Finance Modules – Finance mods have insanely high bid points here and very tough bell curves here. I have no problem churning out words for my own ramblings but so much difficulty trying to write 1000 word essays for my GEK. The pair project was to describe and reflect on a leadership moment. You most likely can map it back, but I think you still have to apply for it. I’ve read and re-read the slides and finally saw how one equation led to the other but never truly understood the concept behind it. The application is done through the SEP portal. It became more random when the tutor found out we knew which groups were about to present. One great thing about this module is that 15% of the marks came from just reading stories. Difficulty: 1/5 Workload: 2/5 We had 1 compulsory question to write could choose 2 from a list of 6. Being near home has its advantages! The senior may or may not be available for you to consult and you might end up with only their (poorly) written report to build up on. As I write, I realise I sound more and more like a lunatic who doesn’t know what he’s doing and somehow won a degree through shear luck. Make sure you have Boot camp in your Mac since solidworks is not compatible in Mac OS. There is also less of a culture shock and maybe even more things to do (that you actually want to do and not like going skydiving in prague for the sake of skydiving). I think the focus on breadth of analysis, as opposed to recommendations, but I’m not sure. Studying US schools is not easy. Stress and Strain are burned into my head forever. Preclusions Mechanical Engineering students Cross-listing. I initially wanted to take one more biz elective with this but maybe I’m glad I didn’t becuase it gave me the luxury of free time in engineering to just hang out and study with friends who are in similar plight. Do I recommend it? It might be good to play up what you look forward to learning while on exchange. The End. Showed us how to use SolidWorks (if I recall correctly). That was also the first time I saw real people doing 3 step 1 bow and I was impressed at their tenacity, especially the elderly devotees. I had my interview with my mentoring professor and another prof, it felt more like a chit-chat session (maybe I did not take it seriously enough). If you are specializing, you can clear 2 specialization TE abroad. In Imperial College, the prof only demonstrates one B.C. Not going to be the most engaging lecturer you meet but the webcasts were neat and clear. Learning a language is stressful because theres always so much embarrassment of getting it wrong. Part 1 was about calculating attack angles, turn angles, lift-drag ratios, runway distances etc. The new MBPs unfortunately don’t come in 15 inch anymore but the 16 inch’s specs seems a bit of an overkill for school and too big to lug around everyday. It wasn’t too long before I decided that catching up was an impossibility and just went as quickly as I could without blatantly cheating. We did exercises that were supposed to help us with writing the thematic summaries. However, it appears that emailing the professor ahead about your interest would not help, and one got his 5th choice despite their first few choices being vacant. The Master of Science in Financial Engineering (MFE) is a multi-disciplinary program that combines finance, mathematics, and computing with a practical orientation to solve problems in finance. I got an excuse to read in the busy semester and got marks for it, score! NUS’s version had a group component that depended heavily on your groupmates. Be careful of careless mistakes with this one. This class was more fun than the core modules. In Taiwan, lessons and exams are conducted in traditional chinese and people have failed because they couldn’t even read the exam question. Hello now that I’m on my 2nd summer break, I decided to do some fixing up of this wordpress site, adding in the Resource page and putting in proper categories. Difficulty: 2/5 A student keeps moving down their choices this way. The moment the lecturer came in, it was problematic. We got so lost discussing and went in circles until the time shortage forced us to settle on a stand. List of modules – BTech (Mechanical Engineering), comprise: 1. The interim presentation is in week 1 or 2 of sem 2 so you must have something to show. Workload: 4.5. Most engineering students go for exchange in Year 3, with the exception of GEP students who go in Y2. These were interesting and don’t be surprised, the content was tested for us. I closed my eyes, took 3 steps and bowed once, narrowly avoiding people (this was the part just before the multistory carpark). On the other hand, upslopes were tiring on the thighs and put pressure on the already bruised knees. All modules are 4MCs, except when otherwise stated. You might need other softwares like MATLAB and stuff. The lecturers did their part to prepare and present the content but were definitely not on prof shim/ tan/ teo’s level. I felt that I performed above average for all the other components except the reflection paper, which I am embarrassed to call my own. actions of CEOs and business leaders). The final exam is regurgitation of the essays. At 6am, I started making my way out of the temple. There are 15 questions to choose from and a one pager to submit. The lecture notes are sufficient even without the audio webcast. More content would be good, but at the same time I can’t quite see what else is missing… the purchasing procedure for each company is too unique to teach. No need to attend if you can do the tutorial problems. I had to take this module this semester because it was a prereq for BSP2005 that was about to be discontinued. I don’t remember the exam being extremely challenging but I guess there were some tricky questions around. Class format: Lecture(2h) (Webcast), Tutorial Review: I doubt the USA is cheap with the exchange rate currently at 1.4. Mid term and final exams are written papers, similar to the HW. 1. While some started writing papers here, some didn’t even do anything and only started panicking in December when they realised they actually needed to present something for the interim in January. This is a typical ME core module, the only assessments are the 2 labs and final exam. They taught me the tricks to use the machines, supervised me while I did my experiments (especially with them tricky ASTM standards), offered solutions and alternatives when I ran into roadblocks and vetted my presentations. It’s best not to be bothered about them and just strive to finish the project. Gift businesses). Some final instructions from the volunteer and I set off as the next chant began. I would like to consult current students/alumni. Meanwhile, I am just trying to keep awake (burnout from fyp) and gather notes without missing information. I'm currently in NS and started to feel lost with my uni course choice and how it'll affect my future in singapore. Prof Audrey was super friendly and always positive. Create a free website or blog at Despite the small weightage, do the assignments seriously because I felt that was where most of the learning was at. Both professors have been teaching this module for a while and are very experienced. Class format: Lecture(2h + 1h) (Webcast), Tutorial ME website has a section for exchange where they had the briefing slides and approved module mapping list. The rules is 30 pages with possibility of extension to 50 at the discretion of your prof. My lab mate and I hit around 30 pages even with our huge folder of data. So there was some revision on surface integrals and gauss theorem. For local exchange (NTU), a separate email will be sent and separate application conducted – I have no clues about how this works. Class Format:  Lecture (2h) + tutorials (2h alt week) Taking this module was a last minute decision. I didn’t hear raving reviews about this modules from my engineering peers who stayed. The vibration question was a tutorial question, so good job to all those who brough the tutorial solution in. Prof Usa shared lots of personal stories, invited participation and responded with kindness to all comments. Professor: Prof Natrajan. Only 3 posts are required.