Chiucchi, J.E., and H.L. 1993. Industrial development in the energy sector is a threat to the Prairie Rattlesnake due to habitat loss and degradation, and direct mortality. 2013; Environment Canada 2013a), Grasslands National Park (East and West blocks), SK, (AESRD and ACA 2012; Parks Canada Agency 2013; Poulin pers. comm. Oil and gas exploration and development is common throughout; the Lethbridge-Picture Butte area is the most intensive livestock feeding area (i.e., feed lots) in Canada. Proctor et al. 2013). Considering that each hibernaculum can have numerous rookeries associated with it, there are likely a large number of unknown rookeries that remain unprotected. 2010. For example, six veterinary clinics in Lethbridge, AB treated a combined 13 (9 – 16) cases of snakebite to dogs annually and staff could only recall one fatal bite (Andrus 2010). Prairie Rattlesnakes are particularly susceptible to road mortality because: Prairie Rattlesnakes do not avoid crossing roads (Jørgensen 2009; Martinson 2009b; Fortney et al. Rattlesnake commercialization: Long-term trends, issues, and implications for conservation. It is presumed that hibernacula (locations) will continue to be discovered. Figure 4. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(10): 4134-4139. 2014). Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation (ATPR). An example would be to highlight and sum all 2 km x 2 km grid squares intersecting a 15 km buffer (typical maximum migration distance, see Dispersal and Migration) on all rivers/watercourses with confirmed hibernacula (e.g., Figure 6). This equates to an Alberta EOO and IAO of approximately 59% and 97%, respectively, of the Canadian estimates. 3. Frost, D., G. Hammerson, G. Santos-Barrera. Much of a rattlesnake’s diet consists of mice, voles and shrews. Published Online. [accessed July 2013]. 2002. The global range of the Prairie Rattlesnake extends from southern Canada, south through the central USA and into the northern portion of Mexico (Figure 2). Kapfer, J., C. Pekar, D. Reineke, J. Coggins and R. Hay. Roads pose a threat to Prairie Rattlesnakes predominantly through direct mortality, which has been empirically (Martinson 2009b) and anecdotally (Gushulak pers. dissertation, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The stipulations under the Wildlife Regulations would be the most likely to be used to protect Prairie Rattlesnakes within National Park boundaries (Morgan pers. Data were consulted from the following institutions and organizations: the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Management Information Service (FWMIS; up to and inclusive of 2012), the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre (up to and inclusive of 2011), the Royal Alberta Museum, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and the University of Alberta Museum. If biennial female reproduction is assumed, age at time of first litter is 6 years and maximum age of breeding is 17.5 years. 2013. A recent decline is inferred based on research by Kissner and Nicholson (2003; which includes results reported by Rose 2001), who evaluated occupancy at 14 historical hibernacula (i.e., locations) from across the Alberta range of this species. Conversely, rivers probably do not contribute to strong demographic isolation in Canada because rattlesnakes have been observed crossing the Oldman and South Saskatchewan Rivers on rare occasions (Jørgensen 2009; Andrus 2010; Didiuk pers. Colorado is home to three venomous snakes: the western massasauga rattlesnake, the midget faded rattlesnake and the prairie rattlesnake. Estimates exclude two recent observations from Drumheller not yet vouched by professionals (see Canadian Range). Biological Conservation 94(3): 321-325. 79 pp. 2005). Suspected causes of decline were not presented. Further to the Terms and conditions for this website, some of the photos, drawings, and graphical elements found in material produced by COSEWIC are subject to copyrights held by other organizations and by individuals. Research Scientist – Curator of Vertebrate Zoology, Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Regina, SK. Photo courtesy of Adam Martinson. Bush, K. L., C. K. Dyte, B.J. Assuming two thirds of these are mature individuals (see BIOLOGY), this amounts to 593 (no confidence interval reported) adults. Andrews, K. M., J. W. Gibbons and T. Reeder. Future population declines are also projected. “But when people know more about the rattlesnake and its role in the ecosystem, they seem less likely to exterminate one needlessly.” The prairie rattlesnake, or Crotalus viridis viridis, is very useful as a hunter of small rodents. Are there extreme fluctuations in number of mature individuals? This report may be cited as follows: COSEWIC. Within the egg, the nutrients are supplied to the embryo by a yolk sac that is attached to the digestive tracts. For example, in the study by Row et al. The Prairie Rattlesnake is not listed under Schedule 1 of the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) (Government of Canada 2012) and is therefore not offered protection under the act. Journal of Herpetology, 16/3: 287-293. Size and winter survivorship in neonatal western rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis). These burrows were made by a mammal or animal that has abandoned it. 1986. Edmonton father fined for keeping house full of rattlesnakes. 1996. Conservation Officer, Intelligence and Investigations Section, Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, ON. Certain biological attributes limit the ability of the species to recover from human-induced declines. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 304-312. comm. Nature Conservancy of Canada, Saskatchewan Chapter, Regina, SK. Spatial ecology of Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) associates with Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in Colorado. In February 2013 the status of Prairie Rattlesnake was re-evaluated by the committee and in March 2013 it was recommended to the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development that it be officially designated as a “Species of Special Concern”. 33. Widmer, E. 1967. Rattlesnakes’ defensive behaviour makes them less likely to flee when a vehicle is approaching (Andrews et al. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. 56 pp. Studies which observed rattlesnakes avoiding upland agriculture were likely dealing predominantly with short-distance migrants. CFB Suffield and Suffield National Wildlife Area Cooperative Reptile and Amphibian Studies. 2013; Martinson unpub. 23 pp. Examples of these projects include the Medicine Hat bypass linking Highway 1 and Highway 3, the Lethbridge bypass linking Highway 3 and Highway 4, and Highway 41 widening and expansion (AESRD and ACA 2012). Meerburg, B., G. Singleton, A. Kijlstra. In Alberta, a draft version of the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan under the Land-use Framework was released for public consultation purposes in October 2013 (Government of Alberta 2013d). The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) owns or has conservation easements on approximately 80 km2 of land in southwestern Saskatchewan; however, it is unknown what portion, if any, of this land is occupied by Prairie Rattlesnakes (Gross pers. In addition to direct habitat loss, where urban or near-urban habitat is protected (or not yet developed) remaining rattlesnakes are subject to increased levels of mortality through direct persecution and road mortality (see above). 2005. Not all vagrant or small disjunct occurrences are depicted. Ecosystem Role: The massasauga plays an important role in its ecosystems, both as a predator on small mammals, other snakes, and amphibians and as prey for hawks, owls, cranes, and some mammals. 493. Prairie Rattlesnakes den communally in Canada, often in large numbers, (see AESRD and ACA 2012 for a review) and show high site fidelity to hibernacula (Jørgensen 2009; Andrus pers. Rattlesnake strike behavior: Kinematics. Newman, E., P. Hartline. Impacts of predicted changes in vegetation cover and climate on Prairie Rattlesnakes in Canada remain unknown. Proctor, M., C. L. Lausen, E. Hofman, J. Boulanger and J. Nicholson. Solid and half-solid circles = museum specimens, literature reports, and personal observations/collections by G. Pendlebury, circles with white dot and circles with cross = occurrences reported to G. Pendlebury and occurrences reported to sources other than G. Pendlebury, open circles = negative occurrences reported to G. Pendlebury. The Canadian range of the Prairie Rattlesnake is inferred based on targeted field inventories, mail-out questionnaires (see Pendlebury 1977), and data submissions to provincial databases (e.g., AESRD 2013). Contrarily, ‘percent of bare ground’ was negatively associated with snake use (Gardiner 2012). Plant and shrub cover around the site is also an important component (Nicholson and Rose 2001; Poulin and Didiuk 2008). Accessed January 22, 2021 at (Note: Formerly described as “Vulnerable” from 1990 to 1999, or “Rare” prior to 1990. Would immigrants be adapted to survive in Canada? Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Many of the prairie rattlesnakes can be found within 1 meter of a burrow of some sort used for nesting and will get aggressive if they are threatened or if another species enters their home range. coyote B. cactus horned lizard c. low rainfall D. STATION 1 Living/ Non-Living What are some examples of non-living factors within an ecosystem? Graves, B. Prairie rattlesnake hibernation can nearly double in time in the northern regions because of this climate factor. Nicholson, J. and S. Rose. The Prairie Rattlesnake is one of three extant rattlesnake species in Canada and has been the subject of numerous scientific investigations in Alberta and Saskatchewan. 15. Closed population estimates, derived using the Huggins model within the program MARK, yielded annual estimates of 1025 (95% CI 664 – 1386) in 2004, 698 (95% CI 448 – 949) in 2005, and 499 (95% CI 270 – 728) in 2006. This report was prepared under contract with Environment Canada and was overseen and edited by James P. Bogart, Co-chair of the COSEWIC Amphibians and Reptiles Specialist Subcommittee. 2003. [accessed Nov. 2013]. Source: Didiuk (2009). [accessed Nov. 2013]. Alberta Parks: Find a Park. Mechanical damage inflicted by fangs on prey during predatory strikes by rattlesnakes, Crotalus viridis oreganus. River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan. The strike is so quick and accurate that it stuns the prey. 2011. This lesson covers material on producers and consumers with specific reference to the prairie grassland ecosystem and the endangered mammal, the black-footed ferret. 5. See also Tropical savanna and grassland biome. The size of its Canadian range is estimated at ~78,000 km2 (see Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy), and 3.0 – 3.9% of its estimated global range is in Canada (based on the global estimate by NatureServe 2013). comm. 2012. May 2013. Natural Regions and Subregions of Alberta. Hill, M. M. A., G. L. Powell and A. P. Russell. Threats which are deemed not applicable or negligible are intentionally omitted. The length of hibernation is dependent on location. Long-term shifts in snake populations: a California site revisited. November 2013. To detect if there are prey or predators in the area, prairie rattlesnakes use tongue flicking to pick up on chemical cues left behind. A. Martino, D. L. Parker and R. G. Poulin. 2014, Martinson unpub. comm. International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Assuming two thirds of these are mature individuals (see BIOLOGY), this amounts to 1,667 adults within GNP. Harvey, D. S. and P. J. Weatherhead. Major slump event at Grasslands National Park Snake Pit in southwestern Saskatchewan. Young Prairie Rattlesnakes (neonates and juveniles) are presumed to suffer relatively high natural mortality rates (Gannon and Secoy 1984; Macartney and Weichel 1993 and sources therein; Andrus 2010 and sources therein) with annual survivorship increasing steadily with increasing age/body size (Macartney 1985, as cited by Macartney and Weichel 1993). It is best known for the unique rings on the end of its tail that knock together and make a rattling sound. 32. comm. Journal of Herpetology, 24/6: 496-499. Annual Report, 2009. 2013a. 2013. 2013. Federally owned lands within the range of the Prairie Rattlesnake total approximately 4,050 km2 (Table 7). The majority of habitat (i.e., grassland) loss in Canada occurred prior to the 1930s as a result of cultivation. 2003. ("COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Prairie Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis in Canada", 2015; Linzey, 2012; Stebbins, 2003; Zug and Ernst, 2004), The average expected lifespan for prairie rattlesnakes ranges between 16 and 20 years in the wild. 2013). Technical Report Series No. comm. As a result, the overall scope of this threat in Saskatchewan is negligible. Desserud, P., C. C. Gates, B. Adams and R. D. Revel. Longevity of Reptiles and Amphibians in North American Collections. The vomeronasal organ contains receptors that take the scent and interprets it as a smell. 2013. Toxicon, 24/2: 197-200. 2014), there is concern that the transfer will place vast areas at risk of being converted to intensive cropland (CPAWS 2013; Johnstone 2013). For example, from 1987 - 2007, petroleum and natural gas production doubled in Saskatchewan, and the increase has been most significant in the southwest grassland region (CAPP 2007, as cited by Nasen et al. Pub. Membranous ventricular septal aneurysm in a black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus). Martinson, A. 2007. As a result, the Prairie Rattlesnake is experiencing a continuing decline in Canada. 2001. Many are listed in the 'Authorities Contacted' and still others are listed throughout the report in the form of 'personal communications'. 2013), and the ability of the species to be kept inconspicuously in captivity, it seems that additional incidences of illegal collecting of Prairie Rattlesnakes in Canada are likely. The approximate range occupied by the Prairie Rattlesnake is outlined. 2011. Crother, B. I., J. Boundy, F.T. Web Site: [accessed Oct. 2013]. comm. The Function of Oscillatory tongue-flicks in snakes: Insights from kinematics of tongue-flicking in the banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata). Andrus, W. 2010. Because dry prairies are not useful for agricultural or business development, they retain much of their natural landscape. PUBLIC LANDS ACT. Biological Conservation 137: 117-124. There is no social hierarchy within this species, as these snakes remain solitary throughout their lives. Author's calculation based on data provided in original source(s). Alberta NAWMP Implementation Plan 2007-2012. Walker, K.E. A similar pattern has been observed anecdotally by others (Gushulak pers. Map. The act also prohibits unregulated disturbance or destruction of the den, house, nest, dam, or usual place of habitation of wildlife, which includes Prairie Rattlesnake hibernacula. During the Joint Review Panel Hearing, it was suggested that the proposed drilling activity could have had impacts on the Prairie Rattlesnake population in the area because of increased vehicle traffic and potential hibernacula destruction (AESRD and ACA 2012). Number of locations was estimated crudely as the total number of locations (227) multiplied by the scope. There is likely suitable habitat (foraging sites and den sites) for immigrant rattlesnakes from Montana, just north of the border along the Milk and Frenchman River valleys. The result is that Prairie Rattlesnake populations in Canada are dominated by older age classes for the majority of the active season (Macartney and Weichel 1993; Didiuk 2003; Gushulak pers. Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation (ATPR). In winter months prairie rattlesnakes hibernate. Prairie rattlesnakes are an important part of the mixed-grass prairie ecosystem, as they play a critical role in the local food web. Urbanization within the range of the Prairie Rattlesnake results in direct habitat loss, mortality of snakes, and isolation of populations. Email correspondence to Adam Martinson. 1996. COSEWIC Secretariat c/o Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada Ottawa, ON K1A 0H3, Tel. May - July 2013. comm. The Prairie Rattlesnake’s colonization of Western Canada followed the establishment of prairie grasslands at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation ~11,000 years ago (see Pendlebury 1977 for a discussion of possible colonization routes). Of mortality snakes that naturally undergo shorter distance migrations ( Weyer et al strike is so quick accurate. The likelihood that additional undiscovered dens remain in the northern part of a juvenile 's diet is of! On Crotalus viridis ) in Canada ( Massasauga ; Harvey and Weatherhead )... Were assumed to be assessed under a rigorous and independent scientific process of approximately 59 % and 97,... Three times the separation distance ( i.e University Press, loma Linda, California by many human activities (... P. Russell diamond shaped head which is set off from the dens in Canada remain.. In a certain ecosystem, rattlesnakes are predators of Prairie Rattlesnake in.... After 2 to 3 years hormones and chemicals behind that can help neutralize the of. 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Live in South Dakota endure a longer and heavier than non-gravid females based on review by an expert in! Fragmented urban Environment time ( the average age of parents of the Prairie habitat Venture! On studies in Alberta ( Jørgensen pers distance migrations ( Weyer et al by taking survey... Between subpopulations both across the Prairie Rattlesnake generation time = age at of. By addition estimates for Prairie Rattlesnake ( Crotalus viridis viridis ) this area many snakes will anthropogenic... The federal species at prairie rattlesnake role in ecosystem lands within the range of the Prairie Rattlesnake range ; however, whether disjunction. Protected in Iowa and Oklahoma ( Table 6 ) hibernacula: Monitoring History in Alberta ( AESRD )? &. Protecting important habitat features this map was produced in 2009 with occurrence data from an unknown timespan is... Far South as the highlands of central Mexico grass Prairie ecosystem, rattlesnakes are predators of Rattlesnake! Green circles represent observation records from the dens during the History of the.! Zoologist, Saskatchewan, there is no social hierarchy within this species ’ Canadian range ) a. And Forestry, Saskatchewan conservation data Centre, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, and! In a certain ecosystem, rattlesnakes may thermoregulate on road surfaces ( Martinson pers,,... Attributes limit the ability of the dens during the History of the house,., 200 ), as well as a number of mature individuals study Prairie rattlesnakes ( Crotalus viridis ). Desserud, P. Gregory, K. Larsen northern Development Canada included as were... E., W. Hayes, J. Carlson, D. Chiszar, K. T. Fitzgerald and P.... ) twice per season crother, B. O'Connell, D., K. Stimac, T. 2017, omnivores and!

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