Jian Jian was curious about two kids and asked about it. It looks like Tang Can might become a friend to Jian Jian and Mingyue. So it was left to Ziqui to find his copy. The following morning, Mingyue made up with Jian Jian, who she teased as being in a deeper shit that her. I've seen how hard it is on caregive, I was so disheartened by the attitude of someone in this thread, that I could not make any more posts. JJ’s father is the best father ever, he’s very considerate with his children’s feelings, i bawled my eyes out when he cry in front of JQ’s aunt. Ten years later, it was the first day of high school for Jian JIan. I'm so hopping mad at these people who don't consider their children's well being at all. Ziqui always felt a sense of abandonment because Heimei abandoned him when young and not showed up for 20 years because she thought she was doing him a favour for not involving him in her rather murky past. After the romance between tiger and roses, there are We are all alone, Nothing but thirty and now Go Ahead!!! The currently airing “Go Ahead” is the it drama that is taking social media by storm right now. Jian Jian was shocked. He asked Jian Jian to smell his hair, she said it was ok, he then said that he had not washed it for three days. Hei Mei did tell Ziqui rather belatedly that he could come to her if he faces any problem. - The third boy also resembles Zhang Xin Cheng. Ling Xiao said that he and Jian Jian will visit them during the spring festival (New Year). I thought LX's mom is bad ... ZQ's father just tops it. I thought being a family drama, the first few episodes might be slow and boring. Win and Bright seemed to really embody Sarawat and Tine up to around episode 11. Anyway, Ling Xiao told her to think seriously of what he said to her (his confession). His looks and acting immediately knock you in the heart. The men were uncomfortable when she announced about having her first period at sixteen. Complications of the extended modern family? I think the saddest part was when JianJian showed LingXiao her father's secret... what she said to LingXiao simply broke my heart. Ling Xiao told Jian Jian to go home. She read it as she sits in front of him. It seems that Ling Xiao did escape rather than leave. It is so good, the story is told in a very simple style, no beating around the bush. Ziqui returned the pocket mirror with her photo back to Hei Mei as a sign that they were through as family. She and Chengzi turned up at his place of work with some goodies for the staff. “Go Ahead” is a Chinese television drama series released in August 2020. I hope all the tears falling on my laptop does not get me electrocuted. Bummer! The four started hanging out and the shy MIngyue started to come out of her shell. The she said she doesn’t like Jian Jian herself. He does not believe that Jian Jian should get married at all. The grown up cast Seven, WeiLong & Steven are fantastic. She then remembered the time he took her to the dentist. And also bring gifts for the father. The chemistry so good. Don’t show your mercy to whoever more pathetic.’. Ling Xiao said that he had a childhood betrothal with Jian Jian which can be attested by their neighbours. But Ziqui said that his Dad told him not to accept money from just anyone. A while back I saw some discussion about the ending on the sub. Jian Jian was rather shocked as they had only been going out for a few days. ps. Well, in Seven Tan Songyun, Song Weilong and Steven Zhang Xincheng’s drama Go Ahead 以家人之名, we will be introduced to a different kind of family, one brought together not by blood, but by a connection forged by the bonds of love and kinship three children have for each other. ... A drama that tracks the relationship between two young apprentices working on an agricultural complex south of Berlin. Hei Mei called Hua Guang in front of Haichao and berated him for the mistreatment of Ziqui, for not providing for Ziqui. The saddest of all with this turn of event was Jian Jian. The sister said that if Ling Xiao ends up with Jian Jian, she will never see her son anymore. They did not expect that it would be so awkward between them. Chen Tin was asked by her friends to play mahjong so she left young Ling Xiao to look after his three-year-old sister who was very partial to walnuts. At first Ziqui was not convinced and said that once she’s married to Ling Xiao, he will become her family. should be reported to the respective companies instead of posting your complaints here. The reason came out and he went ballistic. And this really made more apparent when she met him on the lift where he was pulling a suitcase. Ling Xiao wore them and walked to and pro in his tiny bedroom. Mrs Qi left furious and upset but I have to say her power to buckle up the complicated straps on her highheels took her less than a minute. Help keep our site alive. Jian Jian dismissed it explaining that Zhuran is an artist and he was trying to get inspiration. His friend, Zhuang Bei, told Ziqui that it looks like he was actually in love with Jian Jian. And then Ziqui ran in to fight with Jian Jian, who was biting the tubby boy. Their chemistry is up the roof. Wei Long was really giving his all in this drama and you can see and feel it. One from tonight. But Jian Jian finally thawed at him because he just adored her. Hepang tried to calm the boys down because he said Jian Jian had only been on disconnect for an hour. The kisses woke her up and she was in complete denial of what had happened. Heimei said that her ex was a real nasty piece of work but he could give a better future to Ziqui and they had to think of Ziqui first; what is good for him. I liked him in his last movie LOVE THE WAY YOU ARE. He saw that she had been crying and told her to stay put and not to come to his flat. The manager then sacked her but her trouble did not stop there because the wife continued to harass her by graffitying the block of flats where Heimei was living. Poor Changge and Jianger – I was expecting them to be the ones that would survive! They were so cute. I seriously hate the boys parents except LingXiao father. She told him that she had spoken to Ziqui and seen the place where he works. Now I sort of understood why the women made to appear deviant and rather horrible at first. She told him that she wishes that he becomes a dentist so she would not be scared of them. ... *Spoiler* The ending isn't exactly happy-go-lucky, but it's not sad or upsetting. It started when they were talking about her height. Don't post any requests for subs! She then lied that someone pushed her but she did not know who. Abroad is too far at least 10 hours on the plane. Jian Jian was with Ziqui when he as withdrawing cash for staff pay. In reality,  it's the reverse order. He Lan came to visit her nephew Ziqui to fleece him off of 20,000RMB as her husband has stomach cancer and needed money for chemo. And Jian Jian sneaked in between the sleeping Tang Can and Mingyue. She opted for the later and Ziqui was like a proud father when he saw that the spoilt Chengzi could behave like a reasonable human being given half the chance. Ziqui became bashful but excited that she was thinking of marrying him. Meanwhile, Jian Jian was so worried about Ling Xiao she misstepped on the school stairs and hurt herself. And as to junk food, she remembers that he would not eat anything after he had brushed his teeth. actually its the other way round SWL being the youngest in RL,  Steven Zhang the middle one and TSY the eldest. He began to miss his own. She asked if he could sleep without her, he confessed that when she first sleep over she moved so much in her sleep, she kicked him awake. He then told her that he wanted to be a real family because he wanted to marry Jian Jian, who had broken up with Zhuran. Now that they have established themselves they want to claim him back. He is back. But beforehand, he apologised to her for not being supportive enough as a husband and not recognising that she was suffering from PTSD after the death of Yunyan, their daughter. Bummer. Jian Jian asked him to apply the tincture to her mosquito bites. And the father said that if he needed anything he can knock at their door and can come round and play with Jian Jian. Mingyue went to see him and begged him not to tell Ling Xiao about her crush on him. Huaguang was raging and called Ziqui who knew nothing about it. What if someone bullies her when he was away? You took me in your house when we were children. A very worried Chengzi chased after him and told him that he secretly took back his trainers from the bin and hid them in her backpack. Afterall he left her for 9 years with barely a contact over the past seven years. HeiMei’s friend came to see Ziqui and advised him to downgrade his restaurant. It is a different case for Ling Xiao’s mother, who had a housewarming party and invited only Xixi, who became rather uncomfortable to learn about it. So cute and then ruined in the latter part by the appearance of Hei Mei. She told Ling Xiao that actually they are not related. Jian Jian was so happy to see him, she jumped into him and clanged like a limpet. Learn how your comment data is processed. She told Haichao that her ex-husband was determined to take Ziqui abroad to study. This tickled Ling Xiao so much that when he was alone with Jian Jian he said to her, “Let’s get married.”. Ling Xiao was there when she woke and told her that he was glad that she survived because if she had died the pain of her viciousness towards him would linger throughout his life. Poor Ziqui was absolutely heartbroken with what was happening with his life. She did the housework, she works, she did childcare and everything else. She wanted to be a journalist. She apparently tried to like Jian Jian but she just couldn’t do it. HaiChao was truly hooked. After the interview, she took the opportunity to speak about being together in a romantic way with Ziqui. He reckoned that Jian Jian will end up as a couple with one of the brothers. When he got back, Jian Jian was waiting for him in his room. The look on her brothers’ faces was more than shock. The guilt ate her up so she started writing her suicide note. 1. She had just accepted that she may not get lead roles but being a stand-in was just too much for her to take. Jian Jian got more curious because as she rightly said, why her when there are plenty of other good girls around? She asked Ziqui whether he would suddenly kiss her if he saw that she was mad. Mingyue was all excited to see Ling Xiao’s backpack in their living room. Ziqui said that he does not care. Mingyue unwittingly revealed that Ziqui had a run-in with his biological father at school the other day. When she spoke to her father, he said not to do as they don’t have the money really. Jian Jian was feeling out of sort because of the issues with both Ziqui and Ling Xiao so she called her father. I particularly like the one who plays the young Ziqui. This drama had totally captured me. The boys left with so much sadness. She kept going to auditions and get disappointed when she doesn’t get the role but the thing is that she does not really give it her 100%. She was fine when they left to go to their respective family abroad, she has friends and was really happy. He opened up in the wrong location where his main customers are students who can ill-afford to buy expensive cakes. Sibling rivalries? They were still arguing when there was a knock on the door. By Jian JIan said that she will make him happy. But hey I was pleasantly surprised. Seriously, the writer has a big problem. , we will be introduced to a different kind of family, one brought together not by blood, but by a connection forged by the bonds of love and kinship three children have for each other. Zi Qui told his father never to contact him again. Other thing that cause a dilemma for me when watching this drama is the antagonist, yes the bad guys. Jian Jian and Du Juan’s studio is becoming popular. When he leaves, he is no longer her brother. I love love it. Chinese Drama 2020. He did not realised that they were valium as Ling Xiao had put the tablets in vitamin pills containers. Anyway, both the boys were packing their things when each found a box of Adidas trainers with a sweet note from Jian Jian. Jian Jian tried to call him but she can’t get through because his phone was broken by his furious mother when she realised that Ling Xiao was not staying permanently in Singapore with her and he calls the place in China home. Gay movies worth watching with a happy ending. Jian Jian liked the kiss but was so embarrassed about it she buried her head on the cushion. For some reason, Du Juan’s boyfriend Zhou Miao, was taking the plagiarism personally and had the gall to tell off Jian Jian about being so calm with the trouble she landed the company in. Her mother wanted her to put her name on. The books she gave Mingyue were as pristine as the day when she gave them to her. Kind Mingyue was so moved and said that he needn’t apologise but just say thank you instead. Now, Zhuang Bei was doing everything he can for Tang Can including getting her an interview with the director of a stage play. The child actors are all adorable, brilliant actors. He confiscated the book. Her university newspaper had printed an article from her senior accusing her of plagiarism. The following day, Ling Xiao went to her studio and asked her to lunch. Enough said! Haichao told him about LingXiao and Jian Jian. His uncle said that Chen Tin is still his mother. He told her that Jian Jian is the cutest member of their family and she can see that he meant it. Jian Jian less than committed with just a maybe, which only fired up Zhou Miao and started berating Jian Jian for plagiarising. Sibling rivalries? Some people were happy with ending. Boring He Lan and He Meil had a tete a tete. But I just have to "share" the following pieces of informations with you all: He said that he had a childhood marriage with Jian Jian, they slept on the same bed together. He went for his mother. He was looking after a temperamental mother who often would exhibit some bizarre acts then he had to act as mother and father to his sister and then he had to study as well. Apparently little Dongdong has been a naughty boy, biting his schoolmates. Tang Can learned that Zhuang Bei has a  crush of Mingyue. Go Go Squid! Just watched ep 1 & 2. She wanted him to meet his young half-sister. I agree, i especially don’t like LX’s mother, she’s very selfish. It’s guide for you no matter you watched the drama or not. Mingyue told Jian Jian that she came to see her to brag because she knew she liked Ziqui in highschool. Any complaints about any streaming links will be counted as spam and will be reported to the mods.Any complaints of the respective companies such as Viki, youtube, etc. He did everything to close the gap. Ling Xiao then scolded a very sorry Tang Can for joking which was out of place at that time. Jian Jian being motherless is wild and tomboyish, she says everything that comes to her head and yet doesn’t play mind games because she grew up with fathers and brothers who were all WYSIWYG. Nope, I don’t buy it. The very bottom of their exam result was taken by a transfer student, Tang Can, who is an advertisement superstar. Chengzi said that Cheng Tin had gone and left a suicide note. Ziqui opted not to show up because he was already insulted earlier that day when the cake he baked for Ling Xiao was forcefully paid and collected by Chengzi. A few days later he was back home in China. Ziqui said that he first met him when he was 18 and father bonding was impossible by then. Hepang arrived and saw the state of both Ling Xiao and Ziqui, both bruised in the face. The man was Ziqui. Her father said that it was out of order. And Lin Xiao had a gap year from school to care full time for his mother and sister. Jian Jian just laughed it off, saying that Ling Xiao was joking. Ziqui confessed that he can’t stand his father and would not kowtow to him while he was studying abroad. She decided she needed a change and asked her father if the museum job was still available. But he told her that the best medicine for Ling Xiao is Jian Jian so whatever issues Chen Ting has with Jian Jian, she must overcome it for the sake of their son. Ziqui suspected his bio-father to have had something to do with a customer who reported hygiene issues in their restaurant. Her mother just plainly said, ‘You are my life.’. So he thought the best way was to take his bio-dad’s offer of sending him abroad to study, then he planned to come home as soon as he finishes his studies. Ziqui learned Heimei story from He Lan including being in prison for manslaughter. Anyway, Haichao, who was with Ling Xiao, found out that Jian Jian was at the police station. Haichao had long for his son to come home. It has been nine years and there was hardly any contact with them. She saw the ajar door to  Jian Jian room. He was happy. Her manager wanted a relationship with her which she said she did not like. Jian Jian felt guilty and followed him as he left their flat but he told her that he was not upset (but obviously he was). ... Chinese Drama Ep 19 RAW A Girl Like Me 2021. Whether he meant it or just joking, Ling Xiao asked if Jian Jian would sleep with him that night. (2019) Genre: Romance, Comedy Country: Chinese. Ziqui said that he made the array of cakes on the table just for her because he’s always remembered what she said all those years ago that she wanted to open a cake shop. In the meantime, Cheng Tin with her sister were at the doorstep of Ling Xiao and Ziqui’s flat. The culprit was arrested and taken to the police station. Mingyue and Tang Can were talking in the living room, when Jian Jian overheard Tang Can venting her jealousy about Jian Jian. Finally, Tang Can seemed to please her parents when she decided to work in the museum. Even at such a young age Jian Jian knew that Chen Tin was leaving so she asked Chen Tin if she could keep Ling Xiao as she wanted a brother. But not before Chengzi told Jian Jian was wasting her time with her brother because her mother does not like her. © Global Granary, 2020. Anyway, Ling Xiao told Jian Jian that he will really be away for a couple of days to Singapore. Ziqui said he will work really hard and won’t stop until he gets permission from Haichao and agreement to marry from Jian Jian. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT TO WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!For any Issues and AbusePlease report to moderators @angelangie l LavelyShai, I admit I am sensitive to LX situation. Haichao asked him what if Ziqui does not get his permission and what if Jian Jian does not want to marry Ziqui. He was surprised that Chen Ting seemed to have not noticed. Then the time came for the three to separate, with the two brothers returning back home to live with their biological parents. They were encouraging him to pursue Mingyue but he was more attentive towards Tang Can, who said she was over him. 2019. It was a very uncomfortable event and everyone was happy for it to end. Korean Drama Ep JO1 Star Gather TV 2020. Jian Jian said that she can’t do that because Cheng Tin will hate her more. Meanwhile, Heping got back from his two-months stake-out or seminar. In the hospital, Jian Jian was just about to talk to Ling Xiao when his sister called. You don’t normally see 8 on Douban, let alone a high 8. Haichao admitted that the woman was indeed Heimei’s friend and it was all Heimei’s idea. Because of this, she pulled her hand away from his tender ministering and left soon after. Tan Songyun and Song Weilong have perhaps been onscreen staples these past few days for some of you – weeks actually for Tan Songyun, as they both have dramas airing now. Ling Xiao hugged Jian Jian for the longest time, not because he was comforting her but he was getting strenght from her. Super love this dama. I had to stop the mouse every phrase and smiled myself silly each time. I am always at youtube refreshing it all the time for new trailer and was so glad that some kindhearted subbers translate the trailers in English. Why? Let me start the ball rolling then. Apparently Go-Ahead is shown in both terrestrial Chinese Tv and online. Jian Jian was begging him to buy her sweets but he told her that it was not good for her teeth. She told him to stop knocking her on the head because he had to marry her if she becomes brain-damaged. What she feels for Ziqui in from the heart, there are cases that you don’t get on with your own blood family like Ziqui and Huaguang but Jian Jian choose Ziqui as her brother. Mingyue decided to return to the flat as it was more bearable to face the embarrassment of misunderstanding Ling Xiao rather than put up with her mother’s nagging. Sinopsis Drama Korea Secret Royal Inspector (2020) : Drama ini mengisahkan para agen rahasia kerajaan di masa Dinasti Joseon. The girls were talking about going for breakfast somewhere but they were surprised to see the breakfast table already set by Ziqui. Lost Love in Times. Such a tender age yet so mature and try not to worry sadden her father. He interrupted their kissing. This episode is more about Mingyue and Tang Can. Jian Jian finally agreed that she would but she made him promised not to tell anyone especially Ziqui for now. It turned out that Dong Dong is not He Mei’s son. She tried to convince him that what he was feeling was just a result of meeting each other again after such a long time and the residue of the guilt from that made him think there was more to the sibling love he felt for her. No one really can answer her questions because they don’t know about menstruations. Jian Jian’s father who owns a restaurant tried to invite the sad little boy by the stairs but he declined. Ling Xiao and Ziqui half expected that they can just pick up where they left off with Jian Jian. Tang Can felt aggrieved. Jian Jian was finally able to make Ziqui understand that she might be with Ling Xiao in a romantic way, but he is still her brother that she cherished. How can you get back the closeness of practically living in each other’s pockets once? Ziqui accidentally pulled on Ling Xiao’s shirt collar which revealed a big scar. Let’s do our bit. The girls threw a welcome/karaoke party for the boys, which included Zhuang Bei who is Ziqui’s best friend. Telling him that he killed his sister, not allowing him to keep their only family photo, abandoning him, then suddenly showed up to force her presence to him then making him be responsible for her care and that of Chengzi for nine years, thus robbing him of a carefree young adult life. She should not come to him to ask him to take responsibility for her in the future. He said that Ziqui will form his own world one day with his own wife and children. Haichao was so surprised because he was looking at Jian Jian and Shuran at the noodle restaurant chatting merrily away. He told her that he had something that would make her forget about her row with Tang Can. While Ling Xiao was away, Haichao talked to Jian Jian. It then came out that Ling Xiao has insomnia and relies on drugs to relax and sleep. He said to Cheng Tin to stop whatever she was doing; if she was matchmaking then forget it because he has a girlfriend already. He went to see his son at the dentist and went out to lunch. All Out of Love (Chinese: 凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤) is a 2018 Chinese television series based on Le Xiaomi's novel Liang Sheng, Can We Not Be Sad.It is directed by Liu Junjie, and stars Wallace Chung, Ma Tianyu and Sun Yi. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Growing up in dysfunctional households, three individuals who are unrelated by blood treat each other like family as they yearn for the love that they cannot find at home. He felt excluded. Ling Xiao confessed that he had thought about it and he said he would have waited for her to get a divorce and help her look after the children, if she did not get a divorce, he will just be her faithful lifelong brother. Money-Grabbing bitches a romantic way with Ziqui to cease and desist from pursuing her overcome sense! 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