Stevivor is incredibly proud of the amount of the content we produce, and we want to make sure you can keep up with our coverage quickly and easily.Here's a number of … Now that I'm in college, my parents want me to keep them up to date about everything going on in my life. describe the state of affairs to. All Rights Reserved. The point is, these days we rely heavily on our computers to organize our lives, and outdated soft often seems unable to pull its […] Please make sure to keep your phone's operating system up to date. Informed of or reflecting the latest information or changes: an up-to-date timetable. (Often used in reference to technology.). explain the circumstances to. keep (someone or something) up to date 1. 2. up to date definition: 1. modern, recent, or containing the latest information: 2. modern, recent, or containing the…. How to keep your Windows computer up to date 1/19/2021 3 minutes to read D s In this article This article helps your computer obtain the latest updates to protect the computer and make it run smoothly. 1. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. How to Keep Your Apps Up-To-Date Perhaps the easiest way to keep apps updated is to use the same thing we recommended for the operating system. To ensure someone has the most current and accurate information (about something). keep someone briefed. 1. Find more similar words at! 私は住民票を新しいものに書き換えなければならない。 The web is a rapidly evolving universe. We provide KnowledgeShare (a personalised current awareness alerting service), and also have a guide to help you follow your favourite journals. adj. 例えば、「to be up to date」というフレーズは誰かが最新の知識を取り入れているという意味になります。. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, have the measure of (someone or something), get the measure of (someone or something), the webmaster's page for free fun content, keep to, stay on, etc. If you use WinSCP to synchronize your files only, you can use command-line parameter /keepuptodate to quickly open options dialog . Find more ways to say up-to-date, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Copyright 1994-2010 The FreeBSD Project. To keep backup data up to date according to generation of business data every day, and to promptly recover from data loss caused by an operation error or the like, or in disaster or the like. Six Reasons Why You Must Keep Your Resume Up-To-Date Rebecca Bosl Forbes Councils Member Forbes Coaches Council COUNCIL POST Expertise from … bring up-to-date. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), keep [get] up to date with the latest fashions例文帳に追加, Keep your virus definitions up-to-date.例文帳に追加, the operation to keep the data up-to-date for a computer system例文帳に追加, Keep running emerge --sync as you have done so far to keep your server up-to-date.例文帳に追加, このサーバーに対して同期するときに、圧縮転送をしようとしないでください。 - Gentoo Linux, The current recommended method to keep your sources up to date is CVSup 16.9.例文帳に追加, ソースコードのアップデートの現在のおすすめの方法は FreeBSDハンドブックの「CVSup」にあります。 - FreeBSD, Many people run cvsup from cron to keep their sources up-to-date automatically.例文帳に追加, 多くの人が cvsup を cronから起動して、自動的にソースコー ドを最新のものに保っています。 - FreeBSD, Every time you get a new delta, just run it through CTM to keep your sources up to date.例文帳に追加, 新しいデルタを入手した時には、ソースを最新のものにするためにそれを CTMに通すだけです。 - FreeBSD, man page says: No-one seems to keep /etc/group up-to-date.例文帳に追加, には次のように書かれている:誰も/etc/groupを最新の状態に保ってはいないようである。 - JM, Many people run cvsup from cron and keep their sources up-to-date automatically.例文帳に追加, With CVSup, FreeBSD users can easily keep their own source trees up to date.例文帳に追加, CVSup を使用することで、FreeBSDユーザは 簡単に自分のソースツリーを最新の状態に しておくことができます。 - FreeBSD, All users should be made aware of your security policy, as well as changes you make to keep it up to date.例文帳に追加, ユーザ全員はポリシーを知っていなければいけませんし、最新に保つための変更点についても同様です。 - Gentoo Linux, You should always specify this, so that CVSup can keep your source tree fully up-to-date.例文帳に追加, CVSup がソースツリーを完全に最新の状態に 保てるようにするためには、これは常に指定しておくべきでしょう。 - FreeBSD, You can keep up to date on NetBeans IDE and interact with the NetBeans community by signing up for NetBeans Mobility Pack project mailing lists at例文帳に追加, で NetBeans Mobility Pack プロジェクトメーリングリストにサインアップすることによって、NetBeans IDE に関する最新情報を入手したり、NetBeans コミュニティーのメンバーと対話したりできます。 - NetBeans, You can keep up to date on NetBeans IDE and interact with the NetBeans community by signing up for NetBeans project mailing lists at例文帳に追加, でNetBeans プロジェクトメーリングリストにサインアップすることによって、NetBeans IDE に関する最新情報を入手したり、NetBeans IDE コミュニティのメンバーと対話したりできます。 - NetBeans, You can also keep up to date on NetBeans IDE and interact with the NetBeans community by signing up for NetBeans project mailing lists at例文帳に追加, で NetBeans プロジェクトメーリングリストにサインアップすることによって、NetBeans IDE に関する最新情報を入手したり、NetBeans コミュニティーのメンバーと対話したりできます。 - NetBeans, You can keep up to date on the the latest developments and interact with the NetBeans community by signing up for NetBeans project mailing lists at例文帳に追加, で NetBeans プロジェクトメーリングリストやフォーラムにサインアップすることによって、開発に関する最新情報を入手したり、NetBeans コミュニティーのメンバーと対話したりできます。 - NetBeans, To keep backup data up to date according to generation of business data every day, and to promptly recover from data loss caused by an operation error or the like, or in disaster or the like.例文帳に追加, 業務データの発生に応じてバックアップデータを日毎に最新状態にできるとともに、操作ミス等によるデータ消失や災害発生時等に復旧を速やかに行えること。 - 特許庁, This section will explain a bit about each and describe how to keep your system up-to-date with each respective tree.例文帳に追加, それは FreeBSD-CURRENT と FreeBSD-STABLEです。 この章ではそれぞれについて簡単に説明し、どのようにしてあなたのシステムを対応するツリーに対して、どうやって常に最新の状態に保つかについて扱います。 - FreeBSD, You should upgrade GCC whenever a new versionfixes some bug that annoys you, new functionality you need is introduced, or if you want to keep your system up-to-date.例文帳に追加, あなたを不愉快にさせるバグが修正されたとき、あなたが必要とする新しい機能が導入されたとき、あるいは、あなたがシステムを最新に保ちたいなら、いつでもGCCをアップグレードすべきです。 - Gentoo Linux, Ideally, you install once and never bother with releases: just follow the instructions in A PortageIntroduction in the Gentoo Handbook that explain how to keep your system up to date.例文帳に追加, 理想としては、あなたは一度だけインストールし、そしてリリースによる苦労をしないことです。 Introduction(日本語訳)やGentooHandbook(日本語訳)の指示に従うだけでよく、どのようにしてあなたのシステムを最新に保つかを説明しています。 - Gentoo Linux, By keeping a current list of version information, you will find it much easier to keep everything up to date if a remote vulnerability is discovered in one of your daemons. 1.c.例文帳に追加, 現時点でのバージョン情報を管理することで、それぞれのデーモンで脆弱性が発見されても、最新に保つことが非常に簡単なことが分かるでしょう。 - Gentoo Linux, PEAR_Info will also display any later versions that are available from PEAR to help keep you up to date.例文帳に追加, また、インストールされているバージョンより新しいバージョンが利用可能な場合は、その情報を表示します。 これにより、最新版への追従を支援します。 - PEAR, PEAR::PackageUpdate gives other packages or applications the ability to automatically keep themselves up-to-date by checking their channel server for the latest release and self-updating with the user's permission.例文帳に追加, PEAR::PackageUpdate を使用すると、他のパッケージやアプリケーションに対して、自分自身を常に最新版に保つようにさせる機能を追加できます。 これは、チャネルサーバに最新のリリースを確認しにいき、利用者の許可のもとで自己更新させる機能です。 - PEAR, Regarding identification data obtained from a customer, whether the business operator constantly strives to keep track of up-to-date customer attributes through ongoing monitoring of transactions with the customer, for example.例文帳に追加, また、顧客から取得した本人確認情報については、顧客取引の継続的なモニタリング等を通じて、その属性の把握に常時努め、最新のものとすることが確保されているか。 - 金融庁, Reading the FreeBSD-CURRENT mailing list and /usr/src/UPDATING will keep you up-to-date on other bootstrapping procedures that sometimes become necessary as we move toward the next release.例文帳に追加, FreeBSD-CURRENT メーリングリスト と /usr/src/UPDATING を読めば、次のリリースへ向けて移ってゆくに当たって時々必要となる既存システムからの新システムの構築手順についての最新情報が得られ るでしょう。 - FreeBSD, Reading the FreeBSD-STABLE mailing list and /usr/src/UPDATING will keep you up-to-date on other bootstrapping procedures that sometimes become necessary as we move toward the next release.例文帳に追加, FreeBSD-STABLE メーリングリスト と /usr/src/UPDATING を読めば、次のリリースへ向けて移ってゆくに当たって時々必要となる既存システムからの新システムの構築手順についての最新情報が得られ るでしょう。 - FreeBSD, You should definitely take a look at the next part of the Gentoo Handbookentitled Working with Gentoo which explains how to keep your software up to date, how to install more software, what USE flags are, how the Gentoo init system works, etc.例文帳に追加, Gentooハンドブックの次の部「Gentooを使いこなす」はぜひとも読んでください。 ソフトウェアを最新の状態に保つ方法、さらに多くのソフトウェアをインストールする方法、USEフラグとは何か、Gentooのinitシステムの動作について、などが書かれています。 - Gentoo Linux, For the power users who develop on several overlays, test packages before they hit the Portage tree or just want to use unofficial ebuilds from various sources, the app-portage/gentoolkit-dev package brings you gensync, a tool to help you keep the overlay repositories up to date.例文帳に追加, いくつかのoverlayで開発を行ったり、Portageツリーを破壊する前にパッケージをテストしたり、または単に様々なソースのunofficialなebuildを使用したりしたいパワーユーザ向けに、app-portage/gentoolkit-devはgensyncを提供します。 これは、overlayリポジトリを最新状態に保つ手助けをしてくれるツールです。 - Gentoo Linux, (5) The Governor-General is to make regulations setting out the English texts of the Budapest Treaty and the PCT as in force for Australia on the commencing day, and afterwards such regulations as are necessary to keep those English texts in an up-to-date form.例文帳に追加, (5) 総督は,本法施行日にオーストラリアに関して効力を有しているブダペスト条約及びPCTについての英語正文を提示する規則を,また,その後,それらの英語正文を最新の内容のものとしておくために必要な規則を制定する。 - 特許庁, (6) The Governor-General may make regulations setting out the English text of a treaty relating to the protection of inventions to which Australia is a party (other than the Budapest Treaty or the PCT), being the English text of the treaty as in force for Australia when the regulations are made, and afterwards such regulations as are necessary to keep that English text in an up-to-date form.例文帳に追加, (6) 総督は,オーストラリアが当事国である発明の保護に関する協定(ブダペスト条約又はPCTを除く)の英語正文を提示する規則を,その規則が制定されるときにオーストラリアに関して効力を有する協定の英語正文の形で制定することができ,また,その後,それらの英語正文を最新の内容のものとしておくために必要な規則を制定することができる。 - 特許庁, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license. この言葉は色々な役立つフレーズになります。. (used without an object) To have or be informed about the most current and accurate information (about something). It is very crucial to update your Ubuntu operating system up to date because it helps to protect your system against potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers or malicious programs. Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 David Merrill. It is said that we live in the technological era in which the most important thing is to keep ourself up-to-date regardless the place in where we live in. Copyright © Japan Patent office. 「keep up to date with something」で「何々で最先端をいく」という意味になります。 I have to bring my residency certificate up to date. To ensure something is the most current version available. modern The building was made using modern construction techniques. Keep up-to-date We have a variety of ways to help you keep up-to-date in your areas of interest, clinical and non-clinical. give details to. Another word for up-to-date. How to keep up to date on Front-end Technologies? Copyright(C) 2021 金融庁 All Rights Reserved. bring up to date. Please keep me up to date regarding the progress of the project. To ensure someone has the most current and accurate information (about something). Keep up the good work of entertaining your fans on court Steffi; we know you can do it; your fans are behind you all the way. All Rights Reserved. With the Microsoft Advertising Health Blog, you can instantly check the health of the Microsoft Advertising platform and support tools using a single intuitive dashboard, and also stay up to date with the status of any We’ll keep you updated with more offers, including discounts on specific sets, as we learn them. Define up-to-date. bring up to speed. We have a number of different channels that you can use to receive our latest news, views, events, consultations and … Hundreds of I don't know where you find the time or money to keep your fashion up to date like that. the straight and narrow, Keep Up the Good Spirit and Whatever You Are Doing. News apps are a rage nowadays to keep a person updated with the world’s news and current affairs. keep (someone or something) up to date 1. up-to-date synonyms, up-to-date pronunciation, up-to-date translation, English dictionary definition of up-to-date. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "How to keep up to date." Keep up-to-date There are many ways to keep up-to-date with our work. … Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2001 - 2008 by the PEAR Documentation Group. All rights reserved. Find the function in Commands > Keep Remote Directory up to Date. Follow this live blog for any travel disruption and also send us… Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Kiesling. (皆さんが英語の発音練習が出来るように、例文を読み上げて、録音しました。. up to date jdn./etw. To ensure someone has the most current and accurate information (about something). In the super-connected world where there … 3. Please keep me up to date regarding the progress of the project. Please keep me up to date regarding the progress of the project. Bulletins and Updates Bulletins are monthly email updates of relevant recent publications. Synonyms for keep up to date with include keep up with, keep abreast of, keep informed about, learn about, keep an eye on, keep in touch with, keep tabs on, not lose track of, keep a tab on and retain an interest in. An important part of our job as front-end developers is keeping up to date and staying close to new tools, trends and workflows. 日本語で英語を説明することが趣味です。. Inside of the social areas of a human being, we can find knowledge, news and arts which are the mainly aspects and make up our culture and current affairs which occur daily. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. up to date The hospital has some of the most up-to-date equipment in the country. Make sure to bookmark our Black Friday UK and/or Black Friday US shopping pages to stay up to date, as each and every deal will be listed there. keep up to date v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." keep up-to-date with 〔最新の情報・状況などを〕常に把握している、〔最新の情報・状況など〕に遅れない... - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 Wörterbuch Englisch → Deutsch: keep up to date Übersetzung 1 - 50 von 29400 >> Englisch Deutsch Suchbegriffe enthalten to keep sth. 1991, Barty-King, Hugh, The worst poverty, Gloucester: Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, pages 85-203 If the Copyright 2001-2010 Gentoo Foundation, Inc. up-to-date in Evidenz halten [österr.] Discover this Collection: Keep Up To Date, 80 Best Free Graphics Handpicked by Freepik staff Image of pensive intelligent sweet curly haired girl, … keep up to date v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 「up to date」は「最新」という意味になります。. give information to. explain the situation to. I try to make a point of keeping up to date with news from around the world. Keep up to Date with 2021 Public Holidays in France France observes and celebrates a number of holidays throughout the year, whether religious holidays, seasonal holidays, or national holidays relevant to the history of France. © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. ‘Keep up to date, keep modern – keep up on your toes’ Jack LaLanne Whether you like it or not, keeping your software up to date is a must in 2018. 2. Learn more. Updating Ubuntu OS is an easy process just requiring a few commands or a … Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. by T. Crossfield DOI: 10.7748/NS.3.39.49.S83 Corpus ID: 27997837 How to keep up to date. You may be waking up to a return of snow on our roads and hills in East Lancashire. idiom to keep sb./sth. Keep Up To Date The Brewery History Concierge and Security Brewery Square Retailers Map FAQ How To Find Us Get To Brewery Square Brewery Square By Car Brewery Square By … Note that you will be warned … 「up to date」の意味 gooIDでログインするとブックマーク機能がご利用いただけます。 保存しておきたい言葉を200件まで登録できます。 Keep up to date The Library Service helps keep you up to date in your professional field. The Options dialog will appear. To Technology. ) copyright © 2001 - 2008 by the PEAR Documentation Group have or be about! Can use command-line parameter /keepuptodate to quickly open options dialog have or be informed about the current. Our job as Front-end developers is keeping up to date like that Co., All.: an up-to-date timetable semantic Scholar extracted view of `` How to keep up to date. pronunciation, pronunciation... Function in Commands > keep Remote Directory up to date 1 alerting Service ), and other data! 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