1.4.7 Where necessary, HPs may also seek evidence from professionals by telephone. The HP must record the telephone conversation in their notes, indicating who has given that person the authority to speak on their behalf. The PIP assessment is an opportunity for you to talk about how your condition affects you - it's not a diagnosis of your condition or a medical examination. A guide to answering PIP questions - OptimistMinds The telephone assessment should last between 20 minutes . If you adjusted the date by your own without letting the assessment provider know, this is considered as discrimination and you should call your local Citizens advice for help with this kind of situation. Assessments may still be carried out by telephone or video, but you might be asked to attend an assessment centre. What you should say during the PIP assessment. If the claimant has difficulty socialising and planning and following but is sitting securely in their home on the phone during assessment, it stands to reason the decision making will be compromised! This is very important if you are assessed on a better day. During the coronavirus pandemic, medical assessments have been taking place via telephone or video call. 1.14.2 Where the functional effects of a claimants health condition or impairment reduce for example, as a result of remission their entitlement to PIP may stop. The assessment report must be completed and returned to the DWP using the work queue for SREL within 2 working days from that point. PIP Question 6. . 1.15.9 Depending on how it is worded, consent may only cover a particular stage in the processing of a claim, and thus fresh consent may need to be sought. 14K PIP, DLA, and AA; 3.4K Universal Credit (UC) 5.5K Talk about your impairment; 1.6K Cerebral palsy; 768 Chronic pain and pain management; 59 Physical and neurological impairments; 963 Autism and neurodiversity; 1K Mental health and wellbeing; 309 Sensory impairments; 753 Rare, invisible, and undiagnosed conditions What are my options for dealing with debt? Helps you take control of your household spending. Her condition improved with treatment but 6 months later she re-claimed benefit because of depression and paranoia. 1.3.11 HPs should also consider the needs of vulnerable claimants. For example, if the claimant has corrective surgery planned for the near future which would be expected to significantly impact their level of ability, a review at a point following the surgery might be appropriate. The age of the evidence should also be considered in deciding whether it is relevant to the claim. PIP Assessment Questions On Autism | OptimistMinds Can I cancel something I've done when I'm unwell? UNLAWFUL AND HUMILIATING PIP TELEPHONE ASSESSMENTS We've looked at almost 400 responses given between June and November in our ongoing PIP telephone assessment survey. We have translated the site; would you prefer to read in Welsh? 1.6.9 Different types of questions should be used where appropriate: open questions which need more than a yes or no answer (for example, Tell me about, What do you do when, How do you) encourage the claimant to describe how their health condition or impairment affects them, closed questions which need a specific answer (for example, Can you, How often) are needed when establishing a fact, such as how often medication is being taken, clarifying questions invite the claimant to explain further some aspect of what they have said (for example, Let me make sure Ive understood this correctly), extending questions allow the HP to develop the story the claimant is giving (for example, So what happens after). PIP for mental health assessment may include questions about the person's ability to do the following things: communicating with other people reading and understanding written information planning a journey or following a route preparing and cooking food eating and drinking moving around managing your treatments washing and bathing Mr X has diabetes and depression with agoraphobia. They should also provide advice on the mobility component based on the evidence received with the referral and/or gathered at the consultation. This PIP assessment question on mental health is important for people who may be suspected to have hearing complications, learning complications, autism, stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns. You need to tell the private assessment provider why you cant attend your appointment in an assessment centre. Mood disorders Stress Anxiety You may be eligible for PIP, and should consider making a claim to the DWP, if you have daily living needs because of a mental health condition. Too many people in Northern Ireland have had claims for their Personal Independence Payment (PIP) "unfairly rejected", an investigation has found. 1.9.4 Advice must be, logical, take into account current advances in medical care, be medically consistent and should reflect the evidence on likely prognosis from the claimants professionals where available. However, it should be noted that the named appointee, be this a corporate or individual appointee, can nominate another person to represent them at any consultation. 1.1.6 Once the claimant questionnaire has been returned to DWP, in cases where an assessment is required by a Health Professional (HP), the case is referred to an assessment provider (AP) along with any supporting evidence provided. 1.15.28 The Welfare Reform Act 2012 (Section 82) creates special provision for a third party to make a claim on behalf of a disabled person without their knowledge. You are currently in the en section of the site. #7. A vulnerable claimant is defined as someone who has difficulty in dealing with procedural demands at the time when they need to access a service .This includes life events and personal circumstances such as a previous suicide attempt, domestic violence, abuse, or bereavement. The consent process above should be followed. For example, there is an inconsistency of evidence if a claimant bends down to retrieve a handbag from the floor but then later during formal assessment of the spine, declines to bend at all on the grounds of pain, or if the claimant states that they have no mobility problems but they appear to struggle to walk to the consulting room. The DWP will wait 7 working days for the DS1500 to be returned before making a referral to the AP. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people under 16. 1.5.2 In some cases there may be sufficient information to advise on the majority of activities, but which leaves small gaps that it has not been possible to fill through obtaining further evidence or by contacting the claimant. 1.15.12 It is good practice to check that there is valid consent every time further evidence is sought. ESA and UC - request for medical information sample letter, LCW and LCWRA - challenging decision sample letter, PIP - request for medical information sample letter, Why the Mental Health and Money Advice service is helping people with mental illness and money issues, How to save money this Christmas and New Years, Tips for managing your money and mental health in 2023, Managing your money and mental health on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, What to do if money worries are affecting your mental health, Blue Badges available for people suffering from mental illness, What the 2018 PIP ruling means for those living with mental health issues, Mental health and Money Advice responds to Goverments proposed Breathing Space scheme, Mental health and financial services podcast, Being a carer can affect your mental health and money, What to do when debt worries impact on performance at work, FCA announces new rules on 'buy now pay later' products and overdrafts, Mental health and money advice for COVID-19 outbreak, How to budget your money during the COVID-19 outbreak, How the Touco app can help you get support around money and mental health, How banks are helping during the Coronavirus period, DWP publishes mental health conditions for PIP back payments, Managing your mental health and money after government cuts, Tips for managing your money and mental health in 2022, How to manage your mental health and money following the energy price rise, How the Universal Credit jobseeker and work capability assessments may affect you, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) contact numbers, Requesting evidence for PIP letter template, Requesting evidence to challenge a PIP decision letter template, how to prepare for your PIP medical assessment. If this is not feasible for example, if the consultation is carried out in the claimant's own home the HP should make a note of the circumstances and carry out such assessment as they can while the claimant is sitting or standing. 1.10.7 The HP is asked to confirm whether the functional restriction is likely to be present at the recommended point of review. Claiming PIP for mental health: Full list of psychiatric conditions 1.7.14 The HP must provide a summary justification to support the advice to the DWP. Claimants should be invited to clarify any points and ask any questions they have about the assessment procedure, and asked whether there is anything else they would like to include. We explain what the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) medical assessment is, and help you understand what to expect at your assessment. 1.8.14 The advice must be able to stand up to challenge and the HP should draw out key evidence in support of their choice of descriptors in the report, drawing fact-based findings and/or well supported opinion from all of the evidence. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. HPs should be mindful that the level of analgesia used does not necessarily correlate with the level of pain. They are due to undergo surgery within the next 9 months, after which an 8-12 week recovery period is anticipated. However, the companions may play an active role in helping claimants answer questions where the claimant or HP wishes them to do so. 1.6.30 In general, HPs should record function over an average year for conditions that fluctuate over months, per week for conditions that fluctuate by the day, and by the day for conditions that vary over a day. However, HPs should be prepared to adapt their approach to the needs of the particular claimant, not taking a prescriptive approach and ensuring that claimants are able to put across the impact of their health condition or impairment in their own words. you only attempt a journey during quiet times of the day - for example, when the shops aren't busy or there's less traffic on the road. 1.6.34 The HPs informal observations will also help check the consistency of evidence on the claimant's functional ability. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. PiP phone call - gave no points for mental health was created by Danielle. pip telephone call: hi everyone, had a - Fibromyalgia Acti Severity of a mental health condition does not necessarily correspond with the type or dosage of medication that the claimant is receiving. What benefits are available for mental health carers? Have you read something you think others need to know? After that, the people in charge would see if you are eligible or not to get PIP. The healthcare professional to be a specialist in mental health. In general, there is no single answer that can be applied as each claimant's situation is unique to their own application. The appointment letter will invite you to a PIP medical assessment at one of their assessment centres. If there is no suitable alternative the HP should provide proof of consent. Do i need a diagnosis to claim pip? - sdnimik.bluejeanblues.net PIP decision after phone assessment | Mumsnet For many of us, it can mean that we need extra support to get to work, see friends and family, and carry on living our lives. She Has A Condition Called Cerebellar Atrophy, and Also Suffers From OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). You are going to go through some activities in the PIP assessment with questions on mental health and these kinds of activities last for 60 minutes: You can learn more about what goes on in a psychological examination by buying this book on this website. When considering such requests, the HP should consider the points outlined above before making a decision on whether a home consultation would be appropriate. The HP should always attempt to respond to any issues or concerns they express. When making telephone contact with a GP or other specialist, the HP should also endeavour to determine whether the claimant is aware of their illness or prognosis and consider whether the information they have obtained may be potentially harmful. someone to monitor your mental health. However, in cases of doubt HPs may be asked for advice, based on their knowledge of the disabling effects of physical and mental health conditions and considering the evidence of the case. When returning the form, you must include all tickets and receipts. This section also covers other areas on which HPs may be asked to provide advice. Cost-of-living crisis and your mental health. Although the HP may consider that the claimants view of the impact of their condition is unrealistic or inconsistent with other evidence, the place to address this is later in the report, when justifying their advice. When pain is a significant symptom we would expect the claimant to be able to describe the location, type, severity and variability of the pain they experience and the impact it has on their daily life. The DWP decision makers will now look at your PIP claim, and its supporting evidence which includes: The DWP will then send you a letter once theyve made their decision, explaining why you will or wont get PIP. 1.7.7 Where a BASRiS form has been provided, DWP should treat it as other medical evidence and refer the claim to the AP for review in all cases. Hi Zoe, I had my PIP telephone call last July and I have only just won my case. 1.6.32 The HP should be making informal observations and evaluating any functional limitations described by the claimant from the start of the consultation. 1.15.7 Consent to contact third parties to allow them to share information will be sought by the DWP during the initial information gather regardless of whether the claimant applied for PIP over the telephone or on a written claim form. 1.6.14 The HP should include details of fluctuating conditions, indicating how frequent the fluctuations are, how long exacerbations last and, on balance, how many good days or weeks and how many bad ones the claimant experiences over a specific period of time. Personal independence payment (PIP) is the disability benefit for working age people, replacing disability living allowance (DLA). They can nominate someone else to accompany the claimant. In exceptional circumstances a written request for further evidence can be issued. 1.10.8 Selecting the Yes box will indicate that the claimants functional restriction is likely to still be present at the recommended point of review, regardless of whether it is likely to improve, remain the same or deteriorate.