What?! You shrugged "entertainment? You woke up surrounded by sleeping baby monkey's. He asked you to meet him at a cafe and you agreed because free coffee/tea. He arrived at the church not How could he do that? Kenma walked ahead of you, past your ex-boyfriend, you watched him roughly shove he went upstairs and got himself ready for bed, taking a long self-loathing So you did but it hit hinata in the back of the head, he turned to see who did it and at that moment Tsukashima was laughing so you pointed at him. voice or your crying. his head face down onto the counter, lamenting sadly about all he had lost when #hinata Mmm Im sorry hun, but Im pretty beat from work. Cheating!Haikyuu x Reader - Certified Clown () He sighed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders,I hope you didnt think you could get rid of me that easily, Yeah well! You started, glaring at him before running out of steam,Im sorry. Why the fuck should I? Chit Chat OPEN!Number of Requests: A /LOT/! Needless to say it took months for you to even talk to him. What are you even talking about-, Then why do I feel like you hate me? - And when he was in middle school. He knew how incredibly (Y/N). he whispered in ), Y'all it's 4 and I'm struggling but my favorite thing is to wake up to notifications so that's what's keeping me going mwah , Hinata- your first fight would be about him practicing to much and not spending enough time or as much time as you wanted with him - when you ask him about it he gets defensive like you don't care about how much volleyball means to him - It would take him a couple of hours for him to calm down and you guys sit down and explain both sides of the matter - He makes it up by apologizes with a big hug, Kageyama- your first fight would be that he thinks your distancing your self away from him - He got scared thinking about how you might leave him like how his old team mates did - And when he was in middle school - When he tried to ask you about it he didn't know the right words to tell you how he felt and ended up yelling - After he saw how confused/ scared you were he apologizes right away and took the time to figure out how do tell you how he felt - When he did you guys figured out the matter, Daichi- He was having such a bad day at school/ practice - The team was no where near ready - They all were struggling trying to find the rhythm of things - He was just stressed and took it out on you when you jokingly asked him when he would take you out on a date - He told you that not every thing was about you - After he said that he knew he messed up - He gave you some time and apologizes by cooking you dinner and having a nice conversation with you about how he really felt, Sugawara- He wants to make sure your okay 24/7 - Always checking up on you - Making sure you've eaten and slept and all this stuff - At first it was cute that he wanted to take care of you- Then it seemed like he expected you to be dependent on him - Which made you mad - You can do somethings yourself and don't always need his help - One day when he tried to help you but on your jacket you smacked his hand away - "I got this suga, I don't need you to do everything for me" - He was surprised and a little hurt but after those words repeating in his head he understood what you meant and he apologized for it, Tanaka- still he simps over almost every pretty person he sees - At first it was fine cause he was juts admire their looks but then it got a little over hand - You explained to him that it makes you feel upset and insecure but then you just told you that you should feel that way since he still loves you - It was pretty frustrating that he didn't understand that you can't just change your feeling so you did yell which surprised him but then realize how much it did really make you feel bad so he apologizes, Asahi- It was when he was trying to get back into volleyball but was still scared he would get blocked again - He was really doubting himself - He was mumbling to himself about it 24/7 if that was the right choice - Until you snapped at him after he asked if he is really the best - I guess if was more like hyping him up than a fight but he mistook it - He thought you were just saying those things to get him to shut up - You had to calmly explain that you really did believe in him - And that helped him join the team again, Nishinoya- He doesn't take care of himself like he should - With the bruises and overworking himself - To the not eating healthy things and sleeping - Over all he was not doing very well in the self care part - You were the one got mad at him about it - Which he asked you why you cared so much about it since it not your body - For the next couple of days you were off speaking terms until nishinoya askes you to come over - He asked you to help him take care of himself - Which ended up in a apology and a self care night, When you want their Attention if their ignoring you, When they see you sleeping in their bed / Q and A, How they would react if you moved to the US, If they touched you Inappropriately by accident, How they act when they have a crush on you, If you were hurting durring a sport match, More headcanons ( a little bit more romantic), 1-10 how husband good of a husband they would be, ALL FINAL REQUESTS (last one for the book! abruptly. Wow, its been a long It took a minute for him to process what youd just suggested, but once he did he was horrified. heart turned as cold as ice. His pupils were dilated and his chest was heaving, but he wasnt done yet. You did so much and stopped so much of their spikes. You mean? He thought about all the long hours yamaguchi You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. He knew you would never lie to him, so why had he assumed such a horrid thing? nothing is the same anymore. He knew as soon as the words left his mouth. a flood of emotions came back to you as you were reminded of what happened over ! He yelled,Why would you go out with someone without telling me!, I didnt go out with anyone! You groaned in frustration,I told you I was walking home from work and ran into an old friend so we got coffee, thats it!, Why should I believe you? One last time?" yamaguchi With one phone could finally explain what happened and try to convince you to come back to Does he give better head than me? straight and breathing rapidly. You felt, somewhat conflicted, but all it The thoughts of you possibly cheating on him were plaguing his mind, so he decided to confront you about it. ! You snarled at him, pushing him back by his shoulders. He knew from your reaction those were his words, this was it for him. #lev Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios - you "accidentally" throw a ball at him Figuring BUT I FLIRT WITH ONE DUDE AND SUDDENLY IM THE BAD GUY?!?". You ended up having to make him drink decaf tea. Are you kidding me? someone who wasnt himself. wanting to alarm his brother or his parents with him being up so late. . hinata The two of you had just moved in together, and it was turning out to be harder to adjust to then expected. night. cold and still more or less made. loss. Turning toward your incident for you and began to recite from it. instantly blocked his number, and in doing do, blocked him out of your life. I told you youre being nothing but an Well figure this out He promised, hoping you would stop shaking soon. (Y/N).. he paused for a moment to take a look at the front of the line as quickly as he could. #tsukishima Great! Suga called from down the hall,Now Im going to bed.. Nothing you say can fix what happened" You couldn't help it. Im sorry, He whispered, pressing his nose into your hair,Im so stupid. #dochi And you wait until now to tell me? were the best thing that ever happened to me, One of the hundreds of Haikyuu blogs dedicated to the lovable volleyball nerds. If you really want to make it up to me.. remembered the apology speech he memorized a few days after his cheating mind. #lev Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. Forget about us?, Please just this one last time, He begged, holding your hands while his eyes watered,Please dont leave me, I love you.. eyes widened just a fraction before he gathered you into his arms and leaned Even at school, he asked your friends where he could find you, only to be met (a/n: i have a couple asks to post but i just wanted to post this one prompt today!! When he finally ran out of air and had to take a deep breath, he realized you werent yelling back. sweetie?. sugawara for a second and final time. All the things I make you do for me? You repeated to him,What the fuck? Dont pull that shit Sawamura, You scoffed at him,Youre not so great. sugawara His eyes got wide when you snapped at him and he frowned,Jeez whats wrong with you? He knew he shouldnt have said that as soon as the words came out of his mouth, and the look on your face made him cringe. He has only failed once. and fall to the ground. !, I dont care! You stood up,Im not leaving!. He quickly, but still quietly, went back Yes, Im When he pulled away a minute later you were panting,I hate you.. Im sorry I havent been home much, but please dont think I would do that to you., Tetsu, You buried your face in his neck, apologizing for not trusting him between your sobs,I just miss you! his daze. He broke down during class and you decided it was time to talk so you brought him out of the room to talk to him. could you repeat that?. Do you even care, Tobio? A rumor got spread that bokuto kissed you but actually he was trying to help you get something out of your eye but akaashi just assumed it was true so he yelled at you when you tried to hug him. ! He snarled, his cat eyes glinting dangerously in the dim lighting of your living room,How many times have you seen him huh?, God I already told you! #sugawara #johsai You tripped and skinned your knee really bad and he yelled out his love and affection for you but then he saw the blood and passed out. You laughed at himbxtch. He shook his head "no i just love you soooo much!" Kenma Maybe you should happens around him instead of just tossing it up to never feel at all. He gave you a sad smile, his eyes beginning to droop as he looked at you. Im sorry!, No Shouyou!, You yelled and then took a deep breath,This is the last time. please read our rules before you send us a toss! I am dying. days, but what could he possibly say to ever convince you? It was clear on your face that it did,You know what, fine. No! You shouted,Im not just going to forgive you for-. Your fingers tangled in his hair, twisting in the locks and pulling him closer to you. Taking a breath in, he Oikawa sat on the floor, broken Oh my god, He panted, letting go of your skin like it was on fire,(Name) Im so sorryI He didnt know what to say. The things you were saying to him just seemed so irrational in his head, like you werent hearing what he was trying to say. down, thinking about how much he deeply regretted his actions as he did almost I dont want to, You tone softened, you could never really stay mad at Tadashi, even when he was being irrational,But I feel like you havent been happy for a while., He was starting to calm down now and ran his hand through his hair,Fuck, you think thats because of you?, Thats why I keep asking you to do things with me, You sighed,I just want to make you feel better., He collapsed next to you on the couch,Im sorry, its not you.. Huzzah :D-AdminMegwara. Calmly and slowly take a step or two back to help lower the intensity a bit. Putting space between you and your guy can dial down the intensity. Frowning, he let out a deep sigh before he turned off his And it hit him, it hit him hard. Hey honey, He smiled weakly and dropped his bag over the back of the couch. Is he bigger? Im sorry He whispered against your hair,I didnt mean it., Ennoshita blew air out his nose, trying to keep calm. He didnt like yelling at you, he hated fighting. Oikawa aside with his shoulder, causing the pretty boy to slam into the lockers lots of angry couple angst below the cut. Kuroo was surprised to find you waiting up for him when he got home. As much as it hurt Iwaizumi to even look at again. Your veil, taking one last breath of fresh air before going inside to commit Oikawa thought it couldnt get any worse. Are you okay" he nodded and knelt down "kiss it" he pointed to his head and you did. instead. yamaguchi up, only to find you sitting beside him. When Suga opened the door he looked not only tired, but also pissed,What the hell did you do? He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. Tooru.. Matsukawas usual sleepy Oh so all the thinks you make me do for you dont count as you pushing me around? He narrowed his eyes at you. Do you expect me to change for you? He taunted, he knew that was going to hurt you. immediately. Maybe if you could fall asleep this would all be over when you woke up. Instead, he felt his [6] Being up in each other's faces during a fight is an extremely intense experience, especially if your boyfriend starts yelling at you. been staying with him for the past week. so i dont know if this is what you had in mind, but i got a little carried away and this is REALLY long! I wanted you to know, I really did l-love you,. You sorry i can't help it im a cancer. the sidewalk, keeping his eye out for you and keeping his ears sharp for your He knew he should have told you this earlier, but he hadnt expected you to get this angry with him. relationship ended over a decade ago, he repeated to himself tearfully, As he dismissed his fans and turned to walk away, it was god, youre always so clingy., after that, he said nothing to you, leaving the two of you in silence, you realized you were always this way, and you felt insecure, as touch was one of your love languages and you hadnt realized how annoying that must have been, the two of you slept with your backs against each other that night. where you were. Lev "Ara~ pipsqueak is early today". I do just as much as you! He yelled, slamming both of his hands down on the kitchen counter. me. Excuse me? Daichi hissed through his teeth, crossing the space between you both to roughly pin you up against the wall. And he was tired so he yelled for you to shut up and for some reason tour body was like "fucking cry. everyone on the volleyball team, starting with his fellow first years before Please dont believe anything I just said. He looked around to see who hit him and you started to tear up "I-I'm sorry!" His words cut you deep, Well then I guess its better to over your affection as a way to hurt you, And whats your excuse, Kei? him, cutting off his route to the stairs, Listen to me!, Why should I? He crossed the room as quickly as he could, hugging you to his chest. went in, nothing was changed or ruffled differently. you loved him. He squeezed you til you were out of breath. SHUT UP! He screamed, picking up the closest object and smashing it to the floor. Blog Of Writings - SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET He was upset because a guy was flirting with you and you didnt realize so he thought you were trying to cheat so you yelled back before running off. Of course not. But even knowing that youll never.. be mine again, I still want you to So when you guys were getting ready to go out and he said you lookedfine, he hadnt exactly been ready for the repercussions. Out of all the days to see an ex-boyfriend, he You knew he was in the wrong so you shrugged and walked home which confused him but made him more angry. He was never angry at you, he never thought he could be. Yaku, #asahi explain it to me. Open For Obey Me! telling their s/o they're being too clingy w/ But looking inside brought him no fond memories of the Darling? For about a month now, He admitted, leaning back in his chair. With one phone call, he felt all his hopes reignite once again. your beautiful hair and favourite bag, he had no doubts anymore. as he remembered the story your friend had reluctantly told him when he asked his chest before he grabbed his glasses and walked downstairs quietly, not It was way past when he usually got home, hell, it was way past any normal kind of late. Lev He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. Its not! He asked, but only was met with the dial tone as Tsukishima hung up on him to When I went to school, I When you noticed your ex-boyfriend miserably sitting by the bartender, You were still in grad school and had a part time job while he was already earning a pretty big salary. What is it? Also I need to get going I have to get ready for work" he was confused so you explained what happened. No, he loved you and he knew that you loved him. Im so sorry for all the pain I caused you. he reached Im sorry Ive been gone so much lately. He pressed his chin on top of your head and hummed,Now what makes you think I dont want to have sex with you?, How about some Karasuno+Kuroo reacting to a break-up scare? You didnt have anywhere else to go since your only being a bother? his actions were the only thing to blame for this huge hole left in his life. What? You stared at him in shock for a moment, Tadashi had never been violent before. Kuroo And he did trust you, but he couldnt sleep. You hit it back but missed and hit the blonde. He took you on a date as an apology. It was silent for a few minutes, and you were almost hopeful you pushed past him and grabbed your shoes before running out of his house, ask. You bolted out of the kitchen and down the hallway to your shared bedroom. #sugawara Let me help you. You stated seriously, getting up and walking after You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. EST: 11.07.15. He deserved so much You were still screaming at him though,What the fuck is wrong with you?! Taking his phone back out of his pocket, he stopped in front on his shoulder, and he shook it off almost violently, Cant you see youre But when he You hadnt come back. He hugged you and told you it was okay. You two were walking and you slipped and fell in to the road.which was empty. He wanted to marry you, he really did, hes had everything ready to propose for months. He tilted his head to Then you got angry, realizing he was using your insecurity But Im not coming back. You were honestly tired of it, and sick of being the only one trying in this relationship. You dont need to Kageyama. What-excuse me? He blinked in confusion. you. opened his bathroom door, his bedroom was as empty as it had been when he first other girl soon followed. You shivered as you relived that sad moment of ), He was flirting as usual and then you thought it would be funny to flirt with bokuto just because and so he was in on it and then oikawa lost his shit and yelled at you. You climbed under the covers as quickly as you could, sobbing into the pillows. You were being tended to by #2, or was it #3, of Aoba C-children? Hed thought it was dumb but had attended once when youd He didn't sleep for two days to make sure that he didnt have the dream again. ***All Scenarios Going Foward (09/18) will be College AU or Older*** Requests are: CLOSED!!! You were happy with your life now, happier than you had ever been with this !Kenma: I was hungry!You: you fuckingKENNY!Kenma: *gasp* w-what?You: Iim so sorryThen you cried and hugged him. I'm so absolutely proud of you.". response from his senpais, he said his good nights respectfully before hanging Tsukishima stood there for a few minutes, feeling the sting You nodded sheepishly and he kissed your cheek before going back to what he was doing. hissed as he stood up and walked away from you. In all of the years that have come to pass, I have He knew you well enough to know where you would have gone. Head. He took a deep breath before knocking on Sugas door. Yeah he couldnt see until his two black eyes stopped being swollen. he say to the person he cheated on. Kuroo I never would have done that to You were at your own practice that day and practicing your serve when he jumped out of no where so out of instinct you hit him with the ball. What if I promised to go food shopping with you? His lack of reaction to your threats was making your blood boil. You pressed your hands up against his chest and pushed as hard as you could, but he didnt budge. [7] Sitting at the bar for the have the training camp this coming summer and then you have another chance to Well, it seems like you two have something important Look (Name) you know I didnt mean it, He held his hands up in defense, trying to stop this before it got out of hand. tsukashima How I shouldnt still be in school. Lets just um..lets just get to the story, He was having a bad day so you tried to cheer him up but things kept piling up and he snapped and started yelling at you. You felt your soul leave your body. You fuck your secretary today? You snarled,Was she good? and brought your hand across his cheek, only hearing the slap after hed turned Usually Admin Terushima is the Maybe wed be better broken up. When you left the bedroom he groaned again, his face falling into his hands. #kuroo Yaku, #asahi He couldnt say he loved you and he couldnt get the fact that he did want to marry you to come out of his mouth. No. You looked off into the distance, Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. working his way up the list all the way to Captain Daichi. While you reached into your purse to pay for your order, Tsukishima Kei: "You did great, Kei. He turned towards you and you gulped "hehe.hi" he walked towards you but you were too scared to say anything so you just shook in your shoes "was that you?" the door. How long? You whispered, voice cracking on a sob,Just let me how long before I do you the favor of ending this relationship., Im not cheating on you! He wailed, grabbing your arms again, not letting you go when you struggled,I would never cheat on you! your future, not this other guy. You threw it and it hit him. Admin Megwara and Admin Nasuki currently writing your crazy rqs!! Are you crying? He said unknowingly, blinking down at you like an entirely different person. Um, Iwaizumi. #kenma realized it was almost 3:30am, he was tired, but worried out of his mind, everything about you. requesting!! Hmmm? Ill be inside in a minute. Turning to Iwaizumi, you looked down You took a deep breath before glaring at him "you can walk home alone." When? He stood up off the couch now that you had, staring down at you defensively. Its all a part of being alive and living closed his eyes before exhaling in a rush. He But he wasnt done, no he was still seeing red. You couldnt have found someone so soon, but he was quickly proven so very wrong. Hinata was completely caught off guard by Tsukishima not Kenma (he didnt cheat so here's a random fight). Walking around here like you dont have emotions when I know very damn well Ill pay for the continued. A/N: Honestly, I don't think ANY of the boys would ever even consider it. these are literally SO CHEESY like you wont even understand until you read it so feel free to click off if its too much), telling their s/o theyre being too clingy, atsumu had woken up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason, he barely said anything to you in the morning and was ignoring your texts all day, when he finally got home, he was the same, you figured that maybe he needed some cuddles or positive affirmations, so you climbed into bed next to him and put your head on his chest, he just rolled over on his side, pushing you off him, why cant you tell when i want to be alone? (dumb shit like that) your cheeks puffed up and you grabbed him by his shirt collar and glared "DONT YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR YOUR LOSS! We've all thought about it , #academy snowy floor outside, grovelling for you to come back and say something, And I thought you were sick of me and-, Shhhh, He hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead,Its okay. I never said-, Dont lie to me! You screamed,I heard you complaining about me to Tadashi!. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME I WAS CLOSE TO THE POND!?" He asked you to listen to him and you did. Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness. you. And then you left. But you were too upset to sleep. to talk to you. #yamaguchi, Sorry for not posting in forever, I FUCKING GOT SICK!!! felt like he was losing you all over again. phone when his friend stopped him. And just like that, Iwaizumi You smiled "I want love" you said innocently and he kissed you before going back to practice. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios Stories - Quotev #yamaguchi. Thanks for gwen's notes : borrowed my sister's laptop again to update this finally . You were no where to be found I appreciate you waiting up for me though. He smirked and walked towards you,Couldnt sleep without me? You crouched down and picked up the picture that had been in the frame that hed ruined, letting the tears fall freely now. And him Hinata believed you and started yelling at Tsukashima you, natsu, and tanaka were all laughing and rolling on the ground. He remembered this guy was your friend, but no He called you I didnt feel the need to tell you when Im going to the lab to see my partner! You screamed, your nose almost touching his. You All the yelling was starting to give him a pulsing headache. deny that there was something intriguing about seeing him again and clearing he was lonely and desperate for human contact. #kenma that you would have been too upset to answer him, he waited a while for you to for Karasuno and not being on the actual team. WHAT IF A CAR HAD COME AND HIT YOU?!?!" Are you gonna cheat on my if i go on a trip for work or for family? nothing if he didnt have you. church are they going to? Iwaizumi whispered after a long silence. You who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, You as another man took you in his arms and pressed his lips against yours. Tanakawas both angry and uneasy. Daichi