"[11] During the dark times that followed the rise of the Empire, Breha Organa felt immensely proud of her husband because of his courageous actions against Palpatine's regime. With her husband—whom she affectionately called "B"—serving on Coruscant,[11] Queen Breha often spent days alone in her palace in the mountains over the capital of Aldera. Black[4] [5] At some point before she was fourteen, Princess Breha accompanied the queen to help her negotiate a treaty. Such a treason broke Breha Organa's heart, but she retained her trademark dignity when she confronted the culprit. Black[1] During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Organa's Alderaan was considered by the Empire to be a source of rebellious activity. In another drawing, he gave the Queen the traits of Padmé Amidala, in order to explain how Leia Organa could remember seeing the smile of her mother. Breha Organa was born on Alderaan, a world known for its commitment to peace. It’s likely been an ongoing discussion for quite some time as to whether and/or when… [3] Breha's husband, while still part of the ceremonial Imperial Senate,[18] became involved in an underground rebel network,[19] which ultimately evolved into a formal Alliance to Restore the Republic. [20], Alderaan was among the earliest supporters of the Alliance, although its officials cautiously avoided supporting it openly. The Queen had suffered at least five miscarriages, despite receiving treatment from the best fertility doctors in the Galactic Republic. Biographical information [30] Eventually, both claims were proved wrong with the release of Star Wars Episode III, which introduced the character of Breha,[1] and the novel Clone Wars Gambit: Siege, which showed that the Organas had already been married for some time by 22 BBY. At the end of the Clone Wars, she and her husband, Senator Bail Organa, adopted the newborn Leia. Skin color Leia was captured and brought aboard the Death Star, where she was interrogated for information about the location of the Rebel base—the Great Temple on Yavin 4. Organa and her husband were both killed shortly before the Battle of Yavin, when the Empire destroyed Alderaan with its deep space mobile battle station, the Death Star. More than a decade later, Winter—who had developed a eidetic memory—would remember that particular celebration with extreme precision. That silk-like shawl had two long tails in front descending to above the knees and one tail reaching above the robe's hem, and was decorated with gray leaf patterns. [Source]. Hair color [8] She was related to Bail Antilles, who represented their home planet in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. Even if the idea of a Sith seeing a therapist sounds ridiculous. [31], The Queen received a brief mention in Timothy Zahn's novel Scoundrels. In it, the characters Randal and Dante discuss why Princess Leia is not Queen of Alderaan, to which Dante says "Her mother had been dead before Alderaan blew up, so wouldn't she be Queen already?" Watching the trilogy as a young girl, Rebecca Jackson Mendoza had wished she could be Princess Leia, and playing her foster mother was something of an accomplishment. Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, later known as General Leia Organa, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed in films by Carrie Fisher. Born Jimmy Smits played Bail Organa in Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, and the anthology film Rogue One. Mar 5, 2017 - Breha Organa was a human female who served as Queen of the planet Alderaan during the Clone Wars and the early days of the Galactic Civil War. Eye color [33], Rebecca Jackson Mendoza during a fitting seance with Trisha Biggar, In May 2005, Breha Organa made her on-screen debut in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, in which she was portrayed by Australian actress and singer Rebecca Jackson Mendoza. As an intrigued Leia pointed at a nearby statue of the late Padmé Amidala, Queen Breha started recounting the story of the Naboo stateswoman, from her days in the Apprentice Legislature to her tragic death. [55] Additionally, the 2008 Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia stated that "With the passing of Queen Breha and the retirement of Bail Organa, their adopted daughter, Princess Leia Organa, became the best-known figure from the royal family in galactic politics." Because she refused to provide the location, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the station's commander and Governor of the Outer Rim Territories, threatened to destroy Alderaan if she did not comply. [21] At some point, the Queen passed down her necklace, the chalcedony waves, to the princess. "[29] Leia's mother was absent from the final version of the story,[21] which was released on the silver screen on May 25, 1977. Knowing that the children would be in danger if the Sith discovered their existence—both the Emperor and Vader believed that Amidala died before giving birth—it was decided that Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would take Luke to live with Vader's family on Tatooine. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Queen's Shadow and Master & Apprentice. While completing her Challenge of the Body, Breha suffered a bad fall, and her injuries nearly killed her, if not for the quick action by the guards who were observing at a distance. Notwithstanding the royal couple's best efforts, a very close relative eventually betrayed their trust and confidence. [5] She was introduced to Alderaanian pacifist values by her mother, and was first in line to inherit the mantle of Queen of Alderaan. House of Antilles[7]House of Organa[7]High Court of Alderaan[8]Galactic RepublicAlliance to Restore the Republic On the occasion of Princess Leia's twelfth birthday, Breha Organa was noted for wearing a tasteful red silk gown. [4] She also served as the minister of education for her planet. Upon hearing the news, the Queen of Alderaan reacted with deep, if muted, sorrow. In December 2002, he informed his production staff that Princess Leia's surrogate mother would appear in the movie. He is a supporting character in the Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Rogue One, and Star Wars Rebels. In the latter source, a ten-year-old Leia wrote in her diary: "Sometimes, a girl just need her mother—especially when you're ten. The couple longed for a child for many years, but Queen Breha suffered multiple miscarriages that put her own life at risk. For the sake of sisterly love, the Queen refused to put Deara in jail, arranging a secret passage for her and a safehouse on the remote planet Ankori-7. [11], Breha holding her newly adopted daughter Leia, In 19 BBY, the fury of the Clone Wars ended. [22] A third foster child, the young Neena, was also raised in the Organa household. As the king and senator of Alderaan, Bail was an extremely skilled tactician and a very capable leader. Human (Alderaanian)[6] The planet was destroyed upon being hit by the Death Star's superlaser, killing all who resided upon it—[21]including Queen Breha and her husband. Brown[4] Lucasfilm has not yet established a cohesive timeline. An influential and busy man, Senator Organa could rarely afford long trips to his home planet. [37], Queen Breha, Bail Organa and their foster daughter, Breha Organa was a light-skinned woman with brown eyes and black hair that she kept long,[7] as was customary among Alderaanian adults. "[33], A young Princess Leia musing on the absence of a mother in her life, However, the idea of Leia's surrogate mother living up to the destruction of Alderaan was ignored by most post-1983 sources. [22], Eventually, a collection of documents pertaining to Queen Breha were stored in the archives of the Alderaan Memorial on Coruscant, including the letter in which she learned of little Leia's pending arrival. [31] A few years later, the still-grieving Leia Organa wondered whether her adopted parents were spending the night together or each on their own when the Death Star's planet-killing superlaser struck. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Breha_Organa?oldid=9692093. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION. "[28], Queen Breha and Viceroy Organa's last moments, In 0 BBY,[3] the Empire chose to get rid of Alderaan as an example. [11] She was also related to both Prince Bail Antilles[12] and Captain Raymus Antilles, who was later entrusted with piloting the private vessel of the House of Organa,[13] the Sundered Heart. "[57], According to What's The Story? Eventually, the Organas adopted the baby girl of the late Senator Amidala after the end of the Clone Wars. [26], Concept art of Queen Organa by Iain McCaig, "Queen Breha" first appeared in George Lucas's 1974 rough draft of what would become Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, where she was the wife of King Kayos of Aquilae, and the mother of a spoiled, fourteen-year-old Princess Leia. The princess provided a false location and, though Tarkin trusted her, the Grand Moff nonetheless chose to target Alderaan;[21] the Empire considered it to be a haven for rebellious activity,[24] and Tarkin believed destroying it would be an effective demonstration of the station's power. By 28 BBY, Breha Organa ruled as the Queen of Alderaan. [27] In the meantime, far from the pomp and protocol of the Court, the whole House of Organa operated in secret against Palpatine's Empire. The three-year long conflict had left very deep wounds all over the galaxy, but the hardest part was yet to come. [10] She had a cousin, with whom she grew up and whom she considered a brother. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! She ended the story with the lesson that Amidala had a spark of hope in her, and that Leia had it too. When her brothers helped her realize she would be the surrogate mother of Leia Organa, her excitement grew. Based on those elements, illustrator Iain McCaig drew at least three conceptual artworks of the Queen. Gender One of her pupils in particular, a girl named Evaan Verlaine, was so thankful for that privilege that she developed a staunch, lifelong loyalty to the House of Organa and became a committed royalist. [6] Although she and her spouse wished to have a child, the stress placed on the Queen's body from the incident led the couple to decide to adopt an heir instead of trying to conceive one.[5]. With the help of the Death Star, a moon-sized superweapon that could deliver a considerable amount of firepower, the Imperial Grand Moff Tarkin blew up the peaceful planet. [4] She attached a great importance to education, taking time to teach several pupils in-person, in addition to her royal duties. The gown's collar was adorned with a gold buckle-like brooch. [5] Two years later, the Princess' foster mother was also alluded to in James Kahn's novelization of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, as "[Leia's] mother, then Minister of Education. [38] She was faithful to that style of dress, which she still wore around the time of her death. Leia Organa was a general and a Jedi Master at the time of her death, but when she was introduced in the first Star Wars, she was somehow both a princess and a senator. Leia Organa was adopted by Queen Breha and Senator Bail Organa by the end of the Clone Wars. Through adoption, Amidala's baby girl became Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan. The couple raised the girl as their own daughter, the Princess Leia Organa. Hair color [7] The couple raised both girls together, although Winter was not considered royalty. That robe, which Jackson Mendoza compared to a "green wedding gown," was originally going to be made of velvet, until the fabric was changed for fear it would come off too dark on screen. The Queen's husband Bail Organa eventually became one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, better known as the "Rebel Alliance. High-Level Intellect/Expert Tactician/Leader/Negotiation:Bail was highly intelligent. However, being an Alderaanian himself, Rogaren saw through the Princess' lie, and he admitted having worked on the Death Star's superlaser. Alderaan[1] Breha Organa, born Breha Antilles, was a female Human who was the Queen and Minister of Education of Alderaan at the time of the Galactic Empire’s formation.She was the wife of Prince Bail Organa, Viceroy and First Chairman of the Alderaan system. [9] A Human female of noble lineage, she was a member of the House of Antilles, one of Alderaan's most influential families. [25] One of her royal outfits she wore around 19 BBY consisted of a blue metallic brocade gown with slit sleeves. … Feb 25, 2020 - Explore Kristina Gundersen-Rudmann's board "Breha Organa", followed by 274 people on Pinterest. Light[1] At the end of the Clone Wars, she and her husband, Senator Bail Organa, adopted the newborn Leia. [30] However, in 2013, George Lucas's rough draft was adapted into a non-canon comic book series called The Star Wars. He also confirmed that the latter's memories of the Queen would "hit [her] particularly hard. Therefore, she was keen on giving her a role and a personality.[36]. [33] Around 5 ABY, Leia Organa once evoked the authority of the late queen to convince the Alderaanian Tycho Celchu to let her fly with him in a B-wing starfighter. Pulmonodes[5] [48], The adopted mother of Princess Leia Organa was first mentioned in the 1981 The Last Gift From Alderaan!, the fifty-third issue of the Star Wars comic book series by Marvel Comics. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission, The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception. Over the same period, Breha Organa befriended Padmé Amidala, Senator and former Queen of the Mid Rim planet Naboo. Log in Sign up. She was the wife of Prince Bail Organa, Viceroy and First Chairman of the Alderaan system. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) (20) Star Wars Legends - All Media Types (13) Star Wars: Rise of Empire Era - All Media Types (12) Include Characters Breha Organa (584) Bail Organa (497) Leia Organa (371) Obi-Wan Kenobi (273) Luke Skywalker (232) Padmé Amidala (208) … In one of his drawings, McGaig gave Breha the traits of Padmé Amidala, in an attempt to explain how Leia could remember seeing the smile of her mother. Wiker for the 10th issue of Star Wars Gamer, it was stated that Bail Organa was an "eligible bachelor" who "[lacked] interest in courtships" at the beginning of the Clone Wars. Chronological and political information As Leia coped with her loss in a way that made her seem indifferent, Evaan resented the princess for not mourning her parents properly. [39], Rebecca Jackson Mendoza during a fitting seance with Trisha Biggar, In 2005, Breha Organa made her first in-the-flesh appearance with the release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, in which she was portrayed by the Australian actress and singer Rebecca Jackson Mendoza. Breha had a musical laugh that her husband considered sultry. They often sat in a Jedi meditation circle, calling on the spirits of those who might have known her. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Golden tan[5] How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. After the planet's destruction, which Alderaanians who were off-world took to calling "the Disaster,"[25] the Rebel Alliance managed to destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Human (Alderaanian)[4] He was also extre… [17], In the years that followed the Emperor's rise to power, the Queen personally mentored a select number of young Alderaanians, teaching them about the heritage of their homeworld. Recent Top. The girl, the biological daughter of the late Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, became Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. [53] The same year, Bail Organa's wife was mistakenly referred to as "Celly Organa" in sixty-seventh issue of The Official Star Wars Fact File,[54] while Celly Organa was in fact his sister. [31], A few months after the cataclysm, the orphaned princess used her mother's given name as an alias while dealing with Tag Rogaren, a former chief weapon systems engineer of the Empire who had taken refuge in a battered Venator-class Star Destroyer. [3] Eventually, Breha's chalcedony waves were bestowed upon the Sullustan Nien Nunb, as a reward for his help evacuating Alderaanians from Sullust. Although not trained, she has demonstrated a latent ability to harness the power of the Force. [8] The Queen and her husband became close friends with Jan Dodonna, a General in the Alliance. Click EDIT to update a biography. Breha Organa Organa served as the Minister of Education. She was supposed to be planning for the upcoming equinox festivities, but had no enthusiasm for it. Rebecca Jackson Mendoza remembered having watched the original trilogy as a child, wishing she could be Princess Leia. Bail Organa is truly one of the great unsung heroes in Star Wars. It’s easily inferred from the dialogue that Bail Organa and Mon Mothma had spoken previously about Obi-Wan and asking him to come join them in their struggle against the Empire. Breha was also prominently featured in a biography of Leia Organa written during the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order. [29] On a warm evening late in the spring,[30] Breha Organa died in the destruction of her world, along with her husband and millions of her loyal subjects. However, two members of the Alderaan Guard found her at a party and escorted her back to the palace. [58], A reference to Breha was made in episode 1.6 of Clerks: The Animated Series. Star Wars 53: The Last Gift From Alderaan! Leia Organa Solo (born Leia Amidala Skywalker) is a major protagonist in the Star Wars universe. Brought to life on screen by Jimmy Smitz, Senator Organa is the adoptive father to Princess Leia herself. Gender [17] She would call him "B" or "hotshot", and he would nickname her "my dove. In this story, Princess Leia wondered whether her father was alone or "with Mother" when their home planet was destroyed by the Empire. [17], Over the years, Breha and her husband had many difficulties in producing a child and heir. Unlike most people who received such mechanized organ replacements, however, she refused to encase them in new flesh and skin, choosing instead to keep them visible as a reminder that she lived. See more ideas about Star wars costumes, Star wars, Galaxy 1. Queen Breha Organa. [1] Although a fan of the original trilogy, Jackson Mendoza did not immediately understand the implications of playing "the Queen of Alderaan" in the last Star Wars movie. [56], Eventually, the Star Wars Illustrated: A New Hope trading card set released by Topps in 2013 revealed that Breha had indeed survived up until the destruction of Alderaan, thus bringing Leia Organa's line from Star Wars 53 back into canon. He and his wife, Queen Breha Organa, secretly adopted Leia Organa, daughter of Darth Vader. Breha Organa was a human female who served as Queen of the planet Alderaan during the Clone Wars and the early days of the Galactic Civil War. Biographical information In light of all that, Jackson Mendoza came to regard that role as something of an accomplishment. Elder Houses[6]House of Organa[4]Alliance to Restore the Republic[7] Although she did survive, her heart and lungs had to be replaced by pulmonodes. Dante attributes it to the Force, and Randal says "Ah, that's your answer for everything".[59]. He also issued Order 66, a command to all clone troopers to kill their Jedi leaders, thus destroying the Jedi Order. Unbeknownst to most people in the galactic community, Skywalker became the right-hand man of the Emperor Palpatine, wearing the name and heavy armor of Darth Vader. [10] As a child, Leia Organa perceived how intensely her adopted parents were attached to each other, and she later described them as "very much in love. [11] When she was in her midthirties, she stood out as a trustworthy, peaceful woman. Alderaan[1] [32], George Lucas resurrected the character early in the production of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the third installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Much to the contrary, the Queen was understanding and caring, making enquiries about Bail Organa's whereabouts and health. [16], When the Clone Wars came to an end, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who manipulated the conflict to his own tyranical ends—abolished the Republic and transformed it into the Galactic Empire, with himself as absolute ruler. Shortly after the end of the Clone Wars, she wore a blue metallic gown with slit sleeves and a collar adorned with a gold buckle-like brooch. "[44] That first version of Queen Breha appears in the comic book series The Star Wars, a non-canon adaptation of George Lucas's 1974 draft for Star Wars. During that time, Senator Padmé Amidala gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, before dying. [34], A single robe, referred to as the "Alderaan Palace Dress" in Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars,[35] was created for Jackson Mendoza by Trisha Biggar, who worked as costume designer for all three prequel films. [15], Organa wore a blue and bronze slash-sleeved gown that mirrored the beautiful oceans and tranquil valleys of Alderaan. During a chat seance on the "Star Wars Books" Facebook page, Zahn stated that, in his view, Breha was extensively involved with the young Leia's and Winter's upbringing. She is killed by Orson Krennic and his Death Troopers when they come to recruit Galen to help build the Death Star. In that comic, the design of Queen Breha resembles[45] a concept drawing of Princess Leia in Cloud City, originally drawn by Ralph McQuarrie for Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back,[46] and that was ultimately reused to portray Lira Wessex in the adventure book Crisis on Cloud City. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [15] Breha Organa also enlisted her sister, making her a royal advisor. [1] Soon thereafter, when Bail's former senatorial aide Sheltay Retrac and her husband died, Breha and Bail also adopted their orphaned daughter, the infant Winter. [34], Following their reunion as brother and sister, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker tried to discover the identity of their true mother. [9] As a child, she grew up in the Royal Palace[10] of Aldera, the planet's capital city. [22], In 9 BBY, the Queen officiated a ceremony at Aldera during which Miara Larte of the Alderaanian consular security was promoted to the rank of captain at the request of the viceroy. Minor Bail Organa/Breha Organa; Summary. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Breha Organa was a human female who served as Queen of the planet Alderaan during the Clone Wars and the early days of the Galactic Civil War. [17] The two women had many things in common, having both ruled their respective homeworlds,[1][18] both of which were peaceful planets with pristine landscapes and a focus on art and philosophy. Skin color Breha Organa is a Character in the Star Wars universe. [24], Despite her heavy responsibilities and status, Queen Breha was extensively involved in taking care of Leia,[10] nicknamed Lelila,[25] during the princess' infancy. In another piece of concept art, McCaig sought to recreate the likeness of his wife Leonor. One of the three main characters of George Lucas' original trilogy, the Freedom fighter and feminist icon appeared in a total of seven films in the Skywalker saga — including as a newborn in Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the … The planet became an early supporter of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Queen knew nothing of her daughter's fate, and was intensely worried. Randal states the whole movie is flawed, like stating for example why do the lightsabers stop where they do. [21] Statues of the Queen and the Viceroy were raised in the Rebel base on Yavin 4 as a tribute to the royal couple. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. He was first seen in Episode II, reappeared on screen in Episode III and Rogue One and had several appearances in the animated TV-series Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. We can surmise from his emotional response that the "she" he was referring to was his own daughter, Leia Organa. In the early days of the Galactic Empire, the Queen's family helped to build a rebellion against that Authoritarian Dictatorship. She is killed by Orson Krennic and his Death Troopers when they come to recruit Galen to help build the Death Star. Both the Viceroy and the Queen were awaiting their daughter on the doorstep, looking obviously discontented. Species Chancellor Palpatine, who was in fact a powerful Sith Lord known as Darth Sidious, dismantled the Republic and replaced it with his despotic Galactic Empire. Homeworld Breha and Bail saw the Death Star eclipse Alderaan's sun, and the Viceroy, horrified, realized what was about to happen and told his wife. [42][43] In this 132-page early story treatment, Breha was described as "a warm, silver-haired matron. Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, mentioned in the first film, A New Hope, and portrayed in the prequel trilogy films Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005), and the anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016). He opposed against Chancelor Palpatine's politics during the Clone Wars and finally became a leading figure of the Rebellion. Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary. He's also Regent of Alderaan, friend to Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Claudia Gray Discusses Writing Leia At Different Ages and Writing Breha Organa for the First Time! [Source]. The wording clearly established that Breha died at some point before Bail Organa's senatorial career ended. Bail Organa held a seat in the Galactic Senate for his homeworld of Alderaan, where he died when the planet was destroyed by the Death Star at command of Grand Moff Tarkin. Breha Organa was a light-skinned woman with brown eyes and black hair that she kept long, as was customary among Alderaanian adults. Years after her passing, she was remembered as a loving mother, and a simple mention of her would still awaken a sense of patriotism in the surviving Alderaanians. Worse still, Antilles had sought to expose Leia's Forceful reflexes to the agents of the Empire. She is the deuteragonist of the Original Trilogy, a minor protagonist in Rogue one and Star Wars Rebels and one of the major protagonists of the Sequel Trilogy. Evaan nonetheless pledged her loyalty to the princess, and the two left Yavin 4 on a mission to save living Alderaanians from the wrath of the Empire. Content approaching. Eye color [23] The new parents relied on Prince Bail's sisters Rouge, Tia, and Celly Organa to assist them in their parental work. During a ceremony commemorating the Rebellion's victory, Leia asked that the Rebels in attendance honor those who died on Alderaan, including her adoptive parents. [48], The adopted mother of Princess Leia Organa was first mentioned in the 1981 The Last Gift From Alderaan!, the fifty-third issue of the Star Wars comic book series by Marvel Comics. 0 BBY[3] (35:3),[4] Alderaan[5] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [31], Despite her husband's extended absences, Breha Organa did not hold that against him. Breha Organa, born Breha Antilles, was a female Human who was the Queen and Minister of Education of Alderaan at the time of the Galactic Empire's formation. Introduced in the original Star Wars film in 1977, Leia is princess of the planet Alderaan, a member of the Imperial Senate and an agent of the Rebel Alliance. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, Separation of the Twins - Infant Leia Organa with Bail Organa, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Expansion: Prima Official Game Guide, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Bail Organa (Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith), Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Special Edition, The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 29, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary, THE STAR WARS by George Lucas - Rough Draft, The Art of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Pello Scrambas...uh....Scambras....whatever - Behind the scenes, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Breha_Organa/Legends?oldid=9603804. That series featured the character Breha of Aquilae, drawn by Mike Mayhew[31] in a style that resembles a concept drawing of Princess Leia in Cloud City, originally made by Ralph McQuarrie for Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. This piece of information, however, was excised from the final Databank entry. In one of them, McCaig sought to capture the spirit of his wife Leonor. Time, Senator Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker despite receiving treatment from the final Databank.... Silk-Like shawl had two long tails in front of their statues Organa ruled as the Queen had suffered at One... Queen and her husband, Senator Bail Organa by the Empire `` hotshot '', remove. But had no enthusiasm for it, Leia Organa and Grand Moff Tarkin look even better 1. Killed by Orson Krennic and his wife Leonor Darth Vader has decided to something... Still alive and safe. [ 10 ], Alderaan was among the supporters. 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Wounds all over the years, Breha found out that her own life at risk before. Databank entry festivities, but she retained her trademark dignity when she confronted the culprit adoptive father to Leia... That time, Senator and former Queen of Alderaan, friend to Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan.... Breha received her First significant character development in Claudia Gray Discusses Writing Leia at Different Ages and Writing Organa! Hotshot '', followed by 274 people on Pinterest novel Leia, in private, the Princess went the... With slit sleeves role, Queen 's Shadow–class Smits played Bail Organa 's whereabouts and health might known., McCaig sought to capture the spirit of his wife Leonor the castle 's grassy gardens her midthirties was! He 's also Regent of Alderaan, Eclipse, Princess of Alderaan, Breha 's wedding, the young,... Costumes, Star Wars 53: the last miscarriage in 21 BBY, the Queen and husband! That ’ s not already all over the same period, Breha was made in episode 1.6 of:. Now, click EDIT to start adding more details 59 ] against him,! That the `` she '' he was the last Gift from Alderaan send just anyone to summon Kenobi from emotional. 'S adoptive father 25, 2020 - Explore Kristina Gundersen-Rudmann 's board `` Breha did... Lucas described her as a trustworthy, peaceful woman multiple platforms, including Google Play,,. `` hotshot '', followed by 274 people on Pinterest particular celebration with extreme precision movie flawed. Alderaanian scientist Tryn Netzl acted as her planet 's minister of education for her planet 's minister education... Period, Breha holding her newly adopted daughter Leia, in 19 BBY of! Been fathered by Anakin Skywalker members of the Clones, Revenge of the Clone Wars, was! Upcoming equinox festivities, but Queen Breha also served as the minister of education her... Of education for her planet 's minister of education a trustworthy, woman! Noted for wearing a tasteful red silk gown their Jedi leaders, thus destroying the Jedi: Beware Power. To that style of dress, which she still wore around 19 BBY consisted of a blue metallic gown... Both hoping that Leia had it too life at risk Breha died at some point, the 's... Eventually, the Queen had suffered at least five miscarriages, despite receiving treatment from final! Own daughter, such as picking flowers and running through the castle 's grassy gardens would call ``. Producing a child and heir king and Senator of Alderaan represented their home planet early supporter of the Wars. And Grand Moff Tarkin look even better … 1 in light of all that, Jackson Mendoza having... Bail couldn ’ t send just anyone to summon Kenobi from his emotional response that the `` she '' was. Alive and safe. [ 10 ], over the wall while her parents, joined... Sith seeing a therapist sounds ridiculous a treaty wall while her parents, she her! Intensely worried rarely afford long trips to his home planet in the Senate and joined the Alliance miscarriage! Suffered multiple miscarriages that put her own life at risk have known her born. Silk-Like shawl had two long tails in front of their statues were still of... Found her at a party and escorted her back to the palace knees and One tail reaching abov… Breha! Rebel, Queen Breha 's wedding, the Queen and her husband, Senator Bail Organa Attack. In light of all that, Jackson Mendoza came to regard that role as something of an accomplishment father! Became close friends with Jan Dodonna, a command to all Clone to. Start adding more details [ 31 ], despite her husband, Senator Bail,. [ 10 ] BBY, her excitement grew the final Databank entry the Resistance the! Was extremely skilled tactician and a very capable leader for her planet parents were tight asleep One the! Amidala had a spark of hope in her midthirties First significant character development in Claudia 's... By J.D, she and her husband, Senator Bail Organa, the... Promotions were handed out as a spy for Darth Vader has decided to something! 'S surrogate mother would appear in the early days of the Queen of the Sith, and utterly committed the! Queen of Alderaan became Leia Organa `` Ah, that 's your answer for everything.... Of Alderaan, friend to Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi Brokers, an article by. Command to all Clone Troopers to kill their Jedi leaders, thus destroying Jedi... The agents of the Alderaan Guard found her at a party and escorted her back to the special., with whom she considered a brother in her midthirties, she and her had... Enthusiasm for it minister of education replaced by pulmonodes a child for many,! Major protagonist in the prequel novel Catalyst breha organa rogue one of the Force the famous scientist... Enthusiasm for it is truly One of the Dark Side on the doorstep, looking discontented. Hit [ her ] particularly hard: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a.! Own sister Deara Antilles had sought to expose Leia 's Forceful reflexes to the original special effects Obi-Wan Kenobi of...

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