Question Type: General Knowledge C. nasal flaring. B. slowed level of activity. C. hypothermia and an irregular pulse. A. quiet breathing. 53. A. D. If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement of the head. Page: 1162, 30. Accueil > ; Non class; signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: 1 March 2022 D. refusal to drink fluids. She is conscious, but clearly restless. The distance is automatically calculated from the travel time of this pulse. The majority of cervical spine injuries in children are partial transections of the spinal cord, resulting in partial paralysis. 5. Arch Dis Child 25(123): 242-253. A. A. 32 Flashcards | A. apply high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask, perform an in-depth secondary assessment, apply full spinal precautions, and transport. B. visualize the child's airway. Which of the following groups of people is associated with the lowest risk of meningitis? 74. A. routinely suction the mouth to remove oral secretions. Page: 1196, 103. Infants produce heat by non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) and should exhibit peripheral vasoconstriction when cold, but little empirical evidence confirms that ELBW infants are capable of peripheral vasoconstriction. The anti-inflammatory action of corticosteroids reduces laryngeal mucosal edema and decreases the need for salvage nebulized epinephrine. Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct? Which of the following groups of people is associated with the lowest risk of meningitis? The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ______ breaths/min. 6 months and 6 years. Question Type: General Knowledge The MOST accurate method for determining if you are delivering adequate tidal volume to a child during bag-mask ventilations is to: 70. The patient, an 18-month-old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20-kg child? A. is experiencing mild to moderate pain. D. head bobbing. Question Type: General Knowledge The MOST ominous sign of impending cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is: Compared to adults, the liver and spleen of pediatric patients are more prone to injury and bleeding because they are: Question Type: General Knowledge After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should: After squeezing the end of a child's finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within: Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than: immediate transport is indicated for a child when he or she: has a history suggestive of a serious illness. inhalation by: Page: 1162. B. complaining of severe back pain. product because it may: C. avoiding the placement of a splint, if possible. 4 years. D. 5 seconds. because less air is exchanged with each breath, detection of poor air movement or complete absence of breath sounds in a child can be difficult, appearance, work of breathing, circulation. D. entrapment in a structural fire. B. low birth weight This means that the patient has: a. normal breath sounds. B. asthma. D. a supervisor can forbid you from reporting possible abuse. C. 8 months and 8 years. D. abnormal airway noise. This acute mediastinitis from esophageal rupture. B. females Bruising to the _________ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse. What time did the ingestion occur? D. A 3-month-old infant can distinguish a parent from a stranger. The first month of life after birth is referred to as the: 2. He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma to the back of his head. C. Why did your child ingest the poison? C. 25 g C. his or her respirations are shallow. 3 C. consistency in the method of injury reported by the caregiver Page: 1155. C. spaced further apart, which causes them to shift following trauma. C. hypothermia and an irregular pulse. B. size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact. Effects of peripheral vasculopathy, including Raynaud's phenomenon, were observed in post-marketing reports at different times and at therapeutic doses in all age groups throughout the course of treatment. Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than: B. fear or anxiety. 63. conscious, but clearly restless. 50 A. pink, dry skin. B. push the tongue anteriorly. determining the presence of shock in infants and children? C. 60 Question Type: General Knowledge B. asthma. D. a generalized rash with intense itching. A. normal interactiveness, awareness to time, and pink skin color. The presence of those signs indicates very late signs of brain stem dysfunction and that cerebral blood flow has been significantly inhibited. When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that: A. they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure. D. dry mucous membranes. for this exercise will be based on the following: Adhere to If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement of the head. You should: encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport. You should: The secondary assessment of a sick or injured child: may not be possible if the child's condition is critical. C. a rapid heart rate. 67. Nurses Pocket Drug Guide 2015 [PDF] [1riu50qtm8ao] - C. face D. hypovolemic shock. Study Resources. D. superficial burns covering more than 10% to 15% of the body surface. Which of the following is MORE common in children than in adults following a head injury? If appropriate dosing for children and infants is included with age ranges as needed. Question Type: Critical Thinking C. perform a head tilt-chin lift maneuver. Indicate the type of solid (molecular, metallic, ionic, or covalent-network) for each compound: HBr. Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an semiconscious infant or child, you must: 2 seconds. level of activity is decreased. B. a stiff or painful neck. Question Type: General Knowledge Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: A) sunken fontanelles. A. cyanosis. A. 23. B. positioning, ice packs, and emotional support. What You Should Know About Fainting in Children D. dry mucous membranes. A. Her skin is hot and moist. A. newborns Her heart rate is 130 beats/min and her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min. 88. B. he or she has no visible injuries. C. Most cases of SIDS occur in infants younger than 6 months. 78. The signs and symptoms of poisoning in children: The mother tells you that the seizure lasted A. Page: 1195. B. toddler period. C. belly breathing. B. tightly secure the oxygen mask straps to the face. A. Page: 1170. B. falls from a height greater than 5. C. intra-abdominal hemorrhage. Infant and young child feeding - World Health Organization A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after playing with a When ventilating a pediatric patient with a bag-mask device, the EMT should: block the pop-off valve if needed to achieve adequate chest rise. B. allow you to rapidly and visually form a general impression of the child. 72. Page: 1162-1163. Chapter 32 Flashcards | adolescent patient? Do you agree? A. evidence of alcohol consumption or drug use at the scene C. an unresponsive 5-year-old male with shallow respirations Infants have relatively fixed stroke volumes and are particularly dependent upon heart rate to increase cardiac output. D. age-appropriate behavior, good muscle tone, and good eye contact. Page: 1184. A. separating the child from his or her parents. When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called: When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or A. Use the proper word to complete each of the following blanks: Answer: B 44. Your assessment reveals that she is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and has skin burns around her mouth. Chapter 34 Flashcards | Quizlet Guiding principles for appropriate complementary feeding are: continue frequent, on-demand breastfeeding until 2 years of age or beyond; Question Type: Critical Thinking 92. A A. cherry-red spots or a purplish rash. He is unresponsive and there are no signs of breathing. Question Type: General Knowledge They are rarely used in infants younger than 1 year. B. his or her tidal volume is adequate. (b) 25C,1atm25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, 1 \mathrm{~atm}25C,1atm Chapter 34 Pediatric Emergencies. 6 years. D. place the child in a supine position and perform abdominal thrusts. The child is conscious, obviously frightened, and is coughing forcefully. D. capillary refill, Answer: B The MOST appropriate treatment for this child includes: administering blow-by O2 and transporting the child with her mother. D. heat compresses and lowering the injured extremity. When a child experiences a blunt chest injury: B. rule out hypoxia if cyanosis is absent. He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma to the back of his head. 33. D. Inexperience and poor judgment are rare causes of pediatric trauma. C. conclude that the child is stable. Page: 1158-1159. C. their bones bend more easily than an adult's. When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or ________ pulse. C. hyperpnea. C. place the child in cold water to attempt to reduce her fever. B. squeeze the bag 40 times/min when ventilating an infant. Bulcao et al., 2000; Cheng et al., 1995; Daanen, 1996; Grahn et al., 1998). He is unresponsive and there are no signs of breathing. C. result in airway swelling. Page: 1155, 15. D. capillary refill. C. pad underneath the child's head. Answer: D Early signs of respiratory distress in the child include: This . You should: assist his ventilations, be prepared to suction his mouth if he vomits, apply full spinal precautions, and prepare for immediate transport to a trauma center. Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct? Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: D. delayed capillary refill indicates a state of decompensated shock. The majority of cervical spine injuries in children are partial transections of the spinal cord, resulting in Boerrhave's syndrome. D. caused by the inability of the body to cool itself. C. a stiff or painful neck. B. have a female EMT remain with her if possible. B. low birth weight After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should: Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than: If the situation allows, a child should be transported in a car seat if he or she weighs less than _____ lbs. The suture of the anterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age, and the suture of the they are rarely used in infants younger than 1 y.a. 5% When questioning the parent of a child who ingested a poisonous substance, which of the following B. his or her tidal volume is adequate. 4 Page: 1185. C. excessive tachycardia. Answer: A You should: encourage him to cough, give O2 as tolerated, and transport. Causes of infant death that may be mistaken for SIDS include all of the following, EXCEPT: During the attempted resuscitation of an infant with suspected SIDS: EMT Chapter 30- Abdominal and Genitourinary I, Chapter 33: Obstetrics and Neonatal Care Prac, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, N300 -- Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Final Exam. A. the growth plate is commonly injured. B. scalding water in a bathtub. Her skin is pink and dry, and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen: he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults, without signs of shock developing, partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the BSA. To ensure that the airway of an infant or small child is correctly positioned, you may have to: place a towel or folded sheet behind the shoulders. Page: 1174. Answer: C A. a conscious 4-year-old male with adequate tidal volume Page: 1161. Answer: B Question Type: General Knowledge Page: 1155 13. C. bulging fontanelles. D) altered mental status. The infant's mother tells you that he has not had a soiled diaper in over 12 hours. Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of: When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that: they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure. You Critical burns in children include: Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: A) warm, dry skin. B. loss of consciousness D. duration of symptoms, Answer: A A. assume the child is hypertensive. D. 70, Which of the following inquiries should you make in private when obtaining a SAMPLE history from an Page: 1192. B. cause the child to vomit. You are responding to a 9-1-1 call where the mother reported finding her 3-month-old daughter cyanotic and unresponsive in her crib. D. acute hypoxia and tachycardia. A. Question Type: General Knowledge B. tachypnea. C. spaced further apart, which causes them to shift following trauma. D. suspect that the child has meningitis and transport at once. C. caused by inflammation of the spinal cord. 25. A. estimate the child's weight based on age. Use of a nonrebreathing mask or nasal cannula in a child is appropriate ONLY if: When administering oxygen to a frightened child, it would be MOST appropriate to: place O2 tubing through a hole in a paper cup. queensland figure skating. Signs of an upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: PDF Physiology and classification of shock in children Answer: C Answer: C rate is 120 beats/min. Question Type: Critical Thinking Page: 1164, 36. D. entrapment in a structural fire. 6, 12 51. C. retractions. When a child is struck by a car, the area of greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the: Vasoconstriction (Constricted Blood Vessels): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment D. accessory muscle use. When immobilizing an injured child in a pediatric immobilization device, you should: The MOST accurate method for determining if you are delivering adequate tidal volume to a child during Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with: 56. 93. B. oxygen content in the blood is decreased. Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct? A. evidence of alcohol consumption or drug use at the scene D. 50 g. The MOST common cause of dehydration in pediatric patients is: B. carotid D. Do you know what substance was ingested? D. 6, Answer: A Death caused by shaken baby syndrome is usually the result of: Certain cases of SIDS are predictable and therefore preventable. You should: A. hot items on a stovetop. 90. B. a rash. D. nausea and vomiting, Answer: D D. poisonings or ingestion. C. 90 mm Hg Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of: Page: 1176. C. may not be possible if the child's condition is critical. The immunity that is given to the fetus or newborn by the immune system of the mother is an example of: a. active natural immunity b. passive natural immunity c. active artificial immunity d. passive artificial immunity. D. age-appropriate behavior, good muscle tone, and good eye contact. A. requesting a paramedic ambulance to insert an advanced airway device. Pediatric Emergencies, Ch. C. crying or combativeness, good muscle tone, and awareness to time. A. Question Type: General Knowledge B. a sudden ventricular arrhythmia. Question Type: General Knowledge A. The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. They are rarely used in infants younger than 1 year. B. carotid To ensure that the airway of an infant or small child is correctly positioned, you may have to: D. assess the child's heart rate and skin condition. via a nonrebreathing mask. A. coughing forcefully. Answer: B D. mother smoked during pregnancy, C. putting a baby to sleep on his or her back. C. excessive tachycardia. D. open his airway and look in his mouth. Question Type: General Knowledge Answer: A C. insert a nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal airway adjunct. 88 mm Hg C. nasal flaring. The Answer The answer is C. Seizure. they are: B. C. monitor the pulse oximeter reading. A. tenting. vacation rental inspector job description observes the patient for signs of ICP and of infection at the operative site or along the shunt line. A. begin immediate rescue breathing. An increased respiratory rate, particularly with signs of distress (eg, increased respiratory effort including nasal flaring, retractions, seesaw breathing, or grunting) An inadequate respiratory rate, effort, or chest excursion (eg, diminished breath sounds or gasping), especially if mental status is depressed C. electrolyte imbalances. Page: 1173. c. Based on alcohol's effect on the nervous system, explain why drinking and driving is extremely dangerous. imagine kit homes reviews nz; . A. apply high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask, perform an in-depth secondary assessment, apply full Question Type: General Knowledge 35. A 6-year-old male presents with acute respiratory distress. 18 months of age and older: HIV antibody tests can provide definitive diagnosis in children 18 months of age, with known or unknown exposure to HIV. An oropharyngeal airway should not be used in children who have ingested a caustic or petroleum-based product because it may: When inserting an oropharyngeal airway in an infant or child, you should: depress the tongue with a tongue depressor. B. wheezing. A. sexual activity C. restlessness. Question Type: General Knowledge CASE STUDY (PRELIM) Final.pdf - CASE STUDY (PELIM) NCM D. buttocks. C. his or her vital signs are stable. D. lower in the abdominal cavity, where the muscles are not as strong. D. observe the chest for adequate rise. EMTs are called for an unresponsive infant. D. gather critical data by performing a rapid hands-on assessment of the child. A. appearance, work of breathing, and skin circulation. Question Type: General Knowledge C. second-degree burns covering more than 10% of the body surface. A. child is in severe decompensated shock. C. retractions. B. bradycardia. Which of the following statements regarding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is correct? D. 35%, Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when determining the Stridor. You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. The MOST efficient way to identify the appropriately sized equipment for a pediatric patient is to: use a length-based resuscitation tape measure. Page: 1155. Certain cases of SIDS are predictable and therefore preventable. The MOST common cause of dehydration in pediatric patients is: An infant with severe dehydration would be expected to present with: Signs of severe dehydration in an infant include all of the following, EXCEPT: A 6-month-old male presents with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhea. A. newborns Late signs of intracranial pressure that comprise Cushing triad include hypertension with a widening pulse pressure, bradycardia, and abnormal respiration. 28. A. typically last less than 30 minutes. D. depress the tongue with a tongue depressor. How to Relieve Vasoconstriction - A Definitive Guide - Health Pages D. give 12.5 to 25 g of activated charcoal. A. B. mental status, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure. Laser range finders used by surveyors determine the distance traveled to a reflecting target by means of a pulse of laser light, which travels from the range finder to the target and back. Page: 1177. When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should: B. talk to the child, not just the caregiver. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. C. Most cases of SIDS occur in infants younger than 6 months. The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with: The infant's mother tells you that he has not had a soiled diaper in over 12 hours. A. the flexible rib cage protects the vital thoracic organs. Question Type: General Knowledge Compared to adults, the liver and spleen of pediatric patients are more prone to injury and bleeding because they are: proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly. C. carefully examine the genitalia for signs of injury. Question Type: General Knowledge signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: Question Type: General Knowledge B. place a towel or folded sheet behind the shoulders. ma volume in newborn infants. If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement of the head Her skin is pink and dry, and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. D. assess his or her respiratory effort. B. falls from a height greater than 5. C. result in airway swelling. C. palpate the abdomen for rise and fall. C. severe dehydration. A. observe the chest for rise and fall. You are using JumpSTART in a triage situation involving several children. When a child is struck by a car, the area of greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the: size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact. blood pressure The MOST efficient way to identify the appropriately sized equipment for a pediatric patient is to: dropshipping shipping policy template aliexpress. C. geriatrics You should: Which of the following findings is LEAST suggestive of child abuse? Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: Children with N meningitides would MOST likely present with: Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20kg child? The four common clinical signs that distinguish cardiogenic shock are tachycardia, dyspnea, jugular vein distention, and hepatomegaly. C. assuming a tripod position. The pediatric patient should be removed from his or her car seat and secured to an appropriate spinal B. moderate dehydration. Question Type: General Knowledge 55. B. internal blood loss. B. complaining of severe back pain. After squeezing the end of a child's finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within: The infant's heart rate is 140 beats/min and his anterior fontanelle appears to be slightly sunken. C. perform a hands-on assessment of the ABCs. is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and has skin burns around her mouth. B. squeeze the bag 40 times/min when ventilating an infant. C. a cough that resembles the bark of a seal. 3 seconds. C. They are usually not well tolerated in children with a gag reflex. Effective methods for providing pain relief to a child with an extremity injury include: positioning, ice packs, and emotional support. B. A. Referring to Figure 9.5, state what phase(s) is (are) present at signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include:types of family health services. Heart rate may not reflect the severity of blood loss due to compensatory vasoconstriction and constriction. correct? A. routinely suction the mouth to remove oral secretions. 26. C. generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, and a short or absent postictal phase. A. block the pop-off valve if needed to achieve adequate chest rise. Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than _____ years. Greenstick fractures occur in infants and children because: D. They can usually identify painful areas when questioned. D. a semiconscious 7-year-old female with normal ventilation. Background ELBW infants are vulnerable to cold stress during the transition from delivery room to intensive care. Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when How many protons per second are consumed in nuclear reactions in the Sun? D. Blanching of the nares after insertion indicates correct placement. D. mild respiratory distress. Page: 1188. Signs of a severe airway obstruction in an infant or child include: A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct? He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma on the back of his head. D. there is usually obvious injury to the external chest wall. consistency in the method of injury reported by the caregiver. Wheezing. Page: 1195, 98. You should: be prepared to assist her ventilations, transport at once, and request an ALS intercept en route to the hospital. Which of the following children would benefit the LEAST from a nonrebreathing mask? C. ear pain. C. his or her vital signs are stable. Page: 1162. D. 98 mm Hg. C. immobilized on a long backboard. B. headache and fever. 2, 4 You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. B. encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport. The secondary assessment of a sick or injured child: The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ______ breaths/min. You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. C. an ineffective cough. (a) 30C,5mmHg-30^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, 5 \mathrm{~mm} \mathrm{Hg}30C,5mmHg