she never asked for a resume or any back round on me never told me the name of the company until I asked her today . But im not stupid so i looked it all up what the job was and where it actually was and this seems to be all true. I see this company hasnt changed much since my friends husband tried to recruit me 4 years ago. Only two other rooms seemed to be in this building, a walled-off office and a copy room that was more or less a bump off the main hallway. This other guy was pleasant enough, introduced himself and politely shook my hand. I get to work on my own hours without having to report to ANYBODY. I told him I was talking summer courses and I really wasnt looking for work but I actually was (does that make sense?). He told me he has to go through clearance and apparently he is abusing this priviledge. I blew it all off the moment I was dismissed. Question you investigate insurance fraud correct? . So, I got up & left to find out who that company was. I am not against commission based jobs and making money. I just received a call yesterday and had my doubts about the process, so I immediately proceeded to research PFS and found this article. 100,000 reps times $25 a month equals $2.5 million a month from its own employees., Once the new recruits, the professional-looking man and a scared-looking, awkward young guy who looked about 20 and was wearing ripped jeans and left on a bicycle, had left, John was photocopying the paperwork to put in the mailbag for tomorrow. I will be posting this to all of my social media, explaining what a scam this company really is. This is how Primerica works. Its also sad that what is posted here is TRUE. For the person who did have a comment pro Primerica, I am adding this link: Is Primerica a Pyramid Scheme? Here's Why Most People Quit I swear it literally looked like an apartment building inside with rooms separated and a dark hallway. I made the mistake signing up thinking I was signing up for life insurance and trying to help a friend out that works for this company. At least i can say i tried on something that could have worked. You want a cashier to manage your office? There seems to be a way to make money but you have to be highly deceptive and cut-throat, oh, and pretty desperate to make money in MLM. They are legal, but unethical. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . A little bit of time, perhaps? People should learn to use critical thinking skills before jumping into something like this, as they prey upon your emotions and desperation. I too have been approached by reps from Prime America (while at work at 12:00 am) about this great job opportunity, that I have a great personality, outgoing, would fit right in yada, yada. They guy even scratched his back while slumped into his chair. So i said maybe on a follow up meeting i will do the paper work. Thanks for all these helpful comments and posts. I havent called this company in 5 years for anything, and the moment I need some actual assistance, Im treated this way. Primerica also partners with Pre-Paid Legal (aka LegalShield) to offer things like legal protectionand ID theft protection. Term Life Insurance 3. after hearing these non descriptive answers at this point Im like yea, ok very high chance I will not be showing up. Then I felt a bit ashamed for thinking badly as I remember Johns words to me, that he would always act in my best interest as an expert in building a business. They WILL continue to call you even after you have said no. Pyramid schemes, on the other hand, need you to pay a fee and/or purchase products and services in order to participate and earn income. I asked, how can I be that guy? (pointing to the top of the pyramid). Who invites salesmen to present at a leadership conference anyway? No, its not defamation. So me and my friend were at the store when a guy randomly came up to us to talk about his wifes company. I furrowed my brow thinking I thought he was making those calls for ME.. shouldnt I get credit for those names? Pull out your phone. He then asked me to write down 25 people in my contact list over 18 and he would call them for me to see if they would buy insurance and give me part of the profit and get me started. Please dont contact me again. Ta da. Ive been disabled for four years and i finally got a job release in feb 2014.Since i had to change job careers,its been hard drawing my former job skills to be applied to another field.Im currently in a job program called DVR(from the department of labor)in the state i live in.For the past 2 months,ive applied to many jobs thru them and gone out of my own with little into alot of companies like primerica.So now before I have the interview with any marketing/sales company,I do tons of research on the computer.Had a person contact me from bankers life and casualty say that im good to be part of his team and told me to come to his office at 6pm for the interview.Only to find out that its a presentation with 14 others,10 left after an 1 1/2 hour presentation(only surpose to be a 40-mins).i was one of the 4 and he liked me and set up an second interview.Took 2 weeks to get back to(and only got set up due to my ongoing calls to him for it)me and set up the meeting the next day-they did the same thing as primerica only they actually had a call list from the do not call listings they use for their referrals for me.A $99 dollar fee plus $149 for inside training upfront.I said NO and that was it.My DVR supervisor gave me a reference for a job that turned out to be a primerica rep.I had to follow up this time and called her-she contacted me that nite at 9:30pm(odd time)and told me that her supervisor would call me tomorrow-he never did.A week went by and out of blue the primerica rep called me and said that she was sorry about her supervisor didnt get back to me.But this time i was ready(i did my research and found tons of very bad reviews and some good reviews from primerica corp. lol.When we talked,her excuse was that her supervisor is better to answer my questions and would do so when he calls.He hasnt called but i already know the truth(on the surface and the deep inside shadly truth)about primerica-what they represent and who benefits from their company.I need a job now and need money soon before im forced to live on the streets with my wife.I cant start a new position on empty promises and payment upfront to pay to go to work to make alittle money in the first month after i work 80 to 100 hours a make sense and its just a waste to put forth lots of effort,time,gas,sweat and patience to make little money just to barely live onlol. Fortunately, my paralysis didnt last long. Ponzi schemes simply require a cash investment to earn returns. What legit company does that? I totally see it now. She never called me back or contacted me again. Mary clings onto it for dear life. Just needed to set up a time. im gonna go here them out this Saturday and let them waste their breathe. I had to squeeze in questions as he was trying to hang up without providing any information such as what does PFS stand for? Im on vacation. The bottom line is that Primerica sells legitimate products and services (life insurance and investments), but sells them at inflated prices to generally unsophisticated consumers. All the things he was saying sound good. You wouldn't want to associate yourself with them, especially when fully aware. Primerica's MO is using people to convert their acquaintances into customers. So glad I decided to do some research before going back. The man who was telling me about the opportunity was upfront, and I kill myself working two jobs. Fourth, I am a 57 year-old college educated woman (B. S. in business) who has stayed home with kids over the last 17 years, so a part-time position of some kind would allow me to more gradually return to the work force. Thank you guys for posting these. He added that the goal for all individuals is $1 million before retirement. Also, Tracey thank you for your continued service on informing the public about MLM businesses. I am a single mother of two kids and I have only been getting one day off from work. DIV Rep, 60%.wait there is only 50% left over, okay then what does math tell get it yet..they only get 50%, (PYRAMID ENDS). I am suppose to have an interview tomorrow as well. This may be the part where it comes together to the point where people say they hire anyone. I noticed that he put me as a recruiter on one of them, and himself on the other. Do your research people dont fall for pyramid scams. I dont NEED this job. Since 2009, Primerica has recruited 1,502,173 people. I experienced nothing like the others that you have told us about. As for life insurance itself, a small whole life policy with a reasonable death benefit can be helpful in protecting your spouse if you die suddenly. I was an Amway distributer years ago. She asked if I was interested in working with them, and I said yes. Thank you everybody. Were talking about widespread abuses such as this. This is a good money maker for Primerica and the finance industry in general- all on the backs of reps. Like everyone else here, I also got the call and the woman said that I was Highly qualified for some positions she was offering. She sits me down and asked If I knew who was PRIMERICA told her NO, then she told me its company who works with mutual company that sale insurances, help middle class people get out of debits teach them how to invest ect, The red flags popped up when she said they will pay for the classes so I can get the Life Insurance, said each class is $500 dollars you will only pay $140 that for background check, finger prints and utilities. He kept repeating that they are teaching people how to use their money, but without really saying anything else. At that point in time I had nearly 20 years in electronics and put out many resumes looking for TECHNICAL positions. I interject, Im sorry, what exactly is it that you do? I play along, cause I dunno. John said no.. yet I knew that wasnt true. So what you are saying is that the other insurance companies must REALLY over elevate their prices. As you also stated, there are no downlines involved. Thats just the first of many. Becoming a Primerica rep requires you to pay a $199 (now $99) fee and highly recommends paying a $25-a-month fee for access to Primerica Online as noted . Like Im not with all the talk and I need proof. His wife starts asking questions, social security number? I posted thatI was looking for a job and got offered an office position. When I asked about the specifics of the job, they were incredibly vague and spoke super fast. I am, so I said yes. Does anyone know of other companies besides Primerica that are employing these same tactics? I wonder if the experiences shared here are indicative of the company as a whole or just unchecked human behavior that isnt managed from senior corporate leadership. I just wanted to voice my opinion. Its awful, and it looks awful. The presenter looked like 19 years old and began talking about the company and that it was called primerica. My friend convinced me to join, asking to partner up with me since he couldnt get through the door. She also said if I fit for the position I would need to plan on staying longer to go over more information. I know quite a few very successful business owners who started at the bottom in primerica now earning very incomes and building great businesses with great people and you cant do that working for someone else! I wasnt aware I had even received the job, so I just agreed and figured I could back out later. I dont go to unnecessary meetings or bother my warm market because its a legit service. I was just contacted by one of these clowns and told based on my god given gifts I would be perfect for this opportunity. Whats this guys deal anyway? 1.) * If Primerica is a scam, how have they been in business for almost 40 years? It looks like even the Better Business Bureau has a number of complaints lodged, about this company. Not lying to them about what happened either. People in MLM pay to play. It was fishy at first, but I thought the best of it. Before I knew it was Primerica, I thought I was going to be interviewing for Coldwell Bankers, who have a good and legitimate real estate reputation. Long Term Care Insurance 5. Question Whole life insurance is not fraudulent. Throughout the presentation I grew more and more skeptical. Primerica Reviews - Legit or Scam? - Reviewopedia Realized after I had no idea what this is, and noticed he mentioned a group thing which made me suspicious. Now I also understand more about success too. if i clock out, it doesnt matter, they need help. Cryptocurrency: The Modern Pyramid Scheme - Berkeley Political Review Thank you, I had my interview with Primerica roughly two hours ago so ill explain my story while its fresh. I stopped giving out leads once I realized that I wasnt getting paid at all. During that same time period, 243,167 of their licensed reps also left the opportunity. And yes the higher ups do benefit from your recruits they arent going hard for no apparent reason and they will convince you they are blue in the face that Primerica will help you build your own business within a business. I tell her I would like to do more of it. MLM jobs are not jobs at all. Im not sure why the internet continues to say PRI is MLM. Ask God. Even the classes were weird and subpar. In fact, the only thing I remember from that call was his saying Citi weird. I was also approached at a mall with the same story. Its too bad that a few bad experiences have been compiled in one area and deterred people from seeing if this career was really for them. New faces=new prospects=new recruits=new sales. Absolutely disgraceful that there are companies like this out there. Google what youd like but do you really think Google, a company who makes money by sponsors is more accurate than the companies that investigate for the NYSE? Multi-level marketing. BTW, a presentation is not an interview. For any agent to be paid any comm. I asked what company is this and how did they get my number considering the fact I havent applied for any job positions in almost a year.