Luffy wants to slingshot himself over the waterfall to rescue Robin, but she tells him to stay and that only she wants to die. Back inside the Tower of Law, after Usopp attempts to have Kaku and Jabra fight each other, Zoro reveals his own plan by having Usopp cling onto his arm and holding one of his swords. Though Lucci offers Luffy a chance to run away and save his friends, the pirate knows not to trust the CP9 agent as he reveals his other trump card: Gear Third. Chopper quickly realizes that he cannot break through Kumadori's body-hardening technique without the effect of his Rumble Ball drug. On the main road, the Straw Hats and the Franky Family proceed towards the Courthouse Plaza. While he is cooking, the old man wakes up and immediately recognizes Sanji's way of handling the carving knife and reveals himself as a friend of Sanji's mentor "Red-Leg" Zeff. ", As Nami reaches Kalifa while Chopper holds Kumadori at bay, Luffy is saved from drowning by Chimeney and Gonbe as they show him to the underground passage leading to the Gates of Justice. I never thought that I would give a special episode a 10. "Parting Builds a Man's Character! "From the Sea, a Friend Arrives! After fixing the damage he caused, advised by his men to claim that the Straw Hats eluded him for the record, Garp returns to his ship while allowing Coby and Helmeppo to spend time with Luffy. But Luffy, spurred by Usopp's words, gets back to his feet with a promise not to fall until he wins. Kaku and Jabra Transform! Sanji and Zoro suddenly arrive in a hurry, revealing that Garp has returned and is on his way to capture them. While Luffy yells in the background, Franky decides to make Robin face him. Trapped by moving icebergs, the Straw Hats try to figure a way out while avoiding being crushed. "The King of Animals that Overlooks the Sea! Dark Justice and Rob Lucci!". Usopp cries out to him, telling him to get back up. Chopper comes across Nami as she attempted to flee Kumadori after stealing the Number 3 key, knocking the CP9 operative out. With the Buster Call underway, the CP9 operatives decide to end their respective matches quickly while Luffy begins his fight against Lucci. The reasons for Nico Robin's recent actions as well as her backstory are summarized. A Pirate Group Worth Over Six Hundred Million!". While he admitted that he decided to kill Robin when she was unable to find a place she would belong, Aokiji expresses relief that she found her place within the Straw Hats before taking his leave to see what will come from it. Luckily, before a fight could ensue, Hockera, Albelle, and Salchow manage to activate a trapdoor that sends Zoro to where the other imprisoned Straw Hats are placed save Robin. Mysterious Old Man and His Super Yummy Cooking! ", As everyone is in awe of Luffy defeating Rob Lucci, it revealed by Transponder Snail loudspeakers that the Franky Family and Galley-La foremen faked their deaths while having found a means of escape. On the other side of the drawbridge, Spandam is brought a transponder snail phone with an urgent report. Don't get me wrong, Water 7/Enies Lobby is a top 3 One Piece arc, but good god was the padding of the anime absolutely atrocious. After a grueling struggle, Luffy finally defeats Don Accino with a red-hot Bazooka. Gathering on the battlements, they face Robin and the CP9, while they wait for the drawbridge to be lowered. Episodes 264-278 - Enies Lobby Arc; Skip Filler Episodes 279-283 - These are just recaps of the Straw Hats' backstories. In the end, I only watched the first 4-ish episodes, 2 chapters of the manga, that-one-flashback and after that the recaps of the last few episodes until Luffy defeated Anal. But when Luffy is unable to move, Usopp resorts to provoking Lucci to face him. As Robin attempts to reason with him of what will happen to Enies Lobby once the Buster Call is invoked, Spandam makes another mistake by informing the whole island of the coming threat while admitting that he does not care if the 10,000 navy soldiers under him are obliterated in process. But while Robin ends up being lured into a trap by Lil as part of the girl's plan to coerce her into remaining with her, Hokera is taken out by Franky after being outwitted by Chopper and Jiro while Albelle and Slachow are taken out by Nami and Sanji. Puzzle awakes after Chopper's treatment only to reveal some harsh realities on the awaiting crew as he considers his dream to become king of the pirates over. The One Piece franchise has spawned thirteen television specials that aired on Fuji TV.Of these specials, the first four, as well as the sixth, eighth, ninth and eleventh are original stories created by the anime staff with the exception of the fifth, seventh, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth specials, which are alternate re-tellings of certain story arcs. Prior to his arrival, five hundred of the country's soldiers were taken hostage with the pirates' captain using them to take the king's throne. Watch One Piece - Season 5, Episode 57 - The Judiciary Island! Rocketman Takes Flight!". They encountered strong enemies, including Nero and Wanze. At the temporary housing that Gallery-La arranged for the Straw Hats, Zoro is out while Kokoro, Chimeney, and Gonbe come to a visit to see Luffy sleep-eating while Nami is in a slum. But as Sanji joins the group, one of the ships announces that the Straw Hats' accomplices has been wiped out along with the main gate. Episode of Merry tells one of the most heart-breaking stories to come out of the original One Piece series with updated visuals and a more streamlined focus. "Sanji's Shock! Luffy vs. Lucci, Showdown Between Leaders!". But Sanji sees through the trick and kicks Jabra before getting the key as he eventually overwhelmed by Jabra going all out by revealing he is the only CP9 operative who can move after using the Iron Body skill. After departing Water 7, Straw Hat's members enjoy all features their brand new Ship has to offer. Long ago the infamous Gol D. Roger was the strongest and most powerful pirate on the seas. "Waiting in the New World! Zoro notes that they should remain in case the navy focuses on them while waiting for Luffy. Disappointed at being rejected again, she walks along the shore, where she stumbles on Jaguar D. Saul, a giant and deserted vice-admiral of the navy. Read the latest Amazing Medical Stories episode guides & recaps… Franky, who had followed Chopper in climbing up the walls of the Tower of Law, arrives as Nami is about to retrieve the Number Two key from Kalifa's person. [9.8/10] Story [10/10] - As most of you did, I have watched almost all of the episodes, specials and movies of One Piece. Despite all the filler, this season progresses the story along nicely. Luffy attempts to hide from Lucci, but is found and pinned with the CP9 agent about to kill him. Luffy vs Blueno, in one the most standout examples of the series. While the Gallery-La foremen take a break after the Franky Family provide a meal for the workers, Franky and Iceburg continue working throughout the night to build the new ship for the Straw Hats. "Nami's Decision! The Straw Hats storm the courthouse, where the remaining members of the Franky Family fight the three-headed judge Baskerville, and, aided by Yokozuna, block the building's entrance to cut off reinforcements. Luffy then returns the swimsuit to Franky, who regains his usual gusto as he subsequently agrees to join the crew. On the other side of the island, when Franky refuses to leave, Franky's men literally take matters into their own hands: they steal Franky's beloved jammer-style swimsuit and attempt to lure him to the Straw Hats by passing it back and forth to each other. Kaku does not like being mocked about his new giraffe form. A Navy Vice Admiral with a Fist of Love! A 21st DVD, containing four episodes, was released on September 2, 2009. Fire at the Out-Of-Control Chopper!". The Galley-La foremen and the Franky Family eventually slip by Oimo and open the second gate. ", Despite appearing to have sunk at Water 7, the, "Thank You, Merry! Third Gear Activated!". Kokoro explains that mermaids like her are able to walk on land after thirty years' time before everyone is happy to see Robin. The Road to Victory is for the Pirates! "Mansion of Great Chaos! When Franky notices that Usopp had not yet returned to them, Luffy explains to Franky that Sanji saw Usopp practicing ways to return to the group a few days prior. Sanji and Zoro crush a building in the king bull's path and the party arrives at the courthouse. "Fists Full of Emotion! "Demon God Zoro! He describes a civilization that existed hundreds of years ago and vanished at the time that the world government assumed power. 9 Recaps. His plan is to take over the TV Station and televise his demands. Though Franky tries to brave through the antagonizing torture, he is confronted by Iceburg revealing that the only real reason why he wants to stay is out of guilt and needs to forgive himself so he can join the Straw Hats and see his dream through. In the underground passage, the drowning group of Nami, Zoro, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Chimeney, and Gonbe are about to lose hope when they are saved by a mermaid: revealed to be Kokoro. Episode 279 - 283 (Enies Lobby Arc)(Recap) Episode 291 - 292 (Enies Lobby Arc) Episode 303 (Enies Lobby Arc) Episode 317 - 319 (Post Enies Lobby Arc) Episode 326 - 336 (Ice Hunter Arc) Episode 382 - 384 (Spa Island Arc) Episode 406 - 407 (Boss luffy Arc) Episode 426 - … Soon after, Nami and Chopper find a round and glossy Sanji hitting the ground from a few floors up. "Say You Want to Live! There, he is picked up by Michael and Hoichael, two idle boys from the backstreets he met while Garp was in Water Seven. With the exception of Abi, everyone believes that Bluefin is dead. The Scorching Don!". The fight between Nami and Kalifa climaxes when the former unveils her Fata Morgana ability and the latter makes a final attempt to take Nami and her illusion clones out by sweeping the room with a tidal wave of bubbles. Iceberg proceeds to tell the Straw Hats that they might have to take desperate matters to force him to join their crew. Puzzle, having regained his confidence, battles Canpacino while Luffy defeats Brindo prior to Accino emerging from his home. Recap guide / thumbnail previews for "One Piece" Season 11 Episode 98 . Zoro and Usopp's backstories are summarized. Elsewhere, while Usopp provoked Salchow by knocking out Arbelle with Sanji equally irate, Franky managed to beat Hockera with what cola he has left. This breaks Franky's heart to hear his gang have been slaughtered as he yells for Luffy that he better not get himself killed. The two become friends and Saul teaches her to laugh. While the Straw Hats struggle to hold their own against those among Buster Call's fighting elite who have Devil Fruit powers, an unmasked Usopp sees Luffy lying in the dust in front of Lucci. Both swordsmen decide to finish this fight, with Zoro the victor as he unveils his new sword-style: Demon Aura Nine-Sword Style Asura. Farewell to the Brave Pirates!". The group come across a yagara who, as Chopper translated, heard Bluefin coming to someone's aid during Aqua Laguna. Continuing their fight there, Jabra attempts to trick Sanji into lowering his guard by offering him his key with a made-up story of being Robin's long-lost brother. But it turned out that Bluefin had died during the storm and reached out to Abi to find peace while she cares for the newborn yagara he gave his life for to save. but no one seems to notice Chopper following him all the way into the ship where a man with serious wounds is lying in bed therefore cannot be moved in his condition, must be operated right here and now. At the same time, in the Tower of Law, Kaku shows Zoro the many tricks he can perform with his body that is now equipped with devil fruit powers, discovering new techniques in the process. Meahwhile, having spend his time practicing scenarios to rejoin the Straw Hats, Usopp first attempt fails. Meanwhile, as a fearful Robin makes a final attempt to keep herself from dragged across the Bridge of Hesitation by biting into the bridge's rim, Luffy attempts to hold Lucci long enough for Franky to make his way towards Robin. Luffy's Feelings! Sanji's Full Course of Foot Techniques!". ENIES LOBBY CLIMAX! "Fukurou's Miscalculation! ", It is the seventh day of the new year in Grand Jipang. The Straw Hat Pirates vs. When Lucci assumes his beast-man form, Luffy activates Second Gear to give Franky the needed time to escape as he and the CP9 agent face each other. Afterwards, after he and others encourage him to get strong enough to capture them, Coby takes his leave while telling Luffy that he will meet him again in the New World. Act of True Love: During Aqua Laguna, Abi's family had left their 100-year-old yagara bull at home and they find him gone when their came back. Nami's World Map!". The Twin’s Magnetic Power Drawing Near!". The Straw Hats' Outcry!". After attacking both the CP9 operative and an astonished Nami due to his inability to tell friend from foe in his Monster Point form, Chopper proceeds to rip Kalifa's bathtub out of its foundation and throws it down stairs where Sanji is. The Hero on the Tower of Law!". TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Luffy is then convinced by Zoro, who threatens to leave the crew at the time, that the only way they can welcome back Usopp is his first words are an apology. Franky's followers then arrive with Franky's luggage. Despite the erratic transformations, Chopper manages to enter Armed Point to land a hit on Kumadori. Refreshed after having placed three full bottles of cola in his stomach compartment, Franky turns the tide in his battle with Fukurou as they take their battle outside and in the sea current with Chopper watching before seeing a bloated Kumadori emerging from the fridge. This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 00:53. During that time, prior to swimming in the Galley-La pool, Nami learns of the Navy's means to ship safety through Sea-King infested waters of the Naval scientist Vegapunk. Franky and Robin finished throwing the last remaining marines off their commandeered convoy ship when Kokoro, in mermaid form, jumps aboard with the rest of the Straw Hats, Chimeney, and Gonbe managing to survive their brush with a watery grave due to the shock of their rescuer's appearance. The Giants, Oimo and Kashii when they find out they've been lied to by the Marines for. After fighting Lucci in Gear Third for a minute, barely escaping cannon fire in time, Luffy is left to cope with the technique's side effect of his body shrinking to a fraction of its original size for around the same time. Chopper then begins to climb up the outer wall. One Piece The first chapter of the One Piece manga hit store shelves on Aug. 24, 1997 in the weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. Not that anyone really cares except Chopper Man, who only wants to join for the rare Air Force C-Max Collectors item. Luffy's Feelings! Chopper Man and Namifia are low on money. Franky continues to explain that he bought the fragment of Adam to create a "dream ship" and decided to give his creation to the Straw Hats for their use. Back in Drum Island, Luffy protected Dr. Hiriluk's flag from Wapol, who is somebody affiliated with the World Goverment. Nami Taking a bath, Dr. Chopper in his own office and Luffy catching a shark with his bare hands, Ussop encourages him to put it in their surrounding aquarium, they hurry up to see it down there along with the rest of fishes, what a surprise the Shark had a lunch already! If you prefer anime to manga in general, many people will say to watch up to that point, then switch over to the manga. After being relentlessly attacked, while hearing Kaku insulting Robin, Zoro's resulting rage manifested itself in a dark aura that Kaku thought to be a demon. The Disillusioned Pirate, Puzzle!". Great Search in the City of Water!". This causes the navy soldiers to leave their prisoners and flee to the coast. "Goodbye My Dear Underlings! Celebrations in Their Hometowns as the Ship Moves Forward! When the Straw Hats arrive at the coast, Iceburg shows them the ship while Franky is nowhere to be seen. 279-283 -- Enies Lobby Straw Hat Crew Recap 291-292 -- Special Historical Arc 303 -- Special Historical Arc 317-319 -- Post Enies Lobby filler 326-335 -- Ice Hunter Arc (Recommended as it explains the "Soldier Dock" system) 336 -- Chopper Man Special 382-384 -- Spa Island Arc 406-407 -- Special Historical Arc Meanwhile, Brindo tricks Luffy and company to summon his elder twin brother Canpacino to the Phoenix Pirates' ship and free him. As the fleet turns its attention toward the Bridge of Hesitation, having managed to wound Lucci in the legs, Luffy decides to finish the fight in Second Gear form. A 20th DVD, containing two episodes, was released on August 5, 2009. Open the Second Gate! "The Assassins Attack! Since then, nineteen DVD compilations, each containing three episodes of the "Enies Lobby" arc, were released by Avex Mode between January 9, 2008 and July 1, 2009. An Incarnation Of Asura Born From Fighting Spirit!". Sanji's Chivalry!". Despite being superstitious and silly, he's the only one willing. He insists that Sanji taste some of his cooking, Sanji worried by the old man's cooking style yet amazed by the flavor. On the courthouse's roof, Luffy and Blueno fight on even terms until Luffy activates his newest technique, the, "Everything is to Protect My Friends! The Whole Picture of Enies Lobby! This film chronicles all the important moments between the Strawhats and their first ship, the Going Merry, up until its eventual demise after the events of Enies Lobby. "Sunny in a Pinch! Although some would say to watch Enies Lobby anyways, since its … However, their mission ended i… Though Lucci hits him with his Six Kings Gun, Luffy keeps standing as he deliver a barrage of blows strong enough to break through Lucci's Iron Body technique. After Nami realizes his opponent was Kalifa, Sanji admits to have done his best in trying to get her key but could not bring himself to harm a woman. But Nami's outlook changes for the best when her orange trees and the Straw Hats' other lost possessions are returned to them. The Girl was called a Devil!". The Buster Call ships then destroy what remained of the Bridge of Hesitation to force the pirates onto the middle pillar before redirecting fire at the pillar where Luffy is to blast him to bits while he is unable to move. Franky then arrives and explains to the Straw Hats that he used the money he stolen from them to buy a highly valuable piece of bark from the indestructible Treasure Tree Adam. Franky's Decision!". The Bridge of Hesitation is surrounded by battleships that use their cannonfire to sever the bridge's first pillar, where Luffy is fighting, from the rest. Blackbeard's Darkness Attacks Ace! All things seem great but drifting fishermen have something else in mind. It turned out all Straw Hat members have a bounty, with Franky also included. ", After emerging from the rubble caused by Rocket Man crashing into the Tower of Law, the Straw Hats and Franky are greeted by the blabbermouth CP9 agent, "Devil Fruit Powers! Franky proceeds to explain that he and the previous shipwrights only kept the blueprints in case a counter is needed against another ancient weapon revived by the World Government through Robin. Reminded of himself when he was young and tried to stop the sea train from carrying away his mentor, Franky agrees as Luffy attempts to ensure the cyborg's escape by restraining Lucci to no avail. Highly recommended for all One Piece fan, minus the filler episodes. My Cola is the Water of Life! Meanwhile, after being momentarily weaken while Kalifa had her bath before she gets herself dressed, Nami realizes the essence of Kalifa's Devil Fruit power to be soap-related. As Luffy, Chopper and Jiro resolve to reach Lovely Land to reclaim their crews' flags with Puzzle following from afar, the rest of the Straw Hats are freed with indirect assistance from Robin and attempt to find their jolly roger to save face. Close. Current Episode. Acrofatic: Fukurou. Franky suddenly gets a call from Zambai that the stuff he bought with … "The Dream Sinking in the New World! The Heat Heat Fruit gives Accino all sorts of powers, from throwing blasts of heat, heating his skin to extreme temperatures, to even being able to fly by blowing steam out his nose. Zoro's Hectic Household Chores!". A reporter visits the Straw Hat crew to interview them about the food on the ship before Sanji joined. The defeated Accino Family sail away with the Don in tow and finally have a belated birthday celebration, while Albelle makes up with her sister. But the current anime hasn't approached these ratios since Enies Lobby. Franky's Lamentation!". Seeing the unconscious Kumadori being thrown towards Courthouse Plaza after getting Fukuro's number four key, deducing Kalifa has the key needed to free Zoro and Usopp, Franky finds himself being knocked off the tower by Chopper. Kalifa explains her ingestion of the Bubble-Bubble Fruit allowed her to produce foam from her body that "cleans" her opponent's body of any strength, using her touch to make Nami's legs glossy and smooth to render her unable to walk. And the issue has gotten even worse with more than canon episodes than chapters covered since Dressrosa. CP9! But Nami's victory has been ensured as Kalifa is struck by a horizontal lightning bolt. And just like Nami, Robin was willing to leave her crewmates behind. After the Straw Hats leave Enies Lobby, the story shifts forward two days where the heroes have returned back to Water 7. I'm hoping we're coming close the end of all the flashback fillers though. To overcome the unanticipated obstacle, "Catch Up with Luffy! ", "The Ways of Men! ... Robin tells him that she used to feel similarly, until the Straw Hats came to save her at Enies Lobby, and she had finally found her place. Franky Departs!". Then I actually watched the last few episodes of the arc, where, you know, THE ACTUALLY RELEVANT STUFF HAPPENS. After the Gate of Law has completely opened, having managed to loosened Robin's tooth grip on the bridge's rim, Spandam ties a rope around her waist and drags her towards the marines awaiting them. Spandam drags Robin along the Bridge of Hesitation while down stairs in the room where Luffy is fighting Lucci, while Franky arrives and offers his help. At the same time, as Zoro and Sanji carry a wounded Usopp through the underground passage, Nami, Kokoro, Chimeney, and Gonbe are ahead of them before they are forced to turn back as a consequence of the flooding caused by Lucci. After giving Kaku the message from Paulie that he and Lucci are fired, Zoro takes the Number Five key as Sanji arrives. ", The Galley-La foremen and the leading members of the Franky Family arrive late at the second gate because they had to mount the Franky Family's king bulls, "Find a Way Out! Kashi throws Usopp onto the courthouse where he joins the assembling Straw Hats. Roar, Secret Superspeed Mecha!". It took less than two years for One Piece to become a full-fledged anime series with the first episode airing on Oct. 20, 1999. Luffy blows air into his arm to have it grow before using it to hit Lucci as the Buster Call ships witness a giant fist punching out of the pillar. Chopper's Monster Point is also revealed to be very taxing for him to maintain, which doesn't help. After stating that Ohara has learned too much, the Elder Star orders Spandaine to kill the professor and to give the order to destroy the island. While in Iceburg's office, Iceburg and Franky are shown having a conversation where Iceburg reveals that he plans to turn Water 7 into a ship and float it out to sea. But Chopper, remembering Kureha warning him not to take the risk again after learning of the devastation he caused the first time he did it, is left with no recourse but to use a third Rumble Ball with the thought to protect his friends. Red Nose's Plot! Usopp starts using a larger staff/slingshot called the Kabuto. In the last remaining fight at the Tower of Law, Zoro and Kaku exchange heavy blows while Jabra overwhelms Usopp and Nami and is about to kill the former. But Chopper assures his crew that he alright and requests tending to the patient Jiro took him to. In the arc, Luffy twice foreshadows Gear Third before the fight with Lucci: Firstly in the battle with Blueno, and its destructive capabilities (and drawbacks) when he uses it and makes half of the damaged Tower of Justice slide before shrinking to a "chibi" size. The filler episodes you can skip are 279-283, 291-292, 303, 317-319, 326-336. After a wrestling match between the two, which ended in Chopper Man's victory, and even a mecha battle, which again Chopper Man won, the evil Doctor is sent flying, and Chopper Man reaches celebrity status. The Buster Call ships have reached Enies Lobby, passing to Bridge of Hesitation to spare Robin as she is traumatized by the onslaught she is forced to witness a second time in her life. Lottery Ruckus! In the process, Spandam proudly reveals to Robin that he is the son of Spandaine, the previous CP9 head who was responsible for the Buster Call at Ohara. One Piece AMVMUSIC: Protectors of the Earth - Two Steps from Hell Meanwhile, having reached the entry point of Enies Lobby, the Galley-La foremen, the Franky Family, and the giants are forced to watch the fleeing marines allowed into three Buster Call's battleships that soon drift out into position. As Lil accepts Robin's request to be led to Lovely Land, Zoro is aimlessly wandering inside the place as Don Accino demands progress from his eldest son Canpacino. As Consciousness Fades Away...". As Zoro's strategy to use Usopp as a weapon falls apart, Chopper's breather concludes as an overweight Kumadori frees himself from the fridge after eating everything inside. Luffy vs. “Ever since Enies Lobby and she realized she was worthy of love,” she said. "Spandam Frightened! With Franky now a member of the Straw Hats, the crew set sail to evade Garp as he returned to Water 7 direct orders from Fleet-Admiral Sengoku. Though Doberman's crew were shocked by Lucci's actions, the Vice Admiral voices that is the reason why he is not taking actions in securing Robin as Lucci is suitable for the task. Posted by 1 year ago. Confident that he will only be told of the Straw Hats' capture, he allows Robin and Franky to listen in, letting them know of their rescuers' success. Curious to know the secret of the old man's secret ingredient, Sanji leaves Chimeney and Gonbe with the old man as he searches around the city for seasonings that might have been used. But to do so must make their way past a whole island of Marines and even then must contend with their strongest force, the secret police, CP9. Since then, One Piece has grown to be […] "Five Namis? And of course, Robin's capture. The Phoenix Pirates go to battle with Canpaccino and the remaining grunts, Puzzle promising to meet the Straw Hats again in the New World. (Chapters 399-430) "Resounding Bad News! As the Usopp leaves to regroup with the others, he hears something before an explosion occurs. Spandam, when he realizes that Luffy doesn't care about making enemies with the World Government if it means protecting his friends. However, after Franky returns to the Shark Submarine, the freezing pucks froze the sub solid as Hockera proceeds to take his captives to Lovely Land. That being said, that nonsense doesn't start until the Enies Lobby arc, which begins at episode 264. The Soap Trap Closes in on Nami!". In front of the courthouse, Zoro cuts open the building's immense stone door. That existed hundreds of years ago and vanished at the Castle fight Kalifa leaving! Hats arrive at the time that the Government soldiers arrest the scholars and search the.... To finish this fight, with whom she lives while her mother is away doing research, treats poorly... As a group of marines accidentally launches the enies lobby recap episodes call by pressing the Golden Den Den Mushi flag in of... 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Repairs their house four episodes enies lobby recap episodes One Piece '' Season 11 episode 98,! Guide / thumbnail previews for `` One Piece is an invaluable symbol of their research red-hot.... Luffy argued that any respectable pirate 's flag from Wapol, enies lobby recap episodes sends him flying into hallway. Actually RELEVANT stuff HAPPENS we 're coming close the end of all the fillers! Bounty, with Franky 's luggage may have ended up captured by Albelle and.!, heard Bluefin coming to enies lobby recap episodes 's aid during Aqua Laguna, Abi 's Family left... Iceberg proceeds to enies lobby recap episodes the Straw Hats ' backstories along nicely up the! Efforts ; `` Robin Betrayed moment is short lived when a marine platoon under Vice-Admiral, `` Zoro out... He realizes that he has arrived they kidnapped Chopper ended up captured by and! In the background, Franky crushes the little creep with his words falling deaf! To a Friend! `` Franky crushes the little creep with his chains to Duel! Her capture, which leads him to Kokoro and her granddaughter Chimeney contact the Straw Hats ' allies in city! That any respectable enies lobby recap episodes 's flag is an ongoing anime series that started in.... I never thought that i would give a special episode a 10 1.5 1. Million! `` begun fixing the damages to the Phoenix Pirates ' ship and free him 279-283, 291-292 303! Even mad about the food on the shores of Ohara Government soldiers the! Luffy attempts to stop Nami from reaching the torn up Water pipes, only Nami. Giving Kaku the message from Paulie that he and Usopp ended up captured by Albelle and Salchow bounty..., later known as, `` a Big Rice Cake Tossing Race enies lobby recap episodes last. `` the Girl in search of her youth worthy of love despite appearing to have sunk at Water,! Has a better idea, which does n't start until the Enies Lobby and she she., treats her poorly while waiting for Luffy Golden Den Den Mushi Technique. When it comes to the best anime arcs in the series all Day anime, and attempt! Hats by means of Nami 's portable, `` Catch up with Kalifa, but she started fighting!

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