I've lost and gain friends with my so called "transformation". Instead, he provided me opportunities to be fully independent from him. I learnt a lesson that night about what a good man is. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. “Going back to an ex is a forever phenomenon,” relationship expert Audrey Hope says. And look, maybe you'll never be friends with your ex, because it takes two people to call a truce. 10 – Make Sure You Send Him Pics. If you or your ex discover latent feelings for each other, this is a good sign that it may be too soon to start a friendship. Oh good. If you're doing good out of incentive to add rooms to your sky mansion, you're also not doing good for good's sake. If ever they say they want to be friends, send your ex an audio message of you clapping obnoxiously four times in a row like they do during the Friends theme song. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I haven't gone through that much of a change, simply lost my acne, stayed the same weight, but changed about 20kg of fat into muscle, dressed better, and changed my persona a bit from self help material. Gave her a ride somewhere - points! However, you might be surprised that if your ex is single, and has interest in you, you could have a really good shot with him. Y’all, I had plenty of money, I’m just forgetful, I stated this multiple times throughout the night. This shit is blowing my mind. He also knew that I was lonely, but he never once tried to take advantage of my vulnerability. Love him to pieces. He was like Chris Hardwick on @Midnight. Only … They respond to consequences. I'm scared of becoming overconfident, and an asshole. It works in most places you can enter text including many games and is usually good for a cheap laugh. And don’t worry about the other apps, you’ll pick those up gradually as you go. He drove me to the nearest 24/hr store, bought a gas jug, drove to a gas station, went in to -pay for the gas- came out with a cup of coffee too (it was just turning cold out), drove me back to my car, got me squared away and followed me back to the same gas station so I could fill up in case something went wrong. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The night of the week is important when it comes to getting good service — so is the time of the evening in which you dine. Girls look all the time. Well, I've done both things you mentioned (lost 100 pounds and gained a sense of style.) 5.6k. No one even looked at me in a suspicious manner. -"What are you a fag or something?" She's a lot more experienced in casual relationships while I've only had 2 relationships, but each were multiple years, and I feel like I'm pretty chill about sex and bodies because of it. It … After half an hour, no replies. The Ex Factor Is Real You’re just realizing that all that dating you’ve done since you ex has been all about searching for another him. One day his mom was in the car too and she was like "Oh son your girlfriend is so pretty". Members love these prize games, so it’s usually a good idea to run one when you’ve got a decent number of viewers in your room. Even if you parted ways on good terms, the idea of being friends with an ex is, well, weird. Never pushed the boundaries I had set. I know many redditors have lost a good bit of weight or have gone from being a slob to a well-dressed gentleman, and I've … You just aren't repulsed anymore when you realize the person telling you they like your haircut isn't a 350lb acne covered troll. “I rarely write reviews but I’m so impressed by this book, I can’t recommend it enough for anyone who has suffered abuse by a narcissist or is trying to get out of an abusive relationship now.You deserve the best and more… so I strongly encourage you to get this book!” It really worries me that so much of how people interact and treat people is based on looks. Same thing here. Because he knew I needed friends. Unrelated to the subject of the post but you can make the "™" sign using The ALT code: "ALT + 0153". Thomas Barwick / … I'm a 4' 10" cutie pie, and a bunch of messages started pouring in. Turns out the dude assumed they were a couple just because he was riding her to work told his mom so. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Now people tell me all the time they think I'm really nice. Is it good to talk to your ex after breaking up? We have been together for about 2 years now and have known each other for 6. But they all...kinda got weird on me in some way or another. Guys always want to prove they are the best. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Lost 70lbs and cut a foot of my hair off my sophomore year of college. ... My ex-BIL had a friend would talk about winning points with women when he did something a normal human being would do for someone they were dating. I’d been dropped off earlier in the afternoon because my dumb ass forgot to put gas in my car, so it was sitting on the side of the freeway about 1/2 hour drive away. Does everyone seem shallow? He explained, "I cheated on her with my ex and a couple of other girls. Nothing. Absolutely! 150lbs off and started wearing clothes that didn't make me look just plain stupid. That’s been something we repeat to each other now and then to this day. However, this is not the case anymore. He just kept saying “You’ve had a long day, let me help.“ We get to the gas station, HE FILLS UP MY TANK. I now learned to channel my looks for the greater good. Like if someone gives you a lift home and doesn't mention it ever again (except to accept/reject monetary payment), Nice GuysTM will give a lift home and then not let you out of the fecking car afterwards, saying 'wow that was a really nice thing I did for you, what are you going to do for me'. He was the ONLY person who took me out and brought along a friend the first day we met. Should i text my ex reddit Should i text my ex redditShould i text my ex reddit. 1.6k votes, 7.0k comments. ... had a shitty ex … Being attractive lets you be a terrible person. I really don't want to be like assholes I hated when I was a nice but insecure guy. This makes me feel a little bit ashamed. Remember— highly manipulative people don’t respond to empathy or compassion. I knew he’d been interested for a few months but I wasn’t available and he respected that. And came back out with a pack of the brand of cigarettes I smoked at the time. Called my friend that lived in the same town. Of course, I'm generally happier in all walks of life now. I knew my coworker (now husband) lived in a town between where we worked and where I lived. When I was coming off of a long missionary trip (faked being religious for my final years in the church) I was broke as shit. Everybody comes up to me to talk to me. Lost a few friends due to their shallowness towards me after changing. Then tell them you have enough friends. I know many redditors have lost a good bit of weight or have gone from being a slob to a well-dressed gentleman, and I've always wondered about the difference in the way people treat attractive people. Wow that's a huge difference, no offense but you actually looked like a tom boy girl in the first photo, I think mostly due to the hair and the androgynous eyeglasses style. Being nice is generally a good thing. Actually, I'm a lot more of an asshole than I used to be. It will help you get yourself back on track emotionally and mentally so that you and your ex will have a chance of really making it work the second time around. Posting these kinds of pictures or videos is called revenge porn, and in some places you can be criminally charged if you get caught and your ex-girlfriend takes action against you. Took me some time to feel comfortable with this change. It’s almost too good to be an ex-president, lawmakers have said for years. My ex-BIL had a friend would talk about winning points with women when he did something a normal human being would do for someone they were dating. A good plan will provide you the structure and support you need to get your ex back for good. Of course, a bunch of rapists went over to tell their stories. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It makes me really uncomfortable for a lot of reasons. Same. I whistle and yell "Hey baby" at everyone in the street anyway. Bought her flowers - points! I have conducted a survey from my past clients and asked them how long it took their exes to reach out. MORE: 6 Ways to Get Over Even the Worst Breakup I would want to remain friends, or at least on good terms, with an ex so long as the break up wasn't nasty. When an ex is over you, it’s really easy to … http://i.imgur.com/y42rP.jpg, My first reaction was "That's not the same person.". This is a tough one, because dating a friend's ex is one of the most essential dating taboos. " After a breakup, you may be tempted to try to be friends with your ex.You still care about this person, after all. Press J to jump to the feed. There was a Nice Guy™ story on r/neckbeardstories about a girl whose coworker would drive her every morning to work. You can only control what you do, but if you choose to be the one who's not a … When he does nice things then doesn't make a big deal out of it, because he's doing it for the sake of being a good person, rather than hoping to get something extra out of it. Is dating easier? It just builds up even more confidence. If so, you are making good choices for bad reasons and thus, that aren't good or unique choices. ), Me: “I can buy a pack in the morning, you keep ‘em.“, Him: “You know I don’t smoke this brand.“, And hands them to me. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Then comes along Gary (let's call him Gary). And remaining pals may seem like the mature, evolved thing to do. You shouldn't wait too long after a breakup to text your ex if things ended cordially, according to Armstrong. But, immediately after the breakup and for some time after it, it may be too painful for one or both of you to even be in the same room without problems. Read on for another quiz question. You weren't even bad looking to begin with and your After picture is like a movie star. No one stopped me. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. We live in a very nice home, and my career as a freelance writer is slowly moving forward after I took some time off to be with my daughter. Instead of focusing on your ex, focus on good eating habits, exercise, sleep, and cultivating new pleasurable activities. What the hell man? She's really aggressive sexually. You might disagree with me, but I promise you, a person's looks are huge factor in how people treat other people. I'll be around if you want to, too." Nothing. And that rule should be: Just don't send the damn text. Maybe I need to call up my parents or something and thank them for making sure I wasn’t a piece of shit. One day I was really sick and my current boyfriend was helping me out. You can help your … But you move on, too. Agreed. Democrats will have to do more than impeach Donald Trump if they want to block his post-presidential benefits. And lastly, doing good for the sake of it (this is the most difficult to determine) is when's you're a genuinely good person. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Be careful here, but the naughty picture is as effective as always. People started treating, looking, talking and hitting on me differently. Wait a few weeks and then call her up and tell her she might want to get tested for gonorrhea. oh dear you were nerdy handsome before now you are probably one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. I found myself shoplifting constantly for about a year. I say what's on my mind instead of going out of my way to be polite even when I'm in a bad mood (because god forbid someone ugly is in a bad mood, then you're the most vile creature on the planet!) So last night Reddit kicked of a thread asking rapists to explain themselves. (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories) Has anything insane happened to you? EVERYONE is nicer, not just women. I told him that I felt really bad but I just didn't think I could have sex that night. I called my ride, multiple times. After that, every night we hung out was with new people, because he wanted to introduce me to as many people as possible. People respond to me better. This is one of my favorite stories to tell about truly good people: When I moved to a new city after college, my best dude friend suggested I get on OKCupid to meet new people. It's sad but it's 100% true. Dear Polly, I am a 32-year-old woman who has been very lucky in life. He was like Chris Hardwick on @Midnight. I didn't want want a relationship at that time (hell, I could barely hold together a relationship with myself), so I checked the box that said "friends only.". Simply let him know you’re not yet ready for a face-to-face meeting, but you will contact him when the time is right. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Let him go for it! 7. My boyfriend and I had a beautiful baby girl a little over a year ago. it should be more of a door left open - "I'd still like to be friends. Close. Also gain some friends with more people starting to talk to me. When an ex moves on, it stings. I asked her about it and she said that it's because she knows that's what "guys want." I was that kid who always got picked on and had little to no friends. “You don’t have to be in the same room with a former lover or … One night I was working a late shift and got ready to leave at about 10:00pm. It depends. Sent out texts. After all, that’s the goal. The guy who claimed the Reddit username "Khalessiscorned" took to the internet for some advice. Nothing I called my roommate. For good … "That creates awkwardness," he explains. Chances are good that you have nude pictures or video of your ex-girlfriend that don’t exactly make her look great. Give yourself time. I think back to fights I've had with exes who I felt like I was … However, I feel like instead of ending it with a "can we be friends?" I used to think that I was kind of "obligated" to have sex with my boyfriends when they wanted it just because that was what you did in order to be a good girlfriend. Your relationship ended for a reason, and unless you’re ready to deal with those issues together, it is a good idea to spend some more time apart. I sorted through the inbox for like-minded people, and I ended meeting a bunch of people in person - artists, musicians, actors - some very wonderful people. Don't date your ex " is right up there with "don't break up over email." The night I new I’d marry my husband was before we even started dating. But attempting to forge a friendship before you’re ready can do more harm than good. As soon as your ex starts to miss you, he will start throwing out hints about the two of you meeting up. It's less of an obligation/pressure and more of a gentle offer. Fifteen minutes later he was picking me up. Even if your ex screwed up (again, this doesn't pertain to toxic or abusive relationships), you should also be willing to acknowledge what — … However, the life change is MASSIVE. Why Is Your Ex An Ex, Story? I used to get creepy looks from people when I complimented them. saying 'wow that was a really nice thing I did for you, what are you going to do for me'. And to confess that no one had ever told him they were happy he existed, and that he was happy he hadn’t decided to drink that night like he normally would have. And I just start tearing up and tell him, “I’m glad you exist.“. It’s worse than when your ex gets over you. Except years later to tell me how pissed off he was that no one came to get me. If you give yourself (and your ex) time, however, you will be able to be nice your ex. If I didn't know, I would've thought you were some kind of celebrity. You don’t have to, but if you want to liven things up, this is a great app to try. He never brought it up after that. Covert contract is a telltale sign of a NiceGuy TM, If he interacts the same way with other people. I can say the most idiotic thing now and people will laugh (with me) and be interested in what I'm saying. He looked me dead in the eye and said "I don't need to have sex with you to love you". Retail workers, professionals, people at bars. I decided to call up a guy I barely knew outside of work and hope he was as kind as he seemed to be. This is a person with whom you were intimate … My husband, soon to be ex-husband if all goes as planned, was leering at an archival assistant the other day. Similar to offering an end to idealization, sex with an ex, either once or multiple times, can help you get the closure you might be looking for. And he never tried to force himself into my life as the solution. My life changed completely. I even had conversations with employees while having watches, colognes, designer clothes, hidden under my suit. If you were friends beforehand, it could be good to repair the friendship and make amends. Told my gf that not too long after we started dating and not long after she told me that I showed her a type of love that was different than all the rest. It makes the pain less painful. If your ex-spouse was selfish and mean, it's okay to describe them that way and to not go reaching for a psychiatric explanation for their behavior. I don't think he realized women aren't arcades, and you can't cash in your points for a prize at the end of the day. “I cheated on my ex during our relationship and she found out shortly after we broke up,” a Reddit user posting from the burner account … After a wonderful first meet up, the second ones would be filled with awkward moments and odd comments. I am flabbergasted by how many people have had the same/similar experiences of being pressured to engage in sexual activity often enough that it became normalized... Not even as a hormonal, sex-crazed, teenager would I have dreamed of pressuring someone into sex. A few of my exes expected sex so I just complied, even if I wasn't feeling well or was tired or whatever. Girls of reddit, how do you know when a guy is genuinely good and not just trying to get into your pants? But if you really want a chance of getting him back into your life for good, you have to decline his invitations initially. (Neither of us smoke anymore but that was part of how we bonded starting out. Of course I was embarrassed and beside myself that no one had answered my calls/texts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This girl I've been seeing for a few months is like that. This guy felt the wrath of an ex-girlfriend he had cheated on as she decided to completely ruin Game of Thrones for him. This can get a little dangerous; however, talking about your ex-lovers might spark a little jealousy — which is excellent for firing him up! Like, they expected something..."different" from me. Here is a before and after pictures: Before: http://i.imgur.com/ygmR1.jpg After: http://imgur.com/CbAqP, Edit: Here is another before pic. Yep. Posted by 2 years ago. Before my "transformation" people treated me like shit. (as if that should even be an insult). If you can talk it out and agree to be friends, or maybe work it out together and build a friendship, or even a relationship, then take a chance. Previously I could say something actually insightful or funny and just get ignored. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We’re standing there, having a smoke, wrapping up the night. Me without glasses and in color. You just feel better. Took her out to dinner - points! Disagree with me, but if you want to be friends? something actually or... Day I was embarrassed and beside myself that no one came to get me happened to you person telling they... Scared of becoming overconfident, and a bunch of rapists went over to tell stories. Cutie pie, and an asshole ex `` is right up there with do! Was leering at an archival assistant the other apps, you agree our! Girl a little over a year ago been seeing for a few weeks and call... Also gain some friends with your ex, focus on good terms, the idea of being friends with ex. 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