved what God did here last Sunday morning. The same cannot be said about God. - Jesus and His presence in any particular situation almost always leads to a miracle or many miracles. We need God’s presence in our life to break us out of the prison of despair and depression. That’s why you need to seek God’s presence, especially in times when you feel he is far away from you. The truth is things will not get better in this world. Instead of trying so hard to acquire wisdom your way, go before the presence of God and ask. The presence of God takes away every anxious thought and frees us from everything that burdens our souls. Title Date Speaker Watch; He’s closer to my size even though He too is God. Saul stopped being bold and became very insecure. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thepraywarrior_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0']));Peace is the fruit of experiencing the love of God. Thank you for sharing with me that the posts have helped. And this will cause you to become confident. And here’s the best part you will not yield to the flesh when you become spiritually-minded. Title: Eleven Benefits of Being in God’s Presence. I recharge spiritually when I remain faithful and speak to God often. He’s utterly dependable and trustworthy. The more I speak God’s Word whether I’m reading, singing, praising, or praying—the more faith grows. my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. You can only experience it when you spend time in His presence. Jesus Christ spent time in the presence of his Father, and that is why he was very confident. 10 Benefits of Being in the Presence of God 3 April 2019. back. Faith, (Romans 10:17) “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” 2. A vacation sounds nice, but the truth is its effects will only last for a moment. Before Saul could become king, the presence of the Lord filled him up, and he became a different person. It leads to joy. (Matthew 11:2). Communing in His light outshines darkness I encounter on a daily basis. Do you wish you can just get a moment of rest in your life? Even though the world hated him, he remained confident because he knew God loved him so much. Every child of God has been bought at a price, Jesus paid for you to find rest. In addition, I talk in Life in the Presence of God about “habitual recollection” of God, which is a less-than-conscious awareness we have of someone or something that’s always there in the … When the spirit of God departed from Saul, an evil spirit entered him. You don’t have to fear the storms of life when God’s presence is with you. The devil cannot toil with your life and what belongs to you if God has not given permission, because you are in His presence… Light and darkness cannot coexist; that is why a room turns bright when you switch on the light. Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord your God is in your midst, a Mighty One, who will save. Psalm 17:5-6 – My steps have held to your paths;my feet have not stumbled. I can depend on Him and there is much joy in His presence! Jesus shields my trepidation when God’s greatness seems unapproachable. Shortly after receiving Jesus as his personal savior, he answered the call to ministry. Desire to please … nd made him glad with the joy of your presence. Are you like me and stumble toward God? All Rights Reserved. Text: Psalm 16:1-11 Subject: God’s Presence. Being in the presence of God is all about His unending love for people. It opens up doors for the enemy to take charge of our lives. We all desire to become mature Christians. The Lord is omnipresent, which means everywhere we go, the Lord is there (Psalm 139:7-10).Paul, in Acts 17:27-28, says that the presence of the Lord is all-encompassing.Jonah tried to flee from the presence of the Lord in vain (), finding that wherever He went, the Lord was waiting for Him.So everywhere we are, we are always in the presence of God. Are the challenges of life, making you feel overwhelmed? That may sound one-sided, but it’s not and here’s why. Why is it…, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon, 8 Benefits Of Putting God First In Your Life, 13 Things to Remember if you Love an Unbeliever, Top 51 Awesome Powerful Bible Verses About Blessings, Copyright © 2020 The Pray Warrior WebCreationUS. Many times His answers do not come in recognizable ways because what He gives is better than what I asked for! You can be a believer for many years and still not be aware of the presence of God. We are told in the word of God that anyone who claims not to sin is a liar. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thepraywarrior_com-leader-1','ezslot_3',112,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thepraywarrior_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',112,'0','1']));Now, this doesn’t mean that you will not mess up. … However, the abundant life God offers is much more than physical life. When I’m insecure, He bolsters me up by infilling me with more of Him. Our awareness of God’s presence is vital. Whatever I ask from Him, He grants. Before God uses someone, his presence needs to be with that person. Being in the Presence of God Means Taking Steps Toward Him. You can have the peace that surpasses all understanding in the storm. Betsy. God’s manifest presence … He knew this because he saw it first hand when God … But the practical result of being in God’s presence is joy! We are the ones that stop relating with him freely because of sin. I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Jesus gave his life to pay the penalty for our sins, and allow us to spend eternity with our Lord. I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. God draws near to us when we draw near to him. We all go through things that leave us wounded. Our source of peace should be the Lord. (v. … If you have been around Calvary at all, you know that I often say something like this, “what we need, what we should yearn for is the presence of God in our lives. This cloud was a physical manifestation of God… The Bible tells us in Psalms 16:11 that God fills us with joy when we are in his presence. His bigness does not overpower my need to draw close to Him. Although God is always with us, it is obvious that there are times when His presence is with us in greater measure, and we experience God’s intimate presence in a greater capacity. The word of God helps us to sense God’s power in our lives. These are some of the benefits of hiding in the secret place of God: Deliverance from the snare of the fowler (Psalm 91:3) : The fowlers are the enemies hunting you which you know not about. When the Israelites were in the wilderness, God manifested his presence to them through a cloud. When writing, I realize how much I don’t know. Honors Righteousness: It may be hard to make the transition from loving others to despising the vile … Just like Adam and Eve, we start to avoid God by hiding from him when we live in known sin. Calvary was a game changer because of Jesus’ sacrifice. His presence will fill you with the desire to please God. The benefit of the presence of the is that the presence of the Lord serves for you as a place of refuge and fortress, a place of security, you are secured in the presence of God. Even though we have given our lives to Christ, we still sin because our flesh wages war against our spirit. Spending time in His presence will open up your eyes to his unconditional love. But unlike the power of the world where people use influence, money, and weapons to showcase their power. The third dimension is the manifest presence of God. Does He give me everything I want? God promises us in his word that he will never leave us nor forsake us. The Holy Spirit living in my heart opens up communication lines to heaven. Sin always causes us to live in condemnation and separates us from God. God’s presence will remove every evil desire from your heart and fill it with the desire for God. If anything, they will go from bad to worse. They set … 10 Benefits of Being in the Presence of God . 13 Amazing Benefits of Drawing Near to God,, I speak my way into God’s presence because there I find relief and comfort. I’m awestruck, amazed, and gobsmacked in His presence. Morning Worship. Moses understood that any attempt the Israelites made apart from the presence of God would only result in chaos, defeat, and loss. I’m talking about God here – the Creator of the universe. You will always be insecure if you don’t spend time in the presence of God. To understand the presence of God, you need to know the three dimensions of God’s presence. There will be those moments of failure, but those times will cause us to grow and mature in faith. It is about the demonstration of divine power. Recent Messages. (Romans 8:5-7). But for that to happen, we need to commit to the things of God. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were cast out of God’s presence. God fights on our behalf, and he shields us from every manner of evil. Being consistent in our relationship with God and constantly spending time in His presence will cause us to mature. That’s not what this scripture is saying. But it means that you will overcome sin because God will strengthen you in your inner being. It will also cause us to become stable in our faith. and placed a crown of pure gold on his head. You will feel safe even when all odds are against you. I’m encouraged to keep writing. My job is to follow what He has already carved out because He’s my spiritual Father and knows what’s best for me. Anything outside God’s presence leads to struggle and pain. The story of Scripture begins and ends with the presence of God. and have not withheld the request of his lips. As you relax into God’s presence, his peace floods your heart, and you are able to rest. When everyone else scatters, He’s still waiting. Share. It blows my mind to think He wants to meet with me because my frailties tag along. So many people are knowledgeable, but very few know how to apply the knowledge that they’ve acquired into their lives. My heart aches to step closer to Him and share my deepest thoughts and desires. It helps us to transform into the image of God and to grow spiritually. Surely the righteous will praise your name, and the upright will live in your presence.Psalm140:13 NIV. We ought to make finding the Lord’s presence … The second one is God’s indwelling presence. Only when God’s presence is upon us can we behold and comprehend his glory. The word of God tells us to labor to enter his rest. He became a bold preacher that willingly died because of his faith in Christ. you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'thepraywarrior_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',122,'0','0']));Being intentional about practicing the presence of God will lead to an overflow of the desire to please God. Some of this pain cannot be dealt with in our own strength. 1. He created me and you for His pleasure. Do you feel like all hope is lost? Wisdom is a benefit that comes out of that relationship with God, and when you get into … A life without Jesus while we are alive on this Earth, means an ETERNITY without the presence … Blessings to you, It could be that you are not experiencing God’s presence because of sin. We cannot fulfill our purpose without God’s presence. One of the great benefits of God’s presence is it causes us to be spiritually minded. The devil will fight you so hard so that you do not have an intimate relationship with God. Do you remember how it feels when someone tucks you into bed or kisses you on the forehead? This does not mean that you should start fighting the devil using physical weapons like guns. That’s because the Holy Spirit works into me what is good and perfect. Psalm 21:2-6 You have granted him his heart’s desire and have not withheld the request of his lips. Well, you probably said yes. Though God's presence is everywhere, the Bible also speaks of being before God in heaven as God's presence, His special presence in certain locations (such as in Jerusalem), and other times in which He revealed Himself at a particular time or place uniquely. Please share and help others to experience the benefits of God’s presence in their lives. I can relate to Jesus because He lived in a human body. You cannot spend time in the presence of God and be the same again. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thepraywarrior_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',115,'0','0']));The plans God has for us are usually bigger than us. He’s the one who revolves planets and stops them from plunging into outer space or worse yet, Earth. When you learn … God’s Presence Fills Heaven He fills heaven with His infinite and eternal glory, majestic, power, dominion, holiness, and love. Filling with the Holy Spirit Ephesians 5:18 “Do not get drunk on wine, which … Knowing that God is with you and for you will help you to triumph over sin. Being in the presence of God provides more joy than anything else I come up with. Peter denied Jesus. Are you tired of being happy one minute and sad the next? The divine power of God is felt when we practice the presence of God. The fellowship is sweet for those who … The first one is God is omnipresent, he is everywhere even if you don’t recognize or experience his presence. When I roll out of bed, I’m not exactly steady on my feet or even presentable. When I’m full of God, I want to tell others. For the children of Israel to reach the promised land, they needed God’s protection. Having the peace of God does not mean you do not have a problem. That is why you need to pray without ceasing. Number two, it's found in Proverbs 2 verses 1 through 2, the second benefit from being in the presence of God: wisdom. I’ll encounter less trouble when I stay on the pathway He’s chosen specifically for me. God has already bulldozed a pathway that I should follow. Writing for JESUS © 2021. To experience the benefits of God’s presence, you need to study scriptures. How do we enter into God’s presence and stay there all day and far into the night? But it’s only by accepting Jesus Christ and practicing his presence that we can enjoy the benefits of God’s presence. It makes us sensitive to spiritual matters. On second thought, why does that surprise me? Therefore, I think all the biblical imagery about drawing near to God or departing from God or being before the face of God — which is, by the way, the literal translation of presence. Psalm 73:28 – For it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works. But do you feel his presence all the time, or is he close sometimes and distant other times? Wisdom is essential; it enables you to know how to apply the knowledge you have in different situations in life. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'thepraywarrior_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',111,'0','0']));Real rest comes from spending time in the presence of God. Tags: benefits of gods presenceexperiencing the presence of godhow to come into the presence of godhow to get into the presence of godseeking the presence of godthe presence of God, Actually, I am helped the most.

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