Jokes aside, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed about finding your Lyran Starseed mission right now. This makes you an amazing friend to have, and everyone around you seems to agree! These markings remind us of our true origins in the stars. All of this paints a picture of people who aren't afraid of change and different ways of thinking. This guide will go into everything you need to know about Lyran starseeds, so you can determine if you (or a loved one) might belong to this group. Definetely, I am Lyran. As a Lyran starseed, you might already have vivid dreams, lucid dreams, and/or naturally astral travel in your dreams. Im allergic to cats though but find them interesting, Im guessing the physical body I am using In this World was given to me and not from the true self. Weve already seen several telltale signs that you could be a Lyran starseed. I want to work as an entrepreneur. I have had the sense that I am a very old soul my whole life. Thank you so much for this article! I was told by my guides that I am a Lyran, who also lived in Lemuria. Thank you very much! This is a strong indicator that you are a Lyran starseed, because of the link that you feel to Humans and how strongly you want them to fulfill their potential. A Lyran Starseed pursues their dreams with a passion that may seem almost scary. As their descendants, one of the characteristics of Lyran starseeds is high intelligence. I have a very strong connection to them. It is located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ1) and can be seen at latitudes between +90 and -40. Bastet is a grounding energy. Due to their individuality and self-confidence, they may present their appearance in a unique way and are unlikely to follow trends. They seem to want to keep me stuck with them. Lyran Starseed traits and characteristics include: An older air or appearance. Anyone who spends even a little time with you can clearly tell that youre an honest, reliable, and trustworthy person. 12 Traits and Characteristics of Lyran Starseeds 1. They have been adding intense knowledge to me. Im 36yo and have spent my life looking for myself, and at the stars always felt like an alien but love earth and humanity so much. I relate to all of the characteristics you noted in your article. . If youre a proficient musician, channel your creativity and spirituality into your music and inspire others. Every starseeds mission will ultimately elevate and enlighten humanity. Hello! And yes: in nature, birds are my friends! But now I can put that in perspective to provide a lot easier because of this experience. Lyran starseeds are caring, strong and compassionate. When it comes to your body, you put a lot of effort into taking care of it. You might even consider chaos to be an essential part of your life experience. Ask your guides and ancestors to reveal your purpose to you through divination, meditation, or visionary journeys. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. It costs much less than you might think. A common characteristic of Lyran starseeds is their adaptability. Im a very old soul (I have learned) and have incarnated in so many different star systems that I identify with more than one, which has been confirmed through the specific starseed markings in my astrology chart and channeled readings from a few people of these many different incarnations. Lyran starseeds are known for their healing abilities but must combine this with time alone to reflect and learn from their experiences. You dont want to waste any time on anything that doesnt contribute to your overall health and well-being which is why you pursue activities that are both physically and mentally stimulating. Thank you so much for this article. This symbol represents the Lyrans' side that likes to indulge and enjoy the good things in life. In the Lyran Star system. Lyran Starseeds had a particular look in their original form. In addition, Lyran starseed markings show up on birth charts. Lots of love, nici. If you prefer to sing or dance, let it rip! There is any way we can activate the actual soul, our true nature? Ever since you first heard it, you cant shake the feeling that youve hit upon your truth you might be a Lyran Starseed. It all makes sense now! If you have an interest in anthropology and history, you may be a Lyran starseed. The Lyra constellation is in the shape of a harp, right? Below are 15 signs that you are a Lyran starseed incarnated as a human being: You're adventurous and not fearful of the unknown Lyrans have an adventurous nature which makes them lack the fear of change. You have a healthy skepticism of things you dont know or understand, and an unwavering desire to learn more. Well, enough left to explore, I am a Lyran with characteristics from other Starseeds as well. Why as i was reading this i started to tear up. That is why so many of us Lyrans feel connected to more than one star system. However, remember not every star race is on the physical plane but may be in other dimensions and other planes of existence. I learned a lot from reading this. Its hard not to want to be around Lyran starseeds. This is why I feel Vega was the doorway the Avians came through to populate Lyra. If youre a Lyran starseed, you may be an artist, inventor, or other creator. I connected with someone and they have been talking to me about it. That means that the mission of Lyran starseeds probably isnt to guide the direction of human development anymore. It changed my life. And some believe their souls originate in the Lyran realm. They might conserve some remnants of their original form, but at the end of the day, the body theyll inhabit on Earth is a human one. If so, you just might be a Lyran starseed. You are perfectly capable of taking care of everything you need yourself. This includes validation, protection, and even affection. Looking at your chakras can be another indication that youre a Lyran Starseed. Lyra is a small constellation bordered by Draco, Hercules and Cygnus and contains the bright star Vega. When I discovered about Lyra lion beings I just knew thats where my soul is from. You dont want to miss out on anything that feels good and exciting. Starseeds often distinguish themselves by having particular interests and talents. If anything, theyre here to have a good time and teach humans to loosen up in the process. If things change and they need to pivot at the last minute, they can do it with flair. You might notice that your lowest two chakras are particularly strong. Every trait that is mentioned I encompass. Its likely that a regular 9-to-5 lifestyle doesnt appeal to you. What is the purpose of Lyran starseeds on planet Earth? You just need to remain conscious of this tendency so you can become aware when youre starting to inadvertently slip out of peoples lives. ARE YOU A LYRAN STARSEED? 12 Signs Your Soul Belongs To The Galaxy's Lyran starseeds are some of the most complex beings out there, and there are many more traits that you can use to identify yourself as one. Starseeds from the Lyran constellation pursue their dreams fearlessly. But these are the biggest personality hints that can tell you youre a Lyran Starseed. Lyran Starseed Archives - It might even be in the lines on your palms. I always had sumflower seeds with me and when my friend-birdscame to me, they came to eat from my hand. This was just one of many confirmations Ive received. They are said to have recently transitioned to this higher plane, which is one of the reasons they are interested in helping planet Earth evolve its consciousness. As a Lyran starseed, you have a deep self-assurance which means you have no interest in boosting your self image or making yourself popular among others. Lyran Starseeds are gifted with great psychic abilities, and especially manifestation. There is no simple answer to this question. If this list seems to describe you pretty well, then you might be a Lyran starseed. They are often drawn to careers in the arts, such as music, writing, and painting. I would like to say that I loved this text! Click here to get your own personalized starseed reading, Click here to get your personalized starseed reading, activities that are both physically and mentally stimulating, Click here to get your own professional starseed reading, Dreaming of someone you dont know? How to Find Your Starseed Markings - SELFFA How do you incorporate this knowledge into your spiritual practice? How cool! Youre quite comfortable with the concept of exploring new things, both in the physical world as well as in your spiritual life. Having a look at yours is another great way to tell if youre a Lyran starseed. After this 3rd Density moment I will be reincarnating on another 3rd Density planet. I wonder how rare are we lyrians. To experience life as a human on Planet Earth. Im 28 yrs old right now and I am still seeking for my true identity. Theyre the kind of people who will gladly call off of work sick in order to spend a day hiking or whitewater rafting instead. Lyra Constellation forms the shape of a lyre. I would like to add that there is a deeper reason why we are here. And contrary to Pleiadians who tend to shy away from the spotlight due to self-worth issues, you actually LIKE to lead and spread your light. What type of starseed am I? Wow. So if youre tired of wondering if youre a Lyran Starseed, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. you are a big proponent of personal hygiene, sometimes taking 2 or 3 showers a day, feeling like you dont belong to this planet, yet you are grounded. I have characteristics of all three. These ancient humanoids are very humanlike in appearance, although many of the Lyran race have cat-like features and air about them. Theyre always seeking new things like foods, sights, music, you name it. Now I see looking forward to deeper meditations and connections to come. Even if I am an employee, I am a boss of my life. This particular trait is a gift, as it allows Lyrans not to get sucked into the toxic, self-obsessed nature of some societies on Earth today. NASA isnt launching most of us into space in our lifetimes. I remember when I saw the original Star Wars movie as a teenager in 1977, I felt a profound sense of loss and sadness upon seeing the death star blow up planets without knowing why. I felt myself get so excited reading your article. I have a deep connection with them. You may find that you dont even really need help or encouragement here. Its also likely that the sight of space tugs at your naturally inquisitive mind. Of course, each Lyran Starseed is different and unique in its own way. They often enjoy people-watching and hanging out in crowds, but generally arent into being the center of attention. Theyre sociable, but can also seem quiet and mysterious. I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. But all this variety can mean that you constantly need more of it. And youre completely right: chaos is definitely a necessary component of life. Put simply, Lyrans are a type of starseeds advanced spiritual beings that originate in other planets and realms. I thought was a Sirian Starseed, but the traits seemed a bit off and I didnt fell a genuine connection to that constellation. I hope everything is ok with you! Lyran Starseed - Are you from Lyra? - Souls Space For a Lyran starseed, this means, learning to live life to the fullest. The Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing Ancestral Star Patterns/Preparing for the 5D Shift. But with something as important as this, you want to be able to know without a shadow of a doubt. Though some will be the same, as both are from Lyra. Even though I wasnt sure at first, my friend convinced me to try it out a few weeks ago. Sometimes there is more truth in (science) fiction than we realize. Even at a young age, you give off a sense of maturity and wisdom. Am. im not all witchy but spirituality has been awoken in my life recently. Which Light Being Are You? (Starseeds Quiz And Test) Unlike other races that feel they are just here to help, true Lyrans do not feel the belong elsewhere, or have a sense of missing our home.. They also prefer meaningful connections over shallow or trivial ones. While this is tragic, you can take peace in the fact that it is all part of the cosmic plan. Are you a Lyran Starseed? 12 Major Traits, Mission & Purpose In fact, Lyran Starseeds originate from Felines, one of the primary ancient races in our universe. Especially my bossees: they seem to like my work that benefits them, and of course, they like when I encourage them but they do not give the same in return. And its free for a limited time. You often find yourself getting lost in your thoughts. Part of this is because theyre so intelligent, but part of it is that theyre good at creating plans of attack and seeing projects through to the end. In fact, there are multiple facets to a Lyran Starseeds mission. You see things from all points of view without casting judgment, and so find it hard to tolerate people who are convinced that their worldview is the right one. Idk my purpose and to add onto the dream thing ive never had what i consider a nightmare until just last year when i visited what i think might be the underworld? But what now? Love and light beautiful one. Thank you for the work you do. And from your studies, do Lyrans have the ability to predict the near future or be able to talk to the lost souls? Giver? Lyran starseeds come from the star Vega in the Lyra Constellation. My present boss did it to me recently and I know, it is the beginning of the end with her. That explains why they often share so much in common with these two other starseed types! Lyran Starseed: traits and meaning: Lyran starseeds are exactly that - souls who existed in some way on the planet Lyra before incarnating here on Earth. They traveled to other realms in their minds first, then manifested new realities. And record everything you experience, the beings you meet, etc. The truth is, it can be hard to get to the bottom of our identity and spiritual background. Authority is essentially a byproduct of ego, as it makes you believe you should have power over other beings. Orion is one of the most well-known and most easily spotted constellations in the night sky. Thank you so much for checking out this video! Lyrans also founded Lemuria, and are thus master healers, and blended with Atlantis and Egypt, thus being knowledgeable about math, healing with crystals, tone and . The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do. Youre able to take on responsibility and are never afraid of putting your time and effort into something. Thank you for your service, love and light dear one. On star maps, it's represented by a vulture or eagle carrying a lyre one of the Lyran Starseed activation symbols. There is usually a good reason why you were provoked. Some say that Lyrans didnt just inhabit other parts of the galaxy they also lived in other dimensions. For a full list of Lyran starseed traits PLUS the other types of starseeds and their traits, click here. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you would make an excellent leader. It is absolutely fascinating. Its also a very useful way to learn and discover new things about yourself. Im Ryan. That said, they may have a few of the following physical traits: These starseeds may look older than they actually are. The vastness of the universe and all of its mysterious galaxies fascinates you. I instantly went to look it up. You always come back to the truth that you create your own happiness. And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. While there is nothing wrong with experimenting, be attentive to the vibrations and energies you feel with different people and activities. But unfortunately, this home no longer exists. The Lyrans appear to be the same as everyone else due to the physical nature of planet Earth, where everything is experienced as three-dimensional. A Lyran Starseed will be down to try almost anything at least once. This is understandable, but part of your Lyran Starseed mission is about learning how to slow down, enjoy the little things to the fullest, and make the most out of any situation even waiting. You might find you excel at various sports, and you dont like to stay seated for hours on end. Remember to look out for your health and wellbeing, and that resting is also a key part of achieving our goals. Thanks for this. This article gives you a lot of insight into Lyran Starseeds and the signs that you could be one. Lyran starseeds are usually average to slightly above average height. Hi! Lyran Starseeds often come off as serious and reserved. They rarely want for anything. You can watch it here: Sending you lots of love and blessings! Though Lyran Starseeds are generally down-to-earth and collected, there are moments when their temper will flare up. They come from a number of planets that are linked with the Lyra star system. So when I was going through my own struggle with this, I reached out to Psychic Source. And even now i have vivid dreams everytime i sleep and i have dream i guess realms i visif like a memories idk regular dream places that are like a mixture of my hometown mixed with my current area of living places ive been and places ive never been. As a Lyran starseed, you may be drawn to a career in something like photojournalism or travel blogging. Their knowledge is said to have contributed to Atlantis and Lemuria, as well as the element on fire. Embracing spontaneity is a big part of that. You can see the value of tradition, but dont feel compelled to be bound by it. They look like bird-humanoids, and interestingly the star Vegas name in Arabic means Falling Eagle. You might also be sensitive to stimulants like coffee, alcohol and even dark chocolate. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. The Lyrans are primarily a feline-humanoid race. You deal with people fairly and you would never intentionally screw someone over. So maybe im not a crazy cat lady after all but lyran instead. You stay away from junk food, stay active, and work little healthy habits into your daily routine. Starseed Markings in your Birth Chart | The Starseeds Compass Though Lyran Starseeds have been through a lot, they also understand that dwelling on the past is pointless. I have a deep connection to this group. These two chakras help you approach life with a mixture of sensibility and joy. Youll help others realize their true nature and transcend the limitations of the human experience. Peace and abundance Zaran , I am most definitely! Lyrans also find themselves attracted to healing crystals and objects that are considered sacred. I was told I was a lyran starseed and everything it describes is me to a T. I read everything that u had written about it on here n I was really surprised..Im really glad to know this..thank u for this information.. Oh my if I hadnt been more understood.. this was such an interesting read thank you so much for sharing sending so much love and light, Youre welcome! I was given a reading that said I was Lyran from planet Shreliak. Starseeds are said to be alien souls who incarnate as regular human beings. You dont necessarily mind being in the limelight, but you dont particularly care for it either. because that will be annoying. It is helping collective consciousness, and thus humanity. The Spiritual Meaning Of Sneezing 2, 3, 4 Times & More! Have you any information about what happened to the Lyrans that caused many of these starseeds to take shelter in other systems such as Orion? Its no secret that Lyran Starseeds love enjoying life and theyre sure good at it! Even in their human form, many Lyran Starseeds conserve some cat-like facial features. Of course, you still use sound judgment but youre open to new ideas and dont limit your thinking with preconceptions. 17 Common Lyran Starseed Traits. But I was so tired of struggling with trying to figure things out on my own, that when a friend suggested I talk to someone at Psychic Source, I decided to go for it. What does a Lyran Starseed look like? All of the characteristics describe me perfectly. Lets have a look at them in more detail. Recently have had some spiritual awarenessthat I have witch traits, dealing with the paranormal and a Lyron starseed with green cats eyesI think Im scared of myself. although I actually feel I just have to be Lyran! This sense of purpose probably first materialized when you were a young child, born out of a deep curiosity. Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere . Energy is said to move more slowly in the third dimension, where humanity lives, so Lyran starseeds can feel impatient while theyre waiting for things to happen. Its honestly mind-blowing. Lyran beings are diverse in appearance but they have some common behavioral traits. You may wonder why people get so upset about trivial things. You feel like youve been around for a long time, even as you continue to discover new things about the universe. Its unclear bcus at the end of if i was standing in a best buy telling my parents i want a redo . Its just so weird that I feel like I dont fit in, theres something wrong and its like Im just an observer of what happening around if that makes sense. If theres one thing you hate, its falling into a routine or getting stuck in a rut. Lyrans, on the other hand, are generally very grounded. You actually find comfort in the freedom that comes with a little disorganization and lack of structure. Discover more about Lyra through spiritual journeying and meditation. Even in their human form, Lyran Starseeds are encoded with Lyran DNA and ancient wisdom that will unlock after their starseed awakening. As such, theres no way to give a clear answer without knowing more about your unique background and spiritual journey. Theres a shortcut to all that. Maybe you feel strong emotions when a certain song plays. This helps you succeed at anything you set your mind to and is one of the reasons why youre so good at holding a position of leadership. Everything youve written in this article relates to me. If you're a Sirian starseed descendant from Lyra, dreams come naturally to you. I have been doing some research now and feel very connected to the Lyran Starseed! Theyre always working towards something, and theyll put in every effort to achieve what they set out to do. Apart from being amazingly cute and cuddly, cats are also an integral part of the Lyran Starseed identity. Listen to this Lyran Starseed Transmission recorded by Steve Ahnael Nobel in London (September 2016). The Lyra constellation is also known are "Falling Eagle" or "Falling Vulture". Lyran Starseed: Origins And 11 Major Signs That You May Be One Having these answers made my spiritual journey a thousand times easier, and Im confident it will do the same to you. Lyran starseeds are adventurous people who often have a rebellious streak starting in childhood. Your articles are really helpful! Here are the 7 biggest signs of a Lyran starseed based on their interests and natural gifts. Interestingly enough, your souls origins can still leave some distinctive markers on your appearance. But not a Lyran Starseed. It makes it easier to overcome challenges. Would live to connect with other Lyran Soul Family, and find out more about them. Lyrans are some of the most responsible and dependable people out there. It is said that 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to observe and set up the Universal gamer that they had completed in their universe. If you dont typically care to seek validation from other people and prefer to enjoy the vibes of a group rather than draw its focus, you may be a Lyran starseed. You might feel a sense of connection when stargazing, a deep spiritual bond that is difficult to express through words. If youre ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here. You can skip all the wasted time and energy and figure out exactly what your Lyran starseed mission is, so you can get right to accomplishing it. 1. I mentioned them earlier. Click here to try it out and zero in on exactly what purpose you have in this lifetime. Thank you so much for all this beautiful and truthful information, Am so amazed, your article explains my life, sometimes sometimes I see things in my head and I begin to question if its hallucinations or some 1970s starwars franchise going on in my head, most amazingly I came across esoteric ebooks and I feel so connected like most of the events happened before my very eyes, Aho, I share the same sight multidimensional vision. The ability to fly was added for personal enjoyment. If you have a problem, theyll solve it. Being a Lyran starseed is so recognizably to me! You may find yourself deeply curious about the nature of existence and the creation of the universe. In the case of a Lyran Starseed, this happens through spiritual evolution. Not only can you solve problems, you can switch your strategy on the fly.This is also helpful when it comes to living a life of freedom, spontaneity, and adventure. Just like Andromedan starseedslike myself, you are not a person happy to obey authorities. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! OMG this video is so spot on I just cant believe it! This will give them access to great spiritual abilities to help them achieve their starseed mission. Thanks for the knowledge! Lyran starseeds have a bit of a reputation for hedonism. Of course the other traits fit me too. Yes, Lyran starseeds are likely to have an affinity to cats and birds. Youre probably comfortable giving orders, and others are drawn to you for advice and direction. Hello Julia, If they want something, theyll go after it. This connection to stars may manifest itself through an interest in astrology or science fiction, as you reconnect with your spiritual Lyran self.